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Player/staff Interactions


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#1 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 05:14 PM

How difficult would it be to have  a clan/clanhouse ingame that everyone that is active member of the community could go to with staff and and hash out ideas on how to balance/improve the game as a whole?


Things like:


1-40 being rebalanced for 24 months of gameplay to reach max level.


Token system bosses: able to be done with 5-8 players?


Crate system: This one would require some work when it gets to the soloablity of higer level items and things being properly balanced for each class that is going after the item


Optional Gold leveling system: High amounts of gold uses to level from 31-40.


Work on equipment gaps.(Like when I go to the wiki I see a lot of equipment missing for certain levels)


Rethink that some of the store bought leveling items are out of reach for the average player orcbane apex bow ect. What level 25 char fresh player has a spare 1 mill laying around on 1a? What would be a reasonable price for someone who has been playing hard on 1 char and has just reached lvl 25 only to realize they only have 250k saved up or less and they need 1 mill for something that would make the grind not so bad?


Maybe other players can come up with other legit things to work with staff to resolve to help new players and vets alike.


Hash out the good and bad on all of  this?

Edited by Melchior, 01 February 2015 - 05:15 PM.

#2 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 06:49 PM

There's a big issue with 1-40 being x amount of time. Who's time table are we going on? Is it yours? is it mine? Is it Piddys? Is it based on Andys? If we base it on Andy's, I believe it's already less then 2 years for most classes.


The forums are probably the best place to talk to staff. The problem is that in general players complain about stuff that can't be changed, talk bad about staff on a topic, or make complaints about something but give no real suggestions to fix it, which leads a staff member ignore the thread for the large part. Realistically we could all just go to Sleeping Fox Inn and talk about stuff. However in game only certain people can talk to staff due to certain people being on at different times. On the forums anyone can log on at any time and give their opinions.


Token bosses, which has been said numerous times, won't be changed unless they absolutely have to. I.E. the most recent change was the Gristle because 10 characters at 30+ could not kill it. Something of that nature would be needed to change it. At this point I believe there will be 0 changes to the coliseum bosses. Coliseum bosses are intended to be killed by larger parties working together (around 8 people or so).


Crate System: I have suggested numerous times in the past for swaps and changes. At this point it isn't our focus to change anything with the system as we're trying to finish it. However like I said in another topic, if people want to open a topic specifically for the leveling system and make actual suggestions rather then just saying something is wrong, to do it. However no one has yet to do it.


Optional Gold system: I've stated in another post that an optional gold leveling system is not an option due to botters.


Equipment gaps could be worked on some, however most equipment has a few level inbetween them as if you needed to buy new equipment every level a newer person whouldn't be able to keep up with the costs. If you have ideas on specific equipment which is needed, can create the items and descriptions for them, can inform how you would intend for them to enter the game (crafting, bosses, shops, etc). Then go ahead and make a post in development for it. You don't need all those things I mentioned, however just saying certain classes have level gaps in equipment doesn't do a whole lot for us


The leveling equipment are bonus items. They're a gold sink. They're really just an extra benefit. Every player has leveled in the past with items such as halberds, dagger of the winds, hawk talons, enchanted bows, rose blades, etc. The leveling equipment is just a benefit that was recently introduced and isn't intended for new players. I understand new players want to level quickly, however this isn't something that will change. There is a possibility that new lower level items could be introduced as training weapons, but that would go with the above point.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#3 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 06:54 PM

To go further, my suggestions for the leveling system from another topic include:


4) I would request certain items be re-examined for the leveling system for stated reasons.

    A) Dark Mutagen: As is, the item requires multiple people to kill the Plague Demon which end game isn't very viable as it heals. I would request that we possibly look at adding a monster somewhere that could also drop it.

    B] Insect Wings for Thieves: Thieves have a huge problem killing these monsters due to how assassinate uses all stamina, the monsters hit pretty hard, and thieves have a huge problem out damaging the insects healing abilities. I would request that they get a different drop. It could be interesting to replace insect wings with Bat Flesh, the idea would be that thieves are doing research on the bats due to their properties. I understand this was for clerics pre-35 but it could be appropriate for thieves as well, they dont combine though so it would be interesting for them to bring it somewhere (probably arilin thief guild) to trade it in for a token. Those tokens can then be combined in to a bad, those bags can then make a crate. This allows for anywhere from 14 to 1300 be needed to tailor exactly how many we need to fit in to 50% for the level.

    C) Silent Leather: I would request that the drop rate be slightly increased on Master Thieves as they heal and there's only 13 of them. Not a whole lot but enough to make a slight difference.

    D) Titanium Bar: Both classes have huge problems getting them due to the mobs that drop them having high armor. I was told new mobs shouldn't drop it as the Blackguards thing is titanium however due to the difficulty of getting shards I feel like something definately needs to be done. I had proposed in the new Sentant Cavern there be a hourly mini boss that moves around who is mining the area who is an agent of the blackguards or could be the source of the black guards titanium. A small addition we forewent on the northwest side of Elmshire could also be completed to include black shards dropping in some way also. Both would be fairly rare but would help players get the items they need to level. I would also like to point out it isn't viable for a fighter to even get the keys to get into the area by themselves.

    E) Scorpion Tail for Fighters: Fighters as a beat in class and no evasion or heal will have an extremely extremely hard time killing scorpions. Due to lack of inventory space and the way mobs stack it just isn't viable for fighters to kill scorpions in the least bit. At the very least Berserkers can ignore armor on their attacks. I might argue against Berserkers needing to kill them as well though. I would request that Rangers Dark Insignia get switched with fighters Scorpion Tails...or something of that nature. Rangers leveling system is far too easy compared to the other classes and scorpions dont exactly change that, but it's a step in the right direction for both classes.


If you look at what I did there in comparison to what most other people do you'll see large differences. I requested changes for specific problems, I didn't point the finger at anyone, I states what the problem was, stated why I though there was a problem, recommended a fix, and kept it short.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#4 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 07:08 PM

I have no exp with token bosses or crafting as I personally have only leveled a char to 29 and the other 2 chars I own have been bought by either Golding or selling/trading.

I wanna stay away from staff bashing so if anything of the sort comes up in this thread feel free to delete it.

I will go over the classes I have played at low levels. Biggest turn off is the suicide run from like 1-10 for newer players and I would love to see this worked on more cause even going into the new arena at lvl 1 goblin prisoners still rock a noob. I'll ask my friends to help with equipment and balance stuff an see what we come up with and see if staff likes it or not.

#5 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 07:14 PM

Excellent start Danny. I feel this is a better way to handle our woes ab the game and maybe rebuild some fellowship with each other in the game so everyone can enjoy it.

#6 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 07:30 PM

Equipment from level 1-10 are nearly impossible to change due to the game mechanics. The mobs themselves in the arena's could possibly be changed slightly though. On that note, most players actively choose to suicide to get faster experience whether that's on small snakes or vines.


I'll see what can be done about this once a couple more ideas pop up.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#7 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 08:16 PM

Venomous Fang


Base damage: 5, Can be worn by: clerics, druids, fighters, mages, paladins, rangers, thieves, berserkers, Description: This fang is extremely sharp dripping with venom., Level needed to equip it: 3, Magical: No, Vamparic: No, Armor: 0, Strength modifier: 0, Intelligence modifier: 0, Dexterity modifier: 0, Constitution modifier: 0, Wisdom modifier: 0, Charisma modifier: 0, Poison chance: 0, Poison/30s damage: 0, Monster damage table: Spiders  , Mana leech: .


This item could be crafted by making monsters drop venomous shards that drop in the new arena say it takes 14 shards to make this weapon and the guy outside of the arena can be the one to make it so that any newer player could stumble on it. I don't know how the poison stuff works but it would be cool to have it on this kinda item. I also don't know if you can have a level cut off for a item either like say you can use it till a certain level and then it auto unequips.


I also don't have a clue on the mechanics of any of this and what would be OP or not so I am just pulling stuff out of my ass. :-p

#8 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 08:48 PM

It takes about 2 years of 2 hours a day to level a crit to 40. wouldn't be that bad if you had 40 tokens 15 trinkets in vault. Or 25 crates , 5 tokens, and 5 trinkets. either way isn't very likely.

tokens become so numerous that people who don't have much "playtime" log on and almost exclusively had to help do tokens.
crate systems helped with this, but isn't very balanced for the same players. Crates also set the classes apart on whole different pvm levels. If you barely have time to gather experience, you have absolutely no time for crates and ideally don't want to constantly help with tokens.

The grind-mist era isn't as appealing as the roll crit, hyper-train, strive for the perfect max level character era. Obviously the non player-base agrees. Personally I think level 30 cap was a better game. I think 31-35 could be the endgame with 1 stamina increase at 35. The 36-40 is just horrible and broken.

/t melchior any thread you start. You have the option of deleting it yourself. Towards the top right corner.
also your dream of staff/players holding hands won't succeed if 400 topics are locked and deleted everyday lol. I can't wait for 2004.


I think a number of people and staff agree that characters should have been allowed to get to 40. Even if they could get to 40 they shouldn't have needed so much experience. The problem is that it's been done and there's no going back. A person who only logs on for a short period of time will have leveling problems period no matter what system is implemented other then a pre-30 system of just getting somewhere and clicking a button. However That can't be changed anymore.


/t melchior remember how I was talking about the pointing fingers and making statements with no suggestions. See the quote.


I'm pretty sure something like the Venemous Fang could be put in. Probably would take on a name change though.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

#9 Melchior

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 09:11 PM

So because people have already reached 40 the exp req cannot be altered?

Could it not be altered and the overflow exp be transferred to another char or a gold trade/item trade in for the overflow of exp to compensate the people who have already achieved this? Just coming up with options that could work for this.

#10 ice_cold

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Posted 01 February 2015 - 09:53 PM

The exp requirement can't be changed by anyone other then JLH. JLH will not change it, he states players want the game to be too easy.


JLH also will not change players hp (to raise it to a better amount to better diversify monsters, areas, equipment, and make pking a little less easy), will not make pking harder, or will not make and updates to download a new client as it will then no longer be able to be installed by systems with windows 7 or later (I dont know the logistics of that though).


JLH might be willing to reduce the stamina players get, but then people will just complain about that.


Staff and I have stated stuff of this nature numerous...hundreds of times in the past, it gets tiring hearing it over and over again as it's not in our hands to make these changes.

I read somewhere that ostrichs hide their heads under the sand because moles watch porn.

ScarletMuse 03/2/2005 11:20am

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