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#75061 John Kerry Or George Bush?

Posted by Lich on 28 October 2004 - 05:34 AM in Off-Topic Polls


#73747 Triplex 23-10-04

Posted by Lich on 24 October 2004 - 08:49 AM in Game Discussion

No i got owned all three waited till they had full stam and hit me with all they had...lol

#73657 Triplex 23-10-04

Posted by Lich on 24 October 2004 - 12:33 AM in Game Discussion

Gratz I can not beleive I had to face maha again in the first round well at least i still get sex she killed me this time...lol

#73499 So What Really Did Hit The Pentagon?

Posted by Lich on 23 October 2004 - 07:44 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I started to wright something, I start three times. But i,m gona let that go with a simple thanks for the reminder. walks away.

#72732 Staff Position

Posted by Lich on 20 October 2004 - 05:30 PM in Game Discussion

And i have been the manager incharge of a staff team that had to do as much, with more people online, and sometimes had to do more, and i don't beleive for one second that a volenteer staff can not be trusted if the people who you choose to fill the positions are not people who have had a history of problems, or breaking in place rules. To my knowlede there are alot of people in the game right now who i would have hired on to my staff when I was running one and there are alot of people i wouldn't. It is up to the Admin to make sure of who they choose.

As for staff we have now handling the players i think that they can. When they have the time to be on and i see no reason at all why Ste would not make a good addition.

#72619 Staff Position

Posted by Lich on 20 October 2004 - 05:32 AM in Game Discussion

I agree with Bishop, Making an area and infact alot of other things when automated, take away from the personal interaction and idea. only so many number sets can be placed with in a computer to randomize something before they by nature become repetative.(sp)

#72612 Hmm Early Elections

Posted by Lich on 20 October 2004 - 04:40 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

No they dont the machines in florida right now have a problem that they dont leave a paper trail, so they can not be recounted, It was heard in court yestarday,
and that recount BS 4 years ago is the reason i hate bush. Tell me how you win the popular vote and have more votes than bush(both proven facts,) Yet loose a state. Answer you dont. That is not democracy that is dictatorship.

#72341 John Kerry Or George Bush?

Posted by Lich on 19 October 2004 - 11:18 AM in Off-Topic Polls

Here's a joke that was on the radio the other day...If your gonna vote for Bush drive with your headlights on during the day and if your gonna vote for Kerry drive with them off during the night!!!

I don't get the joke . . .

ok if you are driving at night what is the one part of the car that you most definatly need inorder to live, think about that and you will get what he is trying to tell all Kerry supporters to do.

#72333 Hmm Early Elections

Posted by Lich on 19 October 2004 - 10:18 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

It was created so that you didnt have to wait in a long line to give more time for people to come to vote, You have always been allowedto cast your vote early in different forms, Like i cast mine a week ago.

The problem with the Voting machines in florida is that again the machines keep no record of the votes, So they could not be recounted later, If need be and go figure GB little brother said, Oh they are fine, How much you want to bet florida needs a recount only this year cant get one, anyone

#72332 Wondering When Mages Will Get Better

Posted by Lich on 19 October 2004 - 10:15 AM in Game Discussion

A mage gets exp when killing someone Using their spells always have dont believe me go kill someone with your mage.

#70978 So Selling Nm Stuff Is Bad

Posted by Lich on 14 October 2004 - 12:49 PM in Game Discussion

The crits are in game and therefore selling them for real money, is Illegal by game rules, Training for another person is still doing work IN GAME for real money therfore still illegal.

#70602 Thou Shalt Not Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge

Posted by Lich on 13 October 2004 - 12:30 AM in Game Discussion

As have I and im also waiting as soon as i see him on MSN, What i said still stands.

#70578 Thou Shalt Not Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge

Posted by Lich on 12 October 2004 - 11:38 PM in Game Discussion

Thats fine Pandi you do that because im getting the same logs as you and Im then going straight to JLH, I am tired of your biased decissions and Im fighting you this time and then if JLH thinks im not right then he can delete my forum account and crits. Good day simon.

#70574 Thou Shalt Not Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge

Posted by Lich on 12 October 2004 - 11:28 PM in Game Discussion

He sought a buyer in rev, then Ed hit him up. Simon you know as well as I do. You have no control what he does in another game. He had no intention of selling the Items in NM untill ed hit him up. Therefore it is entrappment, and i believe you are accessory to that entrapment.

this ruling is biased and one day JLH will open his eyes and see exactly what you are doing to the people that one will not be the people who pays him for an account in NM V2.

You want to know what i mean by biased, What was this High price that allows a thief back in this game, Hmmm was it by chance real money because if so you have violated your own rules.

#70549 Thou Shalt Not Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge

Posted by Lich on 12 October 2004 - 10:18 PM in Game Discussion

I think the reason the punishment is so harsh is to absolutely guarantee that there are no exceptions when dealing with the issue of other games.

If the punishment was not so harsh (like a week ban) then some players probably wouldn't mind trying to pull off a trade without getting noticed.

The whole reason I see this being a necessary subject to punish for is to stop players who have not worked for anything getting a ton of level 30's and items for simply being good on a totally un-related game. There is no question that this should definately be moderated.

I do feel alot of sympathy for matt though as he'd worked hard and acheived pretty much everything on this game already - one of the reasons he probably decided to go play Rev. It's a shame that exceptions cannot be made in these cases, but doing so would only complicate the matter further.

So thieves are allowed back and allowed to have crits that they, paid for with that theft. Yea this is fair. what did one person say one rule for the cat and one rule for the mice, excelent decion as always huh.

#70541 Thou Shalt Not Eat From The Tree Of Knowledge

Posted by Lich on 12 October 2004 - 09:48 PM in Game Discussion

So what I am understand is one rule for pandilex and friends and one rule for everyone else. Don't worry matt when its pandilex perm ban means untill he decides to let you off, It's never perm.

#70519 John Kerry Or George Bush?

Posted by Lich on 12 October 2004 - 09:00 PM in Off-Topic Polls

I'm tired of all the people saying "Oh, we need to get Bush out of office, he is killing America,". Well those people will be saying the same this about Kerry IF he gets elected. I bet anyone $20 that is true. Any takers?

See your wrong it wont be those how wanted him in who will want him out. It will be all the Bush supporters who actually think that bush is doing a good job.

#70078 Happy Birhtday

Posted by Lich on 11 October 2004 - 06:14 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I dont think so this woman is expensive. Ingame she wants like 20mill in shyte and out of game is only slightly better with 10 mill.

So i got her 9.99 flowers ...lol.. J/k she will tell you all what she got later.

#70070 Thats It...I Have Had Enough

Posted by Lich on 11 October 2004 - 05:29 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

And the answre is he is on holiday and pick him up at the airport in two hours.

#70069 Happy Birhtday

Posted by Lich on 11 October 2004 - 05:27 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

*Sings "Happy Birthday" to you*
*Looks upset as the people cringe at her singing*

Happy Birthday :P Hope you have a great day.

Sings along with you, making it sound like a drunken durge.

#69879 No Massdestruction Weapons In Iraq

Posted by Lich on 10 October 2004 - 05:24 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I beleive that was one of the 50 charges.

#69842 9/10/4 Triplex Event

Posted by Lich on 10 October 2004 - 03:55 PM in Game Discussion

You did fantastic dude like i said i was laying into you but you kept absorbing the blows. Then when i switched to smite well you saw how well that went over.. congrats again and good fight.

#69811 Average Age Of NM Players

Posted by Lich on 10 October 2004 - 10:48 AM in Off-Topic Polls

if you are 19 vote 19 to 21 as you always go up . the 17 to 19 class was meant to stop at 18 as in your are 17 to 19 at your 19th birthady that section ends.

#69809 Smite = Bish

Posted by Lich on 10 October 2004 - 10:32 AM in Game Discussion

Last night when i faced belief I could hit him when i zerked but Smite was a no go the one time i did hit him with smite it was for 160 points, My zerker never smites for that little except against mages, But they always hit for beam in high amounts, it definatly needs to be looked at.

#69705 No Massdestruction Weapons In Iraq

Posted by Lich on 09 October 2004 - 10:36 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

While i agree with you that it should have been the UN if anything was done Zylia, I will point out one thing no one is thinking about. By UN charter it states that to go to war without Physcal cause. Which there was none as there was no weapons and no proof that there were. Is illegal which is why they were all saying that the USA decision to go to war with Iraq was illegal to begin with. We wrote the rules of conduct not them they were just going by them.

The canisters that he bought for making missles, the weapons inspectors even said they would have been no good for anything except short range missles not strong enough for true payload. Which technically even his buying them was not illegal because it wasn't illegal for him to make small weapons for defence of his lands. So the UN could not have acted because they were forbidden to by the charter that the USA wrote.

Being a Soldier(albeit retired) and someone who does love his country just not what they do at times. For me to say this is like ripping my tounge out but this one time we were more than wrong, we made countries who had been our friends since WW2 hate us because we showed that we didn't care about the rules even the ones we made. Yet at the same time if any other country was to do that then it is us saying hey wait a second that is against the rules. The do what i say not what i do was our biggest flaw, and it was bush that lead us into that.