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There have been 13 items by alone (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#207134 Switching To 1a, Trading Main Crits

Posted by alone on 26 June 2008 - 04:07 PM in Characters for Sale

These new kids. No idea of the commands!

Free bump :ph34r:

#207074 5 Stat Elf Mage

Posted by alone on 23 June 2008 - 03:26 PM in Characters for Sale

I'll give you a tincan, just bursting with fast love.

#207073 4 Stat, 1a Character

Posted by alone on 23 June 2008 - 03:09 PM in Wanted

You meant, what main stuff do I have to offer for the 1a crit, correct?

Um.. Got a lot of older stuff.. Halberds are still worth 130k, right? :ph34r:
Just got like 400k (always was a rich man, me!), some crits, variety of classes. Some pretty good stated ones. You're better off telling me what you have to offer, and how much you want for it.. Can't exactly place my entire (currently deleted) account on here..

#207050 4 Stat, 1a Character

Posted by alone on 22 June 2008 - 06:42 PM in Wanted

So there's nothing else on offer?..

#207032 Clerics On 1a

Posted by alone on 21 June 2008 - 06:34 PM in Cleric Class Discussion

I think if another cleric area were to be put in, especially for leveling up past 30. How about a neat change of pace.. They have to actually fight with their weapon. So relatively low HP monsters that hit hard enough to make it a struggle to keep yourself alive.

Just something to throw around, I guess. Afterall, you're trying to prove you're one of the greatest Clerics around, so surely you'd need to be able to stand your own.

EDIT: Obviously if there already is an area like this, ignore me. Been a while since I played...

#206979 4 Stat, 1a Character

Posted by alone on 19 June 2008 - 04:55 PM in Wanted

I would prefer no previous level history (unless it's good and you sell it cheap). I can only offer main NM stuff, as I've not ventured into the 1a realm yet.

So, as the title says, lay down your crits. Anyone who shows me their stats in the old school format gets a cookie!

#192888 Inactive Characters On Nm Solo

Posted by alone on 12 July 2007 - 05:00 PM in Game Discussion

I'm still not sending you those pictures...

#192872 Inactive Characters On Nm Solo

Posted by alone on 12 July 2007 - 10:48 AM in Game Discussion

Can the rule not be split?
Name holders (lvl 20 and below) are deleted at the same time as the multi server, whereas characters over level 20 get 6months?

#192571 So, Been A While. Internet Problems...

Posted by alone on 05 July 2007 - 02:44 PM in Technical Support

You so rock my work! Working good!

#192513 So, Been A While. Internet Problems...

Posted by alone on 04 July 2007 - 08:09 PM in Technical Support

Tried entering it myself, and selecting auto. Doesn't work either way... One difference, if I tell it to 'repair' the connection when it's set to auto, it says it's unable to renew the IP Address.

#192479 So, Been A While. Internet Problems...

Posted by alone on 04 July 2007 - 12:10 PM in Technical Support

It's a Lynksys Broadband Router, which says it has a 4-way switch.. It's always worked before, and the problem only started after my computer died. It's also currently working with 3 other machines connected through the switch/router. I have already tried just my computer connected to the router.

I can still ping the gateway (which I assume is the router), but when I try ping a website/IP it says it's unable to connect to Host.

#192340 To Random...or Not To Random?

Posted by alone on 01 July 2007 - 05:42 PM in Suggestions

I swear the arguement used to be "No, you need it more than I do, you take it.." 'No, I insist, I've actually got a spare in my vault.' And so on...

#192338 So, Been A While. Internet Problems...

Posted by alone on 01 July 2007 - 05:34 PM in Technical Support

Basicly, it goes like this;

Computer mooses up (kept rebooting itself, solved by removing HD, placing in spare machine, running virus scan and removing virus')

Then have to use Windows XP disk to recover it, and don't lose any data.

Now I can't appear to get on the internet, at all.

I'm able to access the local network, and share files etc, just no internet.

We use a 4way switch. Internet comes into the switch, and obviously it does its stuff (well, is meant to). The net works on all the other machines except mine.

Tried plugging the cable direct into the modem, still no joy. We're on NTL, so the net's always alive. Have attempted putting in IPs etc manually, but to no avail.

In the command prompt I can ping the default gateway (apparent that's a good sign? yes, no?)

Any help at all would be sweet...

Thanks all!