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Undead Area

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#1 sayadin

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 07:57 AM

Ok. This took me a long time. I've been doing alot of thinking and I hope you guys like it. If there's something wrong plz report it to me. Otherwise read and be amazed. Descriptions of creature may not be good, but can be improved.

Level need to be to play: Anyone who dares to try.

Trannsylvania ( 1st Level )
Sewers of Trannsylvania ( 2nd Level )
Vaults of the Dead ( 3rd Level )
Count Vladin's Lair ( 4th Level )


Not too long ago, a town with the name of Trannsylvania was having its quiet and peaceful day. But when night fell, so did the town. People were being ravaged and had to fled the streets from the chaos of the attackers. The commoners being bitten, slashed, and gashed like they were raggedy-ann dolls. The church of the town is burnt to a crisp while everything else stands in gloomy effect. When day came, ever commoner that was slain that night was gone. The only remains was just a few items from them and not a single speck of blood was in sight. What could have caused this. What kind of thing would come out and take our dead and only leave its belongings, but not its blood. "THE UNDEAD" cried a man in the town. That sounded foolish and hardly believable. Again, night fell and soon again the town was attack. One fo the men manage to harm one of the creatures and bring it down to its knees. The next morning the town loss more people, but still no signs of an attack just some belongings. And about that time a man walked into the tavern dragging the cripple beast and showed everyone that they were dealing with the undead. With the church gone the Beasts could run freely through town, but only at night. And some of the undead have been the previously attacked towns men. Many say that there is an vampire or an necromancer living under the streets of Trannsylvania. With the church gone the commoners and townsmen pray that there will be someone to rid this evil.

Town of Trannsylvania:
Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn: You're in Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn. Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn exits to Titans Street to the South and Valian Street to the West.

The Inn is very calm and quiet. Not many people are here and not much action is going on, except they are all stirred up by your arrival.

Bartender: Well what would you like to have? (quote 1)
Bartender: My business use to be filled and overpacked, but ever since those creatures arrive, not many people would come. (quote 2)

Titan's Weapon Shop: You're in a shop with all kinds of weapons from around the world and some you've never seen. There's an old man behind the counter smirking at you as you stand in his shop.

Titan: Welcome young one. If I were you I would take something and leave this place thats has been cursed. (quote 1)
Titan: Ever since those evil zombie-like creatures arrive, my sales have improved dramatically from the fighters who try to save us, but never return.

Chaal's Magic: You're in a magnificant shop filled with ten's of thousands potions and crystals. There are other spellcasters and soldiers here searching for the right potion and crystal to buy.

Chaal: Welcome my friend. Take a look around if you like. Such great things at great Prices. ( quote 1 )
Chaal: Do me a favor and rid this land of these evil creatures that Damned our beloved town. ( quote 2 )

Wiggim's Item Shop: You're in an interesting room. You find such neat things lying around with price tags on them. Some of the things you've have already seen before. Across the room you see a strange-like Halfling.

Wiggim: Ahh good to see you. Welcome to my shop where everything you need is here. Well maybe ( quote 1 )
Wiggim: I heard that there are some evil creatures lurking about our God forsaken town. Are you here to help? ( quote 2 )

Sewers of Trannsylvania:
Trannsylvania Sewers: You stand in an old sewer thats filled with evil and darkness. You can smell the reakness of the decomposing dead in the old stale air. You may go further down in the sewers in all directions.

Creatures on this map:

Undead Commoner- The commoner is covered with minor scar tissue, and seems to be hungry for fresh flesh. And will stop at nothing to get it.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 40-60 damage
Hit Points: 200
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Commoner attacks you with its claws for X damage.
The Undead Commoner attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Commoner poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Undead Townsmen- Looking like the normal Townsmen of Trannsylvan, this townsmen has minor scar tissue and seems to be more hungry than the commoner.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 50-70 damage
Hit Points: 250
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Townsmen attacks you with its claws for X damage.
The Undead Townsmen attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Townsmen poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Undead Beasts- This beast is known to live around Trannsylvania hunting small animals, but is now underground searching for flesh in the darkness. You seemed to be the main coarse meal in the eyes of this beast.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 60-80 Damage
Hit Points: 300
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Beasts attacks you with its massive paws for X damage.
The Undead Beasts attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Beasts poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Vault of the Dead
Vaults of the Dead: As you stand further deep underground, the staleness and reakness of the decomposing dead in the musky air is more stronger and seems to be fresh. You may go into a Vault to the North or continue down the halls to the East and West.

Creatures on this map:

Vampiric Commoner- This commoner seems to be unharmed. But if you look twice it's in no need for the taste of flesh, but the taste of warm blood.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 30-50
Hit Points: 200
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Commoner heals itself from the taste of your blood.
The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Townsmen- The Vampiric Townsmen is a pale in the face and seems to be unharmed, but it engages its jaws to open wide and drink to get a drink of your sweet blood.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 40-60
Hit Points: 250
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Townsmen feels refresh from the taste of your blood.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Beasts- This beast looks to be extremely strong, fast, and is drooling blood from its massive mouth. Either its not happy to see you who you look good to eat.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 50-70
Hit Points: 300
Ability 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Beast attack you with its massive bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast attack you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast seems to be stronger.

*Can be heal to killed

Count Vladin's Crypt
Count Vladin's Crypt: You feel the presence of a strong evil that you've never felt before and it seems to be getting stronger by the minute. The air is not as bad as the two upper levels. You may continue down the halls to the East, West, and South.

The Pit: As you walked into the room you fell without warning and before you came close to the ground the last thing you see are dead bodies of men impaled upon spikes. ( You were killed by an trap and wouldn't be able to survive. )

The room of evil: As soon as you walked into the room the doors became locked and the walls close in quickly and with a loud crunch your body is crushed to a slosh by its unstoppable force. ( You were crushed to death by a trap in the walls. )

Count Vladin's Room: You stand before the great Count Vladin. The doors behind shuts and locks preventing you from escape. Now you must defeat Vladin or soon become part of him army.

Creatures on this map:

Lichens: This is a strange breed of half-man and half-wolf. To some they are called werewolves. Full of strength, agility, and anger this creature is racing towards you as you are evading its territory.

Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-80
HP: 400

Lichen attacks you with its Razor Claws for X damage.
Lichen attacks you with its Bone-Crushing Bite for X damage.

Egor: As an servant for Count Vladin. Egor is an hutchback, ugly human who is helping Count Vladin in his evil reign and will do anything to make his evil deeds succeed, even kill you to prevent you from stopping Count Vladin.

Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-80
HP: 400

Egor attacks you with a Staff for X damage.

Count Vladin: He seems to be surprised to see thatyou had made it this far, but immediately grins and raises his lichen-like hands and want to show no mercy to you.

Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-85
Hp: 1000
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player.
Randomly drops a Rare Item or Gold.

Count Vladin attack you with its Lichen-like Hands for X damage
Count Vladin attack you with its Vampiric Bite for X damage.
Count Vladin refreshes itself with the taste of your blood.

*Can be heal to killed
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#2 alone

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 11:44 AM

Didn't have the time to read everything, so I only read the monster descriptions (for now anyway).. And, they seem abit lacking in depth.

The longer the game goes on, the more that's expected of the descriptions. Write more of how they look/look at you, their movement and reactions..?

I can't really say much more, not being staff I don't get a say on anything really.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#3 ice_cold

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Posted 15 March 2004 - 12:19 PM

decriptions are definately lacking. some things are capatilized that shouldnt. monsters have incredibly low hp (my ranger is lvl 25 and hits for 70's, thats almost enough to take each of the monsters by himself. If you have higher levels, go around hitting stuff, see how much you hit for, then decide how long you want the monsters and boss to be around and apply what you learned from your. suggest an item (which can be later worked on by staff to make it more fair) and a drop rate. monsters also cant heal themselves when attacking something, so that would have to be coded in. currently (if i remember correctly) its a set ammount each round, based on their total hp. I also dont think that nightmist needs an area based on current myth and lore. maybe a change in name for the area?

Edited by ice_cold, 15 March 2004 - 12:23 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#4 Nebetsu

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 12:29 AM

Best. Pacifist Spot. Ever.

lol. If that was put into the game, I would send my paci there right away!

#5 surkillalot

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 12:52 AM

i like it it seems like a very kool place to go since ive been almost everywhere in Nm it would be a change it need some fixin up but all in all its a very good idea and wow you must of put alot of thought into it cause i couldnt even read it all and yet you wrote all that all i have to say is dang my eyes hurt and after you wrote that i bet yours did to lol
Good Vs. Evil who will win???

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#6 sayadin

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:38 AM

Yes my eyes do hurt. They are straining a lil, but thank God for Visine. Gets rid of redness and have ingredients to Moisturize, WOW. Well Yeah I know that I lacked into the depth of the descriptions. I did it for a purpose. I mean why should I waste most of my time putting each creature into depth, when I have a slim chance of it being a real area. Oh and the monsters don't heal themselves. They are vampiric or undead and needs living flesh to survive. So by eating living flesh, the undead/vampiric creatures will be revitalize. I've been thinking about having the hp the same as the Demonics Soldiers, but You can "Over Kill" them and I don't know the total HP they have. So I just guess. The Name, Trannsylvania, is used to replace the real name of the town. I've been thinking of a city name that would fit it. But the most Important question about this area that I have been thinking about is where will it be place????
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#7 alone

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 11:13 AM

Well Yeah I know that I lacked into the depth of the descriptions. I did it for a purpose. I mean why should I waste most of my time putting each creature into depth, when I have a slim chance of it being a real area.

Cus in doing so, you give your area an even smaller chance? Bravo.

You do actually get points if you put more effort and thought into it. Anyone can throw together an area with simple descriptions.

This isn't a great example, but compare your submission for a monster description to:
Bandersnatch: The Bandersnatch is a horrid creature brought to life through evil rituals unknown. Some say they are the face of evil with their sunken eyes, elongated faces and jagged, sharp teeth. The bandersnatch hides in darkness waiting for some pray to be in reach of its cold, brutal claws. They are at one with the darkness, which makes them keen assassins. Bandersnatches are monsters forged for revenge, designed to spread hatred, and born to kill.

I did have some help with that, and it isn't perfect, but it's something for an area I'm (ever so slowly) putting together.
"Entertain yourself with my nightmares."
- AfterAll


#8 Raylen


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Posted 16 March 2004 - 05:14 PM

I have to agree, the monsters do seem to be severely lacking in hit points, maybe stick a nought on the end of all the current figures. Monster descriptions you probably just need to look over again, flesh them out a bit. Also i'd say don't just have:

Level 2 - Undead Commoner, Undead Townsman, Undead Beast

Level 3 - Vampiric Commoner, Vampiric Townsman, Vampiric Beast

It just looks a litle lazy more than anything.

Another thing i'd say though, to get people to notice your area, you have to make it different to other areas that already exist: for me, there is nothing about this area that particularly jumps out at me and makes me go "WOW! Awesome!"

PS: alone, nice scary bandersnatch description :) /cower
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

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#9 sayadin

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 07:18 PM

I will be adding more creatures to the areas. Maybe some more bosses to beat or to pass. I've been thinking about the Hp quite sometime and yeah they do need to be raised up. The descriptions I am doing and by tomorrow they will be finish.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#10 Wolfgang

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 07:36 PM

I dunno. The descriptions are deffinately lacking. The monsters hit for quite a bit, and their HP is in sanely low... but you've already said you'd do something about that.

But you dont say how much EXP everything or anything gives per POD.

What the what?

#11 sayadin

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Posted 17 March 2004 - 06:57 PM

true. I've been thinking about letting them give out the same amount of EXP as the Demonic Soldier would. This will be a great area, but I don't want it to be so great that everyone will hang out inside of it and leave the barracks empty. I'm pretty much saying that if I increase the exp then there will be more ppl in the area, if I decrease the exp then ppl will be in other undead areas, keep it the same as DS then things should be moderate. Also unlike the barracks, there will be more monsters in the area. About the same about of bears that would be in the forest. Other than the name of the city, the HP levels, the EXP pod, and the descriptions, what else needs to be done or needs to be improve. Give out some ideas.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#12 Stotic

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Posted 18 March 2004 - 07:37 PM

Isn't Trannsylvania a country? Anyways, I'll review it more in-depth later.
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#13 Darkon

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Posted 19 March 2004 - 04:08 AM

When keith makes an area he makes the crap outta it. Anyways, it looks pretty good to me...Another new area gives everyone something new to do. Might even get another great weapon upgrade, like the katana to the crystal knife!
Darkness is the only way, chivalry is another word for lust and desire, heroism is nothing more than demanding attention, and holy is only to control.

#14 Consumed


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Posted 20 March 2004 - 11:02 AM

nice...pretty well thought out...i hope it comes...just might need to think about exp...
-Alias ingame-

#15 Ryuku


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Posted 09 April 2004 - 09:52 AM

Hp should definatly be incresed, and exp may be like 60*pod. Maybe a lvl for 20+. Just my two cents.

#16 kar

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Posted 17 April 2004 - 08:57 PM

hp shuld b like 500 attleast, except 4 commoner
ive tasted ye blood
ive drank ye blood
ze vampires are back

#17 Cule

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Posted 24 May 2004 - 03:16 AM

i like the idea of having an area like this cuz i like the feel of the old dracula
movies ... vampires would roam around biting people mysteriosly and the people
in there would be very unwelcoming and suspicious about new people that arrive
and are allways telling stories about strange figures at night and they would sell
garlic in the shops to protect you from vampires ... this place should be a poor
place so no fancy weapon shops full of stuff ...

this reminds me of a game i used to play ages ago called quest for glory ... 4 i
think ... it had so cool atmosphere ... dammit ... it would be nice if that same feel
in nightmist.

Edited by Cule, 24 May 2004 - 03:16 AM.

#18 Venture

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 02:10 PM

I think it looks good, if the map is big enough and if the Boss at the end could have a lil more hp (it'd be way too easy) i think this would make a good area

#19 sayadin

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 02:29 PM

whoa!!! i thought this idea was shut down. but yeah.. the area maps are big. very very big.. and i have put down the hp of the monster pretty high, it may seem high but, hey its awesome and its worth training for.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#20 astral

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Posted 03 September 2004 - 03:08 PM

/t stotic no "Trannsylvania" (correct spell is Transilvania ... trust me it's in my country and i know my language) it's a city from my country Roamnia where it's told that Dracula lived ( there's still a bid castle there witch was the property of Vlad Tepes like 400+ yr's ago , and this man it's told that was the son of Count Dracula and the used to punnish bad ppls by passing then through spears )
"I am imortal, I have inside me blood of kings!
I have no rival, no man can be my equal,
Take me to the leaders of the world!"

#21 Zeppelin

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Posted 05 September 2004 - 09:08 PM

Eh, don't really like it...sorry.

#22 Tiomat

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Posted 06 September 2004 - 03:15 PM

trust me it's in my country and i know my language) ... Roamnia

I always thought it was spelt Romania :P Hehehe. Anyway nice idea, a large undead area is gonna be pacifist heaven tho. I think the XP should be lower than the 60 POD brought up, id say more around 40-50? Nice idea tho, reminds me of Pern Valley from pre-reset a bit :P

#23 Ryuku


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Posted 07 September 2004 - 02:56 AM

How old is this topic....

#24 sayadin

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 02:08 PM

last october i believe... its ancient... I have completely forgotten all about it, I have everything done i just didn't post anymore... Got to the point in life where i found that there was an outside world called earth.. oh and reality.. but yeah.. the maps and everything is done.. just need to know where to send the project.. and Astral.. its not gonna be the real transilvania.. its an generic.. hence the names of the people and Count Vladins, generic of Count Vlad... actually it will not only be for all classes.. just imagine the swamps with more creatures, a quest to go to, great exp and plenty room for a good 40+ crits... you have 3 lvls for training and 1 city to rest and get new things.
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#25 sayadin

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 02:11 PM

edit: the correct time this topic was created "Posted: Mar 15 2004, 02:57 AM"
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#26 astral

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 02:15 PM

well i like the ideea ..... hope to see it up in game soon :P
"I am imortal, I have inside me blood of kings!
I have no rival, no man can be my equal,
Take me to the leaders of the world!"

#27 sayadin

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Posted 07 September 2004 - 02:27 PM

i agree
The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#28 Ryuku


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Posted 08 September 2004 - 09:03 AM

I extremely like this idea now...and hope it gets put in after 7 months of contruction. :P

#29 sayadin

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Posted 08 September 2004 - 01:24 PM

yes me too!! :P Alright guys here is the final print... if you guys don't like it, then say something.. other then that it will stay as is. I would edit over my previous print, but i can't.. no edit button... so I am doing it here

Level need to be to play: Anyone who dares to try.

Trannsylvania ( 1st Level ) ( city ) ( non P/K )
Sewers of Trannsylvania ( 2nd Level ) ( P/K )
Vaults of the Dead ( 3rd Level ) ( P/K )
Count Vladin's Lair ( 4th Level ) ( P/K )


Not too long ago, a town with the name of Trannsylvania was having its quiet and peaceful day. But when night fell, so did the town. People were being ravaged and had to fled the streets from the chaos of the attackers. The commoners being bitten, slashed, and gashed like they were raggedy-ann dolls. The church of the town is burnt to a crisp while everything else stands in gloomy effect. When day came, ever commoner that was slain that night was gone. The only remains was just a few items from them and not a single speck of blood was in sight. What could have caused this. What kind of thing would come out and take our dead and only leave its belongings, but not its blood. "THE UNDEAD" cried a man in the town. That sounded foolish and hardly believable. Again, night fell and soon again the town was attack. One fo the men manage to harm one of the creatures and bring it down to its knees. The next morning the town loss more people, but still no signs of an attack just some belongings. And about that time a man walked into the tavern dragging the cripple beast and showed everyone that they were dealing with the undead. With the church gone the Beasts could run freely through town, but only at night. And some of the undead have been the previously attacked towns men. Many say that there is an vampire or an necromancer living under the streets of Trannsylvania. With the church gone the commoners and townsmen pray that there will be someone to rid this evil.

Town of Trannsylvania:
Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn: You're in Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn. Ulysses's Trannsylvania Inn exits to Titans Street to the

South and Valian Street to the West.

The Inn is very calm and quiet. Few people are here huddle up and seems to be scared or spooked upon your arrival. As you can

see the bottles of rum and other beverages are almost full, as a sign that not much business is here or people.

Bartender: Well what would you like to have? (quote 1)
Bartender: My business use to be filled and overpacked, but ever since those creatures arrive, people would come and hide

from them and not buy. (quote 2)

Titan's Weapon Shop: You're in a shop with all kinds of weapons from around the world and some you've never seen. There's an

old man behind the counter smirking at you as you stand in his shop.

Titan: Welcome young one. If I were you I would take something and leave this place thats has been cursed. (quote 1)
Titan: Ever since those evil zombie-like creatures arrive, my sales have improved dramatically from the fighters who try to

save us, but never return.

*weapons are chosen (or created) by the staff or the players of Nightmist
Chaal's Magic: You're in a magnificant shop filled with ten's of thousands potions and crystals. There are a few other

spellcasters and soldiers here searching for the right potion or crystal to buy.

Chaal: Welcome my friend. Take a look around if you like. Such great things at great Prices. ( quote 1 )
Chaal: Do me a favor and rid this land of these evil creatures that Damned our beloved town. ( quote 2 )

Wiggim's Item Shop: You're in an interesting room. You find such neat things lying around with price tags on them. Some of

the things you've have already seen before. Across the room you see a strange-like Halfling behind a desk.

Wiggim: Ahh good to see you. Welcome to my shop where everything you need is here. Well maybe. ( quote 1 )
Wiggim: There has been some evil creatures lurking about our God forsaken town. Are you here to help? ( quote 2 )

Sewers of Trannsylvania:
Trannsylvania Sewers: You stand in an old sewer thats filled with evil and darkness. You can smell the reakness of the

decomposing dead in the old stale air, your feet sinks into the marshness of muck. You may go further down in the sewers in

all directions.

Creatures on this map:

Undead Commoner- The commoner is covered with minor scar tissue,and laced with its farmer type clothing lingers around and is

hungry for fresh flesh. you look like a tasty appetizer for him and he will stop at nothing to get it.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 40-60 damage
Hit Points: 500
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Commoner attacks you with its claws for X damage.
The Undead Commoner attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Commoner poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Undead Townsmen- Dressed like the normal Townsmen of Trannsylvania, this townsmen has minor scar tissue with scratches

through it elegant robes and just like the commoner it needs to be fed.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 50-70 damage
Hit Points: 550
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Townsmen attacks you with its claws for X damage.
The Undead Townsmen attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Townsmen poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Undead Beasts- This beast is known to live around Trannsylvania hunting small animals as prey, but it's now underground in

the darkness of the abyss searching for fresh flesh. The beast stares you down as though it was waiting for you to jump into

its hungry mouth.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 60-80 Damage
Hit Points: 600
Ability: 30% chance to Poison player

The Undead Beasts attacks you with its massive paws for X damage.
The Undead Beasts attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The Undead Beasts poisons you.

*Can be heal to killed

Vault of the Dead
Vaults of the Dead: As you stand further deep underground, the staleness and reakness of the decomposing dead in the musky

air is more stronger with a little hint of fresh kill. The ground is now more solid than the Sewers you were previously at.

You may go into a Vault to the North or continue down the halls to the East and West.

Creatures on this map:

Vampiric Commoner- This commoner dressed in torn farmer clothing. He looks as though he has not been touch, but a closer look

he is pale. As he looks at you he opens his mouth to reveal fangs of a snake and lashes towards you, you now know he is in no

need for the taste of flesh, but the taste of warm blood.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 30-50
Hit Points: 500
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Commoner heals itself from the taste of your blood.
The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Townsmen- The Vampiric Townsmen seems to be unharmed and just normal, but just it shine a little of its teeth to

reveal the fangs of a snake and with haste lurches forward in attempt to latch on you, and drink your bodily fluid.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 40-60
Hit Points: 550
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Townsmen feels refresh from the taste of your blood.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Beasts- Just standing in an offensive manner, sniffs the air with its huge snout and smells the scent of flesh

wounds. With its over-sized body it leans toward you and smell the scent and with an eager attempt, tries to over come your

body to feed itself.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 50-70
Hit Points: 600
Ability 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Beast attack you with its massive bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast attack you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast seems to be stronger.

*Can be heal to killed

Zombie- This brainless ,strong and sluggish, creature standing and moaning as though he was a special kid, with its rotten

body slowly decomposing as it walks around moaning the word "brains". As it is continuing its business, it quickly stops and

looks at you and it seems as though it senses your intelligence. Now it walks toward with anticipation to get your brain.

Stamina: 3
Attack Damage: 60-80
Hit Points: 1000

The Zombie attack you with its hands for X damage.
The Zombie attack you with its scratch for X damage.

*Can be heal to killed

Count Vladin's Crypt
Count Vladin's Crypt: You feel the presence of a strong evil that you've never felt before and it seems to be getting

stronger by the minute. The air is not as bad as the two upper levels. You may continue down the halls to the East, West, and


The Pit: As you walked into the room you fell without warning and before you came close to the ground the last thing you see

are dead bodies of men impaled upon spikes. ( You were killed by an trap and wouldn't be able to survive. )

The room of evil: As soon as you walked into the room the doors became locked and the walls close in quickly and with a loud

crunch your body is crushed to a slosh by its unstoppable force. ( You were crushed to death by a trap in the walls. )

Count Vladin's Room: You stand before the great Count Vladin. The doors behind shuts and locks preventing you from escape.

Now you must defeat Vladin or soon become part of him army.

Creatures on this map:

Vampiric Commoner- This commoner dressed in torn farmer clothing. He looks as though he has not been touch, but a closer look

he is pale. As he looks at you he opens his mouth to reveal fangs of a snake and lashes towards you, you now know he is in no

need for the taste of flesh, but the taste of warm blood.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 30-50
Hit Points: 500
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Commoner heals itself from the taste of your blood.
The Vampiric Commoner attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Townsmen- The Vampiric Townsmen seems to be unharmed and just normal, but just it shine a little of its teeth to

reveal the fangs of a snake and with haste lurches forward in attempt to latch on you, and drink your bodily fluid.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 40-60
Hit Points: 550
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vicious bite for X damage.
The vampiric Townsmen attacks you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Townsmen feels refresh from the taste of your blood.

*Can be heal to killed

Vampiric Beasts- Just standing in an offensive manner, sniffs the air with its huge snout and smells the scent of flesh

wounds. With its over-sized body it leans toward you and smell the scent and with an eager attempt, tries to over come your

body to feed itself.

Stamina: 2
Attack Damage: 50-70
Hit Points: 600
Ability 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player

The Vampiric Beast attack you with its massive bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast attack you with its vampiric bite for X damage.
The Vampiric Beast seems to be stronger.

*Can be heal to killed

Zombie- This brainless ,strong and sluggish, creature standing and moaning as though he was a special kid, with its rotten

body slowly decomposing as it walks around moaning the word "brains". As it is continuing its business, it quickly stops and

looks at you and it seems as though it senses your intelligence. Now it walks toward with anticipation to get your brain.

Stamina: 3
Attack Damage: 60-80
Hit Points: 1000

The Zombie attack you with its hands for X damage.
The Zombie attack you with its scratch for X damage.

*Can be heal to killed

Lichens: This is a strange breed of half-man and half-wolf. To some they are called werewolves. Full of strength, agility,

and anger with slobber draining from its unforsaken mouth, this creature is racing towards you as you are evading its


Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-80
HP: 600

Lichen attacks you with its Razor Claws for X damage.
Lichen attacks you with its Bone-Crushing Bite for X damage.

Egor: As an servant for Count Vladin. Egor is an hutchback, ugly human who is on the Count Vladin side in his evil reign and

will do anything to make his evil deeds succeed, even kill you to prevent you from stopping Count Vladin.

Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-80
HP: 4000

Egor attacks you with a Staff for X damage.

Count Vladin: He seems to be surprised to see thatyou had made it this far, but immediately grins and raises his lichen-like

hands and want to show no mercy to you.

Stamina: 3
Attack Dmg: 60-85
Hp: 1000000 or equivalent to the Demonic General
Ability: 30% chance to be vampiric; heals itself 25% of the damage it deals to player.
Randomly drops a Rare Item or Gold. ( Item and Gold is chosen by Staff or Players item suggested. )

Count Vladin attack you with its Lichen-like Hands for X damage
Count Vladin attack you with its Vampiric Bite for X damage.
Count Vladin refreshes itself with the taste of your blood.

*Can be heal to killed

Edited by sayadin, 08 September 2004 - 02:03 PM.

The Greater the Difficulty, the More the Glory in Surmounting it. -Epicurus

#30 Spekkio

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Posted 09 September 2004 - 05:10 PM

This is a freakin sweet idea!

I would like to suggest something that has never been done before (tmk). If this was to be implemented my suggestion is a rather unique style to the respawn of Vlad. Make the last lvl of this area 'huge' and have Egor the mini boss to enter this place. The idea is... make Vlad respawn in random spots. So... everytime you go down you actually have to explore again and again.
Ñôökïè Mòñstër: Spekkio, Kleptomaniac, Mushu, Gargoyle, Gaspar, Bahamut and Mesmerize ingame.

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