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There have been 13 items by VampireDeviant (Search limited from 24-September 23)

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#60347 A Real Vampire Roleplay

Posted by VampireDeviant on 09 September 2004 - 07:32 PM in Roleplay Forum

(( OK I am back I know that I started this roleplay and havent contributed to it but there is a really good explanation! Seriously! I moved from my homestate to Arizona, got stranded there after a week or two of sleeping on a couch I said F*ck it and returned to Louisiana well that wasnt much better because I am all together homeless living in a shelter and everything, so I am at the library which because of a very strict firewall has never allowed me to do anyhting related to Nightmist , but I succeeded in bypassing the firewall for the forum but the game still wont play it keeps saying the server is down when i try to login which i know for a fact it isnt. Anyways I am going to try to bring my own contribution to the roleplay now so just remember I been away so therefore my character willl have had to leave for unexpected reasons ....))

#27881 Better Enhance Spell

Posted by VampireDeviant on 18 May 2004 - 06:31 AM in Improvements

I like this Idea...

A question tho how amny stam would it use with each casting?

I would like to see this in game great Idea Mindi

#27695 A Real Vampire Roleplay

Posted by VampireDeviant on 17 May 2004 - 04:28 AM in Roleplay Forum

A strange fog appears, it slowly creeps closer, rolling over itself , deadly looking this fog seems, slowly it rises to a heighth of a man, 6'5'' to be exact, the mist forms the features of a darkly handsome creature, he stands before you his head slightly bowed ,eyes closed, his raven black hair in strings upon his face, his hand reaches up and brushes the hair from his face, his eyes snap open, frightening blue eyes pierce through your very soul. He smiles a peculiar seductive smile, his lips slip over his elongated canines, the sleek twin daggers of bone are white, almost blue it would seem.

He slips a piece of parchment from under his cloak , his eyes glance at the writing, black letters magnificently written upon yellowing stationary. Taking a dagger from its hiding place he stabs the Parchment into the wall of The Boars Tusk. This is what could be read upon the bulletin.................

Dark Greetings , I am the Vampire Kristian Beoulve. I hereby summon all Vampires, Mortals, Scholars, Anyone for that matter that is interested in the Darkness... We ,Together, shall shed light upon the world that has remained hidded all these long years from the eyes of mortal men and women. No longer shall we just be stories to scare little kids, nor be fantastic stories of bravado and parlor tricks. There shall be peace among our gathered group no matter what, Yet once you leave this pub may God or whoever you think may watch over you do so.

I may indeed have upset vampires that remain to stay hidden and alone. but after so many years of silence I find that it has gotten boring and unbearable...

If you fear for your eternal soul do not be afraid no one will harm you at least while your here.

Please place your signature upon this parchment as a sign of you accept these small rules........

I ,Kristian Beoulve, do hereby sign and agree to these simple rules that no one shall be harmed by myself or my guests...
Kristian T Beoulve

#27693 A Real Vampire Roleplay

Posted by VampireDeviant on 17 May 2004 - 04:14 AM in Roleplay Forum

Ok Here it is a real Vampire Roleplaying Thread , I request now no OOC unless it has the OOC brackets around it }} ]] )) are all satisfactory. This Rp shall be set in the Realm of Nightmist so anyplace that Nightmist has is ok , plz stick to the areas of nightmist please, Also this is also a calling out rp for all Vampire Enthusiasts, Vampires, and Mortals that wish to know the many intricacies of Vampiric Lore, RP, Fact and Fiction, I will however state that Movie Vampires are totally useless here so please leave the Slaying to Buffy and Hollywood, yes there is slayers but if you actually read and know about vampires all the hollywood glamour is a bunch of crap.......

Please Read and Enjoy and Contribute to the RP if not please just keep your thoughts to yourself Thank You

#26701 «nocturnal~impurity»

Posted by VampireDeviant on 13 May 2004 - 11:02 PM in Clan Forum


A sudden black darkness envelopes you as you gaze upon the Dark stanger before you, He smiles almost sinisterly as he watches you move inevitably closer,"Dark Greetings Prey" he steps out of the shadows slowly, his body covered from head to toe in black, except the almost milky white color of his skin, his brilliant blue eyes gaze into yours almost hypnotically, his voice ehoes in the darkness as he speaks to you,"Perhaps we can talk my friend", a flash of lightning streaks across the midnite sky, adding to the atmosphere than sort of forboding feeling .....................

He motions you out of the slightly chilly night air with a wave of his hand, "Come let us talk in the pub", he holds the door and follows you inside of the empty pub. You move silently across to a table in the corner a single lit candle upon the hard scarred wood, he motions for you to sit, you do as his hand comes to rest upon the table top, He speaks again"I have asked you here to try and persuade you to join the ranks of my Family."

He continues to talk about his Family for some time as you sit and listen you watch this stranger closely. The candle light casting a ghastly glow upon his pale face,after a few moments a serving girl enters the lonely room and comes to the table her eyes are glazed over as if she is in a trance,"Can I get you anything?", The Stranger who has yet to Introduce himself orders a bloodwyne, you glare a him suspiciously and order a ale to accompany his order. He smiles and tells you more of his strange Family and home.

The service here is impeccable, as she arrives promptly back with your drinks, and returns back to the kitchen area, the dark man picks up the wine glass and swirls it before taking a drink from the glass, the red liquid seems to stain his pale lips giving them a hint of color,"I probably should tell you my name, My name is Kristian Tepes Beoulve, but my friends just call me Deviant, VampireDeviant to others," with the word vampire escaping his lips he smiles, his lip curls back revealing pearly white almost blue they are so white elongated incisors.

You sit and chat with this strange being hearing his offers and his requirements to join his family, he tells you it is small as of now but ever growing, many chances of promotion if he so desires... and this is how they went..............

Ok that was just a bit of longwinded fun for myself, I am here to recruit all you dark citizens of Nightmist to join My family «NocturnaL~ImpuritY», as stated above it is small as of now but not for long. The «NocturnaL~ImpuritY», ranked 99, with score 113, consists of 11 members and 1 rooms

If you enjoy Vampires, roleplay, good dark fun, then you should consider joining, I have any things planned if not implemented as of yet things for Our clan. such as quests , clan outings , moshes, and trivia

So far we have a few alliances pending and some accepted, two enemies so far too
Ppl work fast in nightmist dont they , dont give you a chance to get established before they start in on ya, but its all part of the fun.

You dont have to rp in this clan if you dont wish to but it is appreciated if you do No alt requirement either you may have only one alt in the clan or many its up to you, you should however find out if your alternative clans allow alt seperation. We do frown however on laziness, dont just let the crit sit and rot, training the crit liek any other is fine, even do it with your other alts jsut be polite to members that wish to speak with you or something.

Donations are welcome and appreciated but not required, I am thinking of maybe even starting a fund for helping clan members not sure tho

I am putting in the clan bank and kitchen and pub today sometime so we will have the basis of our clan house started. If you would like to join or would like more information plz contact VampireDeviant , if VampireDeviant isnt online then plz try Daywalker(Clan Chairman) or Sandman I am on someone usually so untill we next speak Let the Darkness Guide You

#26615 «nocturnal~impurity»

Posted by VampireDeviant on 13 May 2004 - 03:45 PM in Clan Forum

A sudden black darkness envelopes you as you gaze upon the Dark stanger before you, He smiles almost sinisterly as he watches you move inevitably closer,"Dark Greetings Prey" he steps out of the shadows slowly, his body covered from head to toe in black, except the almost milky white color of his skin, his brilliant blue eyes gaze into yours almost hypnotically, his voice ehoes in the darkness as he speaks to you,"Perhaps we can talk my friend", a flash of lightning streaks across the midnite sky, adding to the atmosphere than sort of forboding feeling .....................

He motions you out of the slightly chilly night air with a wave of his hand, "Come let us talk in the pub", he holds the door and follows you inside of the empty pub. You move silently across to a table in the corner a single lit candle upon the hard scarred wood, he motions for you to sit, you do as his hand comes to rest upon the table top, He speaks again"I have asked you here to try and persuade you to join the ranks of my Family."

He continues to talk about his Family for some time as you sit and listen you watch this stranger closely. The candle light casting a ghastly glow upon his pale face,after a few moments a serving girl enters the lonely room and comes to the table her eyes are glazed over as if she is in a trance,"Can I get you anything?", The Stranger who has yet to Introduce himself orders a bloodwyne, you glare a him suspiciously and order a ale to accompany his order. He smiles and tells you more of his strange Family and home.

The service here is impeccable, as she arrives promptly back with your drinks, and returns back to the kitchen area, the dark man picks up the wine glass and swirls it before taking a drink from the glass, the red liquid seems to stain his pale lips giving them a hint of color,"I probably should tell you my name, My name is Kristian Tepes Beoulve, but my friends just call me Deviant, VampireDeviant to others," with the word vampire escaping his lips he smiles, his lip curls back revealing pearly white almost blue they are so white elongated incisors.

You sit and chat with this strange being hearing his offers and his requirements to join his family, he tells you it is small as of now but ever growing, many chances of promotion if he so desires... and this is how they went..............

Ok that was just a bit of longwinded fun for myself, I am here to recruit all you dark citizens of Nightmist to join My family «NocturnaL~ImpuritY», as stated above it is small as of now but not for long. The «NocturnaL~ImpuritY», ranked 99, with score 113, consists of 11 members and 1 rooms

If you enjoy Vampires, roleplay, good dark fun, then you should consider joining, I have any things planned if not implemented as of yet things for Our clan. such as quests , clan outings , moshes, and trivia

So far we have a few alliances pending and some accepted, two enemies so far too
Ppl work fast in nightmist dont they , dont give you a chance to get established before they start in on ya, but its all part of the fun.

You dont have to rp in this clan if you dont wish to but it is appreciated if you do No alt requirement either you may have only one alt in the clan or many its up to you, you should however find out if your alternative clans allow alt seperation. We do frown however on laziness, dont just let the crit sit and rot, training the crit liek any other is fine, even do it with your other alts jsut be polite to members that wish to speak with you or something. :)

Donations are welcome and appreciated but not required, I am thinking of maybe even starting a fund for helping clan members not sure tho :)

I am putting in the clan bank and kitchen and pub today sometime so we will have the basis of our clan house started. If you would like to join or would like more information plz contact VampireDeviant , if VampireDeviant isnt online then plz try Daywalker(Clan Chairman) or Sandman I am on someone usually so untill we next speak Let the Darkness Guide You

#23693 Pking

Posted by VampireDeviant on 01 May 2004 - 05:39 PM in Suggestions

Ok first off the Pking to be removed....... umm how about no. This game thrives on pking. Without the hardships of pking the game would quickly get boring. You see when you work hard for your experience and have the knowledge (even if its just with in your own head) that you are a good player, then you want to pk, and those that do get pked do get a bit peeved at it because you lose some of that prestigious gain you worked so hard for. But as it is it is just a game. its for entertainment. so in short the game is pretty muched based on pking its one of the instrumental parts of the game without it the game would take a dive for the boring side.

Yes people do take offense to flaming and harassment. And in moderation it is fun and entertaining. Btw that is what the KOS list and enemy lists are for you dont like soemone take it out on them in game not with whining and throwing Idle insults at people

And Secondly Squiggle yes you did tell me to come to uk and kick your arse real life, you yourself are one of the biggest whiners in the game . You say you take offense to people talking about you and your family when they dont know you.. thats the point in itself they dont know you so you shouldnt take offense to the fact that someone talks about things they dont know. Its all in fun, and you seem to fail to realize this ... why the hell would I buy a plane ticket to the uk to come tear you a new one and fly back, for one waste of time and money, two illegal for me to touch you and three if I came to uk or anywhere over a large distance it would be for rest and relaxation not to come call upon you take you out in the steet and give you the beating you deserve.... ((ok see here is something you will take offense to but remember I dont know you , so hey its all in fun right, you took it out of game when provoking me to come and kick the retardedness out of you but I find it entertaining but then again I am quite demented and morbid in my own ways))

With all this said I have gotten bored with this subject already, a word to the wise though Squigs dont start stuff with other people and dont expect to get the same in return and when you do get the same in return dont try to whine about it on the forum under some other pretenses ....

PS Its a game have fun someone says something to you that you dont like come up with something witty to say back its all in fun and funny to those around you

#19848 Gold

Posted by VampireDeviant on 18 April 2004 - 02:01 PM in Pacifist Class Discussion

To comment upon "which key is it to get to the first floor of the musem" thought it was the stari 1 key well its not, in fact to get to floor one you need the museum key.......

Museum Key .. gains entrance to first floor
Stair 1 key ... gains entrance to second floor
and so forth

#16062 Caramel Brown Bear

Posted by VampireDeviant on 05 April 2004 - 02:50 PM in Items for Sale


#14921 Caramel Brown Bear

Posted by VampireDeviant on 31 March 2004 - 07:18 PM in Items for Sale

yeah why you think i am selling it ! to pay you back and such!

and 10k dang dude lol hmm ima give it to tomorrow highest bid then wins so you might get it and the gold so pfft
but thanks for starting the bids

#14876 Caramel Brown Bear

Posted by VampireDeviant on 31 March 2004 - 04:19 PM in Items for Sale

Caramel Brown Bear:
Description: A delicious caramel filled chocolate brown bear, a small edible version of those found in the forest. Yum!, Type of item: Food.

I just want to get rid of the thing, yet make a bit of gold off of it
Instant Sell: 100k =P

Start the biddings!

#10595 Lvl 12 Zerker

Posted by VampireDeviant on 17 March 2004 - 03:26 AM in Characters for Sale

SOLD !!! SNOOZE YA LOSE jsut kidding but *waves buh bye to dante*

#10588 Lvl 12 Zerker

Posted by VampireDeviant on 17 March 2004 - 03:20 AM in Characters for Sale


Race/Class: Male Dwarf Berserker., Str: 21, Int: 18, Dex: 18, Con: 21, Wis: 16, Chr: 16, Lev: 12, Exp: 314,812, HP: 210, MP: 0, Stm: 3. Can still be /reset

Asking 15k Or Best Offer ! Contact Vampiredeviant in game for offers or do it here thanks