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#102505 New Class: Gunslingers...

Posted by green_mantis on 17 February 2005 - 06:22 PM in Suggestions

There isn't any evidence to the contrary. It is entirely possible that, upon obtaining their prized halberds, Halflings chop some extra length off the end of the haft.

#101908 New Class: Gunslingers...

Posted by green_mantis on 14 February 2005 - 06:17 PM in Suggestions

Halflings use smaller halberds. So they would use lower grain bullets.

At least, that is the easiest solution.

#100694 New Class: Gunslingers...

Posted by green_mantis on 07 February 2005 - 06:25 PM in Suggestions

I think it would be pretty neat, but the weapons should only be able to be bought at the training centers. Seeing as the only people who understand guns, and their inner workings would be the gunslingers themselves.

Changing the purchasing interface to say that you crafted the weapons instead of buying them might be a nice accent piece.

#97029 Holy Warrior Muders?

Posted by green_mantis on 18 January 2005 - 04:12 PM in Paladin Class Discussion

Since when is a paladin toast then?

#95936 Class...

Posted by green_mantis on 13 January 2005 - 03:57 PM in Suggestions

it doesnt actually exist, it is just an excuse for the staff to not add any further improvements to this game.

As of yet there is no known evidence to the contrary.

#95694 Holy Warrior Muders?

Posted by green_mantis on 12 January 2005 - 04:05 PM in Paladin Class Discussion

Evil/"unholy warriors" would not be so concerned so much with spells for theirs or their minions health, as much as they would be concerned with spells that deal the most damage or have various ill effects.

If they were worried about getting critically injured, they would carry potions.

#93323 New Class

Posted by green_mantis on 04 January 2005 - 04:33 PM in Suggestions

If monks were added They probably shouldn't wear armor.

It would be nice to have a class that was able to go around with nothing on them at all.

I would propose a self-healing ability (or possibly faster regeneration) , and a stunning ability if it were added (cripple, maybe).

My necromancer was a lot different from other people's.

But I can make something original :unsure:

#90263 Answer To Jlh

Posted by green_mantis on 21 December 2004 - 04:43 PM in Game Discussion

Pandi I think helped me once, he gave me directions to the training guild when I had first started.

Not much, but it got me started.

#90262 What Would You Do....

Posted by green_mantis on 21 December 2004 - 04:36 PM in Off-Topic Polls

  • 4 alt limit.
  • More visuals (actually make players able to see the game, which would allow rangers to pick off long range targets).
  • Expand the world of nightmist; adding more areas and larger distances between areas.
  • Expand the classes of nightmist; adding more classes and increasing the abilities of the current ones.
  • Expand the races; adding additional abilities and bonuses.
  • Allow character customization.
  • etc.
You could say I would change almost everything.

#90261 The Gauntlet

Posted by green_mantis on 21 December 2004 - 04:20 PM in Roleplay Forum

"Indeed, my vault lies at the end of the gauntlet, and the treasure there is unsurpassed. Darksparrow exclaims as the servants enter carrying huge silver platters with various roasted creatures and abundant other goodies on them.
"Excellent!" Darksparrow exclaims excitedly. "Let us eat!"

#88603 Pyramid Of The 3rd Moon

Posted by green_mantis on 14 December 2004 - 04:48 PM in Pacifist Class Discussion

The only way I could see a dead thing healing itself is through some unnatural means, such as vampirism, or some other unearthly equivalent.

#87772 Necromancer

Posted by green_mantis on 10 December 2004 - 10:13 PM in Improvements

No more ideas? Then is this the necromancer everyone would like to see?

#87653 Mercenaries

Posted by green_mantis on 10 December 2004 - 05:04 PM in Suggestions

Why wouldn't hiring a crit out (putting yours up for hire) just basically make a copy of the statistics and ban the original as long as the crit is hired out?
Then there is a complete copy of the crit, apart from equipment.

As far as gold/items goes, maybe they could be automatically given to the crit that hired the mercenary.

#86810 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 06 December 2004 - 04:33 PM in Suggestions

If I keep changing them they will just become normal humans. They are good for mages, and should be easy to put in.

Staff please look into this possibility for a race, and give me your thoughts.

#85156 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 30 November 2004 - 04:29 PM in Suggestions

Im not going to turn them into humans.

#84860 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 29 November 2004 - 05:06 PM in Suggestions

I think the wisdom really cannot go any lower, otherwise I would have to give them a lesser chance to fizzle, one even greater than gnomes, and I wont do that.

I think switching one point of dexterity for one point of wisdom may balance it a bit more.

Stats: 19 21 20 20 18 16

No racial bonuses or penalties just an unarmed attack with a base damage of 3

there should be an acceptable fizzle rate with these stats, and good mana gains, as well as hit points between those of a dwarf and a human.
Show some support for racial diversity.

#84857 Ranthak's Horde

Posted by green_mantis on 29 November 2004 - 04:53 PM in Roleplay Forum

Well, she seems friendly enough, but friendly people always have something to hide. Don't they? Why do I talk to myself, I just get confused...
Snowstrider shoots a secret glance to where Helevorn's attention was momentarily diverted.
If he hadn't been so worried about his weapons he may have never caught it, but his uncanny knack for noticing useless details, also bade him notice that. For some reason, it disturbed him...

Did she even really look there? Or was I looking there? What was she looking at? What is a guard?wasitachild?wasitaflower?whowasit?whatwasit?
Snowstrider clutches his head in pain.
"Aack, no more talking to myself. Hold up. I'm gonna come with you."
He yells after Helevorn as he jogs up behind her.

#84241 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 26 November 2004 - 10:59 PM in Suggestions

I dont think the staff would add Racial abilities.

Anyway, who is going to remember to press the button to flap their wings? Not me, a real dragon heir would flap them instictually in order to dodge. Remember too that halflings have a defense bonus.

#83615 New Fighter Innate Ability

Posted by green_mantis on 24 November 2004 - 04:10 PM in Fighter Class Discussion

I think those are a little low, I chose the ones I did because the fighter is trained right away to fight. So getting critical hits would be part of the training, hence the higher % of striking one. I may be willing to drop to 25% which is acceptable, but any lower is threatening to compromise what the idea is about.

#83611 Mercenaries

Posted by green_mantis on 24 November 2004 - 04:04 PM in Suggestions

Yeah, when a merc "dies" they could show a message saying [merc name] flees from the battle, back to his home.

Which would of course be his local pub.

#83608 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 24 November 2004 - 03:58 PM in Suggestions

A quick flap of the wings would give a boost of speed. They aren't strong enough to carry the Dragon Heir into the air, but they commonly use them for running, and when they dodge an attack.

Remember too, Dragon Heirs are flightless, the wings could fly if attached to something smaller.

#83283 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 23 November 2004 - 04:29 PM in Suggestions

The classes that are on there are the ones an average Dragon heir would be trained in, that's why thief, zerker, pally, and clerics are not included. Their wings make them not very stealthy, they aren't pious at all, and they generally don't take a chaotic approach to things.

How would they be better than halflings? They should take more damage from spells unless halflings have less wisdom. Also they don't take well to healing magic, hence low charisma.

#82988 Dragon Heir

Posted by green_mantis on 22 November 2004 - 05:40 PM in Suggestions

Dragon Heir:

A strange people only recently emerging from the deserts beyond the known world.
These people claim to be descendants of dragons that once ruled the lands. Though they have long since lost the individual race lines within their culture, all agree that they are quite strange.

Dragon Heirs resemble humans in almost all ways, apart from the leathery wings on their back, and their clawed hands.

Dragon Heirs are slightly tougher than humans (+1 Con), but are somewhat disturbing to look at (-3 Char). Their wings, though useless for flight, enable them to move quickly on the ground (+2 Dex). The proud Dragon Heirs retain some of their draconian intelligence (+2 Int), but their common sense has suffered (-2 Wis).

Dragon Heirs have a natural weapon:
Pair of hands is exchanged for claws which have a base damage of 3

So max stats would be: 19 21 21 20 17 16

Classes available would be: Fighter, Ranger, and Mage.

#82982 New Race

Posted by green_mantis on 22 November 2004 - 05:13 PM in Suggestions

Do you really think that a prize race would work?

Just to let you know, I don't think it would.

If you could think up a reason for their existence, such as they just hopped up out of their city beneath the small stream it might be better.

#82975 Shields...

Posted by green_mantis on 22 November 2004 - 05:01 PM in Ranger Class Discussion

Rangers shouldn't use anything other than bracers really if you think about it. Even a buckler would be useless if you were using the hand for something else.

It would be nice if they had a quiver of arrows in place of a shield, but thats not what this is about.