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Nightmist Online - Please read the terms of use before posting here >> Technical Support >> Serious: Forced Reboots
(Message started by: PureMourning on 12/07/03 at 23:34:28)

Title: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/07/03 at 23:34:28
Foremost, I'm not entirely sure if this belongs here, but my problem has happened while playing NM numerous times.

Problem: Often while I'm on my computer I'll see my screen go blank and my computer automatically re-starts itself, out of nowhere. It did it right before I was preparing to start this thread initially and it did it again right after it restarted right after Windows Loaded. Also, it does it just about anytime; it's random. Sometimes when I'm turning my comp. on in the morning while it's starting up for the first time that day. When I'm online, offline. Whenever.

Whenever it reboots I get a message saying:

'This system has recovered from a serious error.'

Error Signature: BCCode : 50 BCPl : BCP4: 0000001 BCP3 :  BF903FSA BCP4: 0000000 OSUer : 5 _ 1 _ 2600 SP: 0 _ 0 Product 2561 Internet Protocol (IP).

Reporting Details: This error report includes: information regarding the condition of Microsoft Windows when the proplem occurred, the operating system version and computer hardware in use, and the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer.

Please, I'm clueless! Help appreciated.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/08/03 at 01:18:44
when did it start happening?
what windows is it? 2000 or xp i think from that
what cpu?
is your machine overheating? look inside and check the cpu fan?

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Sera on 12/08/03 at 01:21:54
Thats odd ... my computer has started doing that as well. Just like a week or two ago... It's done it to me twice now.

Running a um.. Wal Mart pos HP on XP haven't checked a fan yet

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by G Man on 12/08/03 at 01:40:59
Overheating will usually cause just a serious hang, rarely will it reboot.  Do you have a virus checker running?  some viruses will force reboots like that.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/08/03 at 03:50:08
Ok, I'm, sorry for the lack of details in this reply but my computer has already restarted 4 times since I've been trying to type my reply out. Each time between the 4 reboots getting faster and faster. I will explain more later!

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Matt on 12/08/03 at 04:29:15
I have been having this problem while playing Counter-Stike. I would get try to join a server or be in between changing maps and my computer will just.. re-start! heh.. I have tried running a virus scanner and running spy-ware scanner. Nothing has fixed it. (Been going on for a couple months)

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/08/03 at 20:31:12
First, to the virus checking. I have Norton AntiVirus 2003, in which I use to scan my computer almost everyday. I've never found an infection, ever. But, I must wonder, for the mere fact that my Norton started acting up recently. Every 2-3 min. I get a Norton window that pops up saying that it's unable to start the Instant Messenging for infections from downloads. Also, a few days ago it was unable to complete a scan for some odd reason. Along with some other smaller problems within the program.

Back onto the main focus.

I haven't always had this problem since I last formated my computer and reinstalled Windows. Even though I keep on having consistent problems since I ordered and recieved this new computer. So I'm going to say, around a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure on this next part. I'll show you my system.

Windows XP Professional 2002 Version. Service Pack 1.

Computer: AMD Athlon (tm) XP 2200+
1.80 GHz - 256 MB of Ram.

My case temp. is fine, how do I check system temperature?

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by G Man on 12/08/03 at 23:01:16
I may be a bit out of date when I say this, but back when I used Norton it was loaded with problems.  I haven't used it in probably 5 or 6 years, but I remember back then having similar issues to those you are describing.  It seemed that every time I updated my virus definitions, it would get just a tad slower until eventually the computer could hardly do anything.  I don't know if Norton still is known for these types of things, though.  Hopefully someone else out there has used Norton and confirm or deny this before you go and wipe it all out.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Medora on 12/08/03 at 23:03:27
Mines done that a few times lately as well, and I know my pc is in good shape lol

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/12/03 at 01:47:27
JLH, do you have any other suggestions? Also, sometimes the various things I'm on will just close. For example, I'll be on Internet Explorer, and I'll get a Windows Error and it forces it to close. Along with AIM and NM.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/12/03 at 05:50:40
pandilex's has been doing that recently when he does particular things with remote desktop, and certain usb device drivers. since pandilex know's what he's doing with computers, i'd put it down to a fault with xp.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Lavalamp And Seito on 12/12/03 at 09:02:53
i get that a lot as well, and im running XP Pro.. lmfao must be something to do with XP /shrug my computer is an AMD Athlon XP2000+ running at 1.66GHz, 256MB DDR333 RAM.. and its brand new, so i know there cant be something wrong with the mobo or anything... the CPU temp stays at a normal rate or around 30-35C, which i monitor constantly with software i got with the mobo.. anywayz just thought id say this happens to me too.. maybe we should mass mail ol billy and demand an explanation as to why XP is rather XPerimental :D

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Starry on 12/12/03 at 09:36:47
Alot of the new cpu's reset when they are getting too hot.. i know a friend oy my dads had a computer that was doing that.. it ended up that the fan was broked and the chip.. went boom =(

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Issy on 12/12/03 at 12:38:49
There was several machines that did this at work which happened to run XP. Try running a windows update and see if that cures the problem.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Sera on 12/12/03 at 19:41:51
*giggles* I did windows update.. dled 29 critical updates.. Seems to be ok now :)

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/12/03 at 20:42:32
/t Lavalamp and Seito - Seems like I'm having the same exact situation as you over here.

I've done hours upon hours of Windows Updates, got em' all, and apparently it didn't help much.

Also, JLH, how do I check my CPU temp.?

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Issy on 12/12/03 at 23:33:51
you can put a thermometer (the glass one with mercury) and put it by the processor, and leave it there for hour while the PC is on..take t he themometer out and record the temperature.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/13/03 at 02:28:59
that is not very accurate, your motherboard cd probs has software to do it
or go into the pc bios

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Issy on 12/13/03 at 03:52:04
ooo, i wasn't aware my bios had that.

Thanks  :D

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Oracle on 12/13/03 at 10:52:43
lol, JLH the saviour of all pc problems whether todo with nightmist or not!

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/13/03 at 18:35:32
I'm still haviing problems... badly. I checked the temp. it was 86 F. HELP. please.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/13/03 at 21:13:01
86f for cpu temp is fine, could be memory faults, take it into a computer service center and see what they think.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Lavalamp And Seito on 12/13/03 at 22:02:38
just on this topic, i was checking my CPU temp thru CMOS this morning, and i found that the CPU temp was 64C and i had just turned the comp on... so i dont think thats very good.. its an AMD Athlon XP2000+, so i know that its the over clocked version of the 1800+, but would that cause the CPU temp to be 64C? the CPU fan is the one that came with the CPU, and runs around 3150-3350RPM.. just want to know if that is something i should be concerned about or not  :-/

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/14/03 at 07:21:40
an overclocked 1800? lol. that model comes from the palmino core design used for xp1500 to xp2000, amd/intel just test each chip at the highest speed it will reliably work at and sell it as that.
64c while within specification is a bit high.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/19/03 at 20:54:19
I formated my comp. (again, like the 100th time) went back to ME. Same problem.... it's gotta be my comp., maybe? Any thoughts?

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/19/03 at 21:01:21
take it to a service center

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Fujin on 12/20/03 at 19:46:13
you have to relize when intel and the other cpu makers make the processor they test it to see what it will run at stable and set it to that speed but that dosn't mean it would run stable at higher speed just got to tweak ur speed up a little at a time and see when it starts bugging out

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/20/03 at 19:59:10
also increasing the core voltage helps, but you do so at your own risk!

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by Fujin on 12/20/03 at 20:03:52
I wouldn't by much but when ever u are tweaking ur cpu ur playign a deadly games so every thing is at own risk :)

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/21/03 at 19:18:38
I also have a friend who purchased a computer from the same place I did, and his memory was bad, so they sent him a new one. Possibilty I might be having the same bad luck. My question is, is there anyway I can tell if it IS 'memory faults' that are causing the problems?

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/21/03 at 20:27:24 600kb is the program we use at work to test parts, it should find any problems.
As usual, i have to say, if this program tests your faulty component so much that it breaks, it is not my fault.

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/21/03 at 22:18:02
Also, before I do that, let me state that... Lately this white screen has popped up saying there is not enough free memory available, when I tried to open AIM... and all I had running was Microsoft Word. Hmm..

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by JLH on 12/21/03 at 22:19:58
that sounds like it's out of resources

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/21/03 at 22:43:38
Ok, I ran that BurnIt Test, didn't go very well. After around 9 minutes it froze, all 9 tests stopped moving, and my computer light on the tower wasn't blinking, so it wasn't loading. It was like that for minutes, I couldn't click anything, so I just turned it off then back on. During the test I was keeping my eye on the memory one, it froze up on cycle 14, the all 1's pattern. I heard a lot of beeping, which means errors and continuation. Ehhh...

Title: Re: Serious: Forced Reboots
Post by PureMourning on 12/22/03 at 23:07:57
Ok, I set it so it just did the memory test and it PASSED, hmmm.

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