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#31 ice_cold

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Posted 07 February 2015 - 04:32 PM

An in game map won't and can't be added.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#32 Melchior

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Posted 07 February 2015 - 04:45 PM

Yea that's been pounded into the ground lol. If jlh could be motivated to update the client to make major updates like a ingame map. There is no telling how many players that alone would attract.

Which come summer the Rok base might try NM again but who knows.

#33 Element

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Posted 07 February 2015 - 06:40 PM

Yea that's been pounded into the ground lol. If jlh could be motivated to update the client to make major updates like a ingame map. There is no telling how many players that alone would attract.

Which come summer the Rok base might try NM again but who knows.


Yea when rok went down nightmist gained about 10-15 players for a short time (that until they realized how grindy and not new player friendly the content was).

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#34 ice_cold

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Posted 08 February 2015 - 11:57 PM

Yea that's been pounded into the ground lol. If jlh could be motivated to update the client to make major updates like a ingame map. There is no telling how many players that alone would attract.

Which come summer the Rok base might try NM again but who knows.


It's not that JLH doesn't want to code an ingame map. The problem is that if a change to the client like that was done (I don't know the exact details as I don't do any coding) for some reaason the client will no longer run on windows 7 and above. I believe it actually has something to do with the autoupdater not working on post vista systems. JLH is a busy person and nightmist is a 15+ year old free game. Something like that would probably take a lot of time.


I doubt it would really attract a large number of players as the game is archaic and there's only so many people who would want to play a game like this.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#35 Melchior

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:09 AM

There are plenty of people who would play nightmist. Jlh and pandilex played Rok. That game is pretty nutsty.

When Rok was still up we saw 30-50 players on and off up to 80 when Rok had the div item events.

I work with my hands a lot and fix a lot of mechanical things and this game is no different everything can be fixed that's wrong with it. Yes time is needed an I wouldn't expect anything on this game to be fixed overnight.

I have seen Rok and revelation die due to the creator not wanting to do anything. To be honest what's the point of keeping the game up if there is no drive to attract new players when it's proven they are out there? What's the point of you replying if you already know the answers? Just to inform me? I have played prob 100 or more test based games in my lifetime most I have went to endgame on. I have literally rode them out till they died.

I came to this game cause I wanted to retain the feeling that I had in the other ones seeing my old friends log on and chatting with them. You might be comfortable doing whatever you do on NM but I'll keep on dreaming something else may come of all this.

This game has a lot of good things going for it a server that is up a lot and a staffer that try's his best to improve the game the way he sees fit.

#36 ice_cold

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:44 AM

If player's would be willing to 'donate for update' it very well could be possible to see this happen, and I that a month or 2 ago when this came up then, and a month or 2 before that when it was brought up. Money motivates people. JLH pays to have the game run, as such if he was paid some money to help motivate him it very well might work. I doubt h would do it for say $50 or $100, it would probably have to include multiple donations from multiple people to add up to a real amount. I would guess if we went to him and said hey, we got $500 lined up for an update he very well might listen to us. With the current people who play, that's probably about $20-25 per person and as each person has been playing for anywhere from a few months to 15 years I think we may have gotten at least that amount of entertainment out of the game. He could still say no, but it's far more realistic to go about it that way when you're talking about a busy person running a free game as he would most likely need to do multiple updates to the game to actually get a map to work.


I didn't say it was impossible, I just stated the current client would not work on newer systems if client updates were made. JLH does not want to make people have to do anything other then installing to make the game run (which he's stated himself multiple times). There's probably a programmable work around for it, but once again it takes time.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#37 Element

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:51 AM

If player's would be willing to 'donate for update' it very well could be possible to see this happen, and I that a month or 2 ago when this came up then, and a month or 2 before that when it was brought up. Money motivates people. JLH pays to have the game run, as such if he was paid some money to help motivate him it very well might work. I doubt h would do it for say $50 or $100, it would probably have to include multiple donations from multiple people to add up to a real amount. I would guess if we went to him and said hey, we got $500 lined up for an update he very well might listen to us. With the current people who play, that's probably about $20-25 per person and as each person has been playing for anywhere from a few months to 15 years I think we may have gotten at least that amount of entertainment out of the game. He could still say no, but it's far more realistic to go about it that way when you're talking about a busy person running a free game as he would most likely need to do multiple updates to the game to actually get a map to work.


I didn't say it was impossible, I just stated the current client would not work on newer systems if client updates were made. JLH does not want to make people have to do anything other then installing to make the game run (which he's stated himself multiple times). There's probably a programmable work around for it, but once again it takes time.



id have no problem paying those amounts if it meant turning 1alt into an actual game that could be played with 1 character instead of a select few classes and once you get enough money for a vamp weapon. New classes would be nice as well.

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#38 Melchior

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:39 AM

I would donate $50 to help progress the game.

#39 Melchior

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:40 AM

Even $20-25 is doable and if there was more updates more donations would come in.

#40 Stig

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 12:22 PM

Donations are always welcome, but JLH is hard to motivate.  Heck, last time the server was updated, Oracle had to breathe down his neck, and even he only dared go so far because of JLH's increasing annoyance.

#41 Melchior

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 12:56 PM

Well it never hurts to ask. Fear is never a good thing for anyone btw worst thing he can do is say no and the worst thing we can do is not donate. I have heard from people that he grants players with custom pictures for donations but I would rather see game improvements than to see myself gain personally.

Thank you for replying stig.

#42 Stig

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:05 PM

Believe me, so would I.  I do have a couple of things lined up that I feel would greatly improve the game, from breathing new life into it to things that incorporate a little bit of strategy into the gameplay.  That area with the Stone Sentinels on the Worn Path that has been there for about 3 years now? It requires an update from JLH before it's usable, but I think you'd greatly enjoy it.  What it is, however, is a surprise!

#43 Melchior

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:20 PM

Yea! I just hate to see good games with great potential to fall by the wayside.

#44 Sneaky

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Posted 09 February 2015 - 09:43 PM

I work with my hands a lot and fix a lot of mechanical things and this game is no different everything can be fixed that's wrong with it. Yes time is needed an I wouldn't expect anything on this game to be fixed overnight.


I don't get the notion that the game is "broken". I think it works pretty damn well for a 15 year old game that hasn't received attention from its designer in almost a decade. Even 1a works fairly well considering the game was originally designed for players to use more than one character. How many free games maintain a playerbase for this long, continue making additions, and don't ask for a dime of your money? The playerbase got chopped up from a server split, and there's still active users. 


what do you want from it? Incremental updates adding new content are still happening, and there are quests (although infrequent).  


I get that it could be improved given the proper time and attention, but its pretty clear that its not going to happen. You're asking for the game to be something more than it is. Yeah, maybe with some significant updates, it could attract a playerbase of 100+ users. But it doesn't seem like the creator of the game has any interest in that. 


Short of someone making JLH an offer for his intellectual property and then setting Nightmist up on their own servers, I don't see anything like an in-game map being added. 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#45 Melchior

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 12:47 AM

Yep. If we can reach jlh and get him interested in the game again we can attract more players that some will get hooked and want the game to keep going and make further donations to keep things rolling. Nightmist is nothing without players.

#46 Sneaky

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 02:22 AM

before Nightmist is like a coin flip of "heads I train alone, Tails i jerk off alone".


Fascinating as the insight into how you decide to spend your night is, I meant more along the lines of...heads i play nightmist, tails I do something else instead of complain on a forum that a free game which I've never been required to pay any money for should be updated to suit my liking. 


do you guys write letters to Activision telling them to bring back zombie mode on COD? 

Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#47 Kakarott

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 03:00 AM

Like ive said before  Nightmist wasn't ment for a 1a perspective and since 2007's implement of the 1a server the player base as dramaticly dropped cuz everybody switched to 1a cuz it was a all inspiring new server  then when they realized they didn't like it main was dead and they eventually quit fully ... I kno of about 30 old skool players that think the same thing I do ... if u want Solo play multi and with internet connections being in the 100's nowadays 20 alts is very easy to load and run ... now granted people don't like the 20 alt standard but if u remember correctly nm never had an alt limit till people complained and whined about it hencing the ccreation of 1a ... I don't give a moose who u are if u want a original experience of nightmist then chose Multi  not everybody runs 20 alts either...yall made 1a the way it is now .... so stop bitching about solo content and start a main acct  .. since the new area on the main server its very more player friendly new and current   if ur lucky enough u can get a party of low levels given to u by current players on main but on 1a everybody is mooseing stingy with there stuff .. which also makes players leave cause everyone has a damn ego on that server ... im not bashing anyone or anything but have u guys ever thought that its yalls fault yall don't have a playerbase anymore ... I belive main is always better then 1a and like I said u don't have to play 20 alts its ur choice so stop bitching and whining about solo content on 1a when the game itself was never ment for a "solo" basis  .... POINT GIVEN so STFU ALL U CRYING WHINY BITCHES!!!!!  





Bet none of yall would dare try me or anyone else on main cuz u kno yalls ego would be the size of my left nut  compared to everyone else... cuz u kno what we don't have egos .... we got EXPERIENCE of a ORIGINAL PERSPECTIVE....

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#48 Kakarott

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 03:17 AM

we treat new and returning players differently on main then you guys do on 1a .. yall pk pk and pk them till they quit

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#49 Kakarott

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 03:25 AM

so if u guys CHOOSE 1a then stop complaining bout the lack of solo nuts as I stated before Nightmist was never ment for a 1a perspective and theres still a highly active pk status on Main...    so if u guys cant stop crying about 1a then give main a whirl again... granted u wont ever complain on that server ... I constantly see complaining bout something on 1a but never anything on main


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#50 Kakarott

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 04:02 AM

ok paddy ... ive noticed several different changes amongst mobs on main server ..   and no I wont whine cuz its part of the game ...


and I didn't list u as a suspect in the Noob pkin ... I know for a fact that u help out the "newbie"  uve helped me and my wife Crystal out ... but there is a reason Crissy doesn't play either server that im not going to broadcast..   but when I was bringing people into nightmist they chose the 1a server and left fairly quickly due to numerous bombings and pks and such... not pointing fingers but I feel like the 1a's players mentality is what seized population among both servers cuz they think oh if one servers like this the other is .... main is a whole different breed of nightmistians then 1a is ....     original over Clone anyday 



Now if Opal Sphere's actually got launched I can tell you it would be a success  but when u got egos destroying playerbases its not worth putting the time in .... ive spoke my mind to Stig about numerous newbie friendly stuff but seeing JLH has all the coding power Stig and other Staff are limited to what they can do .... yes Stig can change logs and all that but implementing new classes and races is a coding issue  along with what most of u guys complain about ...   I give props to the current staff who does what they can do to the best extent that there allowed to.. to please all of you ... especially considering its a free game that hasn't had no donations givin to JLH for him to keep interest in development ....  try givin him 1000 euros  or 1100 USD and see how quick new things get developed   cuz contrary to what u believe it does take money to keep this game running




ICE_COLD: 1 or 2 posts maximum (you can edit previous posts for x amount of time), watch the spamming. 

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#51 Element

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 12:58 PM

For those saying multi-alt is for new players you are crazy.

Put your shoes in a new players for one sec and forget what you know about nightmist.

You get here and see 1alt or multi. Well 1alt just sounds like it should be more simple and an easy place to start.

Then you try 1alt and it's not at all new player friendly content (turns out its designed for alts still). Hell you can't even get up to 10 without dieing over and over even in the arenas. Tip to developers: The first 5-10 minutes is when you grab a new players attention (if they manage to make it past the roller) you have a very short time to hook them to the game. you want to reward them and get their progression rolling. You want to show them neat features and make them feel strong. Nightmist currently gets about a 1 out of 10 for this...

Then the new player pops over and tries multi because 1 alt certainly isnt the right server for them. Well let's see they don't know the game but apparently they get to roll a whole bunch of characters and then learn to use each one? and then you lose the player forever.

New gen gamers don't do Alts sorry it's just how it is. it would blow my mind if any new player ever starts on mulitalt again and stays longer than a month.

If you can't see the flaw in the game systems you are either blind or a liar. Yea it would help if jlh could code more skills into 1alt to balance out the classes for 1 character use but there are build things that can be done you guys just don't want to.

There is not 1 newperson that has joined multi in years (and wont ever again). Maybe that's a sign it's not new player friendly. Even 1alt had about 10-15 players from rok (closest game to nightmist) join and 1 stuck around. Re-evaluate your game design because it's horrible. Things could be fixed you are either too high on your horse or to lazy. I know you don't get paid but if you are killing the game so step down and let someone else help.

Edited by Element, 10 February 2015 - 02:10 PM.

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#52 Gnarkill



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Posted 10 February 2015 - 06:40 PM

Element- I get the hint with that post that you haven't actively played multi in a long time.. you are just here to throw gas on the fire.


I'd like you to put yourself in your own shoes when you started playing NM.. did you run 20 alts? No, Hardly any of us did even though we could run as many as our pc let us back before the 20 alt cap(I still to this day only run 5-10). No one forces anyone to run 20 and for the most part people on multi get along and help each other out.. there are only a couple of unknowns from back in the day that received free accounts and think they're finally big and bad enough to run around harassing new players.. getting PK'd a ton and crap talked is not some "initiation" to play NM like people try to make it.. its just people trying to prove that they're the Alpha player on a free to play game with a server of 15 people and its sad.


JLH has stated that there will be no new staff hired and that a lot of things players want changed won't be.. deal with it. Stig and Danny are what we have and if they leave we're down to the players policing the game themselves until JLH shuts it down.. no thanks. Stig and Danny have done some good work for us that goes unappreciated and I'd much rather have them doing things for the game than the crapshow NM would be with no staff.


back on the topic if you really do want to play without being bothered and do things yourself for the most part multi is the server to be on.. sure it takes a bit to roll a couple/few alts to start with but not everyone needs 4-5 stats to start out. There are people more than willing to take others under their wing without pking them 5-10 times before finally offering help. Also the exp loss per death cap on multi paired with a level 4 gold holder covert thief are a nice cusion for noobs until they learn the ropes as is a Pacifist. There is a ton of solo content on multi for just about every level that doesn't get touched.

Edited by Gnarkill, 10 February 2015 - 06:43 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#53 Gnarkill



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Posted 10 February 2015 - 10:03 PM

I speak only about multi "Solo content".. I don't care about 1a because its been proven that its not worth my time every time I've tried to play it. Anything on multi that isn't the newer 31+ areas can be completed by one player without the help of a second player imo that's "solo content" when it comes to multi. Thats why I was saying it might be enjoyable for people that like solo content to play multi.


Multi doesn't have to make excuses.. two completely different games. I'm not going to get into the 1a vs multi argument again because it goes nowhere. I know what I experienced while playing a new character on 1a recently from you and others when you guys had no clue it was me.. that's enough evidence for me. After all, you're the one who pats yourself on the back in posts with "I kill them multiple times before helping them" when talking about new players. Funny how the "helping" part of that only arrives for 1 out of 10-15 people.


I see now that this whole forum crap lately is because some of you don't like Danny. The old NM logic of if "I'm not friends with you I'm going to do everything I can to make you quit" applies to staff too now, huh? pathetic.


There are some great ideas lately but a lot of them can't be done without JLH.. live with it.. its his game and its free.. he does what he wants and could shut it down at any time. If anyone doesn't enjoy the game anymore do us all a favor and just quit playing/posting instead of trying to ruin it for everyone else.. NM is better off with a couple less players than it would be without 2 staff members that actually try to help the game.

Edited by Gnarkill, 10 February 2015 - 10:07 PM.

Gnarkill- Multi and 1a

#54 Element

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Posted 10 February 2015 - 10:49 PM

At gnarkill you make some good points at the most I ran 8 or so to carry mana into the museum (after they changed it so you couldn't buy from the website in there anymore haha). I know you don't have to run 20 Alts but honestly more than 1 character isn't going to be attempting by new players so multi is just as bad as 1alt for new players.

I know not much will change since jlh is done with the game. Staff is set in their ways and can't open their eyes. Honestly even if they did practice good game design how many more players would come? A lot would have to be changed and if they can't even do minor things like change a few bosses to be more new player friendly that's really just the first step. Your right you might as well just appease the vets until jlh shuts down the server for good.

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#55 ice_cold

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 12:35 AM

Like I said before, keep it on topic.


Topic cleaned up.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#56 Terron

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Posted 11 February 2015 - 12:44 AM

FTR why edit my posts after you have quoted them so people can read it anyway? i dont see the point in leaving it up there for 24 hours then changing it, other than the fact you wanna wait til i cant edit. /shrug im also unsure why mods can post 4-5 times in a row and i get biched at for 2 in a row. i was typing the message prior to reading a new post, then after i finished i read a new post and made a "new" reply. you can deal with 2 posts in a row.

Also for some reason since this forum was updated or whatever, not even one of the features am i able to click on, i can click quote once unless it fails and it greys out that option aswell. also cant use anything on the toolbar :(

this only happens on nm forum. and yes i'm a sarcastic d-bag on other forums :(

there is almost 0 solo content on this game, those who think otherwise are naive. the solo content there is just poorly outfits level 1s 7s 12s 13s 15s and the rest is just grinding content. There is some more endgame/highbie solo content, but face it, people don't log in and get hooked on a game because a level 36+ can smash a boss alone and get 1 piece of cool gear. especially after noting how long it may take to even get to highbie status. im not sure why bombs, server bashing, server infatuating, pks etc has anything to do with this fact.

i picked up from the other post that cg/dg/lyz ect are considered solo content for 1a...no wonder we lost so many players.

Deleted comment.

Edited by ice_cold, 11 February 2015 - 01:13 AM.

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