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Blue Dragon And Lyzanthir The Enchanter

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#31 LoKey

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 12:54 PM

Well, I must say that I am truly disgusted that I did not think anyone in MT would be so childish. This game is all about having fun, not who can claim a boss kill or not. Sleeping, you are way out of line and not acting as a Thorn should. Draco Honoris have been a long standing ally, and the only problems we have ever had with them have sparked from you. Normally I am not one to air dirty laundry or anything of that nature, but I as the Chairman of MT, cannot let this go. I am done dealing with your childish ways. I have stuck my neck out for you on more than one occasion, but no more. I will deal with you when you log in.

* Lokey turns his attention to DH. *

I beg of you to forgive MT on the actions of this one of our number. I assure you that he has stepped out of line with MT and will be dealt with. To you Aeryn, I want to congratulate you. Not many can take the dragon solo. Well done. I am sorry for what Sleeping has said. He had no right and he was completely out of line in it.

* Lokey bows respectfully to all of DH and turns to all others who are reading this thread. *

I also apologise to each of you who have witnessed this event. This should not have ever been done on a forum. It doesn't show the honor and integrity that we as Thorns prize. In fact, I feel as if his actions have disgraced all of MT. As Chairman, I am responsible for the actions of those under me, and so on behalf of all of MT, I offer my apologies to you all.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#32 Kalypso

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 04:00 PM

go Aeryn!!!!!
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#33 Dan

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 04:38 PM

I don't know why, but this is just funny as all hell.

Thanks for the laugh :unsure:

#34 Sleeping

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 05:08 PM

I don't know why, but this is just funny as all hell.

Thanks for the laugh :unsure:

I'm glad at least one person read post way it was meant to be and not as invition for whole game to team up and slaughter poor DH so I could open my own lil shop selling "1,000 useful household things you can make out of dragon carcase".

But well people got no sense of humor lately...
Does not play well with others.

#35 LoKey

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 05:57 PM

* Lokey sighs as he looks toward Sleeping. *

You'll have to pardon me, but for a joke, I think it was in poor taste (especially being that there was tension between you and Aeryn). In any case, if it was a joke, you'd think the first response would be an apology. However that also has escaped this thread. I am truly sorry that I had to remove you from the Thorns, but I don't feel that these actions can be supported by continued membership. Well, if you wish to rejoin the ranks of MT, the doors will be open once to you in time, if you can make a mends and act as a Thorn should.

I am truly sorry that this has caused problems between you and I, as I still count you among my friends. It also saddens me how you have treated me through this situation. Hopefully once tempers have cooled, you and I will be able to restore our friendship. Until then, be well and I will talk to you as you allow me to.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#36 Thunderja


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Posted 16 December 2004 - 06:02 PM

I can easily see Sergei wrote it in jest... sure not exactly rofl'ing but man.... harsh.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#37 Chewbob

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 06:05 PM

Yeah, to be honest I think booting him over that (if that was the only reason) was a total overreaction.

#38 LoKey

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 06:20 PM

Well, people may think what they may. And I may recieve many criticisms for my actions. As Sleeping's friend, I cannot and will not go into detail as to the whole of the issues. This wasn't the first incident I have had. This was just the final straw. And for his sake, I will not list the entirety of my decision. But I did what I felt I had to.

In hind-sight, could he have meant it as a jest? Yes. Does that change my decision? Sadly, no. Sleeping would be more than welcome back into the clan, if he could show that he is willing to abide by the clan rules. Until such time, things must remain as they are, even as much as I would rather him back in as my friend. I can't bend the rules for a friend, or I'm not much of a leader (despite the fact that I have bent them for his benefit on more than one occassion).

Edited by LoKey, 16 December 2004 - 06:21 PM.

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#39 Sleeping

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 06:33 PM

Yeah, to be honest I think booting him over that (if that was the only reason) was a total overreaction.

Well, yup. I've caused more serious problems with DH in past but this is only issus at hand. Sure its unpleasant to post something like this in evening and then have to clear 100+ memoes in morning saying that you are no longer member of some clan but oh well...
Well less drama, this have gone off-topic now (I’ve only wanted to know who kills stupid lizard!!!)

Love, peace and safe sex, all. :unsure:

Edited by Sleeping, 16 December 2004 - 06:46 PM.

Does not play well with others.

#40 LoKey

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 06:36 PM

* Lokey sighs at Sleeping's latest post. *

/t Sleeping Just know that you still have friends among the Thorns, myself included.

* Lokey turns, without another word and returns to matters that he must deal with. *
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

#41 Bishop

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Posted 16 December 2004 - 07:01 PM

As topic says, I did not saw bd and lyz for almost week now and nobody I ask have killed them either so I’m posting here to find out what did have happened to them. If there is somebody who have been killing them in secret day after day or staff who changed spawn rate then I wish this culprit would step forward and confess before everybody for his evil deeds

Anyway, anybody have clues on whereabouts of these two bosses?  :unsure:

A Jest? No, doesn't seem like one.

When was it a crime to kill a boss without yelling from the nearest town "I killed so and so?" .. just a thought. Just because you can't find said monster, doesn't mean that it hasn't been killed B)

Have a great day,

Well I thought Draco Honoris had same misfortune with said monsters or was I purposely misleaded by their members? Because really its extraordinally for bosses not to spawn over period of several days and nobody not to know anything about it.

Jesting yet? No, doesn't appear so.

Ok after careful investigation and several days of field work, the bad person who monopolized blue dragon was found and it appeared nobody else then Aeryn from Draco Honoris clan. So now if anybody wants to publically humiliate him, please do so  B)

I had considered the possibility of this being a joke, I even scrolled back over it to check for j/k :) (or something of the like), no, doesn't sound like a joke to me.

So unfair! Some people work hard and get nothing in return while other claims reward with minimal effort.  B)

Is this meant to reinforce the joke? Seems like on top of insinuating Aeryn is dishonorable, he also feels a need to suggest Aeryn doesn't work for successes.

It only became a joke when someone called Sleeping on the insultive nature of the post, then, 'it was just a joke'.

I disagree with this topic all together; we all try to monopolize any good drop we can get our hands on, we all are faced with a boss not being around day in and day out, but do we come here and demand to know who's taking it? No, we keep playing and doing what we can. This thread shouldn't even exist, and for the merit of possible game changes, it should have not proceeded past someone stating the Dragon did, in fact, spawn.

No one ever suggested that conducting oneself honorably is easy, we've all faltered at one point or another, but an honorable person chooses to make amends. It is no secret that both DH & MT desire their members to strive to be honorable, Sleeping knows this, and has for some considerable time, yet such things like this continue to happen. LoKey has been much more forgiving than I would have been, and this is what he gets for it...

#42 Raylen


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Posted 16 December 2004 - 10:00 PM

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Quick must post b4 teh lock.../lick crane

It's only a game?
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#43 Crane


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Posted 16 December 2004 - 10:13 PM

The original question of the topic has been answered now. The decisions that Midnight Thorns has made regarding Sleeping is clan business. Let's not start Aeryn and Sleeping bashing for whatever reasons.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#44 fallen

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Posted 17 December 2004 - 01:54 AM

well said
we will pass judgement on the day of your doom

#45 Thunderja


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Posted 17 December 2004 - 04:08 AM

He is Russian... not a country known for a great sense of humour and Chances are English isn't his first language.

The ORIGINAL post would be roughly translated in New Zealand as...

"It was Aeryn, kill the dirty ##### and give him nuts! :unsure:"

Which I would take as just kidding round with him, taking the piss meaning no real harm.

Anyway not saying anyones decision was bad, I mean he has been involved in other unrelated things with me when we are ally's. Just saying really because he is kind of a mate.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#46 Gaddy

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Posted 18 December 2004 - 08:26 PM

As for the Enchanter-
I've gotten him twice in the past two days and clannies got him the two days before that....that's us over the last 4 days killing, unless he spawned more than once a day, which is highly possible.
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-Proverbs 4:7

#47 Exodia



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Posted 18 December 2004 - 11:01 PM

just cry, sleeping is right all the way
Primex ingame

#48 Sausage


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Posted 22 December 2004 - 03:17 PM


Retired... Now I know how it feels to quit NM and troll forums.

#49 ØWÑÅG£

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Posted 23 December 2004 - 04:57 AM

ive gotten like 8 lyzanthiers in past like 10 days

+MT yall 2 serious who cares sleeping started shyt wit DH....who cares wht yall cant take a challenge or somthing?

god point of this game is having fun/pking nt
"boohoo my best member(sleeping) went and started somthing wit another clan(DH) we cant take the challenge so we gonna boot him 2 get rid of it"
-Lokey/rest of MT

Edited by ØWÑÅG£, 23 December 2004 - 05:00 AM.

#50 Squee



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Posted 23 December 2004 - 06:16 AM

I can't speak on behalf of MT and I won't speak on behalf of DH but I will say this:

You say this game is about having fun and PK'ing. How much fun is it for me when I try to roleplay and I'm instantly assassinated or slagged on the spot? Or when I try to settle disputes only to have horrible names thrown at me?

How fun is it for other people when you purposely go against someone's wishes for your own personal gain? And then how fun is it when it seems someone's whole purpose is to cause grief to you and your friends?

How much fun is it when someone stalks you out of town to kill your characters and then posts it on a forum to basically rub it in your face?

Sure, you can go ahead and do it back to them. Then it's all fun, right?

If you're caught in a cycle, the easiest thing would be to continue it. I'm sorry great clans like MT break away from those vicious cycles to define a niche of their own or, as you would have it, dampen on the fun of people.

People that believe the sole point of this game is to PK get my pity. Because the only difference between killing a person and killing a monster is that you can take that killing and rub it in their face after-wards - showing that you're "superior" (on the game where the point is to have fun, right?).
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#51 Silver_Dragoness

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Posted 25 December 2004 - 03:01 AM

I couldn't have said it better myself Squee.

"suddenly i heard a tapping, as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door"


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#52 Satterlee

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Posted 25 December 2004 - 10:15 AM

So unfair! Some people work hard and get nothing in return while other claims reward with minimal effort.  :unsure:

Minimal effort would be coming in at mort and stealing a boss kill.

The big picture here is that for so long you have dominated killing rare or hard to get to bosses and finally someone has out smarted you and beat you at your own game.

And why would we publically humiliate him? Hell I applaud him for his efforts and patience.

To sum this whole thing up. I see you logging on each evening to hit the same bosses over and over. Someone like Aeryn comes along and screws your whole evenings plan up leaving you sitting at the clan house with nothing better to do then come on the forums and try to shine a light on him so that others might flood the area and discourage him from playing it so you can resume monopolizing the Blue Dragon. Sorry to tell ya Sleeping, but not many even play that area or are even interested in it. And as Aeryn has already proven he isn`t going any place anytime soon. So it looks like your pitiful cry for help in slaying the big bad Aeryn so you can have your Blue Dragon back is falling on deaf ears. Looks like you are gonna have to sharpen your skills. There is a new nucca in town and his name is Aeryn.

Omfg, you're so smart, your my new nm hero.
I've seen more meds in my left nostril than you've seen in your life.

Poker in-game.

#53 joanna

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Posted 25 December 2004 - 11:55 PM

PK'ing is nothing to do with this post. No pking caused any of the arguments in this post. Its to do with two bosses getting owned by someone, and some verbals between sleeping and an 'ally' (anyone who knows me will know why i typed it that way'. Not to do with pking at all

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