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#142749 Help O.o

Posted by Valentine on 27 December 2005 - 01:23 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Ahh Donnie Darko...best movie ever.

#140873 Who Are You?

Posted by Valentine on 11 December 2005 - 06:42 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Name: Hillary / don't exist in-game anymore (was Valentine)

Age: 27

Gender: F

Where yer from: Olathe, KS, USA

Do ya work, go to school or a bum? School full-time, work part-time

Hobbies/Interests: dancing, medicine, science, sci-fi (movies and books), knitting, drawing, surviving, general merriment

A little bit of your personality (how would somone describe you?): stubborn, smart, loud

Likes/Dislikes: Likes dark chocolate, dirty vodka martinis, sushi, art, making fun of bad movies (MST3K-style); Dislikes peas, romantic comedies, geography

Favorite color/number: Red, 4 or 17

Your favorite movies/music/bands/songs:
Movies: Jaws, Young Frankenstein, Princess Bride, Nightmare Before Chrstmas, Lost in Translation, Alien(s), Matrix (only the first one), 13th Floor, Star Trek: First Contact, Equilibrium

Music/Bands: umm...a random mix....I listen to the alternative station, and a lot of local stuff...I'll just list a bunch of commonly-known stuff I own: Offspring, Grateful Dead, Gin Blossoms, Bella Morte, Fiona Apple, Cabaret Voltaire, My Chemical Romance, Flogging Molly, Brighteyes, Queen, Nirvana, Megadeth (<--guilty pleasure), Pearl Jam, Garbage, No Doubt (<--pre-pop), Veruka Salt, Distillers, the Start...about 12 million others

Do you have any future goals? If so, what are they? Finish nursing school, get my masters (certified nurse-midwife), visit Australia, try escargot, go in a shark cage

If you could move or travel to any place in the world, where would it be? Australia, and I've wanted to see Tokyo every since watching Lost in Translation

Favorite Nightmist Memories/Moments: Building the Draco Honoris clan house (ie, making descriptions)

#138462 Drugs

Posted by Valentine on 19 November 2005 - 01:47 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

fall in love with someone! :(

I just wanted to say that's a really good way to get pushed into to drugs, not avoid them :ph34r:

The American government is plenty screwed up...I don't know anything about the English system (aside from the measurements), but our goverment is pretty much run by money, and most of us don't have it.

Thank God the gas prices went back down...$1.99 today....I almost didn't recognize the digit in the dollar's place.

#137787 I Miss You All!

Posted by Valentine on 12 November 2005 - 12:07 PM in Off-Topic Discussion



That is all...no more Oklahoma living, then?

#137244 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 07 November 2005 - 06:30 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Shes too old for you.

Now there's something I can't hear enough of :(

#137034 Norml

Posted by Valentine on 06 November 2005 - 09:26 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

I would imagine getting high is the same type of escape as getting drunk.....but I don't know. Since THC in a UA would prevent me from getting my nursing license, I won't be trying marijuana any time soon. I'll do it when it's legal or when I retire.

I'm for reform of the laws, by the way....if people are stupid enough to get in trouble with it then let them....my opinion anyway. That and the adverse effects are a lot less than a lot of the shit that is legal at the moment.

I'm a little drunk right now, so please forgive any typos.

#136934 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 05 November 2005 - 04:42 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Pre... lots of drama. Not just of the guy variety.

I have pink hair now, if that says anything lol.

#136830 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 04 November 2005 - 09:33 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Ohhhh yeah that's me....in family picture mode....4 years ago.

Good times.

#136592 Your Favorite Game Console!

Posted by Valentine on 02 November 2005 - 09:32 PM in Off-Topic Polls


...not that this will quell the "PC is or isn't a console"...but it seems there isn't much difference anymore.

I chose PC because that's what I play games on, whether or not it's technically a console.

#136427 Happy Birthday Amy!

Posted by Valentine on 01 November 2005 - 01:06 AM in Off-Topic Discussion

Happy Birthday, even though it's been awhile :(

#135202 What Label Do You Fall Under?

Posted by Valentine on 21 October 2005 - 09:39 PM in Off-Topic Polls

NERD, geek, dork - Stop sitting in the dark masturbating to your star wars collectable items

Not that there is anything wrong with that...

There was no 'Random Girl #2' category, so I went with punk...only because I have purple hair and make t-shirts with Sharpie markers.

I do so enjoy my Star Wars, though.

#133634 10.7.05

Posted by Valentine on 07 October 2005 - 10:59 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

That's not very nice...making a 'starcraft2.com' site and there is no StarCraft 2 :(.

I love StarCraft...a sequel would make my day (and not that console-only Ghost piece of....nevermind)

#133417 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 05 October 2005 - 08:31 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Just seen you pic on site, quite the milf. I would so totally go there.
(Really is meant as a compliment lol)

Um...thanks...I think? lol
What pic are you talking about?

#133321 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 04 October 2005 - 11:57 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

does that mean cyric is officially single????

god i'm totally joking.

Yep--and you can totally have him lol

What? No one cares if I'm single? pffffft

Edit: The line immediately above was a joke :(. I rather enjoy not having 'loyalties' to anyone.

#133094 How Did You Join Nm...

Posted by Valentine on 02 October 2005 - 09:49 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Nearly 5 years ago I started playing because my ex (before he was granted ex-dom) talked about it a lot. I played a lot, started a clan, helped him make some areas before he was demoted (Cyric...and no, I don't care who loved/hated him or his areas), we broke up and avoiding NM was one more way to avoid him. That was 2 years ago, I guess?

Not sure why I came back to the forums recently...I guess it's the hope that Dark Strata will fix everything I found annoying about NM.

Then again, asking people to RP on an online MUD is slightly more difficult than arranging a mass suicide via usenet.

I've heard, anyway. :(

#131886 Where Were You?

Posted by Valentine on 24 September 2005 - 04:50 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I was at work...it was just...crazy.

Sera, you are in MWC? I used to live there (born and raised) and have family there still. I got into a discussion with some folks about the WTC thing and (stupidly, I suppose) admitted that I didn't feel it as personally as I felt the Federal Building (lots of ties to that building, and if it hadn't been for some incorrect information my dad would have been in that building when it went up). Naturally this made me the evil person of the day. It's not that I don't care or don't feel bad for those who were personally touched by 9/11 (as in, touched more than living in the same country); I just don't think I need to pretend that it was the worst day of my life or that everything had changed. My life changed with Murrah being blown up by our own citizens.

I think watching the Challenger incident was even more traumatic for me--but then I was in 1st grade at the time (Traub Elementary...lord that was eons ago).

Arg...I'm ranting a bit.

#129674 Devastation

Posted by Valentine on 02 September 2005 - 11:57 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

Re: Insurance--
Full coverage car insurance will pay for pretty much anything except willing, self-inflicted damage. Hail, deer (swerving or not), keyed paint...it's covered. The down side is the more claims you make the more you have to pay.

Homeowners insurance covers fire, burglary, vandalism, and most weather-related phenomena EXCEPT flooding. Flood insurance is separate and required in certain parts of the country. Tornado insurance is not something I've ever heard of, and my house is in tornado alley (not valley :()

Re: New Orleans:
I can't say anything that no one else has said...but it is sad. I'm guilty of selfishness though because I'm just glad Charleston wasn't hit (my sis is there...crazy child).

#129257 Dreams And Goals

Posted by Valentine on 30 August 2005 - 11:35 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

  • Finish nursing school in one piece, and with my kids still knowing who I am.
  • Get my MSN with the CNM certificate.
  • Develop a sex ed curriculum that actually teaches something to those crazy kids.
  • Live happily ever after with the man or woman of my dreams...preferable while I'm awake.

#127359 Tropical Storm: Irene

Posted by Valentine on 15 August 2005 - 09:11 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I'm watching it...my sis lives in Charleston. I was actually there a month ago visiting her (and drove through Trop Storm Cindy on my way home...that sucked).

#126650 Leaving For Japan

Posted by Valentine on 10 August 2005 - 02:03 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

One of my exes went to Taiwan to teach English; he never came back (found someone there to marry him and started procreating).

I like Japanese food....and Lost in Translation.

#126606 Whats In Your Wallet

Posted by Valentine on 09 August 2005 - 09:05 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

No pictures or phone numbers--those are on my pocket pc.

$3 (US)
CNA, CPR, and First Aid cards
Driver's License
Bank Card
Taxi company card
3 school IDs
2 badges for nursing clinicals
Badge for work
Hmm...expired emergency pill (good to know it's expired!)
2 condoms (not expired)
Some guys' email address on a napkin...ooh that's classy.

OK, so a couple of surprises there.

#126602 What Do You Do?

Posted by Valentine on 09 August 2005 - 08:54 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I'm a CNA in a hospital. I start nursing school in a couple of weeks. Also I'm a single mom to 2, which might as well be 3 full-time jobs on its own. And there are the 3 dogs who think they are my kids. I was going to say I'm old, but apparently 26 isn't as ancient around here as it used to be.

When I decide not to sleep, I dance, drink, play StarCraft or Dungeon Keeper, or watch sci-fi channel (or any combination of the above).

#126592 Summer, It's Almost Over..what Have You Done?

Posted by Valentine on 09 August 2005 - 07:42 PM in Off-Topic Discussion

I worked...took a road trip to see the mountains and the ocean for the first time...worked more...family reunion...been working every since. Oh, and fighting with the nursing school over financial aid (seriously, if you don't fund college for a single mom, who will get the money?).

But it's been a good summer...first one with no classes to attend in a long time. ^_^

#126439 Get Excited!

Posted by Valentine on 09 August 2005 - 12:25 AM in Leaving/Returning Forum

Hey Dracoden...I'm not back...well, maybe...I don't know. I got all nostagic over the clan and re-registered...but...who knows.


Just wanted to say hi.