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A 1 Alt Day

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#31 jurian


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Posted 28 September 2004 - 07:53 AM

lol in p2p version you have to start all over again :P

anyway i think it would be cool for a day ^_^
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#32 Stigmata

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 10:20 AM

If the game changed to 1 alt I would not care one way or the other.. Still the same game, just different rules :P

HOWEVER.. one horrible flaw~ Tremendous downsizing from everyone, items would be worth an all-time low(except for the rarest items), 4 stat and lower crits would be worth zilch, and 5-6 stats would go up in price, i think. In fewer words, the Nightmist economy would be ruined as we know it. The ONLY solution that could assist this problem is a complete reset. The wealth in this game was made with a player base that can use 15 alts at a time. To change the rules, you must also undo what was done with previous rules. In light of this fact, Nightmist will NEVER, EVER be a 1 alt game--simply because there will NEVER be a reset, as cool as it would probably be. =/

Did u not read my post Drac?

I'm not asking for nightmist to become a 1 alt game - If I was then the flaws you mentioned would indeed be correct (anyone with a brain knows this anyway). I'm simply asking for a bit of variety, giving those that want to a chance to experiment with 1 character for a day or maybe a couple.

This version can never be ran as a 1 alt game, and for nightmist 'NEVER EVER' being a 1 alt game - I'd like to know what makes you so sure? The game has stopped expanding drastically in recent months, and if anything the player base is getting slightly smaller. I know pandilex and jlh would be all for a 1 alt game, and as well as making their lives alot easier sorting out problems regarding crits, it was probably what they wanted in the first place. They didn't set out specifically to make a game that would cater for multi alt usage, it was the players that made it that way.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#33 Stigmata

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 10:31 AM

The point I was trying to make Stigmata (believe it or not it was not to have a pop at you), was this is a multi-alt game. There are loads of 1 alt games out there so I think it would be a shame to change what is a very good alt-ernantive (boom boom! :P ).

The concept I was wondering about 'people' having a problem with, is that this is not the first thread to put forward the idea that 1 alt good, multi alt bad when frankly that is redundant on so many levels, not least that it would take a radical change in the game to gain that comparison and even then it would only be peoples opinions. Additionally I imagine it takes as much skill to run an alt army sucessfully albeit a different skill to being sucessfull on 1 alt.

That said, you will notice I did support the idea.

And I might add that my opinions are as valid as yours, so ^_^

Firstly, I never questioned your right to have an opinion - It may be as valid as mine, but do you have the experience and knowledge of the game as a whole to really know what your talking about?

It seems you missed the point to me - Alot of you seem to have the impression that this is specifically designed to be played using multiple alts, when really you couldn't be further from the truth. The reason it's stayed this way is because by the time staff realised it was getting out of hand, it would have been totally unreasonable to reset the game (such a short time after the first reset).

Secondly, your main point in the previous post quoted here is that it would take such a radical change in the game system to encourperate an alt limit that it wouldn't be worth it......correct? - I'll say AGAIN......I'm NOT asking for this version to be changed permenantly, I'm simply asking for some variety for a few days (Must I keep repeating this same sentance?).

I know it can never happen in this version, and i know JLH probably won't have the time to set up a day like this - I was simply interested in finding out who would welcome the chance to use just 1 character for a day, without the restraints of being killed instantly by a group of 20 archmaster characters.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#34 Lady_Maha

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 11:07 AM

I would enjoy a day with one alt limit, simply to see how well people can actually work together. Bosses would still be killable, people would just have to actually work together instead of bringing all their alts.

I think I would probably be on my cleric, seeing that most people would gladly have me in their party. I say it's worth a shot, one day of 1 alt limit won't hurt anyone. Those who don't like it could take a 1 day break and log on their bazillion alts again the next day. Surely NM withdrawals can't kill you?
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#35 Stigmata

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 11:51 AM

I wouldn't bet on that maha :P
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#36 Wafer

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 12:53 PM

I think if you take the whole 1-character limit and break it down into its most basic components, you get one side who want a game that requires a kind of role-playing sense (Should I help that old lady? That beggar? The antagonist?) and that want to plan out their attacks and actions much like they would in "traditional" RPGs like DnD or those classic SNES games.

Then you get the other side, the ones who want a game that requires those micro-managing skills - the people who want to play a game as if they were a general, leading their troops into battle, determined to reign over everything with an iron-fist.

I like how you have put that. Very succinct.

/t Stigmata Lighten up dude, who rattled your cage? lol

Its obvious your idea is well supported, (twice already, even a young whipper-snapper like my myself, barely capable of forming whole sentences, let alone form an opinion on a game, said I think it would be fun).

I was just curious why there seems to be such emotion over the subject.

I happen to like multi-alt. It allows newbs advance into the game more quickly and prevents a huge gulf of power between older and newer players.

I also find 1 alt games seem more linear ‘cas you can only get to new areas as your crit grows, whereas I managed to get 3 baby crits to SS to buy their own pirate hats. On the same theme with a few crits zerkers and healers I can join larger parties to go on trips sooner than having to wait until my 1 crit is powerful enough to go along.

I don’t see the financial sense in p2p NM being 1 alt. Why try and clone existing p2p’s and try to compete with them when you already have something unique with which to market it with?

#37 Harky

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 02:04 PM

Nice argument, let's keep alts in because it lets you do things that aren't designed for your level. Even better, let's have an option in the character creator to make your character x% more powerful based on the speed of your computer; it's exactly the same as the way things are now just it saves the time of having to boot up so many damn characters. Or hell how about this one, let's add cheats to the game! type /god when playing and you won't have to worry about those petty things like not being actually strong enough for the area, or not having enough skill to be able to do something alone. That would make the game better I bet.

Edit: Regarding the original post, I think it'd be interesting to see how today's players cope without their legions, so I guess I agree with it, though it won't change anything long term.

Edited by Harky, 28 September 2004 - 02:05 PM.

#38 Stigmata

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 02:51 PM

I already explained what 'rattled my cage' - the fact that you completely ignored the main point to my original post and came up with an argument against it using points of views that are in no way related to it.

As an example if your having problems understanding - 'The concept I was wondering about 'people' having a problem with, is that this is not the first thread to put forward the idea that 1 alt good, multi alt bad when frankly that is redundant on so many levels' Quote from wafer

What you say is correct, but it's not relevent to my original idea.....I know as well as everyone else that the idea of having a 1 alt limit is not a solution to this versions' problems, yet that seems to be one of the main points you're raising.

I'm not angry at all, I just like to open up when I post on the forum - and you got the wrong end of the stick. I apologise if you feel I acted inaccordingly, but if you'd have liked the idea why not simply state that, instead of trying to raise a seperate argument against it, when it was nothing to do with the original intention?

Edited by Stigmata, 28 September 2004 - 02:55 PM.

Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#39 Stigmata

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 02:54 PM

Havn't seen you reply to a post in a while eb, and you're right - it wont change anything in the long term......for that to happen this version needs to be scrapped and rebuilt.

It's a shame really because the features of todays' game are far superior to the one we played long ago - unfortunately its a downward spiral now, and if you dont use alts you dont stand a chance of acheiving anything that you should be able to using only 1 character.
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#40 Drac

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 05:41 PM

If the game changed to 1 alt I would not care one way or the other.. Still the same game, just different rules :P

HOWEVER.. one horrible flaw~ Tremendous downsizing from everyone, items would be worth an all-time low(except for the rarest items), 4 stat and lower crits would be worth zilch, and 5-6 stats would go up in price, i think. In fewer words, the Nightmist economy would be ruined as we know it. The ONLY solution that could assist this problem is a complete reset. The wealth in this game was made with a player base that can use 15 alts at a time. To change the rules, you must also undo what was done with previous rules. In light of this fact, Nightmist will NEVER, EVER be a 1 alt game--simply because there will NEVER be a reset, as cool as it would probably be. =/

Did u not read my post Drac?

I'm not asking for nightmist to become a 1 alt game - If I was then the flaws you mentioned would indeed be correct (anyone with a brain knows this anyway). I'm simply asking for a bit of variety, giving those that want to a chance to experiment with 1 character for a day or maybe a couple.

This version can never be ran as a 1 alt game, and for nightmist 'NEVER EVER' being a 1 alt game - I'd like to know what makes you so sure? The game has stopped expanding drastically in recent months, and if anything the player base is getting slightly smaller. I know pandilex and jlh would be all for a 1 alt game, and as well as making their lives alot easier sorting out problems regarding crits, it was probably what they wanted in the first place. They didn't set out specifically to make a game that would cater for multi alt usage, it was the players that made it that way.

You misunderstand me. I clearly knew what you meant in your post and I support it. I was only pointing out the facts of what would happen if the game became a 1 alt game without a reset.

As for reset ever happing, ive heard it straight from the horse's mouth... but perhaps they will change their mind. I myself would actually prefer a reset. I think it would be a much better game because of it... and if it isnt, I'll still have a much easier time quitting. ^_^

#41 Wafer

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 06:57 PM

/t Stigmata no problem dude, I like a good forum bust-up, same as the next guy.

I was trying hard not get too far away from your origional post, I thought that my views were relevant to it. But I see now that I overlooked an important fact that for some bizzare reason you 'oldies' think that this game is now rubbish or something?

I happen to think its a great game! You only have to ask most mud gamers on here and sure they'll moan but they still play or hang around in 1 form or other when they have long since given up on other titles.

That tells me that the fundementals must at least be right. And why would you want to change a winning formula?

/t Harky I see from your bone-chillingly inane rant that any real sarcasm would be way out of your league, so to spell it out for you, that is not what I said or alluded to. I was expressing my opinion that there were differnt skills required for each argument and that multi-alts could help remove some restrictions from a game that could get predictable if the game map only opened up through crit advancement. Its not a cheat, its just different skills, allowing for different styles of play.


#42 Harky

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Posted 28 September 2004 - 09:20 PM

You're quite welcome to attempt to express your opinion, but when you're trying to justify it using poorly thought out arguments that have already been proven wrong, you're only making yourself look foolish. Obviously you're going to use different skills if you use a horde of characters as opposed to using one, but as there's no reasonable limit to the amount of characters you're allowed to log on at one time, players are basically allowed to choose how powerful they are. I can't think of anything more boring than a game without any challenge whatsoever, which is what you're actually trying to claim is a positive point.

And no, the game isn't 'rubbish' now, technically it's far superior to the game I used to play; however, the players have turned it into something completely different. It's like a mud for preschoolers, I swear to god after reset the game must have been advertised on sites for people with emotional disabilities, and sites aimed at preschool children. As stigmata pointed out the game is on a downward spiral, and it's the unrelenting onslaught of power frenzied children at the root of the problem.

With that said, this is already getting a little too far off topic from stigmata's original posting, so if you want to debate any further feel free to do so through PM's, before the whole post gets locked.

#43 Element

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Posted 08 October 2004 - 05:43 AM

woot 1 alt year!

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