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Poll: Do you think Sherriff's are a good idea?

Do you think Sherriff's are a good idea?

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#1 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 04:23 PM

As I watch more and more of the best players quit (my friends) I ask myself why now.

The answer is obvious, as you talk to them while they're deleting there crits , * thievery * lack of respect.

Okay, so I remember the last time I was stolen from (4 years ago) and wonder why people still give out passwords. I've determined for the same reason you loan your car, or the keys to your house....some people in this game are genuinely nice and they want to trust.

You look at any crime in RL and I can show you how in some way it was the victims own fault, this doesn't mean the police don't get involved ! It doesn't mean they don't go to jail for there offence!

This is what I feel is missing in this world, discipline for people who just want to be cabbages.

I suggest the Chairman of the top ranking 20 clans ( btw we're ranked 25 =P) are deputised as sherriffs with only 1 special ability. They can hit a button and send someone to jail ( already in place in NM) for 2-3 hours. Will this solve 'all' problems ? NO! But, it will show people who are being abusive that there is a better way to play, and after there jailed enough perhaps they will learn from some of the better players. ( ie Ganja, Scripto, Lisrana, Guava, etc).

Final suggestion, if a chair abuses this privelage, they lose points for their entire clan, which will affect their rank.

In my opinion, we as a group need to do something before all that's left in the world are the cabbages that chased all of our friends away. Then doesn't that mean the cabbages won ?
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#2 Trevayne

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 04:32 PM

We do need more active policing of the players, but this must come from staff, not from players themselves.

I can think of many times in the last few years when 90% of the top 20 clans were headed by people who I don't think are qualified to make this decision. I could easily take a few million (as could many other players) and make 3 clans that would rank in the top 20... do I then get to send three times as many people to jail? Does having money suddenly become even more of an ability to abuse other people? How do you resolve disputes when someone is "unjustly" sent to jail?

We're getting more staff soon... let's all just be a little patient for that.
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#3 Raylen


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 04:35 PM

I agree, purely because I am both a chairman of a top 20 clan, and also evil. And also, there's a lot of bad kids out there who could easily buy themselves a top 20 clan and just put everyone in jail. Their clan loses points, so they just sell and do it again.

It's theoretically not a bad idea...but in practice I would say it's unworkable, sorry :(
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#4 Sneaky

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 04:38 PM

Yeah alan, like Joe :(
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#5 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 04:41 PM

It would be easier to track the reports of abuse from 20 ip's than it would tracking unknown thieves, who are apparantly very good at covering there tracks.

It's time for those with this gold and power you speak of to take some responsibility, and be the 'leaders' they claim to be, or watch them abuse the power and fall and go boom !

I for 1 do believe some would abuse it, but not as many as would respect and honor the new authority. Our enemy list has a few of the top 20 clans, means we don't agree with them but it doesn't mean that maybe when givin a special ability theywouldn't shine. Look into American history (Buffalo Bill Cody). He was an outlaw until Hayes, KS appointed him sherriff. Although he had been a criminal he cleaned up the town and I do believe he died being a good man.
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#6 Trevayne

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 05:04 PM

I don't at all see how the ability to jail someone for 2-3 hours would at all impact the two crimes that you refer to: theft and "lack of respect".

I suddenly decide to steal an account worth tens of millions and in response you send one of my crits to jail for 3 hours. I take that time to go and name change/reset all those stolen crits, sell off their equiment for cheap and then spend my remaining 2.5 hours relaxing in a place where other people can't get to me.

There issues in resolving theft are very complex... that's why it takes so much time and energy from staff (who have access to more tools for uncovering what did happen than players). The complexities of who-owns-what in most of these theft cases are extremely difficult to resolve.

(Any comparisons to history are completely out of context... name for me a historical period in which I can instantaneously assume a completely new identity without any consequences and at a minimum of effort and I'll eat Raylen's hat.)
Aeryn and Trevayne in game.

#7 Raylen


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 05:34 PM

Only if i can have your gloves in return :(
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#8 Guava

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 06:01 PM

personaly i think me having more power to do something about thieves and the like is a brilliant idea. tho i still cant support it. i dont thingk the players should get more power to rule themselves because facts can be scarce and things hard to prove. wat difference will jail realy make anyway? itll end up just another way to abuse power.

i think something needs to be done. but not that way.


#9 Dark


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 06:29 PM

hmmm i share chairman spot with scripto as we share and if i had that power ill be honest i wouldnt use it responibly so i voted no.

#10 Raylen


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 06:38 PM


Announcement from JLH: 1-alt PT shortly.
/jail chiquita

:( :ph34r:
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#11 Stealthy One

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 07:07 PM

Guys, something needs to be done about this though. Be it new staff or this ability. Because Nightmist is running out of control.

#12 MysticStorm

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 07:17 PM

I"m chairwoman of MysticShadows (ranked 6th), I don't have time to do policing of the game. I have enough to deal with my own clan. However, I think the chairman's of each clan needs to step up to more responsibility by getting rid of known thieves in clan and could discipline their members. Me, I don't tolerate a lot of things in my clan. I have kicked thieves out of clan, I have kicked people being completely anti-social. What it boils down to is, if we stop letting the thieves and anti-social people into our clans, the trouble makers aren't going to want to play no more if they can't get into a clan. So while the thought was good, the general idea just isn't and it would be abused by some and the other reasons previously mentioned. So I can't support this idea.

#13 deadman

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 07:41 PM

no.. unecessary it is the staff that take care of things like this, and they are hiring more soon.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#14 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 08:02 PM

Me, I don't tolerate a lot of things in my clan. I have kicked thieves out of clan, I have kicked people being completely anti-social. What it boils down to is, if we stop letting the thieves and anti-social people into our clans, the trouble makers aren't going to want to play any more

What a wonderful world it would be!

I so agree, which is I suppose why you are an ally, and we've spent hours together trying to deal with this. BUT, there are not enough of us this way.

Just the other day I contacted a Chair in a top ranking clan to report one of his founder's was cursing, and being hateful/racist. (not mentioning names but he knows who it is) to a 15 year old boy. The reply i got is "we've been friends for years, and yes i disagree, but i just can't do anything". And that is exactly what he did.

I agree, Jail, is not going to stop the thieves cold, but enough is enough and I just wanted to get this thread going to come up with something before the 'cabbages' win. Good point , I think, about this idea, is it would be an instant band aid... and I don't think it would condemn JLH to alot of programming.

Edited by £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T, 08 February 2006 - 08:03 PM.

Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#15 Sneaky

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 08:17 PM

If you're so concerned about theft, stop buying stolen items. Completely ignorepc them. Take away the rewards (the gold) they get by selling stolen things, and you stop the theft.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#16 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 08:30 PM

this sounds like it would have to many flaws in it
Page/Memo Beatrix

#17 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 08:37 PM

If you're so concerned about theft, stop buying stolen items. Completely ignorepc them. Take away the rewards (the gold) they get by selling stolen things, and you stop the theft.

Great idea, how about posting all the crit names of people who are thieves and I'll go about doing that, oh never mind they just change names, LMAO.

Nah, I can see at least 1 flaw in my idea, they'd have to be nominated, and generally known as honest players, but cold enough to jail regardles of personal feelings.

/me nominates 'self' lol
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#18 deadman

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 09:48 PM

They are already hiring new staff. This is pointless.
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#19 Matty

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 09:56 PM

Just be patient.
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#20 Dark


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Posted 08 February 2006 - 10:33 PM

Great idea, how about posting all the crit names of people who are thieves and I'll go about doing that, oh never mind they just change names, LMAO.

That isnt the only problem, i had started a thread doing that twice, both were deleted,


I"m chairwoman of MysticShadows (ranked 6th), I don't have time to do policing of the game. I have enough to deal with my own clan.

You make it sound like such hard work.... it really isnt.

#21 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 08 February 2006 - 10:38 PM

:( Okay and how many more quit before they are trained and ready to help ?

I'm just amazed at how few of us are willing to do something about it ourselves...

We can spend hours rolling, training other's crits, etc , but when someone suggests we take matters into our own hands and become great leaders to save our friends...seems only a few other than myself want to make a sacrifice.

Well, so be it, anyone interested in tightening an alliance and trying to make the game miserable on thieves or clans that allow thieves to continue to be in there clan contact or memo Twisted_Nemesis. I will respond to all constructive feedback. :ph34r:

Play well and have fun all.

Edited by £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T, 08 February 2006 - 10:41 PM.

Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#22 Sneaky

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:03 AM

What do you feel makes you so righteous that YOU get to judge people for not wanting to be responsible for jailing others, and give you the power to do it?

Frankly I've never heard of you, ever. You hit the nail with the hammer earlier, people change crit names. The only way to tell theft is to see what computer they are on, something staff can do. So 20 people should be nominated and become staff? Because you are against theft, you should get this extra power on the game?

Come on, wake up!
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#23 Trevayne

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:18 AM

I'm just amazed at how few of us are willing to do something about it ourselves...

We can spend hours rolling, training other's crits, etc , but when someone suggests we take matters into our own hands and become great leaders to save our friends...seems only a few other than myself want to make a sacrifice.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, but you need to realize that some of us have been trying to do this for years. I can't tell you the amount of time, energy, and in-game wealth that I've wasted over the last four years trying to stop thieves from profiting.

There are many, many honorable players out there. But even the well-meaning folks can unknowingly help thieves profit. I have no way of knowing when I buy a crit that was stolen but renamed. I have no way of telling that the "new" player that I've been helping to train in the arena is actually making a new start after stealing 15mil and dumping it in an account vault as gold money orders.

Only the staff (and in particular, only the admins) have the power to do something about theft, and even if they wanted to help, how do they know who to believe? You and I start sharing an account... we both put in time and gold. In the end, I walk away with the account. I claim that we split the account evenly, or that we came to some agreement about how it was to be divided. How do the staff sort this out? More importantly, why would they bother to spend hours and hours in dealing with this? There is one, and only one way to stop theft: Don't share.
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#24 MysticStorm

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:38 AM

QUOTE (MysticStorm @ Feb 8 2006 @ 07:17 PM)
I"m chairwoman of MysticShadows (ranked 6th), I don't have time to do policing of the game. I have enough to deal with my own clan.

You make it sound like such hard work.... it really isnt.

Actually, for me it is considering that on any given day, I'm on for maybe 3-4 hours before I go to work except the 2-3 days off of work that I have off. You really think I want to spend that time policing this game? Hell no. I want to train my crits and make gold for my clan.

For gods sakes, we know who the thieves are. They aren't permenantly banned. WHY?! JLH isn't willing to perm ban them. So... we are just stuck in a rut and all I can say is what I suggested earlier in this thread. There was a suggested given to me, but I can only say is that it's hard when there are clans out there that will take in known thieves and harbor stolen crits so they will just back each other up when it comes to that suggestion.

And I still support making a post about who the known thieves are!

#25 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:49 AM

Selective reading is as bad as selective memory.

Nothing makes me righteous, except for maybe the fact I never do unto others anything I wouldn't have done to me. Like dog your posts !

I'm simply reacting to the 20th person I befriended who has now quit the game ( like the others) because of theft and bad attitudes. We all knew and loved him, his name was Cartoon.

Also, I was on this morning and had to talk to 2 other crits , asking them not to quit for the same reasons when I remembered a silly game called Realms of Kaos, which of course like any game had good and bad points...but the sheriff idea worked in that world as maybe it could here.

I really don't care if everyone get's ripped off, because I tell my friends not to share pw's, but they do anyway cause they're nice people, they get ripped off, and they quit.

I don't believe this is staff's problem, especially when I have a clue how much work is involved trying to track the culprit. I think it is 'Our' problem...especially those of us who tend to befriend decent people instead of the 'cabbages'.

So; * Either contact me to help, so we can apply peer pressure and other devious methods of persuasion. * Continue being a 'cabbage'. * Or do nothing and log on and find one day all your friends have quit to.

As for you that have tried solo to do something, '/me pats you on the back for your effort !!' but I think this has gotten so out of control it will take staff and players en masse to get our world player friendly again.
Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#26 Dark


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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:50 AM

/t MysticStorm i ment managing a clan isnt hard work not the policeing, im against the policeing idea lol

#27 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 12:52 AM

And I still support making a post about who the known thieves are!

This is one of the devious methods I had in mind ! WE think alike storm !
Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#28 Foxie


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Posted 09 February 2006 - 01:48 AM

Not supported.

I agree that we need more staff to oversee the actions of people in game, but what you are proposing will create more problems.

#1 the system could so easily be abused
#2 only staff could then fix the problems created
#3 clan rankings change so often there would be no consistency
#4 often clan chairmen/chairwomen have enough on their shoulders
#5 many would not even use the power you would be giving them
#6 these 'sherrifs' would become pressured and abused by other players

With the anticipated appointing of new staff, hopefully you will see a change in the way in such 'events' as you described as handled.
On main Azure/Foxie in game.
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#29 £EGEÑd§ ôf thë Mí§T

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Posted 09 February 2006 - 01:57 AM

Foxie, I agree with all points, but I've never been one to 'wait' for things to get better. Ask those in my clan, I am a take action sorta guy and losing 3 almost 5 friends in a week motivates me to wanna do something.

I haven't said it yet but thank you all for responding, and continuing to respond. I've learned alot from 1 hypothetical, never was going to happen anyway post =).

Play well, and have fun.
Twisted_Nemesis or Splinter Ingame.

#30 Squee



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Posted 09 February 2006 - 02:20 AM

...but I've never been one to 'wait' for things to get better.

Famous last words.

Patience, young padawon.

Theft is bad; it's a terrible thing. Players shouldn't be quitting because of that. They should be leaving on happy notes: marriage, children, new jobs, new schools, new perspectives on life.

Nobody has tried to justify theft and the thieves, nor do I think anyone will.

What I see is your proposal being thrown up and nobody wanting to catch the potato. This doesn't mean you should trample over heads and shoulders to rescue it, but instead find something else to toss up.

I see additional staff members as the only solution, but your post has at least opened my eyes to another possibility (as I'm sure it has for other people).

Were I you, I would take a step back and think harder. This idea is doomed for failure (for reasons posted above) but what about others? Having ideas shot down is no fun. It sucks and it hurts (as I know from experience). But if you keep throwing up ideas, someone is bound to catch one (obviously, I'm not saying to throw out ideas willy-nilly but... you know what my analogy is getting at).

...Hah, now look who's acting righteous? :(
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