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Individual Class Discussion >> Ranger Class Discussion >> Some Ideas
(Message started by: SweUrk Rchirack Unicrown on 02/02/03 at 23:11:14)

Title: Some Ideas
Post by SweUrk Rchirack Unicrown on 02/02/03 at 23:11:14
Alright,  I will agree that rangers are a little overpowered,  not much, but a little!  They could need use minor tweaking.

First of all, arrows!

Mages and the magic people need mana, why don't rangers need arrows?  Rangers should have a 'fletch' ability, which would allow them to create arrows, which would take intelligence!  When rangers forage, they could pick up 'branches' sometimes which they could fletch in a fletchers workshop inside towns.  They should have to buy a quiver to hold their arrows, which could hold a different number of arrows!  Another option would be to buy arrows in the shop, 1 gp per normal arrow, 10 gp for 'fine arrow' 100 gp for 'iron arrow' and 1000 gp for 'magic arrow'.  Just in case you haven't notices, the better arrows are at OUTRAGEOUS prices.

You could only fletch normal arrows to begin with.  Maybe some boss could be added that dropped a 'fletch fine arrow' scroll, and another rarer boss with a 'fletch iron arrow' and so on.

Also, there would have to be different monsters which dropped the right branches for the right arrows.  For example, maybe the ranger would have to do battle with an 'ironwood tree' which would do about 3 damage, have LOTS of hp, and would heal gradually 3 hp every second!  There could be an ironwood forest with lots of these.

If you killed a tree, you could take as many branches as you could carry, fletch them, (5 arrows per branch) and then return to get more,  if you killed a tree one, you get unlimited acess to the branches!  EXCEPT FOR!!!! the Magical Tree,  in which case youd only get 30 branches then you'd have to kill another one.  Magical trees would only appear once every day.

There could be many magical trees, except they are all hidden in secret passages inside nightmists forests.

Also,  enchanted bows are the only bows to handle magical arrows!  Celestial bows could be added, but they oculd only work with magical arrows. So they'd be rare indeed.  Also, celestial bows should have to be fletched too,  lets say one out of 1000 mess ups with magical branches(sometimes you mess up flecting an arrow)
you get a message.

You mess up carving the branch, but much to your suprise you have the smoothest, most attraching arch you have ever seen.  You decide to make it into a bow.

Also, different arrows coudl have attack bonuses, and base damage should be taken down about 3 for each bow.

Normal arrows,  no bonues.

Fine arrows, +3 bonus

iron arrows, + 9 bonus

magic arrows, + 15 bonus

This would both help and harm rangers, making them slighly worse off, but better in another way!  Also I think fletching arrows would be great fun!

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Dennis21 on 02/03/03 at 04:37:55
i think arrow idea stupid..not sayin you got some good ideas if they were brought in game but i just dont think we should have to buy arrows

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by SweUrk Rchirack Unicrown on 02/04/03 at 03:10:32
Well at 1 gp per arrow.....?  Also,  you could fletch your arrows if you dont wanna buy them!

It just costs more for the better arrows!

It would actually give the rangers a little advantage, dont you think a lvl 30 ranger with some alts that could kill some magic trees easily would have a HUMONGOUS store of magic arrows!  Then they could go around with their former power, maybe the iron arrows would be strong with flaming arrow, (have you even touched HOT iron?) and they could maybe do around 100 damage again at times.  You see the problem is..... this might make the rich rangers a bit tooooo overpowered.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Zylia on 02/04/03 at 11:27:24
Rapid Fire would use them alot. And you have to take into consideration misses. Even rangers with 21 dex miss often.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Thenobleone on 02/04/03 at 20:25:10
It is true that a ranger should need arrows look at diablo 1 and diablo 2. In diablo 1 the rogue had unlimmited arrows which gave them an unfair advantage in the game. Now in diablo 2 the amazon or whoever wants to use a bow in the game has to buy arrows and bolts which brought down the advantage alot because of the risk of running out of arrows.  I don't think the rangers should beable to create arrows but only buy them.  

One more thing Rangers miss toomuch anymore so this idea is pointless unless they hit more often.  Just a waist of money on the rangers point.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Face_The_Fact on 02/05/03 at 05:31:29
buying arrows would make the game a little bit more realistic. just like SweUrk Rchirack Unicrown said, classes use potions and mana, shouldn't ranger use arrows? Clerics can only heal until they have no more mana, why shouldn't rangers only be able attack until they have no more arrows? Maybe with the bows, they could have a small base damage, and then the arrows also have a base damage

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Unhated on 02/05/03 at 17:07:41
If the arrows give more base damage, your making the rangers more powerful maybe?

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by drizzt_dourden on 02/05/03 at 17:24:44
yes.....but with a it balances.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Unhated on 02/05/03 at 17:38:07
Hm, what about low lvl crits with no money? They wont be able to buy arrows

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by drizzt_dourden on 02/05/03 at 17:42:39
some staffs are available to rangers.....perhaps a few extra staffs(perhaps a few swords)with a lil higher base could be added when and if this come into play.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by KaZuL on 02/05/03 at 20:57:29
what is this, i'll tell ya what it is, it's a bad idea created by people who wanna make it harder for ranger users.  WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE RANGERS THE WAY THERE ARE.  Their hit rate has already been lowered once before.  I don't like missing full rounds with my 23 dex halfling, but it happens.  HOW OFTEN DO FIGHTERS MISS FULL ROUND OR MAGES FIZZLE FULL ROUNDS!  Just leave rangers alone.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Blade on 02/05/03 at 21:58:56
They can't be left the way they are because there over powered, ill admit its not as much as it used to be, but they still are, how often do Fighters hit for 125+ on monsters, and some hit 100+ on players.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Sin on 02/05/03 at 22:58:35
Hmmm, make rangers worse, or others better.  Two ways to skin a cat.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Kalypso on 02/06/03 at 13:58:51

on 02/05/03 at 21:58:56, Blade wrote:
They can't be left the way they are because there over powered, ill admit its not as much as it used to be, but they still are, how often do Fighters hit for 125+ on monsters, and some hit 100+ on players.

I never hit for 100s+ on players or 125+'s on monsters, maybe there's something wrong with my rangers?

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by AnArChY on 02/06/03 at 23:27:11
wtf lol why we hating on ranger ..for one u think ranger are over powered freaking theifs one click just about any thing  lollol and besides rangers do miss alot

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by KaZuL on 02/07/03 at 15:34:20
ty will and jen, at least someone isn't singing the screw up rangers song.  Rangers are not overpowered,  only way to hit for that kind of damage is with enhance and righteous fury, and even w/that you wouldn't hit a player for 100 dmg unless their level 10,  which the gallant staff has made impossible for high level characters anyways.  Will makes a good point.  I don't hear you people complaining about how a thief can 1 click every thing on the freakin map now.  I've been hearing this record play over and over since I started seeing more rangers pop up.  U know what, CHANGE THE GD SONG CAUSE THIS ONE'S GETTING OLD.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Kalypso on 02/07/03 at 16:48:13

on 02/05/03 at 22:58:35, Sin wrote:
Hmmm, make rangers worse, or others better.  Two ways to skin a cat.

Make others better  :D

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Galatae on 02/13/03 at 06:28:06
Yah, high level rangers are powerful. I hope the 18 19 21 18 18 11 ranger I rolled last week will be too. They have been adjusted as all classes seem to have been. However, even at lvl 18 and an amulet of Hermes, I still miss a gosh darn lot and afraid to step outside a city. Only do so when there's 40 or less players online. Have you ever noticed how there's rarely a Ranger without a Paladin or Cleric nearby? There's obviously a disadvantage to having a ranger, as there's plusses and minuses to each class. My vote is to let rangers be.

Thank You and have a nice day.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by King_Macros on 02/14/03 at 08:16:05
i think it would make sense to have rangers buy arrows. I mean come one, does it really make sense that a ranger can shoot a million arrows during their game time and never once buy an arrow? maybe you could pick them up, maybe 50 equals one inventory square, maybe they can have a mana like bar specific to them to show how many you have left, all thaughts. but why is it a ranger can shoot all the arrows it wants, but clerics cant heal all they want? or mages blast and beam all they want? it seems like it would make sense. and the fazt that different arrows would have diffrent base damages makes sense. like a wooden arrow wood have a base of 1, a steel arrow would have a base of 3, and an enchanted arrow would have a base of 5. but not to make rangers stronger, you coul reduce bows base, say Enchanted bows base would be 17, meaning it would actually deal +1 base damage. I think you guys dont want it changed for conveniency. You don't feel like stopping your pk'ing for 2 seconds to go buy some bows <and if you could pick them up, you wouldnt have to at all. i mean come on, why is it so rediculous of a thought for rangers to have to use bows? Rangers are the strongest class in the game <i dont care what anyone says, just watch who wins the high lvl moshes> and they seem to have no drawbacks, other then the fact that they can be blindsided by a mage or a thief <but who cant be blindsided by them?>. I think it would just be nice to see a little more realistic aspects put into the game.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by Rage on 02/15/03 at 19:08:43
Disjunction is a fighter and he has won most the moshes lately. Rangers miss way to much now and can't afford to have their damage dealt taking away anymore than it has.
Yeah have quivers with arrows that have damage affect, but don't make the bows weaker.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by SweUrk Rchirack Unicrown on 02/17/03 at 03:21:01

on 02/05/03 at 20:57:29, KaZuL wrote:
what is this, i'll tell ya what it is, it's a bad idea created by people who wanna make it harder for ranger users.  WHY CAN'T YOU PEOPLE JUST LEAVE RANGERS THE WAY THERE ARE.  Their hit rate has already been lowered once before.  I don't like missing full rounds with my 23 dex halfling, but it happens.  HOW OFTEN DO FIGHTERS MISS FULL ROUND OR MAGES FIZZLE FULL ROUNDS!  Just leave rangers alone.

I got nothing against rangers, in fact, they are one of my favorite classes! I'm just suggesting to make the game more realistic.  If you think this would take rangers power down instead of it being balanced, than maybe the bonus could be increased, more arrows could be added, or maybe, if the idea just seems totally outrageous to you still, if could be dismissed.

Thank you for your opinion.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by King_Macros on 02/17/03 at 10:09:31
actually rage...what i was saying, was have bows do a base, and arrows do a base. if you used enchanted bow and enchanted arrows, it would have more of a base damage then i currently does

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by AlliedAssault on 02/19/03 at 16:12:04
I noticed that the many people are saying why can rangers shoot all the arrows they want but clerics and mages cant beam or heal all they want. I have the answer. Like said before where do mages miss a full round.I have a lvl 30 mage myself and at the most i maybe miss once. Mages also hit for 55-60 damage on crits with even 18-20 wisdom. Doing the math here 55x5=275 damage. Now most rangers i know would be rounded by that. As for clerics,they can heal for 100 hp per click giving them an advantage in the long haul over any crit.A cleric with good wisdom rarley will fizzle as well. Instead of making rangers buy arrows i think we really should look at the class right now as being stable. Grant it they are kind of underpowered i feel. Having a lvl 30 ranger 1 clicked by a theif is kind of overpowering dont you think(also said by someone before me). But before thinking that hey rangers are overpowered lets lower them, give the players credit for knowing how to use them in the correct manor.

Title: Re: Some Ideas
Post by King_Macros on 02/20/03 at 04:09:11
Devine Restoration only heals for 100, clerics can easily be rounded by a ranger with out getting a heal do to rapid fire. Now, saying they are underpowered when they deal 100+ damage to monsters, i didnt know other classes could hit more. And I think we both know 275 damage can easily lived throguh if your an elder like yourself allied. And for damage on other players, you've hit me with rapid on my lvl 26 for 80+ with spiked armor, that hurts, specially when i cant heal. For you to say they are UNDERPOWERED, well, we all know thats bull. And mages use mana, and fizzle a lot. For each spell they use, they spend mana. For each spell a druid uses, clerics uses, paladen uses; they use mana. Now, tell me why it's such an odd request to make them buy arrows? How is it possible to kill something with a bow, when you have no arrow, and for arrows to be 'free' is crazy.

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