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John Kerry Or George Bush?

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Poll: Who do you think will win the election of 2004? (105 member(s) have cast votes)

Who do you think will win the election of 2004?

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#1 Ambushed

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 12:05 AM

I'm just throwing out the ? for ppl to answer freely :P I will make the first vote of NightMist so far...
I think John Kerry gets my vote... :-)

Sorry if this poll offends anyone.
Ambushed in-game.

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#2 Epic

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 12:15 AM

I'm a fan of tha Bush

#3 alone

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 12:24 AM

Not to be picky.. But there's a difference between who you may be voting for, and who you think will win.

Over here (UK), some uneducated prat could vote for the BNP, but they sure as hell will never actually get elected.

Had to change my language before posting, don't want to get in too much trouble over my hatred for the BNP.
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#4 Ambushed

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 12:36 AM

/t Alone, the NightMist Votes! thing was just a catchy thing I used...but I mean who do you think will actually win...yes, "think" will win...most likely it may be the person you are voting for...maybe not...but the parties are...if your a party runner :
John Kerry - Democratic
George Bush - Republican
Ralph Nader - Independent

But just vote on who you think has the upper odds at winning the election in the U.S. for the year of 2004...
and remember, the U.S. uses the 'Electoral College' system, cuz 4 years ago Al Gore had more votes, but not more points.
Ambushed in-game.

Play Time : 1 year 10 months

#5 Consumed


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Posted 12 October 2004 - 02:35 AM

shave bush vote kerry!!!
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#6 Epic

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 02:44 AM

Eat Bush...Vote Bush :P

#7 Consumed


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Posted 12 October 2004 - 03:03 AM

lol...kerry ownz u
-Alias ingame-

#8 deadman

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 04:00 AM

4 more years!
Contact Unforgiven on 1a.

#9 Matt

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 04:15 AM

Ugh another post that will turn political very fast. I think I will start it..

It's simple as this, which one is worse for the country, I'll admit, Kerry is not the best choice for president, but I do think between the two candidates that actually have a chance of winning, he will do a better job.

We have had four years of bush and to be honest he has done a horrible job, I honestly think that if Kerry had been president for the past four years he would of done a better job.

Go ahead and talk about your flip flop bullnuts, but look at both of their records and tell me which ones is better.

The main reason I will be voting for Kerry is Bush's handling of the Iraqi War, No one will dispute the fact that Saddam hussein was a warmonger, but Bush handled this war from start to present completely wrong.

Back when his dad invaded Iraq he did not continue to baghdad because there was no clear exit plan, just like there isnt now. We will be occupying Iraq for generations to come, the loyalty the saddam loyalists have is insane, and even the Iraqi embassitor said Terrorists are flooding through the boarders to aid the Saddam loyalists. The Iraqi army and police are complete bullnuts, you don't think at least a 1/10th of those would turn their guns on their own people for Saddam if we leave?

I read an article in my local paper that Saddam is planning on running for president of Iraq, and because he has not been convicted of any crimes, he will be able to. In this same article it said over 55% of the Iraq people want him back.

There are countless more things I could say about Bush and this Iraqi war, I could probably fill a book. But just look at the facts, do a bit of research and make up your own mind, but do not totally listen to either sides adds or political bullnuts, Do your own research and make up your own mind.

Edited by Matt, 12 October 2004 - 04:17 AM.

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#10 two

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 04:15 AM

"let's lick d ick and bush, vote Gore" flash from the past.

#11 Epic

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 04:49 AM


#12 jurian


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Posted 12 October 2004 - 11:51 AM

kerry too bad i'm not allowed to vote tho :P
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#13 Exor

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 02:38 PM


Nah in all seriousness...I strongly believe bush will win again, but I wish Kerry would.Im all for Kerry.
-Mark aka Exor aka Android_20 aka Illidan

#14 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 05:55 PM

shave bush vote kerry!!!

kerry ? you aint my friend no mo'
Page/Memo Beatrix

#15 Rappy_Ninja

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 05:56 PM

every person to vote kerry in this topic dies even more then they already do
Page/Memo Beatrix

#16 TimmyRamone

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 07:03 PM

I'm tired of all the people saying "Oh, we need to get Bush out of office, he is killing America,". Well those people will be saying the same this about Kerry IF he gets elected. I bet anyone $20 that is true. Any takers?
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#17 Lich

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 09:00 PM

I'm tired of all the people saying "Oh, we need to get Bush out of office, he is killing America,". Well those people will be saying the same this about Kerry IF he gets elected. I bet anyone $20 that is true. Any takers?

See your wrong it wont be those how wanted him in who will want him out. It will be all the Bush supporters who actually think that bush is doing a good job.
Grave digger when you dig my grave, make it shallow so I can feel the rain.

#18 Vodka

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 09:13 PM

Nah in all seriousness...I strongly believe bush will win again, but I wish Kerry would.Im all for Kerry.

I have to agree. I'm voting for Kerry anyways... but, just because I have bad luck and am not voting for Bush... Bush will probably remain president. That's all we need is for him to be re-elected. :/
When you do something right nobody remembers, but when you do something wrong nobody forgets.

Hump in game.

#19 Night_Angel

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 10:39 PM

you knwo this thread died and now you had to start a new one do yourself a favor read over this and dont start anymore of the same thread.


Perhaps one day maybe I will understand PAIN. Why it is and how it has to be. Until then...

#20 Zylia

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Posted 12 October 2004 - 11:58 PM

*hums* :P

#21 Kalypso

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Posted 13 October 2004 - 04:07 PM

Kerry, for sure.

Speaking of him..I got a voicemail today from him.

I guess they use automated personalized messages, so he called me Jennifer instead of Jenevive, it's ok though.

I'll still vote for him :P
"Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed.
"Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone just as wild to run with."

#22 jurian


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Posted 13 October 2004 - 04:46 PM

lol it's gonna be a close match and then they gonna screw up in miami and then bush wins :P
Even in death my hate will go on

#23 Dan

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Posted 13 October 2004 - 10:04 PM

lol it's gonna be a close match and then they gonna screw up in miami and then bush wins ^_^

Yea, its allready starting to get controversial down here. Bush is a little too confident that he'll take Florida again, which makes me wonder :P

#24 Consumed


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Posted 14 October 2004 - 12:17 AM

do yall know how long after office Bush took "vacation" to texas... right in his ranch he was suposedly doing work but doubtfully was... 8 months... is that why yall want him to be president??...

o and yall all think you kno everything have yall watched any of the debates or anything... maybe the news?... i wacth nearly all that kind of stuff and i think Kerry is the better of the two...

theres alot of things they try to hide about bush and his admin... like all they have to do with oil companies and all that...

and further more i dont feel it matters who the people vote for in this "democracy" , because the electorial college will elect who they want(bush in 2000)

:P ^_^ :D
-Alias ingame-

#25 Marko_Polo_Jr

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Posted 14 October 2004 - 06:42 PM

I clicked the Nader button to be stupid, but I am all for Kerry, but I am not alllowed to vote until four years or so.

#26 Opie

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Posted 15 October 2004 - 03:11 AM

I would vote for Kerry, but honestly I'd rather have Nader in. But, Like the old saying goes: I Don't wanna throw away my vote. My #1 priority would be to get Bush THE HELL OUT OF OFFICE! and I wish people would pull their heads out of that big 'ol hole in front of their tail bone and pay attention to debates. Today, I heard like TWELVE different people say "Kerry is for Gun control" but if they would have watched the debate last night, they would have seen him say that he was for gun control of ASSAULT RIFLES! you know, AK-47s and such. Who doesn't want that? apperently Bush, who vetoed a law prohibiting them. Bush instituted No Child Left Behind, yet he's constantly cutting school funding to fund Iraq (Of course you can't have a disscussion about the race without bringing up Vietnam2) and he doesn't leave us any money to fund no child left behind. all in all i can sum up all my ranting and raving into one simple Phrase. I Hate George W. Bush.

Oh! I almost forgot. If i have to hear one more Bible thumper say that they're voting for Bush because of the sole fact that he is "For abortion" (Wich really shows how dumb they are because they didn't say "Pro-Choice") I am gonna FREAK THE HELL OUT! Oh know, it's going to be another president that does nothing to stop the death of unborn babies!! Lets put the a-hole who's blowing all the money we don't have back in for another 4 years so he can completely ruin our economy, AND, give all of his rich friends MORE MONEY. I hate him.
*`~Ø~þ~í~€~`* the ÃÑçíèчÑøøßï€
Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. -Ben Franklin

#27 Xiox

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Posted 17 October 2004 - 12:52 AM

kerry Kerry KErry KERry KERRy KERRY!!!!

You all vote for kerry k?
¯*-_¤« DÈÃth§ (V)ìÑì¤ñ§ »¤_-*¯

#28 Dan

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Posted 17 October 2004 - 08:06 AM

Kerry rally tomorrow afternoon in Jen's town. Wonder if I'll see her smiling face

#29 Consumed


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Posted 17 October 2004 - 08:19 AM

i would go to a rally but all to far from here lol...prolly go to sum when i can actually vote next election :P
-Alias ingame-

#30 Dc

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Posted 19 October 2004 - 01:21 AM

i had to write this short essay for my political science class, so i think ill post it :P. now dont make fun of it, it took me a whole 5 minutes to write.

In November of the year 2004, a new president will be elected to govern the United States of America for the next four years. The two main candidates for the presidential race are John Kerry (Democratic) and George Bush (Republican). They have on multiple times met together to debate issues that are of great importance to American Citizens. Of these topics, I am going to discuss the issues of abortion, religion, and gay and lesbian issues in this essay.
The two candidates have entirely opposite view on this issue. Current president George Bush is in high opposition to abortion. He believes that in any case that does not include rape, incest, or the endangerment of the life, that abortion should not be allowed. He desires to extend the 14th amendment to provide protection to unborn children. On the other hand, Candidate John Kerry supports the choice to have an abortion strongly. He moves to have health insurance plans that cover an abortion. I believe that abortion should be considered murder. As soon as a fetus begins to form, that child has a life. To end that child’s life is morally wrong and should only be allowed in cases of rape, incest, or if there is a great chance that the mother and child will die during birth.
President Bush called for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriages. He does not have a firm belief on civil unions because he has said that he will leave that decision for the states to decide themselves. While he does not believe that homosexuality is compatible with the military, he is in favor of the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Kerry opposes same-sex marriages but opposes a constitutional amendment to ban them. He does on the other hand support civil unions. He sponsored the employment non-discrimination plan, which bans discrimination on homosexuals when apply for a job. He also is against the “Don’t ask, don’t tell” policy because he believes that gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve in the military while openly showing their sexual preference. I am strongly opposed to homosexuality. While I do believe that they should not be discriminated against in any issues regarding getting a job, I am opposed to gay and lesbian marriages and civil unions.
Bush is against separation of Church and State. In fact, he is against anything that separates religion from public life. He is an evangelical United Methodist who has been born again. He believes that religion is an important part of everyday life. Kerry believes strongly in separation of Church and State. He is under the watch and pressure of the Catholic Church because of his view on abortion. He believes that all decisions should be made on his obligation to the people and not what he believes in a religion. I personally believe that there should be no separation of Church and State. Those two things should go hand in hand. Religion is a very important part of everyday life.
As you can clearly see President Bush and Senator John Kerry believe in almost the total opposite of the other in mot issues. One could say that they are bi-polar. Most of my opinions are in agreement with George Bush’s. This is probably because both of us belong to a Christian denomination and therefore believe in a lot of the same views.
I believe in the Triune God;God the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit.I believe that while I was helpless and sinful, Christ died for me. Therefore, I now have the righteousness of God, old things have passed away and I am a child of God. I cannot be separated from the love of God, Christ lives in my heart by faith and therefore, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I have been chosen by God and appointed to bear fruit for God. I resist the devil and he flees from me.

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