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Adventure In A Strange Land

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#31 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 03 November 2007 - 06:21 AM

(OOC: the dark red is the big bad guy, so you know. i always post him as red)

Ayame skidded to a stop when Avis jumped out in front of her. She blinked owlishly at him as he yelled at her, shocked by the concern he showed for her safety, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to cause you any more problems. You’ve been so kind to help me and all I have brought is trouble to you,” she hung her head, ashamed of the problems her encounter with him had caused, “I thought if I left then you would no longer be in danger.”

As he grabbed her arms she looked up at him, “if I were far from you, you would be safe. The creatures in this forest are worth braving alone if it keeps people safe from the dangers stalking me. You could have been killed. And I don’t want my only friend in this strange place killed.”

She stepped back a few steps when he let her go and tipped her head to the side giving him a slight smile at his comment, “I’ll just have to keep working on getting faster than you I guess.”

Her eyes became puzzled as she noticed Avis’s demeanor change slightly. She looked around as the forest around her began to change, altering in strange ways. Her face became blank as the illusion began to take hold. She watched as the forest around her began to change. Sorrow began to fill her as she saw the plant life die, as she felt their despairing whispering as death claimed them.

As she heard her own voice she became startled and backed up an involuntary step as a mirror of herself appeared in front of her. Shaking her head she said to her mirror, “it wasn’t my choice to be born with this power,” she whispered, whimpering in distress as her image altered and changed. Whirling around she shrieked in sorrow as the trees began to scream and bleed, “no…no…please not them too,” twisting back to her mirror image she was surprised to find her mirror image garbed all in black, “I didn’t do it, this isn’t my doing, I don’t know why this is happening,” she whimpered to the dark image of herself, her shoulders drooping her arms wrapping tightly around her waist.

She trembled in fear as demons began to appear around her. Following the point of her dark image she glanced towards where Avis had been standing. Seeing his twisted form, silent tears dripped down her cheeks upon seeing her darkest fear in stark reality. Shaking her head in desperate denial, “I didn’t do this,” she shouted, her voice full of denial as she attempted to fight against whatever this was.

Sensing her weakness through the seed planted in her mind as he pulled her to this dimension he acted, sending his power through one of his proxies near to them, "finally she will be mine," his dark laugh came upon the wind to wrap through the trees a his whispered voice wrapped around the ones who were in the forest and conscious of their surroundings, aimed at them specifically, “you make my job easier…please…do break her, it will only make her mine more easily,” a shimmery illusionary form of a cloaked figure materialized in front of Draken, “I appreciate you’re assistance. Perhaps I shall reward you by allowing you to live. Mwahahahaha,” before flickering and fading away leaving a final message in his distorted, grating voice on the wind, “my minions are coming to get her. Do keep her and that worthless creature who protects her occupied until they arrive.”

Ayame stared at the dagger held out to her for a moment before her eyes returned to her dark self. Giving herself a mental shake she began to pull her power to herself, building it and shaping it within herself, “you are not real,” she said weakly at first. She blinked a few times, shook her head and stated a little more firmly, “you are not real,” she looked around at the dead and dying trees, at Avis lying on the ground, mangled and turned back to her dark self, “you do not exist. You are not real. I will no longer acknowledge this illusion,” and for a moment, the illusion flickered, revealing the truth before attempting to overtake her once again. But that glimpse at reality gave her the confidence to shatter the illusion.

With a deep breath she glanced around at the forest surrounding her. She looked towards Avis, noticing the stranger behind him but focusing in on him alone and began speaking to him, adding a small tracing of power to her words, “Avis awaken from this illusion that has you trapped. I Ayame Las Reaereal, Sorceress of Light, daughter of Her Highness Gwenryn and His Majesty Rovran, summon you in the name of Drayfwen Goddess of Light and Creation. Hear my voice and waken from this illusion.”

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 03 November 2007 - 06:34 AM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#32 Shapeshifter

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Posted 04 November 2007 - 12:58 AM

He smiles at her remark.

"Only way you'll be able to guage that is to stick around? And I thought you wanted to learn how to control your powers?"

He chuckled, looking at her as the illusion took hold, hearing his thoughts echo in his head.

What a drag.......

He closed his eyes momentarily thinking...

No.... It's not as bad as I originally thought

He opened his eyes, the illusion taking full hold, his thoughts polluted...

She's the reason that those demons are plaguing my forests.....

He fell to his knees, taking his head in his hands... his mind fighting itself....

No! It's not her fault, she didnt ask to be followed by those demons! She isnt asking to be hunted!

He fell forward to the ground, on his knees and elbows, head clutched between his hands....

She's the reason they are here, she may not be asking for them, but she is still leading them here, plaguing your forest... You know what you must do..

He slowly stood, shakingly....

I do....?

His hand moved on its own, guided by the thoughts imposed by the illusion, straight for the handle of Druidsbane..

Kill her..... Rid your forest of the demons.... and prevent them from gaining her.... Kill her now

He clutched the handle of Druidsbane, and drew it partially from the sheeth before his palm was burned by the handle, the sword's spirit unnaffected by the illusion. He quickly withdrew his hand, looking at his scortched palm.

I can't, she didnt ask for this.... No!

His right hand closed over the grasp of his handborn weapon, the short claws arching barely over his closed fist.

Yes, you must, its your duty.... Kill her and rid your forests of these demons... You dont need Druidsbane to do it.. This will work just fine...

His hand turned over as he looked over the weapon strapped to his arm...

No! I cant! I wont kill her!

He turned towards her... looking at her being, his arm raised, ready to strike. The illusion's thoughts were slowly taking control of his motor controls.

You must....


He looked at Ayame, taking in her form.... tears streaming down his face... He swong his arm forward.. Thats when he saw it... his arm less than a foot from her body, the illusion flickered and cracked, and in place of the illusion of Ayame, the real Ayame stood, tears in her eyes, calling out to him, praying he wake from the illusion.

"It's an illusion...." he muttered to himself... then lowered his arm slowly..

No! You must kill her, rid the demons from your forest!

The thoughts rang through his head.

No... I dont have to listen to you anymore..... you're just an illusion....

"Get out of my head!" He yelled, his hand reaching quickly across his body and grabbing the handle of Druidsbane, this time remaining unharmed as he drew it from its sheeth, the sword shone of emerald green light...

This illusion is over.....

"I'm coming Ayame..." He whispered to himself as he thrusts the blade of his sword into the ground, dispersing the illusion. He fell to his knees, his hand still tightly wrapped around the handle of Druidsbane, now immersed eight inches into the ground beside his left knee..

He looked up at Ayame, his eyes dry, but the tearstains still visible on his face.

"Who did that?"

He stood up quickly and clutched his hand around the handle of his sword, and pulled Druidsbane free from the earth, holding it ready to strike.

"Who's there!"

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#33 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 05 November 2007 - 04:17 AM

Ayame froze as Avis pulled his blade and swung it towards her, tears coursing down his face. Understanding that he was still under the effects of the illusion, she stood her ground, not allowing herself to move even a step away from him; trusting him to stop before he hurt her. She sighed as the blade stopped just inches from her and smiled gently.

She watched as he pulled his sword and slammed it into the ground. Her eyes remained on him as he fell to his knees. Her concerned gaze meeting his as she answered, “him,” she pointed towards the man standing a little behind Avis.

Her face clouded up with puzzlement as she watched him grab at something and then vanish.

She moved a few steps closer to Avis as she spotted the large cat.. Staring in horrified fascination as the feline slowly transformed into a leather clad woman she had to ask, “doesn’t that hurt, kitty-girl,” her eyes continued to follow the kitty-girl’s movements as she circled Avis and herself, well as much as her neck would turn to do so that is.

Ayame’s eyes opened wide, startled at the sudden and almost magical appearance of Tears as she became visible, “wow……,” she whispered, her attention off the cat-woman and glued to the one walking towards herself and Avis, “how’dja do that,” she whispered, utterly fascinated with Tears nifty trick.

“Wasn’t trying to get myself killed,” she stated childishly, “was trying to keep you all safe. Being near me is becoming dangerous,” she stated strongly, her lavender eyes continued to stare at Tears, her head tipped sideways, watching the woman’s every move just waiting to see the neat trick again, “do it again please,” she requested, her voice full of almost childlike wonder, “I wanna see it again,” she smiled widely in anticipation at the thought of seeing Tears vanish and come back into the open. ‘Wow what is that ability? I haven’t ever encountered it before and none of the books I’ve ever read have mentioned anything like it,’ she thought to herself as she waited.




He stared up at his captor, “work for me,” he sweetened his voice so that it would ring sweetly into the air, “get me the girl, I will share her power with you freely,” he met Draken’s gaze with his white in white eyes, attempting to hypnotize him (ooc: notice I said attempting) and having no luck. Sweetening his words, “you should release me. I can give you your heart’s desire as a reward for the girl,” the lie rolled easily off his tongue, it was his most common lie after all. He stared up at his captor in the hopes that it would get him out of here and away from this creature that stood before him treating him as if he were nothing.

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 05 November 2007 - 01:29 PM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#34 Shapeshifter

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Posted 06 November 2007 - 03:07 PM

Avis turned about as she spoke and pointed over his shoulder. Seeing nothing but the dense forest that surrounded them.

"Theres no one there..."

He whirrled about, hearing the sound of the approaching panther, tightening his grip around Druidsbane.

Its just a pan.... What the...

His thoughts were interrupted as he saw the panther morph into a humanoid form. His grip faltering on Druidsbane for a moment as he was caught up in the prolonged transformation.

Who is this?....

His words caught in his throat as he stared into her feline eyes, still yellow and catlike, glowing with delight, he took in the rest of her appearance, glancing over her form, her black leather clad figure, quite curved, returning his gaze to her eyes he notices her suttle lips as she purrs, her words even imposing her feline physique.

He stood still as she approached, unable to move as she raised her hand to his cheek, the blades of her knuckleborn weapon sliding though his hair. He stood listening to her words, imobilized, not just by the blades that sat precariously close to his neck, but also by her physique and movements. Carelessly approaching without concern, ontop of the weakness from fighting off that illusion.

Master.... I get it now....

"Master...." he said, "... You speak of Draken..."

He started to regain motor controls, still very weak from the illusion.

My mother?.... What would she know of the Draggy, the drow queen of Llanowar.

His thoughts were brought to a halt as he looked past the feline woman and saw Tears emerge from the forest. His eyes caught hers as she started to address the other woman, taking the chance of the distraction to slip away from her, standing closer to Ayame, his sword raised.

He followed Tear's movements as she closed in on the group then addressed the feline-like woman, even issuing commands, then turned her gaze to Ayame before addressing her. His grip tightened on Druidsbane, his strength slowly returning, he stands still slightly hunched next to Ayame.

Whats going on here......

Edited by Shapeshifter, 06 November 2007 - 03:07 PM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#35 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 07 November 2007 - 05:21 PM

Ayame watched as Avis slipped away from the leather clad cat woman to maneuver himself next to her. She stared at him in concern, noting that he was still suffering from the effects of struggling against the illusion, “will you be all right? Or should I heal you,” she whispered softly to him her voice full of concern, but not wanting to distract him at the same time, giving him the choice instead of just doing it because not everyone liked to be healed by magic, ‘he’s not like that…he has no fear of magic, but still it’s better that I ask instead of just doing it. Especially since only he can truly judge if he needs to be healed since there are no obvious injuries…I could tell easily if I touched him, but that would distract him and I get the feeling that that would be a bad thing,’ she thought to herself.

She moved her attention from Avis to this unusual creature, the analytical part of her nature (which made her an excellent scholar) taking over, taking in the duality of the nature of this woman who was both human and cat. Her head tipped to the side as she studied this….unusual woman far more carefully, taking note of the lithe way she moved and the woman‘s intent concentration on the goings on around her. So intent was her study of this woman that when the woman stopped it was almost a shock, jolting her out of her intense concentration and bringing the question, “what is she,” to slip from her involuntarily to open air, not aimed at any one person in particularly and in fact she was not even particularly aware that she had uttered those words aloud.

Now she watched as the woman crouched down, amazed by the unusual animalistic grace she used in all of her movements. Ayame’s eyes widened as she spotted the tail the woman sported and thought to herself, ‘she has a tail…so is the transformation only half completed? Or is that normal? There are so many new things here in this place. I still miss home, but there is so much more that I am learning and seeing…so many new things…perhaps this…accident wasn’t such a bad one after all…well…then again…this place is so dangerous too,’ her thoughts were cut off as the woman transformed into her cat self, ‘how easily she does that. Is that magic or a skill…or something she was born to,’ questions filled Ayame’s mind, ‘are there a lot of people with her ability to transform, can anyone do it, could I do that if I studied hard enough,’ her curious lavender eyes glistened as they followed the cats sleek movements.

Ayame fell back as the cat made to pounce, fear driving her to move back as the cat lunged towards her, an involuntary cry left her lips as the panther dove towards her. Her hands flew up instinctively, in a subconscious effort to ward off the approaching animal. Her heart pounded as fear flooded her, ‘too fast! She’s so fast,’ was the thought that entered her mind and the cat reached her. It took her a moment to register the fact that she was unharmed, that the cat was tearing into a large snake instead of her. Bemused, her eyes sought Avis. She stared over the cat at him, her eyes wide, her pupils dilated from the rush of fear.

Shaken she glanced down at the still form of the mutilated snake, blinking owlishly. Trembling slightly she crouched down, her hand reaching out to pet the cat timidly, pausing just before making contact. Giving herself a small shake she pulled her had back and instead said softly to the cat, “thank you,” before standing and attempting to ignore the sounds of the cat eating the snake it had just killed. She glanced down at the cat, noting that even as she ate she was completely aware of the goings on around her before carefully maneuvering around the feline and sidling closer to Avis.

Ayame jumped when Tears began to speak to Avis, startled by the sound. Glancing from Tears to Avis she nodded in silent agreement with Tears. Getting out of here was an excellent idea and one that she was totally in agreement with, “yes please lets go,” she added softly her eyes lighting up at Tears’ offer to teach her the neat disappearing/reappearing trick, “you’d really teach me,” she asked breathlessly before the second part of the statement registered, “um…issues,” she asked curiously, her face filling with a pleased expression as the thought of learning something new pushed the lingering effects of fear and worry from her mind, “lets go,” anticipation filled her voice as one question filled her thoughts and spilled from her lips, “um where are we going?”




The fallen god stared at this man who stood before him mocking him. A mirthless sneer filled his eyes as he thought, ‘so this being is not interested in power. Perhaps there is another…way to win him to my side. Such an ally…would make world domination so simple,’ studying him his mind worked, swiftly coming up with and discarding various ideas as being useless or waists of time and power. An idea began to take hold, ‘perhaps starting simply would be the best way for me to escape him.’

“My name is Lord Roland. My war with the creatures of this world is just,” he put all the honesty he could muster (which was not so much since he was so warped and twisted) into his words, “the inhabitants stole my beloved and destroyed her and made off with the child,” he lied with ease…even going so far as to nearly convince himself of his words, using a very small almost indistinguishable thread of power to make his words seem quite honest, “they have kept her hidden from me for her whole life, even going so far as to convince her she is from somewhere else entirely. That evil elf with her, guards her and keeps her powers to himself intent upon using her for his own gains,” his grating voice became more assured as he fell under his own spell, his eyes beseeching the man before him, “aid me in rescuing her from his clutches and I will give you anything you desire, everything you desire,” he finished sincerely completely caught in his own subtle spell now, “surely a being such as yourself must understand losing something beyond precious to yourself.”

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#36 Shapeshifter

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Posted 08 November 2007 - 03:07 AM

Avis shook his head seeing Ayame's question in her eyes as they met his. He straightened up a bit, watching the feline woman continue to pace.

He watched as she crouched back down and resumed her panther form, so similar it was to his own morph... He sheethed Druidsbane, no longer feeling the need for its presence, when he heard her thoughts in his head. Waiting until her voice subsided, he thought to himself.

So she can use telepathy... Interesting....

He couldnt react fast enough as he saw the panther leap for Ayame. His voice catching in his throat, he stood frozen. Only when the panther snagged the serpent, snapped its spine, and began to play with the carcass, did his voice come back as he reached forward and caught Ayame by the shoulder of her robes and righted her. He looked into her eyes, seeing their shock and fear.

I cant rightly blame her... Even I thought she was her target..

He nudged her slightly as she was reaching for the panther. Then extended his arm slightly to the side as she stepped around him, his attention shifting from the panther, munching on its meal, to Tears as she spoke.

"Lets hurry... You lead, I'll carry Ayame so we can move faster."

He knelt down very slowly infront of Ayame and waited for her to climb on his back before turning his head and whispering softly as he stood back up..

"Hang on tight.."

He lept into the trees and started to leap from branch to branch to catch up to Tears, leaping down from the branches behind her, trying to catch her attention so he could address her.

"You dont think she will follow us?"

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#37 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 08 November 2007 - 06:34 AM

Ayame nodded slightly and timidly climbed onto Avis’s back making sure to grip his shoulders securely as he began to move, worried for a moment that carrying her would slow him down but as he sprang into the trees her worry was alleviated. He carried her effortlessly it seemed as he first raced after Tears then began to catch up with her fairly quickly.

Riding upon Avis’s back was a unique experience. She looked around at the swiftly passing foliage, noting the vines that climbed the trees in places, the snakes and other creatures that passed by so fast that she couldn’t figure out exactly what they were even though she tried to figure out what the speed blurred figures were. A twig caught Ayame’s braid, causing it to come undone, her long hair now a line of streaming silvery blue as they ran.

Her breath caught in her throat at the splendor before her as they came upon a clearing. The lush beauty of the myriad roses and lilacs. Her eyes darted around the clearing, taking in the glistening pool of water, the thick lushness of the green grass. Inhaling deeply, her eyes closed a she enjoyed the scents she herself was so familiar with. For a moment she had a pang of homesickness for this clearing reminded her strongly of her home, the scents and flora and fauna a stark reminder of her garden awaiting her return.

She watched as Tears strode forward and stared intently into the water’s surface before walking into the water. She climbed off Avis’s back and slowly entered the clearing, her eyes on Tears as she disappeared into the water fully clothed. Seeing this Ayame’s eyes widened in surprise and she kept her eyes on the water. When Tears emerged from the water completely dry astonishment turned her lavender eyes a deeper purple.

A tension that she was unaware she had had seeped out of her upon hearing Tears tell Avis that they were safe. She nodded at Tears’s comment to her and replied, “rest would be good,” then wandered off and found a particularly thick patch of grass and sank down onto it drawing her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her knees and resting her chin on them.

Sighing she stretched out and stared up at the sky, resting her head on her hands as she stared up at the twinkling lights filling the darkened sky. Her eyes began to drift closed, one blink at a time until the blink that caused her eyes to drift closed and not reopen sent her into slumber. Her breathing deepened, as she sank into deep slumber. She rolled onto her side and pillowed her head on her hand, her knees curling slightly, and her hair spread out in a silver blue pool around her.




Roland’s body contorted with agony as his soul was returned to his body a howl of inarticulate rage bellowing from him, drawing his vassal to him.

“Masssterrr what is wrongggg,” the dumb little demi-demon scuttling around his master concernedly.

“I will not allow it. I will NOT ALLOW IT,” he bellowed and then calmed himself and continued, “that impertinent man, treating me as if I were lesser. He wants my daughter‘s power for his own,” his spell making him come to unusual conclusions, “why did I not place her under guard.”

The dumb little creature, not wanting to anger his master said hesitantly, “did massssterrr not? Perhapsss you did and just do not rememmmberrrr?”

Roland looked down at the malformed creature before him, “perhaps I did. Yes I do believe I did. Maybe I assigned that Elf to guard her,” he nodded, unaware that he had been ensnared in his own spell, “yes that is what I must’ve done.”

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#38 Shapeshifter

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Posted 13 November 2007 - 05:55 AM

Avis follows Tears to the clearing, feeling the magical presence as he enters.

"Wow, this is quite a find Tears... How'd you come across this place?"

He looked around at the lush flora that engulfed and surrounded the clearing, then returns his gaze to Tears as she walks into the waters, averting his gaze as she settles in, her cloths seemingly vanishing slowly as she submerses herself in the water, then pauses, then walks back out, dry and fully clothed.

Wonderful... This clearing is fabulous.... I can feel the magical pressure, restoring my energies...

He walks over and kneels by the waters, reaching in with his palms he gathers some in his hands and takes a drink.

"Simply Amazing...."

He takes a few steps back, then changes down to his t-shirt and shorts, folding his cloths then setting them on the ground, then dives forward into the waters. He breaches the surface and shakes the water out of his face, then climbs back out of the water and shakes himself off, then flops back onto the ground.

"You're right Tears, the time now is to rest, the moon is close to peeking over the mountains."

He looks up into the starlit skies as his eyes close.

This is turning out to be one surprise after another......

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#39 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 15 November 2007 - 04:46 AM

As Ayame drifted deeper into slumber, she moaned a little as the dream moved in, “move! Mother, Father! I’ll stay back and guard you so you can escape with Aya,” the shadowed figure shouted over the clashing of steel and the cries of pain and outrage as they met the enemy and held them back. The tall man she had only recently learned was called “brother” came into sight and ran a gentle gloved hand over her hair before moving out of her sight, “go now! I will command our forces to buy you time to get her out of here,” his tenor voice faded as the dream changed, transforming him into a macabre figure of a nightmare. His voice now transformed into a dark rasping whisper, “I died because of you…” she jolted awake, sitting up instantly as she woke from the nightmare with a silent scream.

For a moment her eyes were wide and frightened, darting around the clearing as though searching for the nightmarish figure in her dream. Finally reassured that it was only a dream she stood up and walked over to the water. Glancing over she noted that Avis and Tears were sleeping. With a small smile she removed her robes and ran her hands through her hair. With a shake of her head her hair spread out along her back, covering her from head to nearly her knees. Small scars peeked through the strands in places, a silent testament to the punishments of her past. The deeper scars that traced her thin arms were far more visible. Carefully she tipped her toe into the water before submerging herself into the chilly water.

With a soft sigh she sank into the water, allowing her head to be completely covered for a few moments before breaking the surface. She soaked for a few minutes before stepping out close to her robes. Water sluiced from her as the gentle moonlight caressed her bare skin. She ran her hand over her hair, pushing the excess water out as much as she could before reaching for her robes. She donned them swiftly as the breeze chilled her skin. Taking a few minutes she braided her hair, carefully ripping a strip off the bottom of her robe to tie it off.

Yawning, she stretched out, resting her head on her hand she allowed herself to drift off once again as she listened to the natural sounds around her. A seemingly short time later she was disturbed by a hand touching her shoulder. Ignoring it she groaned slightly and rolled a bit, her hand swinging in a wavy gesture to ward off the one trying to wake her.

Her eyes opened sleepily as a second tap on her shoulder occurred, causing her to come to full wakefulness. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and looked around noting Tears walking among the lilacs, “did you want something,” she asked softly as she rose and approached Tears, careful not to wake Avis.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#40 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 November 2007 - 06:19 AM

It had been a while since he lay himself upon the ground next to his folded robes, his t-shirt and shorts already dried from the gentle breeze.

He sat up and looked around the camp, his elven eyes piercing the shadows of the clearing, the grass and leaves in the trees rustled in the slight breeze, he quickly dressed in his tunic and baggy pants, fastening his belt around his waist with a knot. Then sat down in the grass, hunched forward and eyes closed, concentrating, on what was going on around the clearing, his ears twitching at the slightest sound.

He heard something rustle and his ears twitched, he looked onto Ayame with one eye as she rose from the grass and looked around. Then smiled and averted his gaze as she started to disrobe. Closing his eyes he heard her slip into the water, then sink beneath its surface only to crest it again, he continued to listen as she climbed from the pool and quickly rerobed, opening his eye after he heard the soft rustle as she sat herself back on the ground.

She's something alright, so naive and young... She will make a great mage one day.....

A short time later, he heard something rustle and opened one eye to see Tears amongst the waters talking to herself.

There's much more than meets the eye when it comes to her.....

He closed his eyes and continued to listen, only opening his eye and looking at Tears out of the corner of his eye she transformed into a spectacularly beautiful angel, white wings outstretched. He listened to her sing for a while then eyed her transforming back. Then closed his eyes and listened as she crept towards Ayame and nudged her gently, hearing the grass rustle as Ayame shifted from being bothered.

Why is she up so early..... The sun is barely cresting over the far mountains...

He let himself settle and continued to listen to the pair as Ayame sat up and whispered to Tears, then got to her feet and crept up to her.

They dont wish to wake me... They think I'm still asleep

He smiled softly, completely hidden as his head hung forward. Letting them think he was asleep would deter alot of problems and awkwardness.

He faked a yawn and stretched after listening to the pair for a while, catching their attention to hide that he was long since awake

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#41 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 16 November 2007 - 06:55 AM

“It’s okay I was really tired last night,” Ayame whispered just before she glanced over towards where Avis rested and noted that he had began to wake up. She waved towards him, a happy smile filling her face and lighting her eyes, “she’s gonna teach me that neat trick now,” she shouted to him happily, “oh! Good morning too,” then she turned back to Tears, “we don’t have to be quiet anymore, he’s awake now,” she concluded stating the obvious.

Ayame’s head tipped slightly to the right and went into ‘study mode’ as she watched Tears vanish. She listened to the explanation and filed the instructions away before attempting it. She took heed of the warning even as she began. Closing her eyes she let her consciousness drift outward to feel all the living things surrounding her, focusing until she could feel the minute pulsing of the slow movement of sap flowing through the veins of the trees around the clearing. She could feel the awakening of the flowers in the clearing and the subtle pulse of the earth beneath her feet. Allowing power to flow from her and melt into nature, to join with nature she opened her eyes and looked down.

A look of exasperated dismay filled her face at the sight she beheld. Some portions of her body were missing and in some spots her robes and skin were speckled like a patchwork quilt that happened to be missing some pieces. Moving her hands palms up into her direct line of sight she couldn’t help but giggle. Her right hand was invisible up to the wrist while the fingers of her left hand and the wrist the hand were attached to seemed to be missing. All along her body there were patches like that. She laughed, unaware that one of her eyes and some of her hair and face were invisible. She glanced up at Tears amusement filling her face, “this is tricky,” the amusement faded from her face and puzzlement and worry took over as she noticed Tears demeanor begin to change to one of abject sorrow.

Ayame stepped forward, her hand outstretched as if to touch her when she shouted. Startled she pulled back as Tears transformed into a winged angel and spoke to seemingly empty air. Glancing around Ayame searched for the person Tears spoke to. Completely confused she glanced towards Avis for a moment, turning back just as Tears transformed back and crumpled towards the ground.

Leaping forward she shouted as she caught the unconscious girl just before she hit the ground, “Tears,” she exclaimed as she quickly lowered her onto the soft grass forgetting for the time-being that she was still invisible, “Tears…”




In a stone room lit only by an ever burning fire he sat brooding, the little stupid scuttling demi-demon sat on the floor at his feet. A knock sounded at the chamber door and a grating hesitant muffled voice came through, “M. L..d, .he se…ies .av. R..or..d tha. A .ew .em..s h..e g… ..ssing.”

“Enter fool, and how many times have I told you not to speak through the door,” his droll voice echoed throughout the room penetrating even the denseness of the stone and wood door, causing it to swing open permitting the malformed pinkish green skinned demon to hobble in.

In a weedling voice he repeated and expanded upon what he had previously said, “My Lord, sentries have reported that a few demons that patrol along the eastern border of the dead forest have gone missing.”

The caped man sat up a bit, “hmm well then have the guard doubled and send a party into the forest to investigate the disappearances. Step up patrols along the southern border as well. I believe the Seirinayins are becoming quite arrogant, allowing their men into my lands without my permission. Relay that they are to bring anyone they find directly to me for an…interview,” his dark laughter ricocheted off the stone walls, “and Grobache, forget my words…..and you will meet a fate far worse than death.”

The servant scurried out the door and it closed behind him effortlessly and he settled back into his chair, silently dwelling on a plot to acquire what he wanted, “soon.”

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#42 Shapeshifter

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Posted 19 November 2007 - 04:44 AM

Avis smiled and waved at Ayame and Tears, working in the nearby patch of lilacs and roses, watching as Tears neatly blended in with nature then reappeared

She knows what she's doing... for an angel that should be little difficult...

He watched as Ayame tried, smiling as her attempt goes fairly well, leaving her looking like an unfinished patchwork quilt.

She's catching on very quickly.. I believe I will show her my secret next...

He watched as Tears changed back into an angel in full view of Ayame, knowing something must be wrong for her to show a form she was carefull of the night before, he quickly jumped to his feet, dashing forward as she yelled to the sky, skidding to a stop beside Ayame as he caught Tears under her middle as she changed back into her mortal form and collapsed forward.

He looked towards Ayame, seeing just how patchworked she looked, then closed his eyes and concentrated, collecting her essence from nature and collecting it back to her, allowing her to revert her energies without trouble of loosing herself to nature...

"Please revert your energies, you have the gist of it, you will get it next time."

He opened his eyes smiling softly to her, then looked to Tears, surveying her with his eyes.

"Let her down easy.. She will be ok.. She's just blacked out and fainted."

He slowly settled Tears to the ground then stood up, taking a few steps back, still looking at Ayame.

"I wonder if you will recognize this..."

He crouches down and hunches forward onto his hands and feet, his body slowly starting to change, his long black hair shrinking down as his cloak melds into him replaced with orange fur, his body randomly stripped with black. His back shrank as his spine elongated, his tail curling and flicking side to side on the ground as he continued to look up into Ayame with his fierce yellow eyes. He snarled and rose one paw, flexing his claws, then settled himself, looking solomly towards Ayame, before reverting back, his body changing back to that of his elven form.

"Similar to that of the panther we recently encountered, my technique is that of bonding with my spirit animal, allowing me to adopt its characteristics, even its form."

He smiled at Ayame.

"If you're interested, it will take time, but I could teach you how to find your spirit animal, and bond with it."

At one point, this may have been more trouble than it was worth. But she must learn to control her powers, and the best way to teach her control is to teach her controlling skills.

Edited by Shapeshifter, 19 November 2007 - 04:45 AM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#43 Demented Kitty

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 12:58 AM

( OOC: Shapeshifter cannot make it back into the roleplay because he has lost access to his internet at the moment... I deleted my posts and withdrew from the rp because it seems everyone deems me to be the black sheep for doing something that i was asked and in doing so i posted out of turn to do as shapeshifter asked me to do and politely poof his character until he was able to make it back. In doing so, i was rideculed for doing as i was asked. So i withdraw my posts and will not post on any other rps. Was nice to get the two posts off i could... But i will retire from rp since everyone has such an issue with it... Farewell and have fun!)
Daiquiri/Mogwai on multi.

#44 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 01 December 2007 - 01:56 AM

With a nod Ayame lowered the limp girl to the ground, making sure to cushion her head with the softest sections of grasses. Rising she pulled her power back behind her shield but not without a slight struggle, ‘it feels so good to let it out,’ she thought to herself, ‘I hate putting it away now,’ but finally forced it back with a deep sigh.

She looked over at Avis and watched as he transformed from elf to a cat and back again. Confusion filled her face until he explained and then a look of eagerness filled her eyes and spilled out across her face, lighting her up, “I can do that? Really? I want to learn,” she almost shouted, her voice full of excitement which quickly turned to chagrin as she remembered the unconscious girl and glanced over, sighing in relief as she noticed Tear’s awakening, “I was so worried, I’m so glad you’re awake!”

Momentarily startled at the girls swift recovery she paused it was Tear’s voice that galvanized her to action and she began to run behind her, catching up fast. She arrived in time to see the symbol and armor being removed.

Dropping her shields instantly, she swiftly inspected the damage and then began to channel her energy into the injuries in a steady thread of power instead of an overflow of power, sinking down next to Tears as she began to focus intently on the injuries, her lavender eyes glowing with power as she pushed the healing energy to the worst of the burns first.

Even as she worked to heal the wounds a strange thing began to happen. Even as her magic went into the wounds to heal them, the body of the girl she was healing began to lose substance and fade. Ayame stared in amazed puzzlement as the power she was using to heal the injuries began to flow back into herself as the body of the woman slowly faded and finally vanished completely, leaving Ayame to lift mystified eyes to Tears, "she's gone..."

A thought occurred to her and her eyes began searching the forest around her for Avis. Searching she turned her eyes back to Tears and stated, "I though Avis was right behind me," her voice filled with worry, "he's faster than me and yet he's not here...maybe he's in the clearing still."

(OOC: Due to ryan deleting his posts I have deleted and altered my post accordingly. The unaltered storyline will continue from here on save for a small alteration. Due to Tommy's loss of internet connection his charactor is on hiatus until such time as he can rejoin the storyline.)

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 01 December 2007 - 01:57 AM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#45 Shapeshifter

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 07:30 PM

His movements were swift, his head snapped up and he lept to his feet and raced from the clearing. He heard it when he morphed back, the distinct evil chuckle...

Suddenly he stops deep in the thickest part of the forest, trees rising high on all sides, sunlight leaking in between the leaves. Still silent he looks around, his face twisted in anger.

Where is that scoundrel..

"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE..... SHOW YOURSELF NOW COWARD!" he shouts as he draws druidsbane and holds it at the ready.

Slowly and carefully someone stepped out from behind one of the trees behind Avis causing him to whirl around. His build so much similar to Avis that they could have been brothers, except for the color distinctions, they were complete opposites. This strangers hair was a steel silver, his eyes a bright ruby red, a fire burning behind them of upmost destruction. He wore the same outfit as Avis, except it was jet black with dull grey color for the thick seams that ran around the outfit, a belt of the same dull grey held his overlarge top together, as did Avis's red belt.

"I thought it was you..... Visac... I could tell your foul voice anywhere... What are you after this time...."

The figure smiled wickedly and grasped his own sword, drawing it from its sheeth it shone with a dark black aura...

Could that be Desertbane... The fabled sword of death... He must have found it since being banished from the kings lands...

"The Desertbane... I ask you again.... What do you want here.... Brother....."

Visac looked more directly into Avis's eyes at the last notion, smiling wickedly.


He snapped his eyes open hearing the beckoning of darkness once again, he felt his brother's presence...

Avis..... It has been quite a while since I've seen my brother.... Maybe I should... pay him a checkup..

He smiled softly and closed his eyes, letting his voice eminate through his energies instead of his vocal chords.

"Hello there.... Dear brother....."

With that he opened his eyes and stood, knowing that Avis's disgust for him would bring him here... He jumped into the trees and hid amongst the shadows. Waiting for his arrival..

It wont be long now....

After only a short while Avis burst into the dense thicket of trees and shadows and drew his sword, shining with that brilliant green aura.

So he has Druidsbane... Sword of the Forest.... He must have defeated father.. Most interesting...

After hearing him yell aloud he stepped from the shadows behind him and watched as he whirrled around to face him.

He listened to his brother's words, barely acknowledging them as he drew his blade, marveling the black aura that glowed around the blade. He continued to ignore his brother's words until his last notion. He looked up and locked eyes with him.

"It is not many that in your place would even remember me, less that would admit to being my brother..."

He sneered as he backed away and readied himself..

"Fight me... Prove your worth of that sword... or die in failure!"

He lunged forward swinging Desertbane infront of him only to connect with Druidsbane and be tossed backwards.

"Good, so you know how to defend. But will that be enough to save you?"

He lunged forward again then jumped into the air pointing the blade at the ground and throwing himself into a spin as he falls..

"Now you DIE!"


Avis raises Druidsbane to defend as Visac lunges forward, then catches his brothers attack, locking his feet into the earth he crouches with the pressure, then throws him back, looking into his eyes and he listened..

" I'm more than worthy of this blade. Father gave it to me after I showed him defeat, it is rightfully mine.."

He lunged forward to avaid Visac's falling tumble, turning on the spot to leap back towards him, thrusting Druidsbane forward, only to be repelled as he had done to Visac before. He quickly picked himself up and looked at him.

"It seems that we are still quite evenly matched brother.."

He's gotten control over that wild sword in the time he's been away, it shows in his skills..


Visac follows Avis's moves as he leaps forward, raising Desertbane to repel Avis's attack.

He is quite skilled with that blade. He must have definitely shown father a true fight to earn that.

He righted himself, thrown backwards by repelling Avis.

"It seems you are right brother... Until we meet again.."

He lept into the trees and sped out of sight.

He is much stronger than I anticipated.. I will have to do much more thinking before I try to take his life..


Avis watched as his brother lept away and raced into the distance, not bothering to give chase, he sheethed Druidsbane and immediately fell into thought.

What does this mean... His return to the king's lands....

His thoughts continued to wander until he remembered that he had left Ayame and Tears, without notice...

"I cant dwell on this now...." he said aloud and jumped back into the trees and dashed off in the direction of the clearing.. His body was much more tired than he had thought, his muscles aching as he came upon the clearing and tumbled from the treetops, hitting his back on the ground and skidding to the edge of the pool. He lay on his side and drifted into unconsciousness, the stress on his body sapping the last of his strength.

Edited by Shapeshifter, 14 December 2007 - 07:51 PM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#46 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 12:55 PM

Ayame slowly eased to her feet, her hands still outstretched as though healing someone. Her puzzled eyes watched as Tears began speaking to someone. ‘How strange, she’s speaking to no one,’ she thought, ‘and yet she seems very adament…,’ her thoughts broke off as Tears whole demeanor changed. Shaking her head slightly she answered, “I was healing a cat woman and she faded away,” her voice became more puzzled, “I’ve never seen that happen ever.”

Her arms slowly lowered to her sides and she stared openly at Tears, baffled by her odd behavior. She tipped her head to the side as she took in everything that had happened and began to rifle through her thoughts as she said aloud slowly, “yeah…lets get back to the clearing…you did show me how…it didn’t go too well,” her eyes gleamed with a subtle hint of the power still flowing through her, “I do believe we should find Avis, but first, you yourself need healing though you may not realize it,” power laced her voice as she struggled to pull the power back behind her shields, “I can heal you if you wish me to, though it is a different sort of healing than the healing of injured flesh. But if you would like me to do so, I am certain I can return your memories to you. For now though I think you’re right, I think we should hurry back to the clearing.”

She began to turn away when the question of whether she wanted to go home or not came up. Pausing, she gazed around and took in the things around her, “I…for a long time that’s what I wanted. I missed my home and my life. But now…I’m unsure if that is truly what I want at this time,” her head tipped and glanced up into the canopy above their heads, “I’ve learnt so much more than I ever could have there. My life was, for the most part, very solitary. The place I live has special shielding to keep me safe from those that would rather me be enslaved and controlled,” she continued hesitantly, “the things I have learned…the things I have yet to learn…won’t come from there. As much as I would like to return there, there are things I need to learn and experience,” she stated firmly as she met Tears eyes, a very adult look within those lavender orbs, “no matter what I wish, this is where I need to be.”

“Lets hurry,” Ayame stated as she began jogging back towards the clearing, threading her way with ease amongst the foliage. Deciding that she was moving too slowly for her mood, she pushed power into her feet and began to speed up. For a few minutes she stumbled along, until she caught a rhythm and she stopped over thinking the energy usage and just let it flow.

With that kind of speed, she reached the clearing swiftly, just in time to see Avis fall onto his back and slide to a stop near the water. Worried, her shielding was torn away, her power flaring around her and trailing behind her she came to a sudden halt next to him. Pushing a hand out from her, she held it above him and called the full force of her power to heel for the first time ever. Consciously controlling it, she drew the power to her outstretched hand and pressed it down to her palm and through her fingers. For those that could see, bluish ribbons of crackling energy flowed between herself and Avis. For a moment the stream of bluish white light flickered and faded, but with a stubborn look she flexed her will around her unruly power and restored the flow of energy between herself and Avis.

For Ayame time stood still. Her whole will was focused on healing her friend. After a while the power she pushed out began to backflow back to her and she slowed the threads of power she had been using. With a deep sigh, her hand fell limply to her side. For just a moment her will released her power and as it flared it left a blank spot as if some animal were standing there, but it was only there for an instant before power filled the spot in, flickered, and retreated back into her, “Avis. Avis wake up,” she called to him, sensing that the sleep he was in could be quite dangerous to his health.




He stared pensively into the fire. In a sudden fit of anger he hurled his goblet into the fire, “all of my well laid plans! Ruined,” his gaze whisked around the room before returning to the fire, “my little girl is traveling with an unsuitable companion,” he muttered to the deformed little demi demon, his hand absently petting it’s head, “she must be protected at all costs,” he stated darkly.

“Mmmaaaaaassssssstttttttteeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr,” the little creature lisped out, “sssshhhheee would be sssaaaaaffffffeeeeeeeerrrrrr here,” he sat very still beneath his master’s hand lest he draw worse attention.

“Ha! Hahahaha,” his sinister laughter belted out, “I should have her brought here by that elf I have guarding her,” he mumbled, “she wouldn’t,” he broke off as he felt a….darkness he hadn’t felt in this realm in a…very long time, “I know that feeling, that delicious darkness.”

Standing, he waltzed over to the fire and stared deeply into the dancing flames, “now where…” his voice trailed off as images began to form within the flames. Though he couldn’t hear the voices the figures came in almost crystal clearly. The elf…well he couldn’t tell very well, but it looked as though he were in battle with himself. Ignoring the two fighting figures he sharpened his focus to the weapons in the dueling men’s hands until both the blades came into sharp focus. The first blade he saw he dismissed, but the other blade…..that blade brought a silent exclamation to his lips. His desire for that blade was so great that he nearly stuck his hand into the flames to reach out and grasp it. One word drifted through the room, “Desertbane.”

His power changed it’s focus with his will, bringing the sword’s handler in focus, “that sword will be mine, and so…my dark elf…will you belong to me,” his expression turned crafty, “you will be my general. Bwahahahahahahaha.”


Somewhere near the clearing in the forest:


The wings flapped so swiftly as the small creature flitted through the woods, they made a gently whirring sound as they fluttered. All most things saw was a tiny ball of light moving with a swiftness through the foliage. It would stop, here and there. Pausing to gauge something, or take something’s measure. It nearly passed the clearing, it was so preoccupied. But a surge of power stopped the little ball of pinkish light as though it had hit an invisible wall. He hovered in the air, “well! That was a bit rude! I believe I’ll go and give whoever is throwing around that kind of power a piece of my mind,” and he turned towards the clearing and flitted in that direction, “what a total misuse of power! A waste! Really what are they teaching magic bearers these days. My mission is exceedingly important and it is quite rude to be interrupted.”

Changing course he threaded his way, hitting an invisible energy wall here, another one there until he was so angry tiny little sparks were shooting from his purple skin and black hair, “when I find the person that has done this,” he ground out, “I’ll hex em so bad, they’ll never cast another impediment spell for the rest of their natural born lives!”

He watched as all the small animals passed freely through the invisible barriers and that only made him more angry, “I’ll hex him into the next millennium,” he grumbled as he alit upon a leaf to rest for a little while, “bah! I’m too tired to continue onward right now. I’ll have to rest, I suppose,” and with that he sank onto the branch, hastily casting a faint protect spell to ensure he didn’t get eaten by the less picky predators.

(OOC: Welcome back Tommy)

Edited by LostMagicianGrl, 15 December 2007 - 12:57 PM.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#47 Shapeshifter

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Posted 16 December 2007 - 02:42 AM

(OOC: Visac will now be known as Visa, I was toying with names during the last post, and have decided on his name.)

Avis lay there, his mind and body falling completely into an unconscious state, his mind wandering back through his memories to his early childhood with Visa...


"Over here!" Avis shouts as he takes off running through the trees, playing a game of manhunt with his friends. He spots Visa and makes running for him, pouring his energies from his feet, running full tilt he stumbles at first then gathers himself and closes the half mile gap between himself and Visa in a few minutes. He stops and crouches beside his brother, peering over a fallen tree trunk.

"That the target bro?" He whipsers as he looks past the group of kids wielding all sorts of small grade weapons, mostly kidatchi swords, short bamboo swords made for children to practice their technigues.

"Yeah, thats it, behind that group over there.. See that little satchel of stuff... Thats the target...." Visa said, looking back at his twin. They knew eachother so well, not just being brothers, but being close friends as well, they knew eachothers abilities almost down to the letter, but when one picked up, the other soon followed to close the gap, each one learning from the other.

"So how we going to get it?" Avis said, looking back at Visa with curiosity... Then smiled as he saw his brother simply nod, confirming the thoughts he had been working in his head.

"Thats the plan... You take out those two there, and that one on the end, and we are free and clear.." Visa said, making sure that was what Avis was thinking. Sure enough, Avis nodded and shuffled to the other side of the downed tree and silently signaled to his brother a countdown, three fingers, two... then one, then closed his fist as he jumped into the treeline and ran branch to branch then jumped down in the middle of the group of boys, drawing their own kidatchi as the fell.

"Thats one.." Avis said as he took out the first guard, "And two..." Visa follows with a blow to the second guard. "And three!" they say in unison as they strike the third together, causing him to fall over, then Avis grabs the satchel as the other boys turn and start to come out of their stupor, Visa turning and leveling his kidatchi in retort, taking out a few more kids before Avis slid up behind him and they finished the crowd together, then took off with the satchel back towards the school...

"What a mission.... that was fun as hell though!" Visa said smiling to Avis, who now had the satchel over his shoulder. "Definitely, Im glad that they always pair us up.. things are alot more difficult when they dont, you really know your way around a sword." Avis smiled back as they raced to the school, stopping on the grounds, then handed the satchel to the teacher. "Finished!" They said in unison as they handed it over and smiled...


They had many adventures like that..... his brain continued to wander, slipping into another more recent memory, only a few years back...


"Visa, I cant believe it... I always thought father would choose you..." Avis said looking at his brother, who seemed a bit distant since their father's decision that Avis would be the one to fight for Druidsbane.

"Yeah well... Father always did like you best..." Visa replied, not bothering to keep the sneer out of his voice... "I'm gonna go... you ought to prepare for your fight with father..." Visa said standing to leave..

"Actually... I was hoping that you'd help me... I'd like spar with you once before I fight him..." Avis said, trying to get his brother's opinion of his skills.

"Alright..." Visa said halfheartedly, wanting to help his brother, but still feeling let down that he wasnt chosen...


His mind fell deeper, remembering a still more recent memory...


"Visa! Get back here and tell me whats going on! VISA!" Avis yelled as he sprinted through the treeline following Visa. Suddenly stopping, a few feet from Visa as he turned, sword drawn at Avis.

"Get back brother. I only did what I had to do, he challenged me and lost.." Visa said baring his sword at Avis.

"Visa dont be a fool! You didnt have to kill them! What I dont understand is why you did it!" Avis said, drawing his own sword. "I wanted to fight you to prove myself to you.. but not like this!"

"If you will not defend yourself, then you will perish for standing in my way brother! Then father will have to accept my challenge for Druidsbane! Now defend yourself or die!" With that Visa charges forward, swinging his sword around to his front, pressing it tightly against Avis's blade, raised in defense.

"If you will only fight for bloodshed, then you are no brother of mine.... Now stand back or I will stop you, by force if necessary..." Avis declared, the brotherly affection gone... Visa fought only for himself.... out of spite for his father not chosing him...

Avis repelled his brother, pushing him back then lunging forward swinging his blade in short arcing strokes, clanging off of Visa's sword, only to be caught then repelled back, then having to defend against Visa's onslaught of vicious blows. The two went on for hours until...

"Get out of my way brother!" Visa shouted, getting tired of this sharade. He gathered himself and lunged forward at Avis, blade to the side, ready to rend it through his brother without remorse... "Never! You will not pass!" Avis returned, gathering himself and lunging into Visa with the same gusto, his sword to the other side, ready to strike or defend. The two met, swinging their swords they connected with eachother's blade and were repelled by eachothers force. Both lay unconcious until others arrived and arrested Visa and brought Avis back to conciousness. Only to take them to trial later that day, where Visa was banished from the king's cities forever.

Visa's last words were to Avis as they walked him past to the town gates where the entire town stood waiting.. "One day I shall beat you brother, and claim Druidsbane for my own, in the meantime I shall find myself a stronger sword, depicted in legend to be greater than Druidsbane. With its strength I will defeat you, and you will perish..."


Avis started to slowly drift back into conciousness feeling Ayame's power coursing through him and healing him with great speed... He heard her calling to him, and awoke, picking himself up into a sitting position on the water's edge, shaking his head groggily until he was completely gathered again.

"Thankyou Ayame... I owe you one...."

He lowered his head to his hands as he thought...

Visa is back... and he found that sword... This must mean he is here for me.... It's almost time to decide who is the strongest... I'm going to have to defeat him next time, or die trying...


Visa stumbled out of the treeline, a good distance away, jumping down to the ground and landing a bit harder than he may have meant... He picks himself up and clambers over to a nearby treestump and settles himself upon it, perking his ears as he enters a restorative trance, healing his body of its injuries as he thinks about his recent contact with his brother...

So Avis has grown, and so have his skills... I'm in worse shape than I thought... He's powerful... I'd not expect much less from my... brother.... Even apart he's kept up with me.... I must find a way to kill him and claim Druidsbane for my own.... with that kind of power, coupled with Desertbane... I'd be unstopable...

He snapped out of his thoughts as he felt the ever slight change in magical pressure around him, feeling as though he was being watched, he keeps his head bowed in thought with his eyes closed, but a sneering smile plays across his face as he speaks to the source of the magical disturbance...

"Well hello..... What have we here.... Who, may I ask, are you? And what business do you have spying on me......"

This power is strong, maybe I can use it to my benefits....

Edited by Shapeshifter, 16 December 2007 - 03:49 AM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#48 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 28 December 2007 - 10:56 PM

(OOC: I have decided to write Tears out of the story line until she returns since I have given plenty of time for her to post and am now tired of waiting. I will write it in such a was so that when you do return you may rejoin if you wish (I hope you choose to) and am just doing this so as to move the story along since it’s been sitting for far too long.)

Ayame watched as Avis began to awaken. Sighing in relief she watched as he sat up, nodding silently at his quiet words of thanks. Stepping back from him she thought to herself, ‘he appears to be burdened by something. And how did he get injured, it’s very strange. He was well when I left him, then I come back and he’s injured.’

“Is something wrong Avis,” she asked softly her worry for him filling her voice, “you know, if there’s something wrong you can tell me.”

Around them a hazy kind of fog began to sweep the clearing, slowly obscuring Tears from view, concealing her form and the section of the clearing within it’s denseness. Ayame lifted puzzled eyes from Avis and glanced around, “Tears,” she called out but her voice was muffled by the lazily moving fog. Spinning around she ran towards the area where she knew Tears had been, then paused, glancing back towards Avis then back to where she knew Tears to be. Torn, unsure what she should do she stood there, paused in the act of running she finally made her decision and turned back towards Avis, ‘this fog is strange, but Tears can take care of herself. At this point in time I think I had better stay with Avis, for he looks overburdened by something and quite distracted,’ she thought to herself and turned back towards Avis. Behind her, as the fog shifted, two animal forms could be seen outlined, one obviously a feline, the other obviously a canine, both standing between her and the unusual fog.

Making her way back to his side she plops down to sit next to him with a soft sigh.




Staring into the flames the caped figure leans over in an attempt to hear the words his future general had spoken, “useless! Utter uselessness! Can’t hear a thing spoken through flame scrying,” he complains. Glancing around, his eyes settle onto his scuttling servant, “you! Come here!”

“M-m-me massssttttteeeeeerrrrr,” the little demi-demon answered, scuttling over to his master’s side and cowering next to him.

“Yes yes you will do nicely,” he stated as he caused the little malformed creature to hang suspended in the air in front of him.

“Massssttttteerrrrr,” the little creature questioned even as his form began to change. His body growing in height until, at eye level with his master his feet were firmly planted on the ground, “master,” the now grinding voice was a match for the pure tones of his master and his eyes widened and he shrieked, “MASTER!!!!!!!!!!!! What have you done to me?????”

His master smiled, completely disregarding the question. A flare of power and all will died in his servant’s eyes until he was staring at himself from those glazed eyes. A flick of his hand and a path opened. Stepping through the vortex, the now totally taken over physical form of his servant stepped lightly on a branch overlooking the worrier, “well boy,” he spoke out, “how would you like more power than you have ever dreamed of?”

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#49 Shapeshifter

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Posted 04 January 2008 - 03:48 PM

He raises his fist to his mouth and coughs once, clearing his throat of all the detriment that had settled during his impromptu slumber. He glances to his side and notices Ayame take a seat next to him, wondering about the fog.

"This dense fog is the earliest sign that the wet season is close to starting. The fair weather we've had was the tail end of the dry season, within a few moons, the wet season will begin, and there will be much rain and....."

But something else catches his attention..

What is that?....

He opens his eyes and quickly stands, his hand on the handle of Druidsbane, his body silently screaming at him for his quick movements in its time of much needed rest. One eye closed as he winced in pain, the other focused intently on the two almost clearly distinct feline and canine figures obscured by the fog.

"Who are you? And what do you want?" He asked the figures, hunched over slightly in pain. Something in his mind telling him that they werent mere animals.


Visa sat on the treestump unmoving even when he felt the presence of the figure step from the vortex onto the treebranch above him.

"Ha... Cheap theatrics.... Interestingly enough, you didnt send yourself, just an oversouled minion. And yes.. I can tell."

He rose to his feet and brushed himself off, his wounds from his brief encounter with Avis a thing of the past. Slowly he walked back and forth listening to the oversouled minion speak its sweet words of promised power.

"I already hold in my hand more power than you will ever witness.. What could you have that I want?"

His voice sneered with just enough doubt to hopefully convince the demon to confess more, he wanted to know more about what the demon had to offer, but didnt want to sound anxious or curious. He continued, edging just a bit more sneer into his voice as he went on.

"Say I am interested... Where do I find You, and not another oversouled minion. You're lucky I dont kill this one here and now, its a dishonor to my strength to send a minion, and only makes you look like a coward. If you truly want me, then you'll not be afraid to use this minion to lead me to you."

He grinned at the minion and let his opposite hand lay and slowly curl around the handle of Desertbane.

"So, What say you demon? Do we have a deal?"

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#50 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 05 January 2008 - 03:07 AM

Ayame nodded silently in acceptance of his explanation of the odd fog. Bringing her knees to her chest she wrapped her arms around them clasping her hands together at the wrist as she listened. She gave a start of surprise, falling backwards totally sprawled out and kinda surprised to be there. She stared up at Avis then glanced around, not seeing anything where he was staring, “Avis, um, I think you’re seeing things, cuzz I don’t see anything but…fog.”


The ghostly canine growled, the sound unheard by most mortal’s ears, “I will guard my queen. You will not stand in my way. I will protect her in any way I can,” he snarled viciously at both Avis and the feline standing next to him.

The outlined feline padded up to Avis, pushing the fog out of the way as if his movements were in and of themselves a gently breeze that caused the fog to shift, “you’ve done well mortal, in protecting my sister the queen. Well she doesn’t know her true place yet. However one is coming who DOES know her true position and he bears things for her that only she can wield,” the cat brushes against Avis’s side, causing fog to swirl around his legs, “don’t mind that crusty old dog. He was a grump in life. Afterlife has not improved him much unfortunately,” moving away from Avis it stepped deeper into the fog, pushing at the canine to get it moving. Glancing back towards Avis he purred out, “you’ve done good mortal,” and vanished into the mists, only to circle around and take up a protective position near Ayame.




“I am not so foolish as to send my own form out. My minion works well enough,” watching through the eyes of his minion as the warrior stood he answers the question, “an unlimited source of power. Take as much as you desire and it always replenishes it’s self. Drink of it’s purity and you fill with immense power.”

With a gesture a vortex gate opened near them, “I am through there. And I have an offer you wont want to refuse,” his voice rang with sincerity, “and you may get another opportunity to…battle a certain someone as well,” he stepped through the portal, holding it open so that the warrior could follow behind.

As his minion emerged from the vortex, his consciousness returned to his own body and the demi-demon morphed back into his original form and raced into the corner cowering in terror and trembling violently.

“There is…..one thing. One small…….thing. My daughter travels with an elf. I am no longer sure of her safety traveling with him and I wish for you to do one small thing for me,” he begins speaking the instant Visa steps from the portal, “retrieve her and return her to me. She has been gone overlong and I miss her presence. She travels with the elf named Avis. Do this and you will be greatly rewarded. I will give you immense power. I will give you these,” he draws a pair of blackish blue boots towards him, “these are the boots of power. However much power you need, these will give. You have only to wear them,” turning his back for a moment to send the boots back to where they were settled his expression turned crafty but his voice remained steady, “they are much sought after by many of the greatest warriors,” turning back the look on his face was earnest as he continued to address the proud warrior, “I worry for my daughter’s safety, please bring her back and I will make it well worth the hassle.”

In the forest somewhere


He stretched and yawned, “well that was a good rest, I must say! Now to find that rude individual,” the little creature released the protect spell and flitted away heading swiftly towards the clearing flitting around the invisible barriers as he found them. As the barriers increased his mood worsened until he had little puffs of steam drifting from his ears, “I will hex whom ever has done this I swear I will,” the little ball of light flitted from tree to tree, branch to branch and leaf to leaf emerging into the clearing and running smack into the dense fog. Pausing he felt a power he’d been searching for, for a long long time. He followed the power trail towards his goal.


Back to Ayame


Sitting up she glanced to Avis and stated, “well while you’re paying attention to the fog I think I’m gonna take a dip in the pond and get cleaned up,” she walked around until she found a solid group of bushes that covered both water and land, giving her a secluded place to disrobe and slide into the beautiful water.

She undid the fastenings to the robe and allowed it to fall from her shoulders. Leaving the shift she wore beneath the robe on, she slid into the water until she was fully submerged, her hair floating on the surface like a blue cloud. Finally she resurfaced and began to swim, her lithe form slicing through the water with ease for a while before returning to where the trees obscured her form, allowing her to step from the water in privacy.

She stood, allowing the wind to blow around her unaware that her shift had become so sheer from the water that it left very little to the imagination, molding to her body like a pale second skin.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#51 Shapeshifter

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 01:41 AM

Avis regained his composure, sheething his blade as he listened to the spirits, he stood, his eyes following them, watching the canine grumble from amidst the fog, and the feline approach him, circle him, then return to the fog. He projected his thoughts, allowing them to be heard by the spirits alone.

A queen you say.... Most interesting.... Someone is coming with something for her? Then here we shall wait until they arrive. You've given me much to think about spirit.

He settled himself to a seat as he continued to look into the dense patch of fog until they vanish, then hearing Ayame's call to him, he stands and takes up a seat closer to the pool of water, perched on a large rock protruding from the ground, his side to Ayame, his eyes closed in thought, though his ears perked, listening to every sound, hearing the ruffle of her robes, then the gentle slosh of the waves against the edge of the pool as she swims. Though his mind is much further away.

A queen? Most interesting, I'll not mention it, I dont want to startle her with news that she does not obviously know....

He sits, perched on the rock, consumed in thought.


Visa listens as he steps through the vortex. The thought of such power sounding promising.

"Still cowardly of you to send a minion instead of yourself demon.. Insulting to my strength..... Or do you fear me?"

He lets the last sentance slide from his tongue with just enough question and sneer to grasp the perfect effect. He looks about at the molten decorations of the room, and the fire burning, a sort of visual portal, through which he could see the clearing he left just moments ago.

"There is always a catch when it comes to power demon. Just tell me what needs to be done."

He scoffs, glancing at the demi-demon cowering in the corner of the room.

"You're daughter travels with an elf...... Surely you do not speak of Avis...? Interesting indeed..."

Fetching a child should prove quite simple... and should Avis stand in my way.... He will just meet his fate that much sooner..

Visa looks over the boots and feels the energy eminate from them as he listens to the demon's description. he quickly composes himself with a look of allegiance and of sorrow for the demon and his despair for his daughter, however false, giving off the purest intent.

"You have my word my leige, I shall return your daughter with much haste, and should anything stand in my way of returning her to you, it shall meet a timely end."

With that he steps quickly back through the portal feeling Desertbane at his side pulse seemingly with excitement for the upcoming journey. He reemerges in the clearing and focuses his energies into the nature around him in search of his brother. Not wanting to mistake any other traveler for the demon's daughter, and wanting to make this trip quickly, the looming thought of increased power seemed lush to his mind.

"You're time is looming ever short brother...... Dont worry princess... Ill bring you home post haste..."

He feels another pulse from Desertbane and his hand absentmindedly moves to the handle and draws the sword, its black aura eminating serenely.

"Yes Desertbane...... Time is coming where you shall vanquish another foe at my hands."

Visa sheeths his sword and quickly makes haste for the clearing in which he saw his brother. Racing through the woods, silently, knowing his brother would be listening, he silently raced up to the edge of the clearing and peered from the trees at the scene before him, noting the dense fog surrounding the clearing.

The rain season is coming......

He took note of his brother perched on the rock, near the pool of crystal blue water... and in a nearby hedgeway....

That must be the demon's daughter... Perfect... an easy target.

He focused on her and noticed her standing amongst the hedge as the wind caressed her body, seeing the glint of her shift clinging to her skin. He drew his gaze from her and closed his eyes, casting an enchantment over the clearing, only she would be able to hear him, and only he would be able to hear her... Avis would remain perfectly unaware. Giving him the ability to get the girl out of harms way and collect the powerful bounty before fighting his brother to assure his victory. With that he lept down and snuck up silently on her and placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned close to her ear.

"No one can hear you but myself, and no one can hear me but you, it is no use trying to escape. Your father is waiting you. We leave at once."

With that he gathers her things from the ground and places them in his satchel before lifting her into his arms and leaping back into the treeline and sprinting back to the designated drop zone.

Edited by Shapeshifter, 08 January 2008 - 01:46 AM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#52 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 08 January 2008 - 04:24 AM

The little creature flitted into the clearing, the fog making it difficult to find his way but a very special, almost undetectable thread of power lead him like a beacon, “I have found her……finally! Though how she got here…….I’ll never understand,” he muttered as he flitted across the clearing, “it’s a good thing I’m attuned to her power band, otherwise I might have ended up searching through all the various dimensions for her…..and that! Would have taken me several lifetimes,” he came across her as she was swimming serenely in the water. He hovered above her for a few moments before flitting towards the shore, his wings making little whirring sounds, which could be mistaken for the wings of a large moth, as he flew.

He hovered for a second above the elf and thought to himself, ‘well now, isn’t this a powerful one! And he’s being quite respectful to My Lady so he definitely gets a few small points for that! However to leave her so unguarded when she is in such a….compromising position….burns up and causes him to lose valuable points with me,’ glowering he flitted away from the sleeping (he assumes) elf and through the bushes and shrubs.

“Hello,” he mumbles, “ohh those look soft…and warm,” the sight of the white robes on the ground breaks his chain of thought. Landing on the robes he nods, “so soft,” he whispers and then proceeds to crawl into the robes, “and I was correct! They are very warm,” giving a yawn he lays down, settling himself within the fluffy whiteness, “yes, yes, when she’s done…,” his musings break off as he drifts into a deep slumber unaware of her emergence from the water.


Meanwhile in a stone fortress surrounded by a dying forest and pits of lava….


“I? Fear you? No, no dear boy. I am merely the cautious type,” he answers kindly then continues on, his tone growing haughty, “I am a God, why should I fear anyone?”

He begins to stroll around the room almost pacing, “Avis…….yes that is who she is with.”

Smiling in satisfaction as the elf agrees to serve him in retrieving Ayame, “bring her to me…and they shall be yours, young warrior,” he watched as his newest servant stepped through the portal and with a wave of his hand closes it behind the boy securely, leaving the wall as solid as it had been before but he strengthened his mental shields so his servants wouldn’t pick up on his current thoughts, ‘of course, if I snatch her from you…maybe let you and that elf kill each other…the boots shall stay in my possession, after all……why should I part with something I have imparted so much of my power into,’ a crafty look filling his face as he begins to laugh.


Meanwhile back in the clearing….


Ayame stood and allowed the breeze to dance around her, humming softly to herself as she enjoyed the breeze caressing the bare portions of her skin and flowing through her hair, pulling it into a free flowing blue cloud around her. Absorbed in the ebb and flow of the nature surrounding her, she failed to notice the subtle spell. She started when hands landed on her shoulders, thinking at first it was Avis she giggles, “Avis, I thought you were busy staring at the fog…,” her voice cutting off as his voice, an unfamiliar voice, is whispered into her ear.

Her heart speeds up at his words and fear begins to course through her veins as she shouts, putting power into her voice just as he snatches her and heads with her into the tree line, “AVIS!,” hoping against hope that her voice breaks through the enchantment enough so that he is alerted to her danger.


Meanwhile within the robes….


The small creature slept on, unaware of the kidnapping….his and hers.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#53 Shapeshifter

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Posted 10 January 2008 - 10:26 AM

Avis settled on the rock, listening to the sounds around him, completely unaware of the spell that settled over the clearing he heard the sounds of nature continue around him, his ears twitching a different direction once in a while.

She's taking a while longer in that water than she normally would....

He hears the water's ruffle and gentle chime as she climbs out.

There she is...

Thats when he heard it, only a short while after he heard her exit the waters, he heard her faintly crying his name, a plea for help. His eyes snapped open and straight towards the water, seeing no one his mind ponders for a moment, then he notices the magical fabric in the air... he clasps his hands together and his eyes flash, dispelling the spell over the clearing...

Damnit..... Who would...... Visa......

The thought clicks, and immediately he turns and sprints off in the direction of her cry for help.

Im coming Ayame...


Visa dashes through the treetops concealing his energies so he could not be tracked, feeling the burst of power Ayame puts into her cry for help registers with him, something he must check up on later. He finds a secluded grove protected by a dense thicket of trees, and jumps from the treetops into it, setting Ayame to her feet he binds her to the ground with thin stone tendril vines, then trusts his palms onto the earth and scatters a bit of his energies, effectively hiding the pair for a while.

He walks back over to her and encloses the whole clearing in a dense magical fog trapping them both inside and repelling even the strongest magics from penetrating it in or out, then lets her free of the stone tendrills and tosses her her robes.


He turns his back on her for a moment, his ears perked ready for any trickery, then says over his shoulder.

"Tell me... What is your name young one... and what does the foul demon lord want with as fine young woman as yourself? You are clearly not his daughter, so why dont you tell me whats really going on."

This could prove quite interesting

He pulls the necessities from his satchel and gathers wood from the available clearing and starts a fire, then starts to cook bits of fish and wild rice in a small iron skillet, then skivves her a generous helping and fixes his own. Little things to make her feel comfortable so she will talk to him, curious about her and her connection with the demon lord.

"You need not worry, whether i take you to the demon lord or not all depends on how much you tell me."

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#54 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 12 January 2008 - 12:46 AM

With a heavy, angry, frustrated Ayame releases a subtle stream of her power as he runs with her in an attempt to leave Avis a clear trailing of energy, however her rage causes her shields to crack and shatter sending out a massive unchecked, uncontrolled flow of energy. The very nature around them began to shift as the vegetation began absorbing her energy. Small plants sprang up, mutating into new varieties. Trees they passed by became misshapen. When he bound her the vines he had wrapped around her to bind her to the ground turned poisonous upon touching her skin.

Stopped by the magical barrier, her magic went wild in the small space. In a short time, this small area was filled with all sorts of flora and fauna as her power caused it to grow up around them. Catching her robes she turned her back on him, not realizing how sheer the shift was, the darker blue tracings of scars clearly visible against the pale blue of her skin. The unchecked release of energy made her skin paler as the tide of energy weakened, causing her to weaken as it began to run out, even fueled as it had been by her anger.

Giving her robes a weak shake, she didn’t notice the small creature that fell out of them and landed amongst the dense bushes. Donning her robes she fastened them at neck and waist by strings on the inside of them and then wrapped the white belt (with embroidered silver flowers) thrice around her waist before tying it in a knot and gathering up the remaining tendrils and wrapping them into the twined parts already wrapped around her waist.

Spinning around her glaring lavender eyes, turned a dark lilac purple from her rage, followed him in his movements (if looks could kill, he’d probably be dead o.o). Seeing no harm, she answers him, “my name is Ayame,” and then she started yelling, “HOW DARE YOU!!!!!! YOU, SIR, ARE A ROGUE OF THE WORST ORDER! AND I HOPE, WHEN AVIS FINDS YOU…..HE KILLS YOU UNTIL YOU’RE DEAD! I HATE YOU,” and with that her legs weaken and she abruptly sits down, her eyes following him as he makes a fire and begins to cook. Her answer to his question is an honest, if very loud and angry, “I DON’T Know!!!!!!!!!!,” her voice fading as her power drifts off and her eyes close, her body falls to the side, unconscious and very near death.


Meanwhile from within the robes…..


The little creature wakens abruptly as he is flung from the white robes, “what in Realia…,” his voice trails off as he exerts effort to save himself from going splat onto the ground. His position stabilizing as he flapped his wings, he flitted over to a plant, ‘power out of control, definitely a young Realian is nearby. If I had to render a guess, I’d say the emotion is rage considering the…way these plants have grown. Ohh yes, her highness is somewhere nearby,’ he thought and then began to search for her. He stopped before the barrier he had found, “well now…what is this,” he swiftly dismissed the barrier with a horrified gasp as he felt her power fading, “I must find her now! As her power fades…so will her life,” and with that he flits swiftly, searching for her, following the fading energy to her.


Meanwhile in a stone fortress in front of a roaring fire….


“Soon she’ll be mine…,” he whispered, confusion filled his face for a moment at that sentiment before comprehension filled him. A burst of laughter at his own folly filled the room, “ensnared by my own spell! What a fool I’ve been, but still it worked to my favor in the end,” he paced to the fire, “briontcht,” that one word created a viewing gallery within the flames and dispelled the enchantment over him at the same time.

“Now lets see,” he muttered, “ahh there they are,” he watched as his newest servant snatched the girl, and raced away with her. He watched until something obscured his view, “what’s this..,” he muttered, “I think I’ll go and…investigate,” with a wave of his hand a portal opened near him and he stepped into and through it, coming out right in front of the strange barrier. Reaching out, he sent a small tendril of power towards it, coating it and leaving a mark that was nearly imperceptible, “well we cant have a double cross without all the players, now can we,” he swiftly stepped back into the vortex and his chamber, swiftly dispelling the vortex so it wouldn’t be detected by the annoying elf, “now all there is to do is wait.”

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#55 Shapeshifter

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Posted 14 January 2008 - 09:20 PM

Avis dashes through the treetops, Visa's lace of power through the vegitation leaving him perplexed on his actual location. He soon realized that he had started to dash in the relatively same area. so he flexed his little clawed armguard and started slashing the trees as he went, though still found himself doubling over some areas.

Damn...Visa's got his power laced throught the forest, I cant track him! How am I going to find them now?...

He is snapped from his thoughts as he feels it, recognizing it at once. He feels the rushing flow of power blaze through the wood causing the vegitation to grow immensely.

Ayame! Brilliant!

He stopped amongs the trees and turned in the direction of the epicenter of that immense power, then focused his energies into his hands, flexing his clawed armguards once more he gathers his energies into the claws and curls his fists, bearing them.

"Anything that gets in my way now will be removed...."

He dashes forwards towards the point of her energy his arms behind him as he tucks his body forward, dashing along the tree branches, he swings them forward occasionally, slicing through thick vines and tree branches that would get in his way, slicking through the new thick flora caused by her upserge in power.

"Here I come Visa........"


He heard her yell as he started the fire and started to cook, then stood, taking her meal to bring to her, knowing full well that she will not come near him, then starts towards her with her food.

"You misunderstand me Ayame. I mean you no harm... You're much more valuable than I had been told. You're not like the normal people around this area... Where are you..."

He cuts himself off mid sentance, dropping her plate and dashing forward to catch her as she falls to the side, feeling her power fleeting quickly. He lays her gently upon a the ground then lays out a few blankets from his satchel and lays her upon them, looking over her body he sees all the healed scars against her pale skin. Noting her unique energy pattern he starts to gather energies from nature, common knowledge that it will take time for foreign energy to pass into her system.

Time she doesnt have.... I cant have her dead.. Or everything Ive planned will be all for nothing......

He uses a bit of her fading energy to match the energy hes collecting in an orb infront of his hands, matching the energy signatures perfectly then holds the orb of energy above her and slowly works it down into her body..

He spots the fairy flitting through the vegitation and reaches out and snatches it, then places it on a large leaf near Ayame.

"My apologies.. But are you this girls fairy?"

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#56 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 12:56 AM

“Hey, what the! Just who do you think you are, you young pup,” he groused as he was plucked from the air and plopped down onto the leaf, “I mean, really! How absolutely rude,” he gripes, “do you have any idea…what it’s like to be randomly plucked out of the air and plopped onto a leaf? Do you? It’s extremely startling. Plus you could’ve damaged my wings! My WINGS!!!! You have any idea how hard it is to heal wings like mine? The exact specific type of energy needed? It would take her energy to heal them,” he points at her as she lays on the makeshift bed. He watched as the rude thing (he considers only her and himself real people, anyone else…..well….lol) try pushing matching energy into her without stopping the outflow, “idiot thing.”

Flitting off the leaf he goes and hovers just above her, his small palm touching her cheek. Exerting just a small jolt of energy he covers her with his power, effectively sealing in her energy and stopping the waning unchecked flow, forcing it back into her, watching as her coloring improved gradually as the power was added, and he sighed, “about time!”


Ayame sighed softly, her skin taking on a darker hue gradually. Finally with a soft breath her eyelids flicker open for an instant then close as she rolls onto her side, slipping deeper into slumber to replenish her energies.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#57 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 03:30 AM

As soon as he released the fairy and went back to Ayame he heard the little thing go off like a cannon at him. Ignoring most of it he went on.

"I asked you a question... Are you this girl's fairy?"

His question though was answered when the little thing flitted down and sealed her outward flow of energy, in his own haste, something he had forgotten to do. He finished applying the gathered energies to her and watched as her eyes flitted open, then she curls up and rolls over and falls asleep. Heaving a sigh he looked at the fairy.

"My apologies little fairy. I meant you no harm, but I saw little other way to get your help. My name is Visa, yours?"


Avis bolted through the thick vegitation towards the epicenter of that burst of energy, slashing through plants that seemed deformed and mutated by the energy, some looking more poisonous than their natural counterparts ever hoped to be, but still he slashed through them all and continued on his path. All the while his mind thinking about Ayame and if she is safe.

Ayame... I hope you're alright

"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#58 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 04:50 AM

Not deigning to answer the thing, the fairy flits around Ayame, checking here and there for threads of energy, ensuring that his sealing had completely taken. He lands on her neck and starts to burrow into her robes and shift, walking along her bare skin and pausing just above her heart to note the progress of her energy regeneration. Nodding with satisfaction he crawled back out from beneath her clothing, “she’ll be fine,” staring up at the thing, “I am Her Royal Highnesses advisor and caretaker Frost,” heaving a sigh of relief, “I don’t really care who you are. Your ineptitude nearly got her killed! Any magic wielder worth their salt should know to stop outflow before trying to put energy back in,” he lectured before flitting off and landing on a leaf, using his energy to reform the deformed and poisonous thing before touching it and settling in to relax and rest for a little while, his sky blue eyes resting solely on the girl as he watched her stir awake.


Ayame yawned as her eyes opened and she looked sleepily around, rising she sits up hunched over and blinking repeatedly she rubs her eyes to aid herself in waking up. Spotting Visa in her glance around her eyes harden in anger, her arms cross over her chest, “humph!,” spins away from him, unwilling to give him even a small acknowledgement.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

#59 Shapeshifter

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 05:23 AM

"Well... I'm glad you're alright at any rate.."

He says to Ayame's back as she turns from him with a look of anger. He reaches into his satchel and pulls out a small pouch, then from within it pulls a necklace made of several linked fire blue stones. and holds it infront of her to show her.

"Here, a token of my apology.. And it matches you're complextion perfectly..." He pauses, his mind fighting between lacing it around her neck, but simply lays it in her hands and stands, retreating from behind her he returns to the fire and throws more wood on it and starts another set of food, tossing a bit of grain flower and water and making a simple brisket, then finds a couple birds eggs and cracks them open and cooks them on the simple flatware.

"Hungry? You should eat up... by the looks youve not eaten much in a while, and you're going to need your strength if Im going to teach you anything today. Your power is great, and I see that Avis has been teaching you a few things. Has he taught you how to bond with your spirit animal and take on its form yet?"

He finishes his cooking then walks back over to Ayame and hands her the plate of eggs and some brisket and takes a seat beside her and quickly downs his own plate of food.


Avis continued cutting through the dense foliage that seemed to only get denser and denser as he went. Slicing through vines and tree branches like paper as he presses his energy into his clawed armguards.

The foliage is getting thicker... I must be getting closer

Edited by Shapeshifter, 15 January 2008 - 01:35 PM.


"Slow Your Roll" << Sobe Cap

#60 LostMagicianGrl

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Posted 15 January 2008 - 11:52 PM

Ignoring him she stared into the now dense foliage awaiting Avis’s arrival, trusting that he was on his way. Yawning she shook her head and started running a hand through her hair, ignoring her kidnapper thoroughly until he sat a sparkly necklace of shiny blue stones into her hand. A inarticulately silent gasp escaped her as she stared at it, holding it up, entranced with the sparkly-ness of it. Tearing her gaze from it she turned her lavender eyes towards him, puzzled she watched him as he prepared food. The hand she was running absently through her unbound hair went to rest on her stomach as it started to grumble as the scent of food filled the area, “I cant…accept this. It’s far too valuable,” she held it out for him to take back as she answers his question, “I…don’t have…a spirit animal thingy…,” she stated hesitantly as she accepted the plate. She set down the necklace and would have started eating, when the oddest creature she had ever seen flitted down and started eating off of her plate, “HEY! Get off,” she complained and with a flick of her fingers flicked him off of her food, “little bugs should eat bug food.”


He watched the byplay with interest, taking in the interplay between her highness and the thing. He giggled at the thing when he gave her the necklace, knowing her reaction to sparkly things…especially at her age, ‘her eyes will be dazzled by those shiny stones. I suppose it’s a good way to get her over her anger,’ he thought to himself full amused by the byplay, ‘perhaps the thing isn’t soo bad, he is after all attempting to take care of her highness.’

As the food got done and the thing handed it to her highness he sighed, ‘and now my job begins,’ and flitted off the leaf to land on the food, grabbing a small amount of each, taste testing it for her before she so rudely flicked him off and added insult to injury by calling him a bug, “I beg you’re pardon your highness, but I am no bug,” and he flew up until he was eye level, “I am your humble servant,” he gave a deep bow, “from now on I shall ensure that your food is tested for poisons, your needs are sufficiently met, and whatever you require shall be provided before you need it.”


She stared at the little creature bowing before her, “no thanks! Go away now please,” and started eating, dismissing him outright as she turned her attention to her food, “and the next time you eat my food I’ll squash you flat little bug,” she threatened in between bites of food. Half the plate rapidly emptied and she heaved a sigh, setting the plate down, completely full.


He sighed heavily before flying away from her and settling back down onto the leaf to watch her finish up, ‘that didn’t go so well,’ he thought to himself, flying over to the half finished plate and ate his fill then flitted up and landed unnoticed on her shoulder and promptly fell asleep.

Sweet_Purity/Bunnie on 1-alt and Queue/Raj/Sweet_Purity on main.

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