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Finally Goodbye

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#1 Deval

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 12:59 PM

Friends, Enemies, and those I was unfortunate enough to never meet.

Some of you may have noticed that, as of late, I have been highly absent from the forums of Nightmist, and even moreso from the game itself. I have recently decided to return back to schooling and have been focused on this as it is my number 1 priority. I do not want to make the same mistakes in regards to education as I have in the past, and Nightmist proves too great a distraction for me to be able to achieve my best while spending my own hard earned cash for an education. Another reason I have been absent from the forums is that I have been fired from my job where I would monitor the forums from.

I have been around Nightmist for a good few years now, the exact amount of time I am unable to recall, I have enjoyed my time with many of you, and only wish I could have done more to help develop the game. Now it is time for me to grow up and move on, it's time for me to stop playing games, it's time for me to actually try to achieve something, to make something of myself, and in order to suceed in these aspirations I must focus and submurge myself in my studies.

For those of you interested, I am to study either a Diploma, or a Bachelor in Classical Dance Ballet, with the option of many different institutions; Victorian College of the Arts (Melbourne), Queensland University of Technology (Queensland), Dance World 301 (Melbourne), State Theatre Ballet School (Melbourne). From there I hope to carve a career for myself in the dance industry nationally and then possibly overseas (Perhaps the latter prior to the former). I will no longer be logging into Nightmist nor the Forums, as I will not be logging into the internet a great deal as it draws from my focus. This is the first time I have used my pc (at home) in the past two weeks and it is to complete a few essays required for my prospective courses. If all goes to plan, I should have no requirement for computers with leisure nor work for the rest of my life.

In closing, enjoy your lives kids, just remember, there is a whole world out there, and it can't possibly fit in your computer screen, live your lives, the only person you'll be hurting is yourself.

Poobies for life and all that nonsense, Peace Out ~ Deval.
"PK'ing has just become a battle of superior numbers." ~ Goldfish.

#2 Cule

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 01:03 PM

au revoir

#3 Horny

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 01:42 PM

Take care ;o
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#4 sarah_rain

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 01:58 PM

I wish you the best of luck with everything you do.
The First The Only Nightmist Nude

#5 Bishop

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:03 PM

Best of Luck

#6 Akira

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:12 PM

Enjoy it, maybe I'll see you on the Performance channel some time :P.
You have to forget about what other people say, when you're supposed to die, or when you're supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.

#7 Insomnia

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 02:21 PM


#8 Amy

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 03:08 PM

Deval, I only recently got to know you the past few months or so. I wish you the very best of luck and know that you will go far with anything you set your mind to. When you perform in the US, make sure to drop me a fast email (yes, get on the pc for just that lol) and I will make sure to come see you!

I will miss your strange sense of humor, your sarcasm, and your always witty and sometimes uncalled for replies.

Follow your dreams and anything you strive for is sure to be yours.

Best of luck with all that you do, always.

Shella aka Amy

Edited by Amy, 16 August 2004 - 03:09 PM.

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#9 Penguin


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Posted 16 August 2004 - 03:24 PM

later man

Edited by Penguin, 16 August 2004 - 03:25 PM.

#10 Crane


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Posted 16 August 2004 - 03:47 PM

Take care Deval, and good luck with your education.

P.S. Make sure the boss does not catch you monitoring the forums next time!
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#11 PureMourning

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 03:58 PM

Ahh man! You were like the coolest person on NM, and now you're gone. You were my motives for checking the forums. I no longer have any motivation. Havr fun and lataz.

Be well.
Cogito, ergo sum; I think, therefore I am.

#12 Charon

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 04:11 PM

You were the first person to talk to me on old forums (though you forgot that :P ) so I've known ya a while now.
Tis a shame Styx will never know the wrath of your blade of time- though you threatened, you never did hunt her down :P
I'll miss talking to you, but so well as you keep aiming for your dream and you're doing what you want... I'm sure I can cope :P

Also, I take it your scheme to get fired so you could claim eventually worked out, so strange though it sounds, congrats on getting fired ^^

I know you really enjoy dancing, so I wish you the greatest luck and success in your calling. It's good to hear you found yourself a course you want in an area you are interested it... I know you can go far :ph34r:

I hope you log in one last time to read all the messages people are leaving you, but if you don't I'm sure I can get The Oracle's victim *cough* I mean Hero, to pass a few messages your way

On that note, if you ever end up in England, you or the afformentioned Hero had better give me a yell ^^

Been great knowing you,
All the best



(Please note, "The Oracle" is no reference to Oracle of Nightmist and the forums :P)

Edited by Charon, 16 August 2004 - 04:13 PM.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind." --Rudyard Kipling

#13 Vodka

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Posted 16 August 2004 - 06:22 PM

Ahh, Deval you were on my favorite people on the forums. I had fun with the whole new paci area thing.. too bad you kept dying over and over, lol.

Good luck with everything!
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#14 Crane


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Posted 16 August 2004 - 10:57 PM

Deval, now that you are going, who will take over development of the Beetle area?
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#15 Vër§íðñ 1.0

Vër§íðñ 1.0
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Posted 16 August 2004 - 11:14 PM

Best of luck in life Deval, you were one of my closest friends, and it's sad to see you go. Have a good life man.
I only log on to check memos, and rare chat. See you all on the other side.

#16 TheNobleOne

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 01:49 AM

Ah bummer sad to see you go. However, good luck with the schooling and hope you get far. You will be greatly missed. On another note what about the area for my item I would be glad to take over development just need the info/files or whatever needed.

Edited by TheNobleOne, 17 August 2004 - 01:50 AM.

#17 Thunderja


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Posted 17 August 2004 - 04:29 AM

Don't go to melbourne you will end up following those queer AFL foo's!

Edit: wow it let me say that word :P

Edited by Thunderja, 17 August 2004 - 04:30 AM.

I wouldn't mind stabbing you in the face, if that's cool with you?

#18 deadman

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 07:17 AM

we were enemies in game but its just a game

good luck and have fun

Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#19 Limit

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 08:58 AM

he just wants to get close to the ladies :P lol gl bro, uve been around forever, will miss ya even though we were quite distant for the most part. Hope you can still drop in from time to time to give us a special new quote :P
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. - Albert Einstein

#20 jurian


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Posted 17 August 2004 - 10:33 AM

YAY! LES LAG! peace out m8
Even in death my hate will go on

#21 Stigmata

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Posted 17 August 2004 - 11:24 AM

We still have our old NM memories john, no one can take them away from us!
Ste - Pengant - Stigmata

#22 Sublime

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 05:00 PM

I didn't really get to know you well until a few months ago, your a good guy great sense of humor, good luck in your studies (somehow ballet kind of fits your off the wall personality, lol) Peace.
Sublime - 1a.

#23 Eternyte

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 05:23 PM

Alas the times of High_Shadow_Dante may pass, but you shall never be forgotten. You have been one of my closest friends online for a long time, and I have the deepest respect and admiration for you.

I wish you the best of luck, but I'm sure you will not need it. As always if you ever need to talk or have a spare few minutes send an email my way. Take care John.
I am the Dragon, before me you Tremble!

#24 alone

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 05:55 PM

How did I miss this thread? Damn.

Deval, you'll be sorely missed, well, not so sore as we have been. But I shall indeed miss you.

I wish you only the best for the future..

Best regards,
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#25 Issy

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Posted 18 August 2004 - 10:03 PM

deval, i love you dude. You're one of the coolest players there ever was. You were realistic, yet humerous at t he same time.

I hope you have fun and do well at school.

Take care, love ya

And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

#26 Sneaky

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Posted 19 August 2004 - 03:11 AM

Didn't talk to you much in game Deval, but I'll really miss the witty comments on the forums. Good luck with everthing. Peace
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#27 Flame69

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Posted 20 August 2004 - 07:04 PM


I've known you since I first started playing this game. I wish you the best of luck on the journey ahead of you....keep your eyes forward and you will reach your goal.

Wishing you the best

#28 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 20 August 2004 - 07:05 PM

kinda gay to see you go : /
Page/Memo Beatrix

#29 FrogLuver

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Posted 22 August 2004 - 06:21 PM

we didnt get along at all.....but have fun with whatever ya do!
miss ya....
Don't be afraid of death, be afraid of the unlived life. By: Beth, Jen, and Alisha
OMG! I'm Gothic_Angel ingame!

#30 Squee



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Posted 22 August 2004 - 06:59 PM

What the bloody eff? Deval! You...you can't leave! :P

Siiigh... You're going to be missed. =\

I won't write a long depressing thing because... well, you probably won't read it. XD So I'll just wish you the best of luck. Be safe always.
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