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School Of Sorcery And Tactics

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#1 ice_cold

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 09:11 AM

A sign is posted in the ground:

Now open to the public, the School of Sorcery and Tactics is now accepting gifted minds who would like to learn about the workings of the inner mind and how to survive in the wild.

"Have you heard of this new school," Pandilex asked a stranger.
Slighty off guard, the stranger replies, "It's the best around, I've Heard."

Unfitted to the area, the building stands 4 stories tall, is made of a yellowish concrete, and is covered in water stains as though it has been around for decades. Small barred windows fill the empty face of the building, surrounded by script of a foreign language, possibly spells and wards to protect the compound. Two statues watch the premises on either side of the door, which is made of a strong oak wood and has no handle. Slowly walking to the door, Pandilex notices a small sign on the door.

Only the true of heart may enter the school.

Pandilex pushes slightly on the door, cautious of what may happen. "Welcome welcome, you are Pandilex a presume. We have been waiting for you, not many people are as highly gifted as you in the arts of the mind. Please come sign in, we have a lot to talk about, you must have many questions about us and what we teach here."

"That's why we decided it was finally show ourselves the the community, hopefully we'll be strong enough to put an end to the treachury. I must go now, the stranger you were talking to should be due anytime, he isn't as brave as you in venturing into the new," and with a flash, the desciple dissapears.

You are standing in a meeting room. One large table sits in the middle of the room, covered in mystical books and glowing scrolls. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.

You are standing in a giant circular room. Carved from the most beautiful of woods and marble, the room seems to empower you with the thoughts of people who have walked through the room recently. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.


West is the library
East is the reception hall
Up the stairs is the golden hall

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Meeting Room): hello

You are standing in a large library. Shelves filled with books stand side-by-side as far as you can see, defying the physics of the building. Each shelf has a small gold plate on it, encrusted with small jewels that form numbers. A small door is to the East.

You are standing in a large library filled with shelves of books. Defying the physics of the building, the shelves reach farther then your eyes can see in all directions, and skinny wooden ladders reach higher then most buildings. On the end of each shelf is a a gold plate with with numbers encrusted of rare jewels. You can see a small door to the East.



Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello

You are standing inbetween two shelves of books. Small and large books alike fill the shelves in an orderly fashion. You can go Up a ladder to examine more books or exit the aisle by going East and West.

You are standing inbetween two oak shelves. Small and large books sit in order by their names, fill the shelves completely. In the middle of the aisle is a large ladder that reaches higher then you can see. You can venture Up the ladder to look at more books or leave the Aisle by either going East or West.


Learn how to use Bolt

Many sorcerers and wizards have passed the spell down through their kin, but after I leaned of it, I decided it was time to let the masses know of this powerful spell. Centuries ago a wizard by the name Olclha delve into the reaches of spells and how they worked. Years later and years more intelligent, he decided to try and variate small spells to make them easier to learn or more powerful. Although thought as one of the founding users of the spell shock he actually just derived a powerful spell from it, bolt. For reasons unknown at the time, Olclha decided to abandon the use of the spell and refused to tell all who wanted to know of it, but years of persuasion by a trusted friend releived Olclha of his burden. Olclha taught the spell to his fellow wizard and warned him that although the spell could deal incredible ammounts of damage, it was also very dangerous to use. Two months later, the wizards body was found chard under a large tree; Olclha feeling responsible for the wizards death, was never heard from again. After he left...

You turn the page to read further, but the rest of the book is blank.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello

You are standing on a sturdy ladder which is leaning against a bookshelf. Small and large books fill the shelf in alphabetical order. You go higher Up the ladder or descend Down to the floor.

You are standing on a sturdy ladder which is leaning against a large oak bookshelf. Small and large books fill the shelf in alphabetical order. Above you is still a large selection of books. You can climb a couple feet down the ladder to the floor.


Killing Foes Easier: A guide for all your needs

Many mages have found it growingly harder to avoid injury from enemies; this guide should help you learn ways to avoid or even elimate your enemies, and although some strategies in here may be questionable or unethical, they will keep you alive if mastered. Before we start out, there are a few things you should keep in mind: not all stratedies will work in every situation, it will take practice to learn these effectively enough to protect you, and when using the strategies against someone who knows of them may end up

The rest of the page is ripped off along with the next few pages.


You found a book that doesn't belong here

The Secrets of Shock (to get story you must equip the book [would go in weapon spot], the browser then fills with story)

Most beginning wizards, mages, and sorcerers learn the weak spell, shock, when they first start out in their studies of magic, but few ever learn it well enough to manipulate it. Through these people, we have learned new abilities of the mind and been able to strengthen the ones we already have. From this small group of masters a few stand out; Olclha, Adith Elendar, and Mariss Belmer. Although masters of magic, each of these wizards mysteriously dissapeared after teaching their abilities to others. (more...)

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello
I think you all get the idea of the library

You are standing in a long gold hall. Dozens of sapphire colored doors line the hall. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway.

You are standing in a long gold hall. Almost too close to have rooms behind them, dozens on large, identical sapphire doors line each wall of the hallway. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway to the meeting room.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Gold Hall): hello


You are standing in a long sapphire hall. Dozens of gold colored doors line the hall. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway.

You are standing in a long sapphire hall. Almost too close to have rooms behind them, dozens on large, identical gold doors line each wall of the hallway. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway to the meeting room.

color=yellow]Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Sapphire Hall): hello[/color]

You are standing in a meeting room. One large table sits in the middle of the room, covered in mystical books and glowing scrolls. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.

You are standing in a giant circular room. Carved from the most beautiful of woods and marble, the room seems to empower you with the thoughts of people who have walked through the room recently. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.


East is the library
West is the reception hall
Up the stairs is the sapphire hall

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Meeting Room): hello

You are standing in an undersized reception hall. A large sits in the middle of the room, almost completely filling it. There is a small plaque hanging magically on the front of the desk.

You are standing in a reception hall. A large cedar desk sits in the middle of the room, barley able to fit in the meager room. Dark woods and gold run the length of the ceiling, engraved with a foreign language. There is a small plaque hanging magically on the front of the desk.


West and East are meeting Rooms
North is the reception storage
Up the stairs is the learning hallway

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Reception Hall): hello


This is a rough draft, generally an outline of my idea. I wouldnt mind some input, i will add more tomorrow.

Edit 1: Added more descriptions
Edit 2: Added more descriptions
Edit 3: Added more descriptions
Edit 4: Fixed some gramatical and color errors
Edit 5: Added more descriptions

The area is kind of hard to visualize from how i put them...but its hard to explain the layout of the school without a map, and even with a map, it could be difficult to understand as doors and stairways are basically vortexes that lead to places not necessarily on the 'other side' of the door. If you follow Pandilex, you can get a vague idea of the place. He started in reception hall, but didn't start with it, instead he then went west in the meeting room to talk, from there he went to the library to read, there after going east to the meeting room he was originally in and went up the stairs. From there, he went through a sapphire door and ended up in the sapphire hall; went down the stairs to the meeting room, then west to the reception hall again.

Edited by ice_cold, 09 March 2004 - 06:09 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#2 newb

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 05:35 PM


A few spelling/grammar errors but nothing major. I also wasn't too clear on what the place actually is, or any background info. You say it's a school, but it just doesn't seem like a school. Maybe when you put some other stuff up...

What is the story of the school? How did it get there? Who ran it? Why does it seem so empty and deserted? Is bolt one, or the main aspect of this area?

A lot of questions are unanswered, but I guess that's a good thing. You can't let everyone know your secrets now can you? hehe


#3 ice_cold

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 06:19 PM


A few spelling/grammar errors but nothing major. I also wasn't too clear on what the place actually is, or any background info. You say it's a school, but it just doesn't seem like a school. Maybe when you put some other stuff up...

What is the story of the school? How did it get there? Who ran it? Why does it seem so empty and deserted? Is bolt one, or the main aspect of this area?

A lot of questions are unanswered, but I guess that's a good thing. You can't let everyone know your secrets now can you? hehe

Like I've said in past, I have no spell check on my computer (most people don't remember that) and this is a rough draft, so I'm greatly sorry of my mistakes. I've been trying to work some of them out, but in such a large post, things do get missed, if anyone could point some out to me, i would greatly appreciate it.

There isn't much backround to the area, which I was trying to get acrossed with the whole Pandilex first person thing, the school just seemed to pop up out of no where. Also, I don't think that the average person should know about this area, even though I'm posting it here on forum, I beleive that only mages should know the story line behind the school, which a couple NPC's could talk about in the meeting rooms, the reception hall, and the class rooms. The large library could also help out in the aid of understanding what's happening in the with the school, where it came from, and it's past.

The question of Bolt, once again, I beleive that it should be 'mage' only known. It may just be a topic you run acrossed that has nothing to do with the area, could be important to solving a puzzle, or a main part of it...to find out you would have to enter the school.

I've left a lot of questions unanswered to enhance the entrigue of the area, if it was to ever be put in. All I really would like to give out up front would be that it would just mysteriously pop up in a city one day, and that this area would be mage and druid only.

Edit: When I say average person, I don't mean that this shouldn't be a non'newb friendly area, I ment that to better roleplay the area, it should generally only be known about by the mages and druids who enter the area, not just anyone who reads the post.

Edit 2: somehow ended up spelling know, no...

Edited by ice_cold, 09 March 2004 - 06:24 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#4 Kalypso

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Posted 09 March 2004 - 11:31 PM

It would be nice to add something to that tower in Dendeya. I do believe it was originally planned to be a school for mages. Not sure though.
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#5 ice_cold

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 04:44 AM

It would be nice to add something to that tower in Dendeya. I do believe it was originally planned to be a school for mages. Not sure though.

If the tower has been completely scrapped, maybe the tower and school could be a multi step quest? like the swamps, but more involved? I would love to work on a mage area, and i beleive I have enough knowledge of them to make a descent quest for them, maybe giving them a little more reason to be around? I would love to work out descriptions and ideas for both areas, I would just need a little help from some main mage users.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#6 Gaddy

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 05:16 AM

A mage only area would be kind of hard to really have used a lot. Few people have more than 2 arch mages availible to them..if any really. Even most clans could not put together a group of mages very high lvl and such, even the highest up would have to plan it ahead to have enough members with mages on.

It would also be hard to have a very large area for mages because of how much mana they use to attack, maybe having monsters drop mana quite often since mages would have to have pots anyway and wouldn't be able to stay forever just because mana was dropped.

I didn't read the whole post of the area, and if there were intentions to allow something to make up for the weaknesses of mages on their own then ya, i just missed it.

As far as i can see this is the best area suggestion i've seen on forums, ever, or at the least since the leprechaun area. A mage only area is a good idea because they're so under-used and are with fighters in the basically useless category.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#7 ice_cold

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Posted 10 March 2004 - 10:17 PM

there arent too many mages in game, so on that basis, the area would be molded around that fact.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#8 ice_cold

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 12:39 PM

You are standing in a long hall with many doors. The doors are a stained tan with small windows in the very center of them and a marble handle adorns the left side of the door. You may go North through the hallway or South down a marble staircase.

You are standing in a hall with many doors. The doors are a stained tan with small windows in the very center of them and a marble handle adorns the left side of the door. Magical plaques hover next to the doors with the room numbers on them. You may walk through the hall by going North or go South down the marble staircase.


Room 1

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Hall of Classrooms): hi

You are standing in a sizable classroom. Infrequent desks and a singular hanging bag furnish the room, along with a large teachers desk that sits in the corner of the room. There is a door to your west.

You are standing in a sizable classroom. Infrequent desks and a singular hanging bag furnish the room, along with a large teachers desk that sits in the corner of the room. The teachers desk levitates slightly off the ground and the drawers are magically locked. There is a door to your West.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Classroom 1): hi

You are standing in an adequetly spaced room. An old wizard sits in the middle of the room at a large desk. There is a door to the East.

You are standing in an adequetly spaced black room. An old wizard sits in the middle of the room at a large cedar desk. There is a door to the East.

(You can also buy spells here: Shock:50 Blast:1000 Beam:5000)

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Classroom 2): hi

You are standing in a pit filled with coal. The walls of the pit are incredibly slick and seem the border the sky. You can't see anyway out of here.

You are standing in a large pit filled with rocks of coal. The walls seem to be a polished granite which seems to border the sky. You can't see anyway to escape from the pit.

Pandilex Pages You from Pit of Despair (Bed of Coals): hi

Old Wizard:
I see that you need some training, why else would you be here right.

There is a place to open a vortex gate here if you would like to pracitce what you have learned.

Monsters for area (don't feel like doing more descriptions of rooms right now)

Hanging Bag: The hanging bag is a singed white. A small rope binds it to the ceiling.

Hp: 100,000 (not really ment to be killed)
Exp POD: 10

Giant Troll: The troll stands at an enormous twelve feet tall. Weilding a large spike club, the troll charges at anything in its sight.

Hp: 8000
Exp per POD: 65
Kill Exp: 1200
Hits you with its club for 95 damage
Rushes at you you for 55 damage
1 stamina
Drops 750 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 100%
spawns once an hour

Special: would have low magic resistance, maybe takes 15 extra damage from spells

Wizard: Descript to be done

Hp: 500
Exp per POD: 80
Kill Exp: 500
Beams you for 45 damage
Blasts you for 30 damage
1 stamina
Drops 350 gold and Advanced Mana Crystal 100%

Special: would have above average magic resistance, beam would deal about 40 damage

Teachers Desk: Descript to be done

Hp: 1000
Exp per POD: 5
Kill exp: 1000
Drops Marble Key

Special: would have above average magic resistance, beam would deal about 30 damage

Edited by ice_cold, 12 March 2004 - 07:57 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#9 Bishop

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 07:11 PM

I think, as I always have, there should be a mage only adventure - perhaps there would be more mages if there was some place to quest (forcing the use of mages).
I also think the difficulty/challenge of the area should be segmented for mage level progression; first 2 floors for lvls 20 - 25, next 2 for 25+, and last section for level 29/30.

Back when I was developing areas, I suggested such an outline (though for NM city, lower levels). There is a wide array of option for this; being in a wizard tower, this quest could contain several 'sub-quests', such as entering a painting, walking through a portal, etc.

Also, things could easily be put in to allow for extended stays inside the tower; coffer (already in game) drops mana crystals, this would be a good place to introduce a (limited) mana leech weapon for mages, a source of food/water (shop, animal, spring, etc), so on...

Good Luck! I, personally, would love somewhere to take my (too poor to train) lvl 20 mage.

#10 ice_cold

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Posted 12 March 2004 - 07:20 PM

If a staffer would help me get this into the game, I was hoping that I would be allowed to put coffers, chests, and such things in the area to help out the mages, as they cant heal and have such a high mana cunsumption. A kitchen would also be available as it is a school, you would have to pay though. I was thinking that the school could be linked to the tower; the school being lvl's 15 up and the tower being made for lvl 25+.
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#11 Stotic

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 07:12 PM

I'll have to read this thoroughly later, but I like the concept, As Zephie pointed out it is awfully like the Dendeya Tower. I believe the entire was scrapped. Not sure. Maybe this could replace it?
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#12 Gaddy

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 07:23 PM

The monsters dont look like they would appeal to someone attempting to train or make gold at all. I think since it would be a mage only area the exp and gold dropped could be upped some, mages cost enough to buy all of the mana and pots for that it wouldnt really cause the player to make much gold either way.
Wisdom is the principle thing. Therefore, get wisdom, and in all your getting, get understanding.
-Proverbs 4:7

#13 Zylia

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Posted 13 March 2004 - 09:37 PM

The tower was originally planned as an institute of learning for mages. I left the area in another staffers hands when I left. I thought that the area was still being created? I didn't realize it was scrapped. I'd begin working on it again if that was so, I thought that the staffer I handed it over to had adapted it? If the area's still being considered someone can contact me and I'll work on it again (with another staff if desired)

The tower was originally planned out to be similar to what Bishop is saying.

#14 ice_cold

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Posted 14 March 2004 - 01:56 PM

The monsters dont look like they would appeal to someone attempting to train or make gold at all. I think since it would be a mage only area the exp and gold dropped could be upped some, mages cost enough to buy all of the mana and pots for that it wouldnt really cause the player to make much gold either way.

well, each monster would drop advanced healing or advanced mana to keep the mages inventory, there would also be other perks to the other area, which i would like to talk to a staff member about if this was considere
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#15 Stotic

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:29 AM

I read more thoroughly through the descriptions and I really like your stuff Ice_Cold. You have a style similar to mine and well....I like my style. Develop it more and see where it takes you.
We'll douse ourselves in gasoline and hang our bodies from the lampposts.

#16 ice_cold

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 02:13 PM

Well, I really wish I could say the same for you, but I don't know what you've put in, so I can't reference anything, but if we're alike, then I would have to say I like you because, I like my style very much :)
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#17 Kalypso

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 04:04 PM

The tower was originally planned as an institute of learning for mages. I left the area in another staffers hands when I left. I thought that the area was still being created? I didn't realize it was scrapped. I'd begin working on it again if that was so, I thought that the staffer I handed it over to had adapted it? If the area's still being considered someone can contact me and I'll work on it again (with another staff if desired)

The tower was originally planned out to be similar to what Bishop is saying.

by all means, do you still have any of the maps?
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#18 ice_cold

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 06:48 PM

I feel so special, 4 current/past sysops all talking on my post :)
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#19 Wolfgang

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Posted 16 March 2004 - 07:17 PM

I think that this is a great idea. The descriptions are great... and the concept is pretty nifty too. <3 Ice Cold

What the what?

#20 ice_cold

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Posted 31 March 2004 - 10:37 PM

A sign is posted in the ground:

Now open to the public, the School of Sorcery and Tactics is now accepting gifted minds who would like to learn about the workings of the inner mind and how to survive in the wild.

"Have you heard of this new school," Pandilex asked a stranger.
Slighty off guard, the stranger replies, "It's the best around, I've Heard."

Unfitted to the area, the building stands 4 stories tall, is made of a yellowish concrete, and is covered in water stains as though it has been around for decades. Small barred windows fill the empty face of the building, surrounded by script of a foreign language, possibly spells and wards to protect the compound. Two statues watch the premises on either side of the door, which is made of a strong oak wood and has no handle. Slowly walking to the door, Pandilex notices a small sign on the door.

Only the true of heart may enter the school.

Pandilex pushes slightly on the door, cautious of what may happen. "Welcome welcome, you are Pandilex a presume. We have been waiting for you, not many people are as highly gifted as you in the arts of the mind. Please come sign in, we have a lot to talk about, you must have many questions about us and what we teach here."

"That's why we decided it was finally show ourselves the the community, hopefully we'll be strong enough to put an end to the treachury. I must go now, the stranger you were talking to should be due anytime, he isn't as brave as you in venturing into the new," and with a flash, the desciple dissapears.

You can only page people who are inside of the school.

You are standing in a meeting room. One large table sits in the middle of the room, covered in mystical books and glowing scrolls. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.

You are standing in a giant circular room. Carved from the most beautiful of woods and marble, the room seems to empower you with the thoughts of people who have walked through the room recently. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.


West is the library
East is the reception hall
Up the stairs is the golden hall

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Meeting Room): hello

You are standing in a large library. Shelves filled with books stand side-by-side as far as you can see, defying the physics of the building. Each shelf has a small gold plate on it, encrusted with small jewels that form numbers. A small door is to the East.

You are standing in a large library filled with shelves of books. Defying the physics of the building, the shelves reach farther then your eyes can see in all directions, and skinny wooden ladders reach higher then most buildings. On the end of each shelf is a a gold plate with with numbers encrusted of rare jewels. You can see a small door to the East.



Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello

You are standing inbetween two shelves of books. Small and large books alike fill the shelves in an orderly fashion. You can go Up a ladder to examine more books or exit the aisle by going East and West.

You are standing inbetween two oak shelves. Small and large books sit in order by their names, fill the shelves completely. In the middle of the aisle is a large ladder that reaches higher then you can see. You can venture Up the ladder to look at more books or leave the Aisle by either going East or West.


Learn how to use Bolt

Many sorcerers and wizards have passed the spell down through their kin, but after I leaned of it, I decided it was time to let the masses know of this powerful spell. Centuries ago a wizard by the name Olclha delve into the reaches of spells and how they worked. Years later and years more intelligent, he decided to try and variate small spells to make them easier to learn or more powerful. Although thought as one of the founding users of the spell shock he actually just derived a powerful spell from it, bolt. For reasons unknown at the time, Olclha decided to abandon the use of the spell and refused to tell all who wanted to know of it, but years of persuasion by a trusted friend releived Olclha of his burden. Olclha taught the spell to his fellow wizard and warned him that although the spell could deal incredible ammounts of damage, it was also very dangerous to use. Two months later, the wizards body was found chard under a large tree; Olclha feeling responsible for the wizards death, was never heard from again. After he left...

You turn the page to read further, but the rest of the book is blank.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello

You are standing on a sturdy ladder which is leaning against a bookshelf. Small and large books fill the shelf in alphabetical order. You go higher Up the ladder or descend Down to the floor.

You are standing on a sturdy ladder which is leaning against a large oak bookshelf. Small and large books fill the shelf in alphabetical order. Above you is still a large selection of books. You can climb a couple feet down the ladder to the floor.


Killing Foes Easier: A guide for all your needs

Many mages have found it growingly harder to avoid injury from enemies; this guide should help you learn ways to avoid or even elimate your enemies, and although some strategies in here may be questionable or unethical, they will keep you alive if mastered. Before we start out, there are a few things you should keep in mind: not all stratedies will work in every situation, it will take practice to learn these effectively enough to protect you, and when using the strategies against someone who knows of them may end up

The rest of the page is ripped off along with the next few pages.


You found a book that doesn't belong here

The Secrets of Shock (to get story you must equip the book [would go in weapon spot], the browser then fills with story)

Most beginning wizards, mages, and sorcerers learn the weak spell, shock, when they first start out in their studies of magic, but few ever learn it well enough to manipulate it. Through these people, we have learned new abilities of the mind and been able to strengthen the ones we already have. From this small group of masters a few stand out; Olclha, Adith Elendar, and Mariss Belmer. Although masters of magic, each of these wizards mysteriously dissapeared after teaching their abilities to others. (more...)

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Library): hello
I think you all get the idea of the library

You are standing in a long gold hall. Dozens of sapphire colored doors line the hall. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway.

You are standing in a long gold hall. Almost too close to have rooms behind them, dozens on large, identical sapphire doors line each wall of the hallway. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway to the meeting room.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Gold Hall): hello


You are standing in a long sapphire hall. Dozens of gold colored doors line the hall. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway.

You are standing in a long sapphire hall. Almost too close to have rooms behind them, dozens on large, identical gold doors line each wall of the hallway. You can go East and West through the hall or South down a marble stairway to the meeting room.

color=yellow]Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Sapphire Hall): hello[/color]

You are standing in a meeting room. One large table sits in the middle of the room, covered in mystical books and glowing scrolls. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.

You are standing in a giant circular room. Carved from the most beautiful of woods and marble, the room seems to empower you with the thoughts of people who have walked through the room recently. A plaque hangs magically against the wall.


East is the library
West is the reception hall
Up the stairs is the sapphire hall

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Meeting Room): hello

You are standing in an undersized reception hall. A large sits in the middle of the room, almost completely filling it. There is a small plaque hanging magically on the front of the desk.

You are standing in a reception hall. A large cedar desk sits in the middle of the room, barley able to fit in the meager room. Dark woods and gold run the length of the ceiling, engraved with a foreign language. There is a small plaque hanging magically on the front of the desk.


West and East are meeting Rooms
North is the reception storage
Up the stairs is the learning hallway

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Reception Hall): hello


You are standing in a long hall with many doors. The doors are a stained tan with small windows in the very center of them and a marble handle adorns the left side of the door. You may go North through the hallway or South down a marble staircase.

You are standing in a hall with many doors. The doors are a stained tan with small windows in the very center of them and a marble handle adorns the left side of the door. Magical plaques hover next to the doors with the room numbers on them. You may walk through the hall by going North or go South down the marble staircase.


Room 1

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Hall of Classrooms): hi

You are standing in a sizable classroom. Infrequent desks and a singular hanging bag furnish the room, along with a large teachers desk that sits in the corner of the room. There is a door to your west.

You are standing in a sizable classroom. Infrequent desks and a singular hanging bag furnish the room, along with a large teachers desk that sits in the corner of the room. The teachers desk levitates slightly off the ground and the drawers are magically locked. There is a door to your West.

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Classroom 1): hi

You are standing in an adequetly spaced room. An old wizard sits in the middle of the room at a large desk. There is a door to the East.

You are standing in an adequetly spaced black room. An old wizard sits in the middle of the room at a large cedar desk. There is a door to the East.

(You can also buy spells here: Shock:50 Blast:1000 Beam:5000)

Pandilex Pages You from School of Sorcery and Tactics (Classroom 2): hi

(4 squares)

You are standing in a pit filled with coal. The walls of the pit are incredibly slick and seem to border the sky. You can't see anyway out of here.

You are standing in a large pit filled with rocks of coal. The walls seem to be a polished granite which seems to border the sky. You can't see anyway to escape from the pit.

Pandilex Pages You from Pit of Despair (Bed of Coals): hi

You are standing in a pit filled with coal. The walls of the pit are incredibly slick and seem to border the sky. There is a vortex gate to the South.

You are standing in a large pit filled with rocks of coal. The walls seem to be a polished granite which seems to border the sky. A vortex gate is to the South of you.


Monsters for area

Hanging Bag: The hanging bag is a singed white. A small rope binds it to the ceiling.

Hp: 100,000 (not really ment to be killed)
Exp POD: 5

Giant Troll: The troll stands at an enormous twelve feet tall. Weilding a large spike club, the troll charges at anything in its sight.

Hp: 1200
Exp per POD: 55
Kill Exp: 750
Hits you with its oak staff for 105 damage
Rushes at you you for 25 damage
1 stamina (regain every 20 seconds)
Drops 350 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 90%/Oak staff 10%

Special: low magic resistance, beam would do about 85

Brown Ogre: Descript to be done

Hp: 2500
Exp per POD: 60
Kill Exp: 1000
Punches you for 65 damage
Slams you for 40 damage
Slightly hit you for 5 damage
1 Stamina
Drops 450 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 100%

Wizard: Descript to be done

Hp: 380
Exp per POD: 80
Kill Exp: 1050
Beams you for 45 damage
Blasts you for 30 damage
1 stamina
Drops 250 gold and Advanced Mana Crystal 75%/Scroll of Shock 25%

Special: would have above average magic resistance, beam would deal about 40 damage

Teachers Desk: Descript to be done

Hp: 1000
Exp per POD: 5
Kill exp: 100
Drops Marble Key 5%/3x Advanced Mana Crystal 95%

Special: would have above average magic resistance, beam would deal about 30 damage

Dwarf Thief: Descript to be done

Hp: 850
Exp per POD: 25
Kill Exp: 5000
Attempted to assassinate you for 390 Damage
Attempted to assassinate you but caused 85 Damage
1 Stamina
Drops 450 gold and Advanced Healing Potion

This would be the first part of 2 areas. There's more to the school but I've decided this is enough of it to give a descent picture of what it would be like, and so you'll have to explore some. Whole story isn't stated, since NPC's will tell you what's happening, where it came from, and why it appeared. There's also a lot books that can help you out. Theres a Vortex in the school that brings you to the 2nd area. Won't state story because, once again, it's stated in first area.

You can only page people who are inside the Wastelands

You are standing in the middle of a burnt forest. Scorched trees stand stiff, still smoldering from one the many fires that constantly come through this area. You can go in any direction.

You are standing in the middle of a burnt forest. Scorched trees stand stiff, still smoldering from one the many fires that constantly come through this area. Although the trees are constantly burned by the fires, they seem to somehow thrive on its heat, blooming with hundreds of leaves and flowers minutes after the fires come through. You can go in any direction.

Pandilex Pages You from Wastelands of Hestra (Cinder Forest): hello

Monsters for the Cinder Forest

Cinder Orc: Descript to be done (Red)

Hp: 3500
Exp per POD: 45
Kill Exp: 550
Attacked you with it's tree branch 65
Spits at you for 0 points of damage
1 stamina
Drops 650 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 50%

Special: low magic resistance, beam deals about 100

Giant Bat: Descript to be done (Black)

Hp: 650
Exp per POD: 60
Kill Ecp: 250
Bites you for 15 damage
Swoops at you for 5 points of damage
4 stamina
Drops 150 gold

Fire Leech: Descript to be done (Bright Purple)

Hp: 600
Exp per POD: 85
Kill Exp: 250
Leeches onto you for 65 points of damage
Sucks your blood for 25 points of damage
1 stamina
Drops 450 gold and Advanced Healing Potions 100%

Firebelly Armadillos: Descript to be done (Yellow)

Hp: 350
Exp per POD: 45
Kill Exp: 100
Rolls at you for 15 Damage
1 stamina

Drops 25 gold

Special: not effected by physical attacks

You are standing on a path made of small onyx colored pebbles. A tall stone wall borders the path on either side of you. You can go North and South.

You are standing on a long winding path made on small onyx colored pebbles. A tall stone wall borders the path on either side of you restricting your travels to the path. You can go North or South.

Traps: Arrow hits you for 45 points of damage

Pandilex Pages You from Wastelands of Hestra (Oblivion Path): hello

Monsters for Oblivon Path

Orc Sentry: Descript to be done (Red)

Hp: 5000
Exp per POD: 60
Kill Exp: 550
Attacks you with its Broad Sword for 75 damage
Spits at you for 0 damage
1 stamina

Drops 650 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 95%/Broad Sword 5%

Special: low magic resistance, Beam deals about 85

Elite Orc: Descript to be done (Black)

Hp: 5000
Exp per POD: 60
Kill Exp: 550
Attacks you with it Pike for 85 damage
Spits at you for 0 damage
1 Stamina

Drops 800 gold and Advanced Healing Potion 95%/Pike 5%

Orc General: Descript to be done (Yellow)

Hp: 5000
Exp per POD:75
Kill Exp: 2200
Attaks you with a Great Axe for 100 Damage
Spits at you for 1 damage
1 Stamina

Drops 2200 gold and Copper Castle Key 100%

Special: low magic resistance, Beams deals about 100

Edited by ice_cold, 31 March 2004 - 10:40 PM.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#21 Wolfgang

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Posted 01 April 2004 - 06:08 PM

You are standing in the middle of a burnt forest. Scorched trees stand stiff, still smoldering from one the many fires that constantly come through this area. You can go in any direction.

You are standing in the middle of a burnt forest. Scorched trees stand stiff, still smoldering from one the many fires that constantly come through this area. Although the trees are constantly burned by the fires, they seem to somehow thrive on its heat, blooming with hundreds of leaves and flowers minutes after the fires come through. You can go in any direction.

"Scorched trees stand stiff, still smoldering from one of ... etc"
Thats one of the only criticisms i have to make.

The only other is the lack of monster descriptions, but as you've already said, they arent done yet. I look foreward to reading them...

I'll send you a personal message with all of the grammer things i've noticed when i get a chance to finish reading through this again.

What the what?

#22 Darkling

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Posted 06 May 2004 - 07:39 AM

Huge massive reading... to much cant handle *exploads*

I could only scan due to my small mind not being able to comprehend anything other than a picture book but.... twould be kewl dude very kewl :) I think if staff isnt working on anything at the moment, or when they finish their current prodject this would be a wef thing to work on.
Leave the sig alone you rabid monkey

#23 Raylen


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Posted 06 May 2004 - 11:14 PM

Nicely bumped old post....

I got one thing to say - if i ever were to make a game, i'd like to put ice_cold in charge of New Ideas and Area Development :)

Hopefully the guys in charge will give this idea the consideration it deserves (imho) :)
+1 post count ggpwnedkthxbai

it's plausible that the SOB hasn't spawned

¯¨:·»Gently spamming the forum since 2003«·:¨¯

#24 Sneaky

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Posted 07 May 2004 - 02:41 AM

I remember reading this awhile ago, when it was first posted, but never said anything. I love the idea, would make my mage be used for something other than invising a party to Silversail and for Vortex square to get out of there. Would add a nice little change to mage training.
Chuck Norris wears Jack Bauer pajamas.

deimos the noob said no

#25 ice_cold

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Posted 08 May 2004 - 10:27 AM

a revision is coming soon
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#26 Amy

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Posted 10 May 2004 - 08:56 PM

I really like what you have so far.. Alot of thought has obviously been put into this and would love somewhere that was for mages only to take my team of mages.

Good work!

~With each choice comes consequences.. Choose carefully~

#27 Squee



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Posted 10 May 2004 - 11:49 PM

I suggested a mage-only area...only to remember that this was here. ^^;;;

The only real criticism is...well...I hope you would only encounter one of these monster(s) on a square at a time. If 2 or 3 on a square, a mage could easily be taken out...although...it's possible that's what you were going for. ^^;;
Posted Image

#28 Wolfgang

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 12:04 AM

Squee has a point, though one could get around this by using all stam but one, casting invis, regenerating stam, casting a spell a few times, invis, etc etc.... *shrug*

What the what?

#29 ice_cold

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 12:16 AM

Squee has a point, though one could get around this by using all stam but one, casting invis, regenerating stam, casting a spell a few times, invis, etc etc.... *shrug*

shhhhh >.<
I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#30 Goldfish

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Posted 11 May 2004 - 02:44 AM

Dwarf Thief: Descript to be done

Hp: 850
Exp per POD: 25
Kill Exp: 5000
Attempted to assassinate you for >>390 Damage<<
Attempted to assassinate you but caused 85 Damage
1 Stamina
Drops 450 gold and Advanced Healing Potion

390 damage would be way to much damage. i think 200 damage would even be too much (cause arch mages have about 250ish hp i believe).

damage i think should be reduced by all the monsters a bit. since this is a mage-only area they need lots of healing pots, especially when they are facing the monsters with 5000 hp. thats 60ish beams to kill (so you need alot of mana) and you would have to use an advanced pot each time you got hit (on the orc general).

best area submitted that i think i've seen. i love it. it would give me reason to train my mage. /clap Ice_Cold
Goldfish ingame

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