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Highest Berserk

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#31 Penguin


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Posted 16 September 2004 - 12:16 AM

oh and rappy...mabye you got pwned because you and your team sucks.

just shut it

#32 Zeppelin

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Posted 16 September 2004 - 01:21 AM

No you just shut it

#33 Penguin


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Posted 16 September 2004 - 01:23 AM

just stfu nube

#34 Ryuku


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Posted 16 September 2004 - 11:12 AM

You guys are being immature *****, and that's why your newbs. Zerkers are indeed overpowered, I saw someone training 5 zerkers today, wierd, but no one is stopping you from making one. I'm not sure if they will be changed, odds are, they will remain.

#35 Zeppelin

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Posted 16 September 2004 - 11:48 PM

Penguin is a newb...That's all I have to say...Unless he says something else like the newb he is :P

#36 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 01:31 AM

oh and rappy...mabye you got pwned because you and your team sucks.

for my team sucking so badly only 4 people can beat me 3v3 and I dont even have eq and those 4 are the top 3v3ers so I dont feel very bad now do I ? and in terms of alts I own everyone so :P
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#37 Penguin


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Posted 17 September 2004 - 01:55 AM

I'm obviously the newb...
YOU resorted to flaming me
YOU can't back up what you say
YOU are the one defending some else that had to resort to flaming the individual person
YOU are weaker than me

I'm not a 'newb', but YOU certainly are.

#38 Zeppelin

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 07:24 PM

I don't need to back up what I say, because it's been backed many times in other posts...Read them, and there's my backup...As for the other things...Who cares...You're just being dumb...Don't try to provoke me anymore because I'm not even going to talk to you anymore...You're wasting my time.

#39 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 17 September 2004 - 07:58 PM

I don't need to back up what I say, because it's been backed many times in other posts

by other fellow newbs such as yourself :P
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#40 Penguin


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Posted 17 September 2004 - 11:50 PM

I don't need to back up what I say, because it's been backed many times in other posts...Read them, and there's my backup...As for the other things...Who cares...You're just being dumb...Don't try to provoke me anymore because I'm not even going to talk to you anymore...You're wasting my time.

wow..... great..... zepplin...... you....'re..... far...... greater...... than..... I........ could...... ever...... hope........ to...... be.........

#41 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 02:07 AM

:P ^_^ :D :P
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#42 MessiahX

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 11:16 AM

well lil rappy....according to you and how "overpowered" zerks are...anyone with 3 arch zerks could beat you 3 v.s 3 or was that you not being able to get a hit in no matter how skilled you were just some bs you made up?

Edited by MessiahX, 18 September 2004 - 11:17 AM.

#43 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 03:05 PM

well lil rappy....according to you and how "overpowered" zerks are...anyone with 3 arch zerks could beat you 3 v.s 3  or was that you not being able to get a hit in no matter how skilled you were just some bs you made up?

if you got out of the nm arena more often

the fight was dev with 2 arch zerkers both with csotw cleric full eq

now if he couldent round me I -WOULD- have won the fight but seeing as clerics who spell zerkers with bot can round arch crits with full eq in 3-4 stam everytime

it doesnt matter much does it ?

also I didnt say not a hit in I said I couldent drink pots because clickers dont allow you to drink pots till their round is over but seeing is 3-4 stam kills you every time they still have 2-3 stamina left and you never live through it aka you dont get a chance to drink a pot

in short I could be the fast and best player in the world but I am going to die because he is useing a over powered class

btw only talk when you have owned 7+ arch 4 stat zerkers like I have

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 18 September 2004 - 03:07 PM.

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#44 Julius

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Posted 18 September 2004 - 06:11 PM

Well Rappy, if you are the fastest, then kill him first. With all of your OMGliness speed you should be able to click all of your crits and take his entire party before he clicks once, no?

BTW you were owned in swamps, lol
Julius/Juls main
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#45 Penguin


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Posted 18 September 2004 - 07:56 PM

um that was me, sorry I can't bring archs into the swamps <3

#46 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 01:38 AM

Well Rappy, if you are the fastest, then kill him first. With all of your OMGliness speed you should be able to click all of your crits and take his entire party before he clicks once, no?

BTW you were owned in swamps, lol

yep and he ran before I could get my army of level 25s together so hmm

also instead of just insulting me blindly maybe did It occur to you that I got bad rounds ?

Edited by Rappy_Ninja, 19 September 2004 - 01:39 AM.

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#47 Snoopy


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Posted 19 September 2004 - 02:22 PM

I agree that they are over powered, but also the amount of damage they take in a fight due to armour balances them. Arch rangers spelled up can round a zerk jus as quick as they can be rounded by the zerk. Ive trained a good few zerks to arch and in a party always healing them the most and using alot of mana spelling them up so they actually hit.
No flaming or getting into arguments jus some one who has trained alot of zerks putting in a valid point for the big beasts :/
If smoking 1 cig takes 30 seconds from my life, but laughing adds 5 minutes, if I get stoned every night do I live forever?

#48 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 07:10 PM

thats the prob is they are plain easy to arch and 3v3 you dont need alot of mana because with rf/hance you drop at least ONE if not 2 of your enemys crits easy
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#49 Julius

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 07:42 PM

/t Penguin neither can anyone else...

/t Rappy as for running you sat for 20 minutes talking trash about how you are 21 and can do whatever you want, while we were still in swamps training. So if it takes you that long to get your army, then i feel bad for you, lag musta been bad huh?
Julius/Juls main
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#50 Sylvanoshie

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 08:01 PM

This topic right here is proof that staff doesn't even bother with these boards.

Anyways, Rappy, Penguin, you two really have some problems. You hypocritical
nightmist fiends. You are the epitome of the annoying nightmist player that can't live
without the game. You whine about everything that doesn’t suit you best. And frankly, I,
as well as others I am sure, have had enough of it.

What makes you think that anyone cares that you can’t beat berserkers? I can’t beat
100 rangers, but that doesn’t make them overpowered. Berserkers have the worst hit
rate, next to mages, in the game, they get NO armor. That means no, lets try that again
NO, enhanced stats.

So while 2 berserkers with a cleric can round your 3 whatever they ares in a straight
duel, try some strategy. Your awfully hard to hit when invisible right? So bring a mage
next time. And their cleric can’t have much stamina left to heal if he cast all those spells
on his dudes. Take him out, and then go after the berserkers.

So instead of coming on these boards pissing blood on berserkers, why don’t you try to
come up with a strategy that can work on them. That way you can make your ridiculous
claims to supremacy again.

#51 Zeppelin

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Posted 19 September 2004 - 09:08 PM

/t Sylvanoshie Right on

#52 Penguin


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Posted 19 September 2004 - 09:31 PM

/t sylvanoshie zerks are overpowered, especially with a cleric, but even without, you can't dispute that

/t julius I know, but the majority of my crits are arch, so don't get all excited when I get pked 8 on 4 when I'm all torchs

#53 Julius

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 02:12 AM

/t Penguin All I was doing was proving a point. and fyi it was only 6, not that it makes a huge difference.

Anyways back to the real discussion. In Triplex the other day my first group was 2 arch zerk+cleric vs. paladin thief and ranger. Of course with RF and enhance we owned, and if VersionOne wasn't too busy clicking porn pop-ups it would have been even quicker. But the next round was 3 zerks vs cleric and 2 rangers. expert and 2 arch zerk vs all arch ranger and cleric. guess who won? Not the unspelled solo berserkers. Why? Becuase of a Cleric. The whole point is, it doesnt matter What you are using int he party as long as there is a cleric to cast spells. Divine Light destroys berserkers, then you give those arch rangers RF and Enhance and you can round an arch zerk too, the whole thing is who hits who first. But 3v3 cleric and zerks and cleric and rangers, the rangers will have a key advantage. Stat mods. with the ability to have a 25 dex a halfling ranger is just retarded fast and with RF and Enhance, bye bye anything in the way.

So the point is berserkers arent over powered, rangers arent overpowered, Clerics are the ones giving them their power.as long as you have a cleric, you stand to have a fair fight.
Julius/Juls main
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#54 Zeppelin

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 02:28 AM

/t julius you pwn

#55 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 04:16 PM

/t Penguin neither can anyone else...

/t Rappy as for running you sat for 20 minutes talking trash about how you are 21 and can do whatever you want, while we were still in swamps training. So if it takes you that long to get your army, then i feel bad for you, lag musta been bad huh?

strange cus when I came you all were gone... hm...
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#56 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 04:18 PM

This topic right here is proof that staff doesn't even bother with these boards.

Anyways, Rappy, Penguin, you two really have some problems. You hypocritical
nightmist fiends. You are the epitome of the annoying nightmist player that can't live
without the game. You whine about everything that doesn’t suit you best. And frankly, I,
as well as others I am sure, have had enough of it.

What makes you think that anyone cares that you can’t beat berserkers? I can’t beat
100 rangers, but that doesn’t make them overpowered. Berserkers have the worst hit
rate, next to mages, in the game, they get NO armor. That means no, lets try that again
NO, enhanced stats.

So while 2 berserkers with a cleric can round your 3 whatever they ares in a straight
duel, try some strategy. Your awfully hard to hit when invisible right? So bring a mage
next time. And their cleric can’t have much stamina left to heal if he cast all those spells
on his dudes. Take him out, and then go after the berserkers.

So instead of coming on these boards pissing blood on berserkers, why don’t you try to
come up with a strategy that can work on them. That way you can make your ridiculous
claims to supremacy again.

nice so while I am invis with a mage he casts rf then he casts vision then clicks 2 of my alts

if you got out of swamps you would know about pvp but stfu because you dont know nowhere near as much about dueling/3v3s as I do
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#57 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 04:19 PM

/t Penguin All I was doing was proving a point. and fyi it was only 6, not that it makes a huge difference.

Anyways back to the real discussion. In Triplex the other day my first group was 2 arch zerk+cleric vs. paladin thief and ranger. Of course with RF and enhance we owned, and if VersionOne wasn't too busy clicking porn pop-ups it would have been even quicker. But the next round was 3 zerks vs cleric and 2 rangers. expert and 2 arch zerk vs all arch ranger and cleric. guess who won? Not the unspelled solo berserkers. Why? Becuase of a Cleric. The whole point is, it doesnt matter What you are using int he party as long as there is a cleric to cast spells. Divine Light destroys berserkers, then you give those arch rangers RF and Enhance and you can round an arch zerk too, the whole thing is who hits who first. But 3v3 cleric and zerks and cleric and rangers, the rangers will have a key advantage. Stat mods. with the ability to have a 25 dex a halfling ranger is just retarded fast and with RF and Enhance, bye bye anything in the way.

So the point is berserkers arent over powered, rangers arent overpowered, Clerics are the ones giving them their power.as long as you have a cleric, you stand to have a fair fight.

3 zerkers blow in a 3v3 combo its because they could heal and you couldent also you all must have been terribly slow
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#58 Animosity

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 10:31 PM


read that rappysmutx2

i had myrdon team...
ÄñïMö§íTÝ owns you.gg owned thx k bai.
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#59 Julius

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Posted 20 September 2004 - 11:19 PM

/t rappy Lol. You know whats really funny, I only ever go into the swamps to help my brothers train. So if you ever want to rumble come looking for me somewhere a little more fitting. And about the zerks 3v3 3zerks versus rangers and cleric, duh thats the point. Not only do I deny any intelligience you claim to possess, but now I doubt you are capable of the basic skills in reading. So you go be the 3rd best 3vs3er and the #6 best player in the game! But could you send me the link to the site that rated that, i tried www.rappyisbadazz.uallsuck.com/ipwnj00 but that didn't work for me :/ could you give me the real link?
Julius/Juls main
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#60 Zeppelin

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Posted 21 September 2004 - 03:34 AM


::remains on the sidelines, grabs his popcorn, and watches the argument, which is very entertaining::

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