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(Message started by: Odin on 02/09/03 at 13:27:58)

Title: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Odin on 02/09/03 at 13:27:58
All these years, spilling blood of the innocent, what have I achieved from it? Nothing. I am opening my arms in hope of liberation from the shackles of evil. For ages it has streamed through my blood, poisoning me. I have pursued guidance before, only to find more evil, encouraging me to live and practice their lies and torture. I have had enough, it is time for change. This corruption has run through my blood far too long, so long that it is near irreparable to cleanse on my own will. I cannot travel this journey myself, as it would merely suck me back into the misery and torture of hell. I only know of one pure clan which can help my endeavor, Draco Honoris, I am on my knees in hope of deliverance, change, freedom. I beg of you not to vanquish me because of my past sins, hear my case, watch my every step if you will, with aid I can cross the plane and live a real life, a pure life. This is my call for freedom.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Leafstorm on 02/09/03 at 16:02:49
(OOC That was great. Honestly. *sniff* MORE MORE WE WAnT MORE!)

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Crusher on 02/09/03 at 21:04:19
My son.

You have come to cry out, longing for the cleansing of your soul. You have invited us to watch your every step. This is the key to release.

We will look for you. We will watch, even guard you. The path of repentance can be long and hard, yea, it is as you say. The shed blood of the innocent, which you have spilt, is crying out against you. Now hear the word.

Make what restitution you can, pay it back, not evil for evil, but rather repay evil with good.

Dear brothers I plead with you! Stop doing wrong! Learn to do what is right, and just, and fair!

Those of the Dragon, the Draco Honoris, do not profess to be pure. We profess to be on the way. We seek to do what is right, along with you. Yet brother, I fear we are not the answer you seek, for we cannot change a man's heart.

We offer our help, but it will be you that makes the difference.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Deval on 02/10/03 at 07:27:33
SHACKLES? MISGUIDED! You are a weak fool, I spit the word Odin, he who was once almighty, murderer supreme, feared and respected, and what has become of him? A weakened pathetic pile of worthless cowering scum. Think of the rush, the power, as the blood of children spilt upon your gaunts, the screams of women as you defiled them as no other could, d**nit men dropped to their knees and pleaded for their worthless lives before you. High Shadow Danté himself granted you a gift, such power, and how do you repay him?

There is nothing you can do to walk another path, you and me are bound by blood, by the blood of he who reigns almighty, High Shadow Danté, by fusion of our own blood, and by the blood of the innocent which fuels our desire to continue down this path of glory, reknown, and fortune. Would you turn away from such simple delights?

You cannot change what you are, for I am you also, forever, we will be as one, you cannot betray your blood, you will not betray your kindred.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Dark_innocence on 02/10/03 at 07:29:45
<She steps forward from the shadows as the cries of a man with a lost soul pleads for their assistance. She watches a moment and listens intently letting him speak all that he wishes, listens to Crusher and then her gaze meets those of the stranger once more>

"Your name stranger? I know it not. I am called Dark_Innocence, although my true name is Destiny. "

<as she speaks these words she steps toward him, so that he can see her face. Her eyes are dark and intense, yet show gentleness about them. She seems to study him more, her lips curling into a soft smile and she extends her hand patting his arm.  She lets it fall once more to her side resting upon her Dagger of the Winds, not with a threatening gesture mind you, but more out of habit.>

I hear your words stranger, and Crusher's as well. He speaks the truth to you, we shall help, but... inside is where your strength will come from. We all have a path to choose, and at times, tis nay the easy path that completes us.  

<she pauses a few moments, as if remembering.  Darkness storms through her eyes briefly and then they flicker back to a gentle gaze. Aye, she too has had her own demons. Her own past often visits her in her slumber. Her nightmares hidden well though. The past is over... the past is over.. she reassures herself and then pushes the memories from mind for now.>

"A mans choice upon the path he walks often is the biggest step in changing their future stranger. It seems ye have made this. We shall watch though.  When darkness threatens to pull you to the side, your hunger for the blood of an innocent strong... take a breath and think of where you wish to be. Call us if ye need to, our assistance only a shadow away.  

As Crusher said, we are nay pure. We only do the best we can to walk the path we choose.

<She walks once more to the man and withdraws a small stone from her pocket. She feels the warmth of the deep crimson ruby upon her palm and remembers once more.. Many years she has kept this.. not out of greed, but out of remembering and she places it into his hand. She closes his fingers around it and steps back once more knowing that he would feel a warmth in his palm. She wonders, never knowing how they could be warm after all this time.>

A woman once gave me this, her name was Eternal_Breeze. She gave me this, although at that time I deserved it not. Mayhap to show me that there were other ways in life.  I no longer need it stranger, my path has been chosen also. But I hope some how it helps ye as it did me.

<she doesn't speak of all that was taught to her that day at the edge of the Dark Forest amid the bodies of the rogues who had caught her.. and Eternal had slain only to protect her.. she only takes a deep breath and continues>

It will take time, and the memories within ye will remain. They always do you know. I learned long ago that there are many ways to survive. When you wish to kill, look at this Stranger.. Its color, like the blood of the innocents you have killed.  Think of those, mayhap you have lost along the way of your darkened life. The choice, is always yours.

<She looks down a moment closing her eyes. Finally she looks up to Crusher and smiles, knowing he too keeps her on the path she wishes to be. Bowing her head to the two of them she steps back into the shadows and slips out, returning to training and whispers to herself "the past is gone">

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Deval on 02/10/03 at 07:42:37
Eyes glowing red with fury and spite, Deval swings his body deftly around to face the direction Dark_Innocence left.
Halberd in hand, and his Demon, 'Demonnis Deval', by his side, the weak words of this female will longer bare meaning to he who which she talks.
With a roar Deval sets off on the same path Dark_Innocence left, to bring doom itself to this feeble knave.
As his figure dissapears into the darkness whispers still yet linger, 'The shadows live on...'

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Crusher on 02/10/03 at 08:25:47
Hear, you harbingers of doom and destruction!

Hear well! I fear the fury of my own hand; I long to be made an instrument of vengeance! Yet this is not to be.

Hear the Word, all those who would rather hold one in bondage rather than to see his purification!

It is written! "If the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

He that hath an ear let him hear.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by drizzt_dourden on 02/10/03 at 11:07:13
Drizzt DoUrden rises from the shadows off to the side. Having no time to speak more fully, he says "If you're looking for redemtion, this would be a good place to start....follow me...if you can keep up!" as he runs past, towards the same path Dark Innocence and Deval had taken moments earlier. You hear a rustling sound coming from above your head and catch a glimpse of a black form jumping through the trees following after the party. Within moments the sound is gone and the path lay empty.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Flux on 02/10/03 at 11:51:46
Hah. Fools.
Darkness battles light, light strikes against dark. And I am the fine like that treads the yin-yang like a canal running between the balance of power.

You who rush to war, and you who rush to repent: your crimson days are as numbered as one another's. But lo, I will outlive to tell the tale. Fighting, wars, heroics and massacres be d**ned. I care not of your (mis)deeds.

::Flux picks his teeth with a carving knife, and spits out a piece of deer gristle::

Where there is profit, there is a young mage, waiting at the end of the tavern, sitting casually on his barstool. He does not care for the rigid path of the righteous, or the chaotic lusts of the cruel. He sees not shades of white, or droplets of red, but responds to only the otherworldly call of golden dreams.

You heard me. Money talks, poverty walks. Now as rumor has it, Odin is not as sincere as he makes himself out to be. Whats that you say? You want some proof? You want a little more information on that?

Let's see the color of your money.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Leafstorm on 02/10/03 at 16:49:51
How can we know if the intentions of someone are or are not true if we don't let that person try?

Darkness only exists because Light exists. And Light also exists because there is Darkness. Everybody has a mission, and it is our right to choose the path we want to follow. But even if there is no turning back in life, we can still follow a different path, different from the one we started. But only if our intentions are true.

One of the best ways to move from one path to another (the right one) is sharing the pain inside us, not cause more pain.

"The knowledge is in the past, the reason is in the present, and the reward is in the future."

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Bishop DragonTongue on 02/10/03 at 16:58:12
Very true.  And, we're quite capable of working it out ourselves - we have no interest in paying for information.  Thanx though.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 02/11/03 at 08:22:22
~Princess Aerial~

The girl steps from the shadows an ever present creature of the night her dark blue eyes like sapphies on black silk, she shakes her head hearing the words then the actions heading towards her friend, DI..  she follows along behind him silently waiting for the moment he's not looking and knocks his feet from benieth him to where he'd fall hitting his face in the dirt.

She says as she stands over him,"Not all were meant for light, not all that are dark truely wish to be. Some stay in those spheres because it is the wishing of others... so I must ask... if you are not happy within the world you created .. why not ask others for help? Though the doubts will always be there you shouldn't be so quick to assume... But always remember.. the Shadows see things you will never.. but know this. An attack upon my friends is one upon me. that I will nay forgive." with that she turns to walk away leaving the man in the dirt to pick himself up and mayhaps some day see the error of his ways. But a child she walks off but with  each step she seems to fade away till nothing of her remains as if a ghostly apparition..........

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Crusher on 02/11/03 at 17:14:12
Crusher slams his fist down on the table hard, mugs of ale fly everywhere. A cat screeches in the distance, and for a moment there is quiet.

Light and darkness. Fools. It has been said that light cannot exist without darkness, nor darkness without light. This is NOT the way.

Light is light. Where there is no light there is darkness. The darkness is trying to swallow the light, but the light will prevail.

I care not for this...eastern trash, this (what did you say, yin/yang?) Tell me not that the world requires balance. Do not say that good only exists where there is evil, that evil only where there is good. Do not tell me that balance is required.

Good is foreign to evil. Evil wants to build more evil only to excuse its selfishness as normal.

You might think you are fine. You are like undergarments in a drawer. How nice you all are! How lovely and bright and fresh! Until new undergarments are added to the Armoire, and the glaring white shows you for what you are: a faded, stretched has-been.

The way of light has no harmony with the dark; the light does not need the darkness in order to be light. Light is light. You however love the's an easier path to walk, and the payoff is good, and it is fast.

The way of the light takes longer, but in the end the payoff is greater, and all those around benefit, rather than the few who chose to satisfy themselves.

With that, Crusher sat back down, seething. In mere moments, the pub returned to its raucous state, the sermon apparently neither understood nor applied.

What they failed to see however, was that Crusher had grown.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Bishop on 02/11/03 at 17:48:47
There is some truth here; prehaps it could be more accuately stated that Good will not be allowed to exist without some evil sprouting up to prey on it.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Dark_innocence on 02/12/03 at 00:23:25
<She stops quickly as she hears a ruckus behind her.  Eyes wide she quickly turns around as a low growl emits from her throat. She brings her Dagger which has been forged with the power of the winds up and starts to bring it down but stops herself quickly, her knuckles turning white from holding it so tightly. She sees the form of a stranger (Deval) fall to the ground and blinks as the familiar face of Princess Aerial passes by and then vanishes as if into thin air.  She shakes her head as the man eats dirt>

Touching me could be a huge mistake.  Those who believe as I do would nay hesistate to strike if one threatens our existance.  

<She takes a breath as she tries to calm herself. Hearing rustling in the trees she looks up, sensing the presence of one she knows as Drizzt and smiles some although she can't see him.  She knows that he is watching and would protect her.  She jumps slightly as she hears the booming voice of Crusher and then she kneels, her knees feeling the cold dampness of the winter ground and she peers at Deval>

You can not stop what we wish to accomplish. Are you so weak that you think killing others will make you stronger? Are you so fearful that your power will nay last?  Do you kill only to feel the power that will so easily fade from your fingertips?  You kill for the enjoyment of it you say, but such acts will no longer be tolerated! You will not win!

<So easily could she slide the dagger across his throat, so simply could she end his life as he lays sprawled in front of her.. but she doesn't.. Still grasping her weapon tightly she merely steps over him, walking away without looking back she returns to the tavern and steps up to Crusher whispering in his ear "Worry not my friend, they shall not change our path".  With the speaking of these words she bows her head and once more fades to the shadows as her mind starts forming further plans to help them reach their goals>

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Odin on 02/12/03 at 02:03:32
(OOC: No no no no no! *slaps his forehead* you cannot control other people in RP! Why dont i just cast an apocalypse spell and cease everything? Because it doesn't work like that!)

<he stumbles over to Flux and mumbles something into his ear. There is an exchange of some type and the selfish mage appears to be satisfied. Odin quickly glances at Deval, knowingly. He then turns his head and stumbles to the corner of the room and collapses, he appears to be exhausted by this whole experience.>

Edit: OOC not OCC, to much rifts  :)

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Deval on 02/12/03 at 02:48:01
(OOC: I will allow this mishap of controlling anothers action/reactions and play on, as though this tremdous oversight of basic rp rules had never happened.)

<Deval, amused at his own clumsiness mutters to himself.>
'How did you let that happen hmmn? Some power you have Demonis, hah.'
<With a violent twitch of his head, as if answering his own question he mutters again>
'Oh I failed to spot a mischevious female, besides, do you honestly think such a weak creature could possibly hurt you with me here? I have power Delt, I own your power, and don't you forget it, or I shall crush this mortal body, then we shall see what benefit that does you.'
<With violent twitching of his head, he clumsily attempts to regain his footing he speaks to himself yet again,>
'I am not Delt! I am Deval!'
'Yes, yes you are. Look, our brothers confer.'
<Deval turns to look in the direction of Flux and Odin, wiping sweat from his forhead bulging with viens, he grins,>
'Ah, my old friends...'

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Flux on 02/12/03 at 02:51:33
::To Odin::
Thank you, my good man.  
::Approaches Crusher::  
Odin is a good man. One well suited to join your army of light.  
::Flux heads back to his seat at the bar, to find that a young aspiring hero has taken it. After a brief exchange of words, the young man unsheathes his sword. Flux, with a wave of his hand, ignites the stool until it emanates with a radiant orange glow.  
The young man's pants singe, and he runs out the door, screaming. As the chair cools, Flux proceeds to reclaim his seat.::

Hoy, Deval. What news do you bring?

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Deval on 02/12/03 at 05:07:01
<Standing and walking to Flux, Deval keeps his eyes on Odin as he walks, as much as possible without stumbling into furniture and the likes. Calmed greatly Deval shrugs at the question, and with an inquiring look to Flux asks>
'I am bothered by the number do-gooding fools about, and yet my mind presents a question to me, a question as to whether, you are friend or foe? Many years have I known you, and still have not yet come to an understanding of your loyalties, you confuse me sorcerer, but, I suppose you have always been a good man to share a pint with, shall we? Oh, and I don't suppose you would have any objection to whispering in my ear what my treacherous kindred whispered in yours?'
<Deval locks Flux in a stare, implying he is in no mood to be fooled with>

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Bishop on 02/12/03 at 15:50:12
Sits quietly at a corner table, back in the encroaching darkness, watching and listening intently to the recent goings-on.

*thinks* I know of these recent arrivals, aware of their presence here in Nightmist since almost the day I arrived.  This little drama is ...interesting, ...curious, ... ...amusing.>

Remains a still, dark figure sitting alone at a table in the dark corner of the room. Occasionally the glow of a faint ember can be seen, followed by swirls of smoke from the pipe barely discernable in the darkness.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Khellondros on 02/19/03 at 14:38:28
*a soft voice speaks from inside a raised hood*

Regardless of Odin's sincerity in this matter, it is impossible for him to turn to the path of good. Why? There is no good. Good and Evil are simply definitions of actions provided by the person observing. Even Draco Honoris, my companions, who stand for this 'Good' in Nightmist, do not know Good. All they stand for is what they believe everyone else should be. If everyone 'Evil' turned to this 'Good', it would only be a matter of time before 'Evil' became redefined, allowing the 'Good' to once again raise themselves above them.

*The figure pulls the hood back from his head, revealing a face only the old have seen, and the wise remember. His grey hair appears darker than before and is matted together, hanging loosly around his lowered face and partially obscuring the tatoo across his left eye. Suddenly, his neck flashes upwards to look around the room, steely grey eyes blazing*

Odin may be able to walk the path of Draco Honoris, but he, nor they, can walk the path of 'Good' for no such thing exists. I see this now, and know that the best path for a man to walk is that which he walks for himself.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Valentine on 02/20/03 at 21:54:02
*Valentine rushes in, breathless, with a diminutive paladin close on her heels.*

Ahh, Khellondros. So the rumors that you have been lurking about are true. Perhaps the fable of the prodigal son is, indeed, wrapped in a bit of truth.

Tell us of your travels...I have regaled Kiara here *gestures to the young paladin* of the times you, Bishop, and I had spent in the early days of our clan.

*Valentine takes a seat, wrapping the worn cape she wears around her shoulders. Kiara stands silently behind her, her dark eyes glowing with a hint of mistrust at the stranger she has heard so much about.*

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Khellondros on 02/20/03 at 22:37:45
*The corner of Khellondros' mouth raises into a small smile at the sight of his old friend*

It's good to see faces I know well are still around, my method among this madness if you will. Also to meet Kiara for the first time, I had heard of her on my travels and looked foreward to meeting at some point..
*nods at the young Paladin*
Greetings, young one. Though I know little about you I hope that we can become comrades as I am with your wards.
*turns back to Valentine*
It is a shame, however, that the warrior within her conflicts with her love of the Gods and make her chose the path of a Paladin, as we both know that Clerics have the potential for so much more once released from their constaints. It pleases me to know that I have not been forgotten, though the look in her eyes could lead me to believe my memory is not entirely a fond one? Maybe it is just the reappearence of a face she never thought she'd see? Regardless, I hope my old place among you all still remains.

The stories of my travels are prehaps best saved for another time, though it must be said that boredom is not my only reason for returning here. I worry, though, that my values may have changed so that I am no longer welcome among Draco Honoris, although it is the only house here I wish to be in. Tell me, have there been any major changes since I left?

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Valentine on 02/21/03 at 18:24:29
*Kiara glares defiantly at Khellondros for a moment, flashes a bright smile for a fraction of a second, then returns to her brooding stare. In what seems to be an afterthought, she curtsies* "Nice ta mee' ya. What ye wear tha' hood for?"

*Valentine looks at the young warrior with amusement, then turns to Khellondros* "You should feel honored--she rarely speaks, and her mistrust of strangers often gets in the way of common courtesy.
Draco Honoris has evolved through time, as all things do. We fight against those who seek to crush the will of others. As such, the tables of the hunter and hunted are turned and interchanged so often that there are moments when it is difficult to determine which side falls in the light, and who is masked in darkness. We continue, however, in spite of the knowledge that we can only travel the road we have chosen, and that no true destination lies at the end of this journey." *She sits back, awaiting Khellondros's response. Kiara leans in and whispers in Valentine's ear. Valentine casually gestures towards Khellondros; Kiara looks annoyed, then speaks* "Ye speak o' ye values," *Kiara steps forward, her challenging stance almost comical on her small frame* "Ye goin' ta tell us what ye mean speakin' o' ye values?"

*Valentine raises her eyebrow, unaccustomed to such forwardness from her young partner* "Well, Khellondros, I think it only befitting that you answer the lady."

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Khellondros on 02/21/03 at 21:45:13
*A smile plays across Khellondros' lips at the sight of the young woman standing before him, and as he leans forward to speak his eyes are sparkling*

Please sit, I pose you no threat here and you draw more eyes than maybe a girl of your place would want. I speak of my values only because they have changed since I was last among my companions here. Although listening to Valentine gives me a picture of a Draco Honoris maybe more...stained than when I left, my own experiences have also steered me from the path of 'righteousness’ I used to strive so hard to follow. I’ve discovered that the world cannot be truly seen in the light and dark fashion that I believe we used to see, that there are many shades in between and often it is more beneficial for all if sometimes the light was to disappear entirely and let the darkness have its ‘moment in the sun’. Whilst I still believe in our virtues of Truth, Honour, Justice and Courage, and still punish those who do not stand in such light as I see fit, I also see that these virtues can hold back the potential of what someone, myself, can become. You may think me hypocritical, forcing a set of values upon others but in the process breaking them myself, but to that I could say ‘you must fight fire with fire’. How can you punish the unjust without becoming unjust yourself, as no matter how pure your intentions the fact remains in the process of...enlightening others you may have to stoop to the same level as them. Think, if you will, of my values as a shadow cast by a light. Unless all obstacles are removed I will always be there, only when nothing stands in the way of the light, these virtues, will I no longer be needed. I hope this satisfies your curiosity?

*Khellondros sits back, silent for a few seconds. When he speaks again it is to Valentine*

Now you too have heard that, do you believe that I can resume my place in the halls of our Keep? I have changed, but from the sounds of it so has everyone. It may be that you do not want the shadow among you, but even if you turn me away I will be doing what I can to help you, where I can. You need not rush the decision though for I must leave again very soon, I have matter elsewhere to attend to and tomorrow I will be gone again, although only for seven nights should no injury befall me. If, however, you decide before I leave then please do say…

*Khellondros picks up the drink on the table before him and finishes the last mouthful, before tucking the dark grey hood around his head again*

Sometimes it is better, Kiara, to keep a low profile.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Valentine on 02/21/03 at 22:19:25
*Kiara starts to speak, but, thinking better of it, turns to return to her accustomed place behind Valentine. As she takes a seat on an uncomfortable wooden chair, she glances at Khellondros once more. Barely audible, she mutters* "Aye, a lo' profile indeed."

*Valentine grins with amusement at the interchange she has just witnessed, then stands* "Khellondros, you old fool, let's not have this talk of banishing tried and true friends. You are still welcome among the halls of Draco Honoris, and even if you weren't, you know we couldn't stop you. The ways of the shadow are not sacred knowledge, my friend, and I am full aware that you would find your way past our guards if the purpose suited you. Come, meet with the believers we have been blessed with. You have met Kiara. Her sister is in training at the High Guild of Mages, but as she is currently in solitude we must save that introduction for awhile longer. Crusher rests his voice there. He has proven himself to be most helpful, and has been rewarded with more responsibility for his trouble (OOC: Founder of DH)."

*Valentine surveys the room for more friendly faces*

"Ah, yes, and there is the ever-watchful Bishop. Perhaps, my love, you could share a few kind words with our long-lost comrade."

*She returns to her seat, awaiting to hear the reactions of her followers to the hooded cleric who has rejoined their midst.*

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Khellondros on 02/21/03 at 23:46:33
*Khellondros looks over at Bishop and tips his head forward slightly in greeting*

As much as the thought of talk here pulls at me to stay, I'm afraid I must be leaving now. My farewells to the three of you, and to my new friend, though it would appear the pleasure was indeed all mine, I wish good fortune till we next meet.

*Standing Khellondros stretches a bit, then quickly stops and pulls his cloak around him as he notices the sword pommel protruding from underneath it. Without saying anything else he swiftly heads out the door, staff in hand*

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Bishop on 02/22/03 at 17:20:32
*Absorbed in his own thoughts, nearly oblivious to the activity around him.  For a moment joins the 'here and now' and returns Khell's nod of greeting with one of this own; and promptly returns to his thoughts of other things, barely noticing his old friend leave.*

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Eternyte on 02/22/03 at 19:52:10
*There is a blinding flash of light, and the noise of echoing thunder can be heard for miles around. A tall mysterious figure appears suddenly, standing beneath the large arch of the partially open door*

<Eternyte spots Deval in the corner of the room and appears to float over>

“Many blue moons have past since I visited these parts last, news of Odin’s requested deliverance has travelled far and wide. Whispers from the North passed to me while battling with Aet’Thol”

<Peers over at Odin who seems lost in thought, and continues to speak to Deval>

“There are too many would be pure and holy in these parts, they will do Odin no help. My advice to you, is that Odin’s future lies firmly in your hands, and would suggest that he be taken to the area of the Undead, where evil must be allowed to flow through him.”

“You most of all should remember the plans of Ewin and Norinth. Odin, cannot wish to follow the path of the righteous, he is key to the success of the task at hand. The feared murderer must rise again and ensure a second shadow to fall over these lands.”

<A raven flies in though the door and sits on Eternytes shoulder; the bird seems to speak in an unknown tongue>

“I am needed back in the Ice Caverns, a tribe of Barbarians have entered unknowingly, and this cannot wait to be rectified. With this news I bid you farewell. Remember just send a whisper with the Ravens if you ever require my help, they will always remain loyal to the cause.”

<Eternyte pats Deval on the shoulder and nods at Flux. With that Eternyte places a deathly looking black hood over his head, and vanishes into the night from whenst he came>

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Crusher on 03/01/03 at 23:45:35
Crusher emits a painful gasp, and falls into what seems to be a trance of some sort. The place grows quiet, wondering if perhaps the gnarled old holy man has at last breathed his last. Kiara steps up to cast a healing spell on the stodgy old cleric, but notices instead that he is mumbling almost imperceptively.

Suddenly, Crusher raises up, smiles at everyone in the room, and tips the handle of his morning star at Bishop before leaving the room.

It was only then that Bishop noticed his glass of ale was once again full.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 03/09/03 at 21:53:51

Though often not seen as she stays within the shadows she watches on with the hauntingly familiar dark  blue eyes of her father.. like sapphires glittering in the night they peer on watching yet she remains silent .. thinking.. debating. But a child the wisdom hidden within her little form remains hidden  before her words seem to come from no where yet everywhere.

A true friend is one that brings you up not down
One that strives to make you smile at least once
Friends often stick together
And if let go of for any reason
It's the truest and most loyal that will remain close should you ever really need them.

One that wishes purification you're path lays with shadows and lies besmirk your words. A pity to those that would have helped you and it forshadows all around you. If resolution and a new beginning is what you truely seek. Look to yourself before others.

Find the things that you dislike about yourself and change them. Never be afraid to ask others what they think just do't do as they say when they say for then they'd be controling you. And that would not be friendship that would be abuse.

Where so ever your path and goals lie I hope you find the obsolution and find what it is you truely seek.

*her eyes close then... within the shadows remaining unseen.. and now back to being unheard*

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by Deval on 05/21/03 at 01:17:25
<Deval sits, almost motionless as he considers Lord Eternytes words. Lifting a hand slowly off the bar, and taking the rim of his cup across his fingers he begins to slowly twist the cup, thinking.>
The land of the undead, a place so filled with evil, that even the purest of souls may tumble into the unending pit of insanity just by breathing the fetid air of this place. Fetid to the ignorant, pure bliss to those who appreciate true power. Memories dance accross the back of Devals brown eyes, as a slight grin pricks at either side of his mouth. Lord Eternyte speaks the truth, that is the only place that could remind Odin of the power he is gifted with. If Odin could not be reminded of the power of his jewels, of his birthright gray, and later the black, it would leave Deval no choice but to smash the powerful jewels Odin was gifted with. Glancing at his hand, his own Black jewel embedded in a ring of gold, Deval mutters a prayer to his blood god.

'A sacrifice of 50 spleens from newborn children to you would not be enough for you to grant me the power to easily defeat this man alone, and therefore, he must never be my enemy. A man who was born to brother my jewel, to mirror my strength... he will be, he must be, corrupted... again.'

Standing with a scowl accross his face, Deval throws a few coins on the bar and turns to Flux.

'My dear friend, I fear I will be meeting you again soon. You know where I am headed, it would do you well to not interfere, but to assist... We have much history dear Flux, do not give me cause to smash your jewels also, destroying one of my brothers would pain me so, but to take the lives of two...'

Deval shudders at the thought, turns on his heel and walks towards the door, as he walks he mumurs lightly to Bishop as he passes, 'righteous fool', and slams the door behind him. A few moments later, the brey of a horse can be heard, as the haunting repitition of hooves on stone can be heard echo from the distance.

Title: Re: Draco Honoris, Purify My Soul
Post by dec on 06/01/03 at 22:15:58
this aint much to do with the topic but some of u guys should write a book or something its pretty kool  :)

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