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#1 Samus

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 10:52 AM

For those who don't know, Bankroll does not belong to Momba anymore. Bill and Ed own it apparently. I guess Jim gave it away.

Bankroll just logged on.
[Friend] Bankroll is kissing you.
[Friend] You give Bankroll a big friendly lick!
Samus: matt rolled a 15 21 20 18 19 18 while i wasnt on lol
Rukkus just arrived from the North.
Rukkus: Hey
Rukkus looked you over.
[Friend] Bankroll: No nuts?
[Friend] Samus: yeh
[Friend] Bankroll: Thats why you should be on more!
Folk bows graciously to Rukkus.
Samus: i know
Samus: lol
Folk looked you over.
Rukkus: how much is a amulet of lag protection
Rukkus: 1mill?
Samus: the lag monster drops them
Bankroll: yeah
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Shh.
Samus: but people sell them for as little as 750k
Paged User Bankroll: you shh! meany lol
Rukkus: cool
Paged User Bankroll: i cant believe someone stole my sovy sword from him while he was borrowing it and corey bought it back for 4mil cuz he knew it was mine that was so nice of him
Bankroll: No, 800k is the lowest they are sold for.
Paged User Bankroll: i wish he didnt get banned id of gave him a righteous ty present
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Stole it from who?
Paged User Bankroll: from dev
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Who stole it?
Paged User Bankroll: adultery
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): You should let me pimp out some of those rares for a bit.
Paged User Bankroll: dev has the good ones cuz hes training 3 of my crits
Lateralus cast a spell on Folk.
Lateralus left the game.
Rukkus: i wanna trade this crit
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Which ones you got atm?
Paged User Bankroll: RoM and rr
Paged User Bankroll: BoS
Paged User Bankroll: armor bracelets
Paged User Bankroll: and boots of haste i think
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Hook it up.
Rukkus looked you over.
Rukkus: ??
Paged User Bankroll: if its just for tonight okay cuz im not spose to loan anything out dev isnt even spose to tell no one cuz ppl keep asking me for em lol
Rukkus: brb
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Ok.
Paged User Bankroll: hang on let me find everything
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): How did he steal your ss?
Paged User Bankroll: got into their acct somehow, i didnt really ask
Paged User Bankroll: im just glad corey got it back for me
Disgustipated just logged on.
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): He bought it and gave you it?
Disgustipated left the game.
Rukkus: ?
Rukkus: why r u logging on your crits?
Rukkus: Is stigmata you?
Paged User Bankroll: corey bought it back from adultery for 4mil and gave it back to dj as long as dj pays him back and dj gave it back to me
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Having problems finding em?
Paged User Bankroll: i just found everything. ya i was lol. go to grambling haul
Rukkus: i gotta go in like 5 minutes
Sylvanis has joined your party.
Lateralus has joined your party.
Acolyte has joined your party.
There is no-one here to invite.
Bankroll Pages You from Southern Gatehouse (Nightmist): Ok
Bankroll just went West.
Bankroll just arrived from the West.
Acolyte left the game.
Sylvanis gave a Bracelet of Speed to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Bracelet of Protection to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Boots of Haste to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Ruby Ring to Bankroll.
Lateralus gave a Ring of Mistletoe to Bankroll.
Bankroll: I just wanna feel Special with all of em on me.
Sylvanis left the game.
Bankroll dropped a Torch.
Lateralus: lol
Lateralus: wanna use wis eq too?
Bankroll: sure
Lateralus: i got wis ammy gloves and boots lol
Acolyte just logged on.
Bankroll: lmao
Acolyte gave a Gloves of Vigor to Bankroll.
Bankroll: u don't have inq rings and nuts?
Acolyte gave a Boots of Faith to Bankroll.
Acolyte: naw he has those
Acolyte just went West.
Acolyte just arrived from the West.
Acolyte gave a Scholar's Amulet to Bankroll.
Bankroll: Insane.
Bankroll gave 4 Lodestone's to Acolyte.
Samus: what stats'
Bankroll: not very high
Bankroll: 10 17 19 18 23 24
Samus: AWW
Samus: 18 13 19 17 19 20
Bankroll: 17? lol
Bankroll: 17 con?
Samus: yea lol
Bankroll: On what?
Samus: half elf
Samus: >.<
Bankroll: Oh a roll.
Acolyte: der lol
Acolyte: need mana?
Bankroll: nah i gave u 4 lodestones
Bankroll: to make room lol
Acolyte: oh okie
Acolyte gave 4 Lodestone's to Bankroll.
Acolyte left the game.
Lateralus left the game.
Bankroll: What other rares you have?
Samus: in my acct right now
Bankroll: Yeah
Samus: onyx, BoD, xmas balde
Samus: blade
Samus: *
Bankroll: You get one of those spiffy cobalts yet?
Samus: naw
Bankroll: Make my invent the most valuble ingame.
Samus: im lucky i even have a cobalt period
Bankroll: So I can touch myself to it for a while.
Bankroll: Lol.
Samus: i loaned ed a cobalt months and months ago and forgot and had to use jlh to help me track it down and ed thinks he accidently sold it with a crit so he had to give me one of his to make up for it lol
Bankroll: Ed did that?
Samus: ofcourse
Bankroll: Amazing. Lol.
Samus: ive always been able to trust him
Samus: since archies been gone eds sorta taken his place almost
Bankroll: Ah, I see.
Samus: hes not as bad as everyone thinks
Bankroll: You give him much more trust then anyone else.
Bankroll: Oh hes not?
Samus: nope hes not
Bankroll: I don't believe that.
Samus: i know, lol
Samus: no one does
Samus: i guess i get special treatment or something lol
You shrug your shoulders.
[Friend] Crane: Who is Bankroll?
Text resumed.
Samus: .[Friend] Crane: Who is Bankroll?
Bankroll: Im joking with him in pages.
Samus: be good you got all my stuph on
Samus: lolText paused.
Bankroll Pages You from Nightmist City Vault (Nightmist): Mind if I use the items on my normal alts?
Paged User Bankroll: nope go ahead hon
Paged User Bankroll: long as you promise not to loan or lose them lol
Samus: im really thirsty
Bankroll: Yeah, If anything happened, I'd give you my pass.
Samus: brb
Bankroll looked you over.
Samus: i need a drink
Bankroll: Thought you meant ingame for a second there, lol a bit, brb.
Bankroll just went West.
Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): I despise guessing games!
Paged User Crane: remember me loaning my items to bankroll?
Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): Yes?
Paged User Crane: just found out it wasnt jim, it was ed
Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): Oh... so it was him after all. But, how was the IP explained?
[Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): So if it's Ed, I presume he won't give you your stuff
Paged User Crane: btw i do have the logs of everything. me handing the items to bankroll and all
Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): But you thought it was Jim, not Ed.
Paged User Crane: ya i did
Paged User Crane: so did you
Paged User Crane: lol
Crane (Game Staff) Pages You from (Hidden): See, he had us both fooled.

Well obviously I thought Bankroll was Jim and lended him rare items as i've done before. Turns out it was Ed who planned to steal it all. It's his way of getting back at me for not loaning them to him when he asked about it recently.

Edited by Samus, 25 September 2005 - 11:47 AM.

#2 Horny

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 11:51 AM

I will stay out of this i just have one thing to say... what does bill have to do with everything... -.-? well, yeah i know the story.. but from what i know.. bill didnt do anything.

and i think Jess should get her stuff back (im sure she will).... i mean duh.. anyway.. Jess hun... Good luck?
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#3 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 11:52 AM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

#4 Horny

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 11:58 AM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

and first we're dropping by yours
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#5 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:04 PM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

and first we're dropping by yours

go sniff eds/bills arse for more freebiez kthx

#6 Horny

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:12 PM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

and first we're dropping by yours

go sniff eds/bills arse for more freebiez kthx

rofl ed/bill didnt give me anything, so.. as bill says "crai more plz" o.o

Edited by Horny, 25 September 2005 - 12:14 PM.

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#7 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:32 PM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

and first we're dropping by yours

go sniff eds/bills arse for more freebiez kthx

rofl ed/bill didnt give me anything, so.. as bill says "crai more plz" o.o

sure he didn't....does bill say that...?

crai? lol cray..?

Edited by Doom, 25 September 2005 - 12:34 PM.

#8 Crane


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:42 PM

This isn't about you two, Doom and Horny.

I always thought Bankroll was Momba's... even the IP addresses matched up, but I figured something wasn't right when Bankroll was in the same account as Primex. It wasn't until later that we knew for sure that it was Ed and not Jim... as you saw in Samus's chat log, he had me fooled too.

Ed was deliberately acting like Jim to pull Jess into a trap.
The Crane Temple Chairman

Main crits:

Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#9 Guest_Doom_*

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:48 PM

hope you get your stuff back jess, and hope ed gets banned for ever and ever and ever :(

#10 Horny

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 12:49 PM

i told gareth to delete his post, cause we posted at same time but his came first and it made me look stupid :( but he deleted mine instead LOL. <3 u crane! anyway... no more annoying posts for me.

<3 samus :ph34r:
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens

#11 Äññöÿäñcë

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 01:26 PM

GL getting your stuff back Jess - and I agree ste I hope Ed get's banned for ever and ever and ever etc.
Disaster ingame.

#12 Sean

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 01:33 PM

Make sure you know who it is next time. Posted Image

Edited by Sean, 25 September 2005 - 01:34 PM.

Stadic Ingame...

#13 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 01:40 PM

uhhh have jlh return stuff prz
Page/Memo Beatrix

#14 Perfector

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 03:34 PM

"Paged User Bankroll: corey bought it back from adultery for 4mil and gave it back to dj as long as dj pays him back and dj gave it back to me"

DEV ... not dj ... I have never had anything to do with jess's stuff other then buying some lvl 1's off her.

#15 Kalypso

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 05:18 PM

no offense to jess, but i don't see why she should get her stuff back..plenty of people get robbed and nothing is done, and when staff HAVE tried to interfere they've gotten tons of crap for it..

why is this situation any different?

you give something to someone=it's theres
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#16 Exodia



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 05:21 PM

Grab your pitchforks people, were going to eds house!

and first we're dropping by yours

go sniff eds/bills arse for more freebiez kthx

rofl ed/bill didnt give me anything, so.. as bill says "crai more plz" o.o

sure he didn't....does bill say that...?

crai? lol cray..?

nope... i dont say that and i love how my names brought into this bs since i didnt od nething or have nething to do wit it period... so yeh off my nuts faglars.... and ste u got room to talk bout ed bein banned.. if neone should be banned its u
Primex ingame

#17 JLH



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:19 PM

bill, your account had the stuff in it on the character encore, so you really can't talk...

situation resolved, items placed in samus' vault
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#18 Exodia



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:31 PM

Ed says:
JLH - Nightmist says:
Ed says:
whys acct Boredom/pwned banned?
JLH - Nightmist says:
investigating theft
Ed says:
there is theft? lol
JLH - Nightmist says:
and deception
Ed says:
everyone else can do it?
JLH - Nightmist says:
it's a big value amount, so it's getting sorted
Ed says:
this is proving a point
JLH - Nightmist says:
let me bottom line it for you, fix it, or you and bill never play nm again
JLH - Nightmist says:
and you can consider you both perm banned from nm if it's not fixed
Ed says:
Ed says:
how can i fix it?
JLH - Nightmist says:
i don't care, you're involved (as usual) so make it happen
Ed says:
as usual?
Ed says:
corrupted stole from like 30 ppl lol
Ed says:
and he wasnt givin this altimatum
JLH - Nightmist says:
jess' quest items are important enough to warrant it
Ed says:
your missing what im saying though,
Ed says:
How can i fix it, i don't have access to them. lol
JLH - Nightmist says:
so where are they
Ed says:
Lemme log my acct on and ill get em
Ed says:
juss monitor it, nothnigs being moved etc.
Ed says:
this proved a valid point though, ALL theft should be like this.
JLH - Nightmist says:
nah, my time is expensive
Ed says:
so people who get robbed for like 70mill worth of stuff arnt?
JLH - Nightmist says:
if it's worth a lot, and was done recently, i act
Ed says:
Ed says:
it was done recently
Ed says:
jeff/nastradamus or w/e
Ed says:
robbed my friend mike
Ed says:
who had like 3-4 cobalts
JLH - Nightmist says:
Ed says:
and alot of the best weapons and nuts ingame
Ed says:
Ed says:
same way i got these items
Ed says:
she gave me them
JLH - Nightmist says:
sharing i don't deal with
JLH - Nightmist says:
you got them via deception
Ed says:
ste stole a 5 stat pally of momba doin the same thnig
Ed says:
hes who gave me the idea lol
Ed says:
not stigmata ste
Ed says:
im sorry corrupted^^^ lol
JLH - Nightmist says:
1 character...
Ed says:
yeah and what
Ed says:
values shouldnt matter man
Ed says:
theft is theft
JLH - Nightmist says:
values matter, or else i could be asked to investigate a theft of 100 gold
JLH - Nightmist says:
line has to be drawn somewhere
JLH - Nightmist says:
your accounts are unbanned
Ed says:
yeah i hear ya
Ed says:
Ed says:
the items arnt where i left them
Ed says:
they were in inventory on Carcass
JLH - Nightmist says:
also, jess said, if you had asked her to borrow them, she would have let you
Ed says:
lol, jess was getting them back
JLH - Nightmist says:
Sylvanis gave a Bracelet of Speed to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Bracelet of Protection to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Boots of Haste to Bankroll.
Sylvanis gave a Ruby Ring to Bankroll.
Lateralus gave a Ring of Mistletoe to Bankroll.
Acolyte gave a Gloves of Vigor to Bankroll.
Acolyte gave a Boots of Faith to Bankroll.
Acolyte gave a Scholar's Amulet to Bankroll.
JLH - Nightmist says:
that's it i think?
Ed says:
Ed says:
but i moved them
Ed says:
chekc logs from 3am EST through now for Boots of Hase
Ed says:
Ed says:
bill split accounts with me in the middle of the night lol
JLH - Nightmist says:
Ed says:
Ed says:
he stole em
Ed says:
ban his account
Ed says:
remove the items from his acct
Ed says:
you get em all yet/
JLH - Nightmist says:
Ed says:
or give me the apss and i will
Ed says:
give me the pass, i know what crits he'd put em on
JLH - Nightmist says:
i can't give you his pass lol
Ed says:
there an email in his acct?
JLH - Nightmist says:
Ed says:
put his email in the acct lol
Ed says:
and ill get them all and sort this nuts out
JLH - Nightmist says:
encore has a bracelet of defense in his acc, did samus give that?
JLH - Nightmist says:
encore has them too
Ed says:
yeah get them and give them to me
Ed says:
bills so fked
Ed says:
his account is UnderGround
JLH - Nightmist says:
maybe they should go back to samus
Ed says:
whats the pass lol
JLH - Nightmist says:
i know
Ed says:
items on
Ed says:
Ed says:
Ed says:
Ed says:
Ed says:
check those 4 prz
JLH - Nightmist says:
Gloves of Vigor
Boots of Faith
Scholar's Amulet

do not seem to be in his inv's
Ed says:
so what all did you remove
JLH - Nightmist says:
everything was put back in samus' vault
Ed says:
what is everything?
JLH - Nightmist says:
Braclet of Defense/Onyx Bracelet/Bracelet of Speed/Bracelet of Protection/Boots of Haste/Ruby Ring/Ring of Mistletoe/Gloves of Vigor/Boots of Faith/Scholar's Amulet/

lol pwned.

Edited by Exodia, 25 September 2005 - 07:45 PM.

Primex ingame

#19 Dark


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:45 PM

as much as i dislike ed/bill thats gay same treatment should be given to everyone

#20 Perfector

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:48 PM

as much as i dislike ed/bill thats gay same treatment should be given to everyone

I agree with him same treatment should be given to all .. even though Jess is one of my good friends... same treatment should be shown ... people have aqquired passwords by pretending they are other people and "stolen" millions worth of stuff and nothing was done... yet this happens and something is done. I don't get it.

#21 Dark


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:52 PM

also ed jeff only got 1 cobalt not 3-4

#22 Exodia



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:53 PM

but yeah, i don't see JLH steppin in to get lindz's crits back, nor mike y's.. nor anyone elses.. *cough*
Primex ingame

#23 Prophet

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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:55 PM

Maybe it only applies to things that are 1 of a kind :|
Si Senior!

#24 Dark


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:57 PM

heh if ya think bout it all crits are 1 of a kind

#25 Crane


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 07:59 PM

The thing with this case, Samus fell victim to impersonation, not by sharing or a slip of the tongue with the account password.
The Crane Temple Chairman

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Don't kill the messenger mathematician!

#26 JLH



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:00 PM

exactly, thanks crane for actually reading the log, unless ed missed out my saying that
i don't help with sharing
this is not sharing, this is impersonation...
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#27 Dark


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:01 PM

i lost my mage fully equiped same way but did he help me... nooo, lets face it favouritism is going on

#28 JLH



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:01 PM

what was it worth, jess' stuff was worth 70m (so i was told, i don't keep value)
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#29 Dark


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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:03 PM

worth to others or worth to me?? huge gap....

#30 Exodia



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Posted 25 September 2005 - 08:03 PM

there are more then 1 of each of those items, barring boots of haste lol
Primex ingame

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