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Uncoventional Healing (newb Friendly)

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#31 Squee



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 04:58 AM

He nodded to Charon, dismissing any doubt that his name was, in fact, Steven.

"...D-Do you really have food? B-Because that would be great!" he said as he wiped away some garbage juice from his lips.

"...Err...I-I mean...th-thank you but...n-no, y-you don't have to...Thank you, anyways..." he said, looking away once more.
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#32 Rattlesnake

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:50 AM

It is probably apparant to onlookers that Kallico has never been to this town by the way she continues to wander up and down every street. She sighs and takes a deep breath as she takes a seat in the grass alongside one of the more travelled roads in town watching the passerbys as she attempts to collect her thoughts.

"What a stupid town this is," she mutters to herself as she fiddles with some grass. "Why'd I even come here? It's not like I know anyone here... and I don't even know where the pub is."

#33 green_mantis

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 07:40 AM

Mantis walks into the town where the pleas were strongest looking about him and feeling the opression of evil everywhere. As he walks he searches the area for the sorry soul who's pleas brought him to this place. The people make way for him as he walks through the streets more out of fear of his eyes than his aura.
(his right eye is green and his left eye is silver) As he walks he notices a figure sitting in the grass on the side of the road. He walks up to her, sensing that she needs some sort of assistance.
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#34 Charon

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 12:50 PM

"Good to meet you" she nodded slightly, forcing a smile. To think that he was eating... she took the slightly tatty bag off of her back and intied it.
She began rumaging through it... then she looked back at Steven and closed her eyes for a moment

"Here" she said quietly as she held it out to him "It's not much really... but help yourself"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#35 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 02:10 PM

Looking somewhat amused, Bremen said: "Perhaps you should watch my actoins before you judge my intentions," then, to Steven: "I'll have need of a guide that knows the town. Would you be interested in a job that does not involve fighting?"

#36 Charon

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 03:02 PM

"Perhaps I should" Charon bowed her head lightly to Bremen "It was not my intention to make... generalisations. When I interupt the buisness of others... it is a flaw of mine that I do not always wait to hear the full story before I speak" she apologised
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#37 Rattlesnake

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Posted 07 March 2004 - 05:51 PM

Kallico glances up at Mantis, pauses a minute while noticing his eyes.

"ello sir," she says quietly. "tis been a long time since I've seen anyone with eyes of the such... er.. uh.... how are you t'day?"

#38 Squee



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Posted 07 March 2004 - 09:50 PM

Steven couldn't help but lunge at the offering of food - nearly taking Charon's hand from her. He scarfed down whatever was inside and laid back with a sigh of relief. Suddenly, he realized what he had just done and began to blush heavily.

"...Oh...I-I'm s-sorry...I-I didn't mean to...err...well...th-thank you, M-Miss Charon..." he mumbled as he held out his hand, giving the bag back to its rightful owner.

Steven then looked up at Bremen, rubbing away what remenants of food were still on his lips.
"...S-Sure...I'll show you around..." He ran a hand through his hair and began to shake it in such a way that it hung past his eyes, thus, concealing his identity.

"...Th-Thank you again, Miss Charon...I-I'll find a way to pay you back someday! I-I promise!"
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#39 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 01:35 PM

"Good. I've been on the road awhile, so I'll need supplies and a place to stay for a night or two.......Charon, your welcome to come along, if you wish."

#40 Charon

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 10:09 PM

"Please, its just Charon" Charon corrected, shifting awkwardly "No Miss... no titles... I put them behind me long ago"

She accepted the bag back from Steven and tied it back up before she looped it over her shoulder. As she watched him shifting, trying to conceal his appearance, she found herself unconsciously twiddling with her own hair, twirling it around in her fingers as she moved it out of her face

"I didn't do this... to earn future favours" she murmered shaking her head, uncertain what to say "I just... " her voice trailed off, fading away as her gaze flickered between them "It... it doesn't matter" she decided "I appreciate your promise"

She glanced up at the sky before she answered Bremen "If the two of you... would be willing to put up with me... I would be willing to take you up on that offer"
"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#41 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 10:40 PM

Trekkie this halfling theif sneaks up behind a member of the staff of Draco's home, knocks him down to his level, and slips a crystal knife so it is a centimetre from his neck, "Get your master for me, I have felt divinations for Steven from here I need to talk to him, get him, I do not care what he is doing, get him," as Trekkie lets the servant go he spasms and seems to be released from a pain he has learned to live with, standing a little taller, then a voice comes out of the darkness but from where no one is, "Finally you are doing something, if Steven is not helped soon I will be forced to try harder to break you to accomplish my goal."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#42 draco

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 10:43 PM

Draco rose from his bed... Unable to sleep. he walked out onto teh balcony once more, and sat on his mat, reaching out for his old friend. He consentrated on the image of a proud fighter, possibly at a local temple. Nothing. He was gettign furious. After some deliberation he grabbed his ornate robes and leapt off the balcony, and walked silently through the air to land on a nearby street. He turns to a nearby vendor, and after putting on a joval smile, and placing a copper on his cart, he asks.

"Excuse me good sir... Might you point me to the nearest temple?"

#43 Silverwizard

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Posted 08 March 2004 - 11:10 PM

((OOC: Umm that was a little confusing, you walked past the servant going to get you and the thief conversing with a disembodied voice at your gate simply to go into town? I am confused by that.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#44 draco

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 12:42 AM

((OOC: Umm that was a little confusing, you walked past the servant going to get you and the thief conversing with a disembodied voice at your gate simply to go into town? I am confused by that.

((OOC. Servent.. thief? Errrr so far as I knwo... I am in my privat chamber, and juped off teh balcony. So noone has reached me in my penthouse yet. For conversations sake.. teh servent in outside my door knocking frantically right after I jump. K?))

#45 Squee



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Posted 09 March 2004 - 01:29 AM

"Well...since I doubt you'd like to share my little...'home'...there is a nice Inn not far from here. I know the Inn Keeper pretty well. Me and Alex go way back. We've known each other since...errr...I-I...n-nevermind..." he said as he remembered his little "situation."

"A-Anyways, I-I'm sure you'll enjoy it there," he continued as he slowly got up to his feet, using the alleyway wall to help support him.
"They make everything with fresh goat's milk. They have the best cheese you will ever have!"

Steven slowly walked to the end of the alley corridor but stopped just before touching the dawning light at the mouth. He looked back and smiled behind his hair.
"I'm not sure what kind of supplies you're looking for but I'm sure we could find something for you. As for you Mi...- err...Charon...we could always find you something. King Elwin's kingdom has become very rich. We've been the richest kingdom every since...every...s-since...err...n-nevermind..." he said, trailing off into a mumble. If one looked closely, one could see Steven's fists were clentched tightly and even the metal band on his wrist began to tremble every so slightly.

However, despite his last little emotional dispaly, Steven seemed quite content and optimistic - especially for one who was in his specific...situation.
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#46 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 12:11 PM

"Lets head to the Inn, first. Then I'll need bread suitable for a long journey, and suplies for spellcasting."

Edited by Primal_Whisperer, 09 March 2004 - 12:12 PM.

#47 green_mantis

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 08:50 PM

"I am fine today thank you, but it is you who seems to need assistance"
Mantis offers Kallico a hand up
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#48 Gargantious

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:37 AM

As an unexpected turn of events an unknown character is spotted by green mantis, this character seems to be a male dwarf about 4'6" pretty chubby, and the only way he had noticed him was the foul odor coming from the dwarf that hadn't taken a shower from his long journey to find steven.

From where green mantis was standing and of the the position of the unknown character he looked like a threat to steven and the others.

#49 Squee



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Posted 10 March 2004 - 01:55 AM

((Your post isn't bad...Although, it's not very detailed. I'll tell you now that your entrance is better than a lot of entrances I've seen...but it's not the best. You DID describe what your character looks like but...it's not very detailed. If I first saw your character, I'd notice more than the height and bulid (and odor, in this case).

As a general rule of thumb, always include more than what you think is expected of you. People can omit any information that they feel their character shouldn't know.

Other than that, good post.))
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#50 Silverwizard

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 02:05 AM

Trekkie is starting to get fed up waiting for the servant to return and moves stealthily back into the tower, he starts searching when he finds the servant he asks what the hold up is, when he finds Draco seems to be gone he shakes his head and begins to leave the building, at the gate he suddenly doubles over in pain and his bones seem to snap and his skin roll and grow all over his body. After he is done this agonizing procedure he is again the gnome Silverwizard and he goes through the city looking for the being known as Draco though he does not know who or what he is looking for.
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#51 Katianna

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 06:16 AM

A figure walks into town in the late hours of night. Soft, black boots pad the ground at a steady, purposeful pace without a sound. A jet-black, hooded cloak covers the rest of this individual, save when light from the street lanterns occasionally caress a fair skinned chin and tight, ruby lips protruding from under the hood.

A hand emerges from beneath the cloak, holding a small, metallic object. Delicate fingers rub and twirl it for a few meters past the city gates, then it is tossed aside and the figure disappears into the shadows of a nearby alley.

Left lying in the middle of the road...
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Edited by Katianna, 10 March 2004 - 06:21 AM.

#52 Rattlesnake

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 10:31 AM

Kallico pauses shyly for a moment but then reaches up to take the stranger's hand.

"My name is Kallico. You can call me Kali for short if you wish. It matters not...
Indeed a little assistance is needed. I'm rather new to this town. I don't know my way around at all..
Y'see I was travelling and for some reason I felt drawn to come here...like...like something important is going to happen....." Kallico trails off of her thoughts but accepts mantis's help up.

#53 green_mantis

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 03:09 PM

"so, what was it you needed help with? Finding the inn perhaps?"mantis asks Kallico
"I myself was also drawn here by some force that i know not of."
"my name is Mantis by the way"

Edited by green_mantis, 10 March 2004 - 08:55 PM.

I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#54 Gargantious

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 08:57 PM

The unknown character steps out from the darkness, and approaches green mantis, manits is almost disgusted with the smell of the dwarf but from a glance mantis can see that the dwarf has on ragged armor and an oak staff as a weapon.

The unknown character approaches mantis, and speaks to him. ( Hello mantis I am Shinton of the West, I come for help for my people have been attack by a great evil, our streets filled with sewer rats, snakes, and other hidious blood thursty creatures.) as shinton waits for green mantis's reply he goes to the local pub to get a drink, and freshen up.

#55 draco

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 10:56 PM

Draco strolled along at a mediochre pace. He was in no rush to go galavanting thoug the city using a quickening spell, and did not particularly want to much attention drawn to him. As he past several dark allys, and peered down into thier black depths, able to see only by the arcane vision granted by a recent cantrip, he truly began to realize the imensity of the town.

"Excuse me sir... Have you seen this man?"

Draco held out his palm, and a magic field formed an image of Steven. At least the Steven he remembers.

#56 Charon

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 01:29 AM

"It has been a long time since I was last in the area" Charon nodded appreciatively, raising her hood to conceal her features "I also... would appreciate a guide, I would be more than happy to tag along"

She was silent for a few moments before her curiosity got the better of her
"Forgive me... did you say you were going on a long journey?" she asked Bremen "Would you mind... if I asked where you were headed?"


Elsewhere a short, dwarven boy with blue black hair and a dully coloured tunic dashed up the middle of the street, dodging between the people as they wandered along. At first glance, he appeared to be a mere child... but his size was deciving. His small size enable him to move deftly, his feet barely making more than the faintest sound as they touched the floor

As his eyes flickered around, looking at the crowd they glited mischeviously, looking for, looking for... there. He spotted a well poised gentleman strolling down the street

"He looks" Tlaloc mumbled to himself with a momentary grin "Like he might have money to spare"
He was faintly aware that the man held the poise of one with power.
He was faintly aware that he was being a fool

That said... he took a deep breath and wished swiftness upon himself as he continued his mad dash, this time fainling to dodge and colliding head on with the gentleman...

"Sorry, sorry sir" Tlaloc apologised frantically as he caught the mans robes to try and stop himself falling to the floor... and as he hoped that his nimble fingers might clasp more than the robes the man was wearing

Edited by Charon, 11 March 2004 - 01:30 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#57 Silverwizard

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 01:37 AM

Silverwizard is walking through the town looking for Draco when he sees this cantrip of Steven and recognizes the face, he walks up to Draco and says, "I have news Steven, the man who wishes to be a carpenter."
Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#58 Rattlesnake

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 02:07 AM

"The inn sounds nice," Kallico said to Mantis as she watches the unknown dwarf walk off. She thinks to herself that maybe she can help with the troubles the dwarf spoke of..

Kallico returns her attention to Mantis remembering the rest of what he said...
"Perhaps the same force drew us here?"

#59 Squee



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Posted 11 March 2004 - 03:15 AM

((Umm...my post...she's no longer there. o_o

I know for a fact that I posted something! >_<

Steven was leading Charon and Breman through the streets and pointed out a school and church and...arg...looks like I have to write it...AGAIN. T_T))

Steven took two quick glances out of the alley. He was relieved to see that the majority of people had yet to wake up and get out of their homes. With a slight hand motion, Steven called the others over to him as he walked slowly up a cobble-stone street.

"Over there's the new school they put in. I haven't been inside but...I-I hear it's nice...I, personally, never really...err...I-I didn't get a chance to go to school...but, that's all in the past! You don't want to hear this!" he said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh! Oh! And there's the church! See! You can see the cross on the steeple up ahead! Father Micheal works there. Maybe sometime, I can introduce you all. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to meet you."

Slowly, Steven and company turned a corner as the swaying sign (reading "The Dancing Wolf Inn") slowly creaked in the morning breeze off in the distance.
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#60 Primal_Whisperer

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Posted 11 March 2004 - 12:42 PM

Bremen was silent for a monent, as if considering how much to tell them, then: "I have no destination in mind. I never stay in one place for very long."

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