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#212471 Head Count

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 30 December 2008 - 03:05 AM in Game Discussion

I log to kill bosses everyday

<------- Rappy

I know you log on often man, i see you go past me to HL when i head that way all the time lol. i get on to check it and i see rappy_ninja roll by, i go..."@#$%^@$%&^$% dang>.< he got it again!" lol

#212461 Boss Thread

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 29 December 2008 - 01:46 AM in Game Discussion

sorta busy day today.

Cappy no drop...again
AM Rose Blade

Ermac assassinated an Aet'Thol <<< was a botch to kill...

olist seal dropped (dont count as a boss i think though)

#212457 Head Count

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 28 December 2008 - 07:45 PM in Game Discussion

was just wondering who all was still on main besides heritage,wind,crane,demi,cody and myself. If i missed anyone then i am sorry, but these are the only people i see on all the time.

#212443 1a To Main

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 27 December 2008 - 03:52 AM in Game Discussion

why for christs sake is the stamina table so different on main to 1a???

#212379 Guildmaster's Key

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 22 December 2008 - 03:54 AM in Items for Sale

well, i will start bidding at 100k main. :ph34r:

#212334 New Players

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 19 December 2008 - 02:27 AM in Game Discussion

ok...this topic got way out of hand. shut it down someone and save us the trouble....

#212289 Pacifists Locked Out Of The Bone Garden

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 17 December 2008 - 12:26 AM in Comments

ive not found a story to go with the area, and if you suggest that just the xmas story line fall into place then i dont see how it fits at all. Unless! the story is extended to after the xmas quest ends and some sort of foul magic happened to stay to contiue to reanimate the elves there then that would be cool

you ever try going down there with 2 or 3 5 man teams and wonder around?

and as far as a bad way to suggest things, you yourself suggested the same as i did, does that make your suggestions bad as well? alot of people on the forums suggest things in a bad way as well, does that make everyonges thoughts bad as well?


#212284 Pacifists Locked Out Of The Bone Garden

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 16 December 2008 - 10:25 PM in Comments

if the area is to stay open some things do need to happen.

Some sort of boss does need to be added as stated. The area is nice, i have visited it myself a couple of times, but just the elven wights there do make it some what bland.

The area does need to be opened up to paccies. They are the ones that roam the land dispatching evil from the realm. It would only make proper sense to have them be able to go in and dispatch the elven dead there releaseing their tortured soul giving them some sort of rest. (it makes sense in the role play role of paccies as well.)

Open it to a full party. I went in with some of my peeps and we got rocked when we tried to go down and only 5 went down. There is no indication saying that only 5 can go down, and when you take 2 parties in and they try to move on the same square the party is shuffled. MASSIVE CONFUSION!

and....where is trevayne? ive not seen him around anywhere. is he alright? is there some way for someone to check on him perhaps?


EDIT: Also, if the area stays someone might want to think about adding some sort of story to that underground area, or add the area about "Haunted Hollows" into it to give it some sort of sense other then it just suddenly appearing. I will be more then happy to wright a story up about it if anyone wants.

#212233 Boss Thread

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 15 December 2008 - 07:33 PM in Game Discussion

ok...QUESTIONS! why are the elves on main dropping explosives....unless the staff are plaining something very evil :ph34r:

#212230 Boss Thread

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 15 December 2008 - 02:20 PM in Game Discussion

Scooter killed a Hedge Lord.A Hedge Lord dropped a Baron's Bracelet.Scooter got the Baron's Bracelet. MUAHAHAHAHAH

finally! the pain loosened up enough and crapped the bracelet out for me!

#212209 1a Items For Sale

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 14 December 2008 - 09:14 PM in Items for Sale

all items sold.

#212206 1a Items For Sale

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 14 December 2008 - 08:22 PM in Items for Sale

haunted bangles where sold. everything else is on the block still.

#212205 1a Items For Sale

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 14 December 2008 - 08:09 PM in Items for Sale

The vault contains: 2x Amulet of Windia, Bright Crystal Shard, Bristlemane Token, 2x Fangs, Halberd, 2x Haunted Bangle, Holiday Amulet, Hydrochloric Acid, Jagged Lance, Nightshade Elixir, 2x Phantasmal Bracelet, Shield of Faith, 4x Spider Venom, Spine Axe, Vampire Blood Potion.

(Spine axe is an old questie item from the shwards quest Emme did long time ago)

Main gold/items wanted for this stuff only. I will sell the lot if someone wants it all. Ty.

#212199 New Players

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 14 December 2008 - 12:00 PM in Game Discussion

you got to look at the big picture here. It's not all about new items or new areas. It's not just about how the roller screws you over for 10 hours before it finally makes you want to suck on the dangerous end of a shotgun.

We got to have people in the game to create our ideas. We have to have someone make those nice big juicey xp and item filled areas.

take a look at the staff here. how many do we have? Has anyone ever counted? We have 7 staff total now. I remember when we had 10+ at one point in time. Now lets break down who each staffer is and the last login times for them.

JLH- last login 12-11-08 Does he login to check on the game or just to chat?does he add new areas or does he just scan everything?

Pandilex- Last login 11-30-08 Where has Simon been? Does anyone know? Last words on him where that he has lost faith in the game. I can understand why.

Oracle-last login 12-13-08 Ive not spoke to wes in many months. I never see him out in the open anymore and he never announces he is in game. (atleast i dont see it.)

Scripto-last login 12-13-08 Mark does show up often, but i never see him stay around long enough. He does yell out to the players and lets them know he is there.

Stadius-last login 12-14-08 Stadius,to me, is the most active staffer on main. ive also not seen him in the open much, but he lets his presence be known in other ways.(*Winks at Gaddy*)

Elf-last login 12-13-08 Elf is the hot shizz on 1a. She is around any spare moment she can be, talks to all the players, and gets to know how they feel about issues.(she also has this thing about poofing people when they least expect it lol.)

Trevayne- last login 11-11-08 Trevayne is supposed to head up development of main.(As far as i have been told.) did he vanish as well?

Now dont get me wrong. Staff have a life to i understand that. is it i am trying to say they need to spend every waking minute they have in NM building,tweaking bugs,and answering our questions no matter what they are doing? no. We do need to see you guys. Staff are just fadeing in and out of our NM lives, and for the small amout of staff we have it is no wonder alot of the things that need to be done cant be done. As far as i see, only Gaddy and Elf are around. Everyone else works in the shadows or is just not around at all.

Yes we need the new areas, because we have chewed the old ones apart. we just zone out when we get in them. We run on auto pilot because we can run the area by heart.

Yes we do need new items for these new areas. A lovley vamp/mag/con wep at the end of a rather nasty monster filled area is what we would like to have when we reach the end. Make it worth the bloody fight to get there.

Finally- We need to see more of our staff, and we need more staff period. Find some fresh staff for the game you know will be active, and dont just log on and cloak. We need to know you guys are there.

I am not trying to attack anyone if it seems like this has come out that way, but people do need to see staff, and we need more staff in this game. Alot of us have played this game for many years, and we will stay here while others around us go and come. NM is not just a game to alot of us. it is a place for us to come to talk to our friends, and a game we like to enjoying playing with family. Alot of us have known each other for so long, we do consider each other family. At the rate people are declining in NM, i give it another year maybe an you will see maybe 1 person on either server/ I do understand people get burned out on the game and need a break, but when and if you come back bring someone new with you. thats what i did and i brought people with me to stay. NM will never have the glory it did so many years ago, but with a little more effort from player and staff we can keep it to enjoy a few more years down the road.

#212171 New Players

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 13 December 2008 - 01:02 PM in Game Discussion

Since i have returned i have brought 6 new people to the game. Out of those 6, only 3 have stayed. I gave them all decent lvled crits with 4-5 stats to troll around with for a few hours. The other 3 that left went back to guild wars or asda story. It's not just a matter of finding new people, it is a matter of showing them the interesting of nm before they bore of it. I try to keep my nibblits i brought in busy each night with something new to do, but they get bored just as everyone else does.

What we need are some new attractions, but we cant have those due to the fact the creators have given up or lost faith in the game. Nothing big will ever be added to nm again. Sorry all, but in the end we will do nothing but sit here and rot out. The legends of the game wil fade away just like everything else in the world does.

#212096 Feeling A Bit Left Out Here.....

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 11 December 2008 - 12:50 PM in Game Discussion

Will try and do summit today if I can
I have a day off !! amazing eh ?

Do not think big though..
I am but a wee lil elf..

Elf ;)

i don't think anyone is expecting a big quest like the ones in the past. i'm sure most of us would be happy with just a quest boss spawning somewhere. better than nothing lol so anything would be appreciated

Indeed. Just a little something to let us know we are still alive over here lol.


#212092 Feeling A Bit Left Out Here.....

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 11 December 2008 - 11:00 AM in Game Discussion

OK...it is christmas, we all know this. WTF is going on with 1a??? Really! I just noticed 1a has a christmas quest running till the end of the year, but some how something got over looked here. Where is the xmas quest for main?? I know Elf runs 1a, and Trevayne is supposed to run main, but has anyone seen him lately? Some of us over here on the other server are starting to feel a bit left out in the snow. Suggestion made for main xmas quest please. Ty. :ph34r:

#212078 Clan On 1a For Sale

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 10 December 2008 - 10:53 PM in Items for Sale

Sold, and ty

#212068 Clan On 1a For Sale

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 10 December 2008 - 05:59 PM in Items for Sale

Clan house size: 13 squares. Chairman: Captain_Candy_Cane (10).
Description: In the start, there were gods. And in the gods furnace, came the World. Now the gods stand over their creation, watching their mortals like a pet, We are those Gods. We are the Beginning. We will be the End.

Oldest clan on 1a. It was the first to start.

I dunno how well this will sell if it sells at all. I am takeing main stuff for this only.

Will take bids here.

Catch me on main on Link or Nepharious_Niassey for anything if you need me.

(To Staff: I dunno if this has been posted in the right place. I looked for a clan sell section on the forum and could not find one. I did not think the clan forum would be a good place to put this because there is no activity going on inside the clan. If it needs to be moved feel free to do so. Ty.)

#212067 Quests For Multi?

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 10 December 2008 - 04:51 PM in Game Discussion

If it is a quest you guys are after, other then the christmas one, Sopo and i created this one for both servers a while ago. http://www.nightmist.../...41&hl=quest

Go check it out! I think it happens to be very well done. It was created on the grounds of JLH being a mad scientist! We all know this to be of some thruth. >.> How else would he have been able to come up with NM if it were not true? :ph34r:

#211997 Issue And Concerns About Drops!

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 08 December 2008 - 07:09 AM in Game Discussion

all i wanted to know.Ty

#211986 Re-enable Pking?

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 07 December 2008 - 11:25 AM in Game Discussion

*Pokes his head out* errrrmm..i happen to play main as well.....we are so easily forgotten....so sad.. :ph34r:

#211984 Issue And Concerns About Drops!

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 07 December 2008 - 11:04 AM in Game Discussion

GadMan, i dunno what it is, but i dont see anyone else having a problem reading what i post. i could understand if i typed liked this --> ef teh HL dnt Drp i ser i m ging to b made and do somithings crzy.

But i dont type like that, never have.

And yes Matty i know you have been ripping into the bosses man.How you manage to walk onto the square and sweet talk HL, or Adel, OR Cappy into slipping you the sweet stuff i will never know lol. You doing a little extra work for them on the side somewhere? Or are you bribeing the bosses with a little spare pocket change? i got to know lol.

P.S. I happen to be doing very well in my college courses by the way, top of my class a thank you! :ph34r:

#211978 Issue And Concerns About Drops!

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 07 December 2008 - 08:42 AM in Game Discussion

Ok....issues here. Some friends and i went to lay into some tomb spirits earlier this morning for a little fun and some hopeful drops. We had...meh..i would say about 220+ mixed mana stones.(Lodes and Advanced) We step down into the area and proceded to kick some spirit butt! 200 stones in.....6 rusted crowns....220+ stones in....1 tomb gloves drop. Total mark up for run was 28k, 1 set of tomb gloves, 8 rusted crowns. Now i do know tomb spirits drop at a low rate but.....w...t....f...I have been on main now for about a month, with my friends and other people. Alot of you know i was on 1a for many many months before hand. Something funny i am noticeing here. 1a items drop more then main. >.> why??? Bosses that drop all the time and you can count on- CG & GSW-. Bosses and other monsters you can count on to drop nothing...everything else. We have killed HL i dont know how many times and he contiues to be a pain.(He must have that bracelet shoved so far up his arse it is stuck sideways and it will never come out.) But alas! i have news! I caught wind that staff lowered the drop rate of items on main due to people timeing the bosses and ripping them a new one as the boss spawned in. Is anyone else a little upset about this possible bit of information?? I mean i can understand staff dont want alot of the nice items in game, but lowering the drop % to the point of getting your hopes up after weeks of killing the thing, or spending a fortune on mana and it FINNALY dieing dropping nothing is like someone kicking you in the nuts and saying "Oh i know what you WHERE expecting, but i thought i would give your system a shock and make it so in the future your kids will come out looking like something that has been sent through the wood chipper half a dozen times." Can i get a little staff input here please about what is really going on? Or do i just need to blind fold myself and let HL contiue to have a go at my neither regions for a few mores weeks, and hope he pities me enough to bend over and pull the bug out his arse? Ty :ph34r:

#211937 New Quest Designed For The 1a And Multi In Mind.

Posted by Ghost_Wolf on 05 December 2008 - 02:29 PM in Nightmist Development

If you could find staff that has time to do anything anymore go for it. This and other things people have created have been up on the forums for how long now? Yet ive only seen 1 staffer really show any true intrest in it. With staff vanishing and not coming back or not having the time for anything it is hard pressed to get anythign really done in NM. People say get more staff....they have yet to understand what is the point? with JLH having moved on and Simon only logging on every blue moon nothing can really be done. Yeah these are good ideas, and many other good ideas have been thrown out, but without proper support and proper attention nothing is going to be done.