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A Lesson In Hate

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#31 Angelus

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 07:55 PM

Thank you newb no i didn't insult them infact i even explained it to them the second that they hit me up.

And for the people who saw it and just blocked you? I don't think i have to tell anybody what's wrong or explain why...

The test was crap, i can go up to a black man, make some racial comments, fun test indeed but before i have time to explain myself i get punched in the face.

You've just been punched in the face.
Angelus ingame.
Back into the shadows once again...

#32 medication

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 08:00 PM

I did exact same experiment a night ago, but I kinda ran into problems seeing how my 1 friend on MSN is a Hindu, and it didn't cause any serious discussions. She did, however, get upset with me when I wouldn't show her my bellybutton on webcam. What a slut.

#33 Shane

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 08:39 PM

Night Angel I am sorry if you feel as if I am lashing out at Lich, but do not take what I say wrong. Please take notice to how I did commend him on the point in his test.

But I will still stand by the test itself being done wrong, reguardless if his friends know him or dont, or whether he really meant what was said in the MSN name. The point here is that he expressed hate towards another group to prove a point? Why lower yourself to what they are doing just to get a point across? Look at it this way, if they do not have the common sense to know their hate is wrong even when they claim to be God fearing then they most likely do not have the common sense to see your point. You should also keep in mind that maybe half of those who you were trying to get your point across to are really the ones you should have aimed at. But saying Christian's you were aiming at the whole group and I can almost bet that the other half do not feel the same as the others of that group.

See I claim myself as a Christain, but I do not goto church. The word Christian means To be Christ like.
I read and follow His Word. I interupt the messege in the scriptures for myself, because that man/woman preaching up at the head of the church .... well he/she most likely will get a different messege than I will out of the same scripture. Plus ppl who goto churches tend to look down on others mistakes in life and I have made quite a few of those mistakes.
Everyone goes to some designated building to worship God when he himself said that the body is the temple. You do not have to goto a building to worship God.
From the time (of a couple of these mistakes I made) I have spent sitting in jail I have read the Bible a dozen times, not from front to back cause the Bible doesnt work that way.
I do not hate, I dislike. Hate is such a strong feeling that I dont think man kind is really ready for. When we hate, we destroy.

Now I do not claim to be an old wise saint but I do have most of my values and morals set in place from the messeges I got from reading the Bible. I am not trying to push what I believe on anyone. You choose your own path for I have choosen mine.

Anyways, sorry to drag all that out. I just wanted both Lich and Night Angel to see where I am coming from with my outlook on this test.

Edited by Shane, 31 August 2004 - 08:42 PM.

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#34 Lich

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 09:28 PM

Lich i have one question, these people who have known you for years and should know you well. why did they believe that you would start a "Hate Anyone Day"? i have always believed that although you may not agree with some things others think you do not hate. i have never heard you say you hate anyone or steriotype anyone. i hope im not worng and i hope your friends know that too. i just dont understand why they believed you would do that.

I'm really not sure, it might be some have known me alot longer than you hun, and have seen me at times when i would argue with anyone who was out to destroy others, it wouldnt be to much of a stretch but in truth i really dont know what to say on that one but they did. I did what i intended the lesson was taught. so I will watch this thread and i will answer posts that i feel deem it or need it but other than that im finished with this one.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#35 Lich

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Posted 31 August 2004 - 09:45 PM

Why lower yourself to what they are doing just to get a point across? Look at it this way, if they do not have the common sense to know their hate is wrong even when they claim to be God fearing then they most likely do not have the common sense to see your point. You should also keep in mind that maybe half of those who you were trying to get your point across to are really the ones you should have aimed at. But saying Christian's you were aiming at the whole group and I can almost bet that the other half do not feel the same as the others of that group.

Because the alternative is to sit back say nothing, do nothing and accept that is just how life is. No matter what god you believe in. The christian bible or the pagen goddess, the hindu elephant or one of a thousand other religions, No one should sit back and allow yourself to be walked on. You say the test was done wrong Shane but you fail to notice that the test was done for one reason, to teach others for one day what it felt like to be treated that way, It did not matter if they had ever treated a gay that way. I can 9 out of ten guarentee that at some point they had sat back and watched while someone else did.

Point the two who had taken down signs that before they had left, in most cases people will say well if we just ignore it or say nothing do nothing, then it gets bigger it gets stronger, you argue the test was done wrong when in fact it was done text book, the results that were recieved were with in ten percent of what the text book said they would be. I still hold to the fact you didn't like the fact that I used christiananity as my focal. Why lower my self to their standard? Because once in a while everyone needs a shock something that they never expected not in my house. That would never happen to me.

This time it did, this time they couldn't say that. It was happeneing to them, and I am not being offencive i hope shane. i am trying to explain my thoughts on this clearly. By not allowing my self to go to their lvl and show others how it felt, they would never know. therefore they would never once stand up for someone and would just let it happen.

Angelus OHHH!!!!!!!! well if you removed me so what. If you will notice that before you "QUIT" NM i hadn't talked to you all that much. My reasoning because you got on my nerves one time to many, you have the potental(sp) to be great in what ever you do. But you don't use it, you don't act on it, instead you talk and talk about how depressed you are with life. Only you can make yourself happy, no book no amount sitting in a game, and no amount of running to others, YOU have to find in yourself what makes you happy and you have to make it happen. As for me just getting punched in the face. If that is the case you hit like a girl.

Edited by Lich, 31 August 2004 - 09:57 PM.

Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#36 newb

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 01:22 AM

Why lower yourself to what they are doing just to get a point across?



#37 Zelimos



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Posted 01 September 2004 - 01:45 AM

why argue about peoples beliefs, you all know it's an endless subject so why bother?

#38 Lich

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 06:36 PM

why argue about peoples beliefs, you all know it's an endless subject so why bother?

Zelimos this was a question worth an answer, if the other one wasnt meant to be offensive I appoligise but i read it that way.Im not trying to down people for their beliefs at all and other than the test i dont want to offend them either...

But to answer this, because if we all said why bother, what kind of people would we be. If we all just sat back and chose ingnorance than we could never punish someone who killed someones brother, sister or son, for race sexual things, or anyting at all. If we sat back and didn't at least attempt to fight hate and what we see as wrong then we are selves woud be as guilty as the people commiting the crimes, because we didnt allow it but we didn't stop it either i hope that makes sence.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#39 Shane

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 10:04 PM

Why lower yourself to what they are doing just to get a point across?


If you can not understand that sentence then perhaps you should turn off the computer and go read up on the english language?

"Before my time is done I will look down upon your corpse and smile!"

#40 newb

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Posted 01 September 2004 - 10:15 PM

nono, I was referring to that command being implemented. I just found it kind of interesting that this command was implemented so they could communicate with those people on a lower level than themselves.


#41 Thunderja


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Posted 02 September 2004 - 09:32 AM

Fags are too gay.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#42 Lich

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 09:52 AM

Fags are too gay.

and you have a brain the size of a may fly but we still give you rights.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#43 Zelimos



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Posted 02 September 2004 - 10:13 AM

why argue about peoples beliefs, you all know it's an endless subject so why bother?

Zelimos this was a question worth an answer, if the other one wasnt meant to be offensive I appoligise but i read it that way.Im not trying to down people for their beliefs at all and other than the test i dont want to offend them either...

But to answer this, because if we all said why bother, what kind of people would we be. If we all just sat back and chose ingnorance than we could never punish someone who killed someones brother, sister or son, for race sexual things, or anyting at all. If we sat back and didn't at least attempt to fight hate and what we see as wrong then we are selves woud be as guilty as the people commiting the crimes, because we didnt allow it but we didn't stop it either i hope that makes sence.

naww, im not talking about things in general, i just mean why bother bringing this subject up yet again. It's probably one of the most talked about things in the world, and it's an argument that will go on as long as there is no proof that god is a fake.

#44 Lich

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 10:15 AM

True and your probally right, but i did it because it had become important to me...smiles...
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#45 Thunderja


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Posted 02 September 2004 - 10:31 AM

meh I was just saying what I want, I can still do that where i live. it seems you are the one insulting peoples ideas and statements and playing god by thinking your little tests are proving how right you are and everyone else should listen to you o wise one.

Thank you for teaching your "friends" and us a valuable lesson, rock on.

Woman belong in the kitchen... oops there i go again with the whole freedom of speech thing.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#46 Lich

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 10:56 AM

OHHHHHHH how wrong you are, you see. You used your freedom of speach and i used mine to tell you what i thought of your statement. I am not playing God i am stating a fact, Freedom is what the United states are founded on, But we deny that right to freedom every single day.

You actually proved my point more than i did...lol.. That statement and the second one you made are both small minded, and will both probally get you flamed more than anything i could possibly say in the next five years. But you have the right to say it i just simply used the same right you did to point out that i think you have a brain the size of a may fly, but you still had the right to say it. as did i when i stated you have the brain of a may fly.. and we still give you rights. I win
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#47 Lady_Maha

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 11:03 AM

Fags are too gay.

You started insulting and were answered with an insult. Seems fair to me, you had your freedom of speech, so did Lich.

By the way, heterosexuals are just too straight...
Social Engineering Specialist - Because there is no patch for human stupidity

#48 Thunderja


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Posted 02 September 2004 - 11:40 AM

Hey look at me I actually care!!!

Mine was a generalization, yours was a personal attack, and what's with "that's why we give you rights.." You have given me nothing lol?

I'm a New Zealand bloke, I play rugby... drink piss... call homosexuals faggotts and i reserve the right to do so. That does not mean I am one of these numbnuts who spit on fags or burn abortion doctors... I simply say what I want when i feel like it, get over it.

Sure some may find it insulting, but maybe i find people who judge my class or fashion sense insulting, that does not mean I'm gonna run around crying about it with this PC nonsense.

Stop been self righteous girly men, not everyone who believes in God is an American extremist, just like not every pagan kills virgins. Forget caring about others opinions and concentrate on your own way of life because there is no way i'm going to change my ways.
I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#49 Malavon

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 12:52 PM

drink piss

You drink piss? :P

Anyway, he's right (about some comments at least :P)

#50 Harley_Davidson

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 01:09 PM

That does not mean I am one of these numbnuts who spit on fags or burn abortion doctors... I simply say what I want when i feel like it, get over it.

Sure some may find it insulting, but maybe i find people who judge my class or fashion sense insulting, that does not mean I'm gonna run around crying about it with this PC nonsense.

Stop been self righteous girly men, not everyone who believes in God is an American extremist, just like not every pagan kills virgins. Forget caring about others opinions and concentrate on your own way of life because there is no way i'm going to change my ways.

Rock On Jared! I agree with u 110%.
Homicidal or Zakkwylde in game

#51 Zelimos



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Posted 02 September 2004 - 01:20 PM

Fags are too gay.

By the way, heterosexuals are just too straight...

yeah, i think they should become more like me :P

#52 Jasmine Ice

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 02:04 PM

Why is it, in this advanced civilized world of ours, when we disagree with someone else's opionion we are suddenly cast as bigots and asked to prove our opionions? I've read the two threads, this one and the previous one about politics and I've talked to a couple different people that aren't involved in either thread but have interactions with people of all walks of life and they get some of the same reactions.

Perhaps this post doesn't belong here but in a topic of it's own, however, I'm too lazy today to start a new thread so here it goes...

When someone says, "I don't like the color orange" we don't ask them to dig up a ton of facts as to why orange is wrong to them. When someone says "I don't like tomatoes" we let it lie. When someone says "I don't like so and so" most of us let it go unless we happen to be nosey, or if that person happens to be a part of a so called minority. It doesn't seem to matter that WHY we don't like that person has nothing to do with the part of them that is a minority, all that matters is that they are a minority.

Yesterday, in discussing this paticular topic, I mentioned that I don't like garish cross dressers because I find that they are making a mockery of women. That is my opionion. First I was given excuses as to why they looked that way...no fashion sense...then I was told I sounded like a bigot. I simply expressed an OPIONION.

Everyone, world-wide wants equality and peace, but at the same time, everyone world-wide wants it their way or no way. Without compromise, there can be no resolution or peace but instead an ever escalating cycle of hate and visciousness that eventually will threaten to destroy the world.

I am of the opionion that the woman's movement of the 60's in America hurried into place things that were creeping along very very slowly, but I'm also of the opionion that by pushing it so fast and so hard, many sectors of society where hurt. That's not something I'm going to go into here, you wanna know why this is my opionion, give me your email addy and I'll email my thoughts to you.

Change can't creep along slowly nor barrel along at light speed in society. A happy medium must be found for changes to take place because there are ALWAYS unforseen consquences to societal changes.

As I told Lich yesterday in a private chat with him, I'm not going to vote on the issue of gay marriage if it comes to that. I personally could care less either way. I would however encourage them to take a close look at the tax bracket they will end up in afterwards before deciding on the formal union :P ...Sometimes it simply sucks to be married and not just living together. For those of you that would cry "But Jassy, you are married!" For my real time husband and I, marriage was for religious reasons, not legal ones, we lived together prior to getting married and had no problems with it from his family nor mine regarding anything. But that was us.

On a related issue, I am all for gays being able to adopt children, there are simply too many unwanted kids world-wide that need stable loving families but I do feel that they should go through all the same tests and checks that a heterosexual couple has to go through. After all, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Anywho, don't ask me for facts to back my OPIONIONS, to me it's like asking me to point out scientific facts as to why I don't like pickled bolonga or whip cream. It ain't gonna happen.

#53 afireinside

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Posted 02 September 2004 - 11:38 PM

lol im gay and i act straighter than most straight guys lol just thought id post something
~ Davey , Fire_Cleric , Lucied , Ramsus , Leon , Sieg ~ ingame

#54 Cule

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 12:07 AM

Anywho, don't ask me for facts to back my OPIONIONS, to me it's like asking me to point out scientific facts as to why I don't like pickled bolonga or whip cream. It ain't gonna happen.


#55 Aidon

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 04:35 AM

To quote George Carlin, "The only good thing to come from religion is music."

#56 Zelimos



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Posted 07 September 2004 - 01:36 PM

lol im gay and i act straighter than most straight guys lol just thought id post something

good coz i hate guys who are camp. i don't mind people who are gay though.

To quote George Carlin, "The only good thing to come from religion is music."

I like it :P

Edited by Zelimos, 07 September 2004 - 01:36 PM.

#57 two

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 05:15 PM

To quote George Carlin, "The only good thing to come from religion is music."

farse. religion helped to create new levels of greed. and greed is good...honestly.

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