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A Taste For Revenge

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#31 Exor

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 10:58 PM

((ty bean.also ronnie i cant see what ur saying when u write in that white color.my skin is white so i cant see it :|))
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#32 Charon

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:03 PM

"Me? Anti-social? Narin the Daring, Narin the Brave, Narin the Handsome? Surely you jest. I am the greatest of the nobles, the bravest of the men, and the only man in these parts who could stand up to a dragon and not get even on hair on his head burned."

"Heh, ya are be-yin most anti-so-shal Na-reen the day-ring, brayve an' han-sum" she grinned widely "Slyn-kin' back an' hy-din' from the pe-pal an' the rayne... an' most skilled you be-ya at 'voidin' my quay-ste-on too" she winked at him, rapping her fingers against the side of her staff in rhythm with her words

She was momentarily distracted by the man who passed them, clinking metallically. "Mow-sta un-yew-shew-al" she smiled slightly as her tune changed and she tapped her staff in time with the melody of this movement... but while she liked the sound, it was his ice blue hair was fairly hard to ignore.

Either way, he passed by without speaking to them, and she turned her attention back to the tales Narin was spinning to her, her eyes lighting up slightly as he spoke

"Tru-lee? A draygon?" she asked excitedly, but her eyes glinted wairly... she was not as carefree as she seemed "Or-a was that 'could' tru-lee not bowst-ful stay-te-ment but a ho-wap-full leye-ya fayre noble?" she teased, bowing gracefully yet again... if he were a noble, a little extra respect with her jest certainly couldn't hurt

((ooc: /t Version 1.0 hmm, a description other than bad or evil ... "of questionable morals"? :) ))
Edit: And as per Versions aforementioned request ^^:
[Heh, you are being most antisocial, Narin the daring, brave and handsome. Slinking back and hiding from the people and the rain... and most skilled you be at avoiding my question too]
[Most unusual]
[Truly? A Dragon? Or was that 'could' truly not a boastful statement but a hopeful lie fair noble?]

Edited by Charon, 18 April 2004 - 11:28 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#33 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:07 PM

Charon I can't read half of your r/p. I can read some of it.. Maybe at the end of your r/p .. Post the r/p again, with useing the right words. Sorry? I just really want to read it, and try and understand it better :)
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#34 Charon

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:17 PM

"Welcome to the abode of our faith... I do hope you shall find this town not so 'dreadful' as you believe" the young, black haired human male turned to face the tall black clad man with a welcoming smile

"I'm sorry to ask, but you aren't meant to be up here in this room, but if you would come back downstairs with m-" this smiled began to fade as the man pulled out the bloodstained dagger and he lost his words... Cocytus (my young black haired human male ;p) was tall, but weak... he had little experience of the hostilities of the world and he intended to try and keep it that way.

"Pl... please sir, such a thing should not be drawn in such a place" he mumbled nervously. His eyes were fixed on the movement of the blade... he couldn't even think of looking back up at the man

"It's a... lovely... gem I'm sure, but set in an instrument of pain... it is a shameful place for it" he said as he looked at the weapon. He was slowly realising that the weapon was barely usuable, but that didn't do much to dissuade his fear "But please... sir, this is a peaceful place, not for your instruments of... please. If you would please remove that from my sight, I shall give you the directions you seek"

Edited by Charon, 18 April 2004 - 11:20 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#35 Squee



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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:33 PM

((To Version:

It's not bad. Some grammar mistakes but nothing overly huge.))

((Exor, your post was fine. ^^ ...Could you just try to maybe space it out a bit more? =\ My eyes aren't the greatest. ^^;; ))
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#36 Exor

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:35 PM

The Dark Knight notices the figure with blue hair walk by.He steps back up and looks to Shadowlox.
"Shadowlox this is most unusual.What could a person like him being doing here?"
Shadowlox grunts and shakes his head as if he understands what the knight is saying.
"Let us follow the stranger and see where is off to.We will eat later.This fellow has me most curious."
The knight starts to untie his horse then stops...
"Better I leave you here Shadowlox.I will be right back.Heres a little something to tide you over"
The knight reachs into his satchel around his belt and pulls out some bread.He tears off a piece of feeds it to his horse.
"I will be back breifly."
The knight starts to follow the blue haired fellow trying to be quiet as he walks.Which is very hard to do being as big as this knight is.He follows the man into a church and stands far enough behind him that he cant be seen.He notices the the blue emerald in his dagger and his eyes light up.
"I must have that!"
Being worried that he was heard he rushes back outside and back to shadowlox.
"Shadowlox...Theres something strange about that man...Here let me get some gold pieces and i'll go see what i can buy us to eat."
The knight looks down and sees he dropped his satchel.
"No!I seem to have dropped my satchel someplace.Thats all the gold we have for food for tonight!"
The knight sighs and sits back down on the deck out of the rain...
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#37 Squee



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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:48 PM

"Oh, well it's a pleasure to meet you, too, Adam," Steven said with a cheerful smile.

"...Should we get going to the church? I don't think this rain is going to let up anytime soon...and I'd hate for this book to get ruined," he said as he held up what was tucked under his arm. The pages were yellow with age but the fine, black leather cover was just as perfect as the day it was made.
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#38 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 18 April 2004 - 11:53 PM

The Unknown man turns to a the women, who he heard someone call her by 'Cocytus'. He takes a look up and down the woman then takes a look of his dagger. He then gently puts the dagger in his pocket and looks at her again. He nods at the women then starts to talk.

'Unknown Man': "Now.. Can you take me, now that i've followed your ridicules order?"

The man starts to mumble more under his breath.

(OOC: Sorry bout spelling mistakes. I ment to spell check but forgot to. Also I want to keep my character a mystery, I've thought about it a lot, and I have a plan for him, even a good name for him.

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 19 April 2004 - 12:15 AM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#39 Charon

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 12:13 AM

((ooc: Erm...sorry for the confusion of my having two characters. I'll arrange a 'talking in colour' scheme or something. You walked past Hel and into the church... :s So it was Cocytus (my new character which I placed inside the church) who was speaking to the Unknown Man, not Hel (who is outside in the street) Sorry ^^;;
And Exor did mention his trouble seeing your white writing... perhaps a different colour could be used for his sake?))

Edited by Charon, 19 April 2004 - 12:17 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#40 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 12:15 AM

EEEEEEEEEKKK :) I'll fix that .. sorry :blink:
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#41 Charon

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 12:26 AM

"Th... Thankyou sir" Cocytus nodded numbly as he passed the man somewhat awkwardly. His long, ponytailed black hair reflected the flickering candlelight of the room, but dulled as he entered the shadows of the corridoor and headed towards the stairs.

He turned back "If you... if you come right this way" Cocytus nodded, the blood on the dagger still in his mind "I shall take you to the Blacksmith"

((ooc: eh-heh... sorry V, Cocytus is male ^^;; ))
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Edited by Charon, 19 April 2004 - 12:27 AM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#42 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:02 AM

LMAO, i'll get it right sooner then later, .. too lazy to fix my post though, i'll just pretend like i said male, and man :)
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#43 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:13 AM

((You need to use 'OOC' or double brackets to seperate your in character and out of character posts. ^^;;

It just helps to keep things organized. At the start of this thread, there were a few OOC posts that weren't labelled. Try not making that a habit. ^^;; ))
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#44 rebo

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:18 AM

"Yes, we should be going. This is the only pair of clothes I have, anyways", Adam says, putting his hood on to cover himself from the rain. "follow me, but be careful--not everyone around here is as friendly as me. Mantis, do you know the way, or would you like me to show you as well?"

#45 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:20 AM

The 'Unknown Man' follows quickly behind Cocytus with a weird, smirk on his face. They pass by several people in the city, every time the 'Unknown Man' passes someone he seems to have something to say about them under his breath though, some times the people hear him, but afraid to respond. Cocytus turns into a building and tells The Unknown man to go in there and talk to the Blacksmith, the 'Unknown Man' then turns to Cocytus and hands him 5 gold pieces. The 'Unknown Man' walks into the black smith building and sees the local blacksmith. The 'Unknown Man' then walks up to the black smith and starts a conversation.

'Unknown Man': "So you are the Blacksmith that this miserable town? You’re the one that everyone leads me to, You’re the person that is a the great Blacksmith of this town? This miserable town really is a disgrace, and deserves to be put out of it's misery.

BlackSmith: "Sir, I must ask you to stop with your negative remarks, but I ask what do you want with me?"

'Unknown Man': "Now you listen here you little maggot. I'm not going to waist your breath on you twice. The 'Unknown Man' takes the broken Dagger out of his pocket and lays it down before the man I want you to take this dagger and fix it, It broke when I was... Hunting... The Dagger must be made of Ivory, but there iss something also about the dagger, The tip must be made from a Viper's tooth. The viper must be black with exactly 9 Stipes, now sir listen to me I will pay you well. I will pay you real well. I make your miserable life, I little bit more.. spice.."

The 'Unknown' man walks out of the Blacksmith building with a larger smirk on his face, and laughs a little under breath.

Edited by Vër§íðñ 1.0, 19 April 2004 - 01:25 AM.

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#46 Katianna

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 01:30 AM

For general knowledge, you should be very careful with text colors; since this forum has skin options, some backgrounds are very light while others are very dark. And, those of you that want to read something that appears virtually invisible (that can't, or won't be fixed), highlighting the text -as if you intend to copy it- will allow you to see it.

Also, when using the forum codes, it's wise to use the 'Preview Post' button, as well as proof reading your post.


Edited by Katianna, 19 April 2004 - 01:31 AM.

#47 Exor

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 02:13 AM

The Dark Knight stands up as he notices the blue haired fellow heading towards the blacksmith..With another person.He pats Shadowlox on the side and steps off the porch.

"Shadowlox im going to go follow him again and see what he is up to.Ill try to find us some food.I know your hungry.Im starved!"

The man creeps behind the blue haired fellow with his armor clanking every step he takes.He sees the blue haired man give the other fellow some gold pieces.

"I wonder if he got that gold from MY satchel?!'

The knight stops because he hears someone.He reachs for his sword, and turns around.

Dark Knight:"Who are you?What do you want?!"
Guard:"I am a guard of tipa.We recieved word that a strange man wearing heavy black armor was in town creeping about..Who are you sir?"
Dark Knight:"I am....Exor Blade the 2nd.Son of Exor Blade the 1st."
Guard:"What?! Your father is an orc!Why are you in this town evil one?"
Exor:"Silence!I am not like my father."
Guard:"So you arent an orc?You sound like one.Show your face or you will be escorted out of the city."

Exor begins to slowly take off his helmet.Revealing two long pointed ears,long silver shining hair,a slender face, but with orcish features and light green skin.

Exor:"I am a Half-Orc...M...My...My...Mother was an Elf and my father orc..Now i have lost track of someone i needed to speak with!"
Guard:"HALF-ORC?!What the?!Leave now at once"

Exor lets out a grunt and starts to laugh...He puts on his helmet and begins to walk past the guard with his armor still clanking every step he takes.


Exor lets a roar and continues walking...

((think i went a lil long with the talking there heh.glad i started doing this.its fun :).If anyone has any tips let me know.I tried spacing my stuff out more squee.Hope its better now))
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#48 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 02:25 AM

((*kisses fingers* Magnifico! The only way to improve now is to continue to RP...unless someone else see something I don't.))
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#49 green_mantis

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 06:48 PM

"Yes, Adam, I know the way to the church. Here, hold my spear for a moment." Mantis says as he hands his Mythril spear down to Adam. "I will help keep your book dry Steven." After handing his spear to Adam, Mantis stands up in the stirrups and begins to wave his hands deliberately and chanting melodically. Afterwards the rain is still falling but it is hitting an invisible barrier before reaching the group. "There." Mantis says as he sits back down in the saddle. "Now, my spear if you please..."
I am very sorry, if not for something I did, then it is for something I will do.

#50 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 08:01 PM

It is a day later, and the 'Unknown Man' has re-turned to the blacksmith. The man walks up to the blacksmith and nods at him. The Blacksmith looks at the man and reaches down into his pocket and pulls out the 'Unknown Man's' dagger, with everything he wanted. The 'Unknown Man' takes the dagger and looks it kinda odd, He then grabs the Blacksmith by his neck.

'Unknown Man': "YOU FOOL! Didn't I tell you I wanted a Tip of the Vang of a Viper's Tooth, with 9 stripes? Is there anyone in this horrible city that can do anything?

BlackSmith: "But Sir, How do you know that the Viper only had 7 stripes? How do you know? Are you some kind of god?"

The 'Unknown Man' looks around the building and looks down at his dagger. The man then lifts the dagger and thrusts it into the Blacksmith's throat. The Man then looks around again making sure there is no one there. As the Blacksmith falls to the ground, and rests in a puddle of his blood The 'Unknown Man' Responds.

'Unknown Man': "I'm more then a God, I'm more then the Devil, I'm the son of a angle and a demon. I'm the ultimate Sin, that iss why my father named me 'Synn' you pathetic waist of time.

'Synn' then looks around the Blacksmith grabbing gold, and anything else that could be valuable, the man gets all that he needs and hurries out of the building, the man starts to make his way out of the town, he gets to the outskirts of the town and......

(OOC: I hope this isn't to bad :))

I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#51 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 08:35 PM

((It's not bad, per se...it's just...errm...

"Yay! Another super-powered character!"

Also, you did a little God-Modding to Charon's character. I'll let her deal with that, though...seeing how I'm just way too tired to write anything decent.))
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#52 Silverwizard

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 08:43 PM

((Well I do not have much to critize your RP but emeralds are always green stones.... Saphires are your blue ones.))

"Dragon, but of course I"ve fought dragons, they are simply lizards with big wings. Now, why are you looking for sulkers in the shadows, I have business that requires me to be here at this time, but you?" Narin says in his usual flippant and extravagent tone of voice.

Edited by Silverwizard, 19 April 2004 - 08:50 PM.

Chairman of The Warriors of The Mist, The Great and Powerful Wizard

Skippy the Peanut Butter Fiend.

#53 Charon

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 10:25 PM

((ooc: The god modding on my character was ... minor. I don't mind it that much ... this time :blink: Just please dont do it again without asking me first hm?
What I mind is the rather forced change of day that Synn has supposedly instigated... And that I plan to completely ignore.
Sorry- but I'm not prepared to rush through an explanation of why my character has been singing in the rain all night, or how she managed to find shelter all of a sudden :)
That I'm not prepared to do... so instead I shall be pretending that the Blacksmith is simply very fast at his work, and that dear Cocytus is still there, hanging around... praying or doing some other priestly thing in the general blacksmith area
And I quite liked the blue emerald... made it a bit more interesting ^^
/end ooc))

Edited by Charon, 19 April 2004 - 10:26 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#54 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 10:32 PM

((...I suppose my character has just...umm...walked around all day...then found somewhere to sleep...and is still walking around. o__o))
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#55 Charon

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 10:43 PM


Cocytus, who had been standing by the grand fountain in the main square praying, turned abruptly... just in time to see the tall intimidating, ice haired figure he had previously met flee from the blacksmiths
"Strange" he murmered "I didn't observe his return"

Slowly and cautiously he approached the blacksmiths building, stepping over some coins that had scattered from the mans grip as he ran. As he entered through the open door, his face paled and he dropped his prayer beads in shock

He tried to yell, to say something, but terror choked his voice
<No> he thought frantically <No... not when I led him here, no>

He was shaking as he stepped forwards, choked back the urge to retch as he knelt besides the blacksmith who now lay lying in a pool of crimson blood

"I'm sorry" he whispered fearfully, flinching even as he looked at the brutal, gaping wound "I'm so sorry... Bless you, may you pass... peacefully" he couldn't say the words...

<What sort of priest am I if I can't even say the words?> he screamed at himself, but in his mind he couldn't bear to be here anymore. This place was dark, darkening by the moment. He was but an apprentice, still learning the faith, still studying its nuances

"Be at peace... in the arms of our Lord" he finally managed as he reached for his prayer beads and closed the mans hands around them "May my faith guide youin death as your own did in life"

<It's my fault> his mind was screaming <I'd seen the dagger and I still led him here... I led him here and he killed>

He rose still dazed, stumbled back over the catastrophy of items scattered across the shop floor, into the street. His eyes were burning, tears now stained his cheeks as he came face to face with cool air, gasped to try and rid his throat of the bloody vapour already plaguing that small establishment

"Help" he cried hoarsely, looking for some sign of where the man had gone... but knowing he would never dare follow. Dimly he heard arguing... "Guard!" he forced the words loudly, running towards the guard, nearly tripping over his robes. At this moment it bothered him not at all that the guard was busy with this other man

"Murder" he gasped, interupting the guard "Theres been... murder... The blacksmith... murdered" he pointed faintly in the direction he thought the man had run "A traveller... with a dagger. Blue hair" the preasure was getting to him... his thought fading "Blood"

In his panic he couldn't keep his words straight "I don't know what to do" he stressed, looking at the guard in despair

Edited by Charon, 19 April 2004 - 11:02 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#56 Vër§íðñ 1.0

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 10:56 PM

(OOC: I was going to wait to do this in a r/p .. but It my clear up a little about my Charcter, He really doesn't have any power.. His dagger is what holds his power, and with the blacksmith not meeting his needs, he has no "super" power, I didn't plan on having the Blacksmith meeting his needs, cause in no way I want a over powered Charcter, just someone who COULD.. be over powered , thanks. Sorry if my roleplays blow, this is my first time doing them)
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#57 Charon

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 11:00 PM

"Dragon, but of course I"ve fought dragons, they are simply lizards with big wings. Now, why are you looking for sulkers in the shadows, I have business that requires me to be here at this time, but you?" Narin says in his usual flippant and extravagent tone of voice.


"But.... dray-gons. They-ya must hav' be-yn most mag-ni-fi-cey-ant" she gesticulatedy widely as she spoke, perhaps her own attempt to mimic a dragons wings. Her eyes were still alight with enthusiasm"Draygons tay-int sow many a myth... so many a tay-yel. To say-ya that a dray-gon be saym-plie a leiy-zard ... tis injus-tyce mowst grey-yet" she protested almost sadly "Tis... tis not riy-yet. Draygons..." she trailed off slightly "Draygon's are-a wylde, are-a ferry-ow-see-ous an' dang'rous an' ma-yee-kal... but greyt"

Her sadness though, did not last long as she answered his second question

"I look not for-a lurkers" she grinned "I just-a fiy-nd them when they be-ya about. I-ya have no rey-son to bey here. But I am... tis' rey-son enough for fay-at, tis rey-son enough for mey"

"Busy-ness you say-ya? I find miy-sel-fa won'drin... What brings a grey-yet noble to Teey-pa?"

[But... dragons. They must have been most magnificent. Dragons taint so many a myth... so many a tale. To say that a dragon be simply a lizard... is an injustice most great. Tis... tis not right. Dragons... Dragons are wild, are ferocious and dangerous and magical... but great]
[I look not for lurkers. I just find them when they be abou. I have no reason to be here. But I am... tis reason enough for fate, tis reason enough for me]
[Business you say? I find myself wondering... what brings great noble to Tipa?]

((ooc: Don't be so down on yourself. We all make mistakes sometimes... and we all help each other here ;p Stop deriding yourself already ^^ ))

Edited by Charon, 19 April 2004 - 11:04 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#58 Squee



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Posted 19 April 2004 - 11:09 PM

(OOC: I was going to wait to do this in a r/p .. but It my clear up a little about my Charcter, He really doesn't have any power.. His dagger is what holds his power, and with the blacksmith not meeting his needs, he has no "super" power, I didn't plan on having the Blacksmith meeting his needs, cause in no way I want a over powered Charcter, just someone who COULD.. be over powered , thanks. Sorry if my roleplays blow, this is my first time doing them)

((Okay...I was harsh... >_> I don't know anything about your character. For all I knew, your character could be uber weak and afraid of like...house plants. *shrugs*))
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#59 Exor

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 11:26 PM

Exor turns around and hears a man telling the guard that someones been murdered at the blacksmith.He stops and thinks...
"I have a strange feeling this is the work of that stranger ive been following!"
Exor attempts to run to the blacksmith, but being so large he quickly runs out of breath and is forced to walk.
He finally reaches the blacksmiths, and notices a foot print in blood.

"Oh my.....Someone really has been murdered.The kid isnt crazy after all!"

Exor pushes open the door and steps in to see a man lying in the middle of the floor in a pool of blood.He then procedes to walk by the deceased fellow.

"Hmph...He died quickly at least...Hmm I hate to do this...But im in need of food..."
Exor grunts and begins to rummage through stuff looking for food or gold pieces.....

Edited by Exor, 19 April 2004 - 11:30 PM.

-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#60 Exor

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Posted 19 April 2004 - 11:31 PM

((btw ronnie can u stop using that white writing lol.i hate having to quote what u say just to read it :).))
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

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