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Nightmist Online - Please read the terms of use before posting here >> Discussion Forum >> BS
(Message started by: Sublime on 01/09/04 at 14:56:22)

Title: BS
Post by Sublime on 01/09/04 at 14:56:22
The main reason for this TOS  is to point out that has the right to cut off your access to the multiplayer mode of operation of this game for any reason it likes, and no matter how much you whine about it, we don't have to let you play it any more.

Of course, we'd only do that if you turned out to be some sort of idiotic jerk who wasn't interested in playing the game itself but rather just delighted in making the experience unpleasant for everyone else.

Seems to me Simon i did nothing to deserve this ban but state my opinion of another person(staff or not) and i know my post isnt making the game 'unpleasent' in any way at all...

so like i said this ban is total bs.. but whatever gimme another week for this post gimme a perm ban for this total load of bs i dont care anymore... this game has gone downhill since i started anyway. If you want to run a 'fun' 'clean' game i suggest you reconcider your staff and start paying more attention to the game... staff when i first started were more than willing to help you with whatever or if you actually deserved a ban you got 1... none of this crap

So go ahead simon lock this post up i know your going to anyway  :)

Title: Re: BS
Post by Momba on 01/09/04 at 15:01:27
Just chill before the big guy bans ya. You made your point. Your in a no win situation. No matter how you might feel or even if it is true.

Kinda like having a girlfriend who loves buffets. No matter how fats she gets if you tell her she is fat you

Hang out for the day and relax. See ya tomorrow morning.

Title: Re: BS
Post by alone on 01/09/04 at 15:08:42
Why oh why post a second time? I mean, how often does this happen on Nightmist, someone gets banned, someone who knows the rules laid out, yet still, they insist on doing things there way...

Maybe a day off will do you good, to realise it's only a game.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Sublime on 01/09/04 at 15:10:15
i know this is only a game... and this is a free day for me so to speak and all i wanted to do was play for a bit...

Title: Re: BS
Post by Pandilex on 01/09/04 at 15:12:29
and now you've ruined it because you're banned off the forums for not listening

Title: Re: BS
Post by Sublime on 01/09/04 at 15:14:46
i ruined it?... all i did was speak my mind im sorry if thats against your rules but i was raised to stand up for whats right... and im right here... i stand by my opinion.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Morph on 01/09/04 at 15:43:53
Lol, he has a point, Pandi is a fa­g...o wait that wasn't what he said  ::)

Anyways, if you don't like being criticised then don't be a staff. If you don't want to be criticised then actually do something instead of giving smart ass comments on forums.

Title: Re: BS
Post by speedy on 01/09/04 at 16:02:28
i would just like to say thanks for the UNHELPFUL staff on here. me and my friend r networked on the same cable modem so thats for also banning me for not doing anything, and aidon i'm on everynight and i have only been playing for a month and you were only on 1 in that month. so i greatly apprecitae you guys ruining me from playing today my day where i was gonna play all stinking day. yet another reason to play other non gay games. so what i am trying to say is thanx for ruining my day.

EDIT: on anther note did he even curse NO you staff  just banned him to ban him. so what i want to say again is thanks alot for ruining an innocenet persons day maybe we should QUIT playing and rahter than me and jp selling r crits we will just delete them. well ppl have a good day cuz my day was ruined over staff stupidity

Title: Re: BS
Post by alone on 01/09/04 at 16:07:51

on 01/09/04 at 16:02:28, speedy wrote:
i would just like to say thanks for the UNHELPFUL staff on here. me and my friend r networked on the same cable modem so thats for also banning me for not doing anything, and aidon i'm on everynight and i have only been playing for a month and you were only on 1 in that month. so i greatly apprecitae you guys ruining me from playing today my day where i was gonna play all stinking day. yet another reason to play other non gay games. so what i am trying to say is thanx for ruining my day.

If you have a good day, from playing a game, then you really need a life. Go outside! And why blaim staff cus your friend broke some rule?
And alot of the time staff are actually hidden, cus of the abuse they get hurrled ingame.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Mephistroth on 01/09/04 at 16:08:07
rofl, no point in posting tbh sub, nobodys going to listen to ya. Although I do agree with you :P

on 01/09/04 at 16:07:51, alone wrote:
If you have a good day, from playing a game, then you really need a life. Go outside! And why blaim staff cus your friend broke some rule?
And alot of the time staff are actually hidden, cus of the abuse they get hurrled ingame.

Why else would you play games? I play because their fun, and THIS isn't. Hence the reason I don't play, and flame all you morons who do play.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Morph on 01/09/04 at 16:10:35

on 01/09/04 at 16:07:51, alone wrote:
And alot of the time staff are actually hidden, cus of the abuse they get hurrled ingame.

Which they get cause they are always hidden...see what im getting at?

Title: Re: BS
Post by Morph on 01/09/04 at 16:11:32
O wait now i see why im not banned yet, i called Pandi a fa­g...i ment to say Pandi you're a hetero...ouch, burn..burn.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Aidon on 01/09/04 at 16:12:55
So you hassle staff, which you know causes them to stay hidden, because they stay hidden.  So you do an action knowing it causes an unwanted outcome that you are complaining about in the first place.  Somewhat sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

Title: Re: BS
Post by speedy on 01/09/04 at 16:18:22
first off u go outside here its about 10 degrees here and second this was my traing day. ohj and get a life i have on which gives me almost no free time therefor thats why today was my training day. so if u ppl want to reply and be rude go ahead because i can dish it out just as much note i have all day now thanks to a STUPID ban in which my friend didnt even curse i mean come on how lame are u staff memmbers. maybe you should actually do your job like u should.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Morph on 01/09/04 at 16:19:19
No, staff stays hidden, so they know ppl will complain more and that way they have a reason to stay hidden..

Hey, thats kinda what you said, just turned around...  ::)

Title: Re: BS
Post by Authority on 01/09/04 at 16:21:47

Title: Re: BS
Post by alone on 01/09/04 at 16:22:18
Ok, no amount of crying and posting is gonna get you unbanned. Just deal with it.

You're not going to beat staff.

Title: Re: BS
Post by speedy on 01/09/04 at 16:23:07

on 01/09/04 at 16:12:55, Aidon wrote:
So you hassle staff, which you know causes them to stay hidden, because they stay hidden.  So you do an action knowing it causes an unwanted outcome that you are complaining about in the first place.  Somewhat sounds like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me.

that still isnt fair to ban innocent people. there has been many times in which i need staffs help but there no where to be found making them so HELPFUL. we all so lobby and protest and not play at all then they staff can play with them selfs more than they already do now that is ;).

Title: Re: BS
Post by Morph on 01/09/04 at 16:23:25

on 01/09/04 at 16:22:18, alone wrote:
You're not going to beat staff.

Thats just cuz i don't live near any...

Title: Re: BS
Post by speedy on 01/09/04 at 16:26:17

on 01/09/04 at 16:23:25, Morph wrote:
Thats just cuz i don't live near any...

thats what i was just thinking myself

Title: Re: BS
Post by Pandilex on 01/09/04 at 17:17:46
Lets see...

The rules are here to protect the game from people running their mouths off. If you don't follow the rules, then we WILL ban you.

If you believe you have been banned unfairly, then save the log, and contact either myself or JLH who will investigate it.

If you post on the forums about it then you'll be banned from them, not necessarily with a warning.

If you insult staff members, then you've not read the terms and agreements, so you'll be banned from the forums.

If you do anything to try to cause a scene after you've been banned/warned/etc then I'll probably ban your in game characters as well. Not because I'm sadistic, but simply to provide encouragement to behave. Posting on the forums achieves a ban, whereas e-mailing achieves an investigation.

Tighter control of immature people running their mouths off because they think its clever or perhaps lack the intelligence to read any instructions will ensue this message. You've been warned many times before, I fail to understand how people are so easily able to abuse staff and even have the audacity to accuse THEM of being at fault when they blatantly disregard the rules.

Many situations in life warrant no warnings - rather precise action will follow to remove the problem. I try to be lenient and provide warnings - which is a privelege and not a right, such as for the case you've seen here. Because people are abusing my generosity in these cases I'll simply wipe all traces of you from both the game and the forums if it becomes necessary because you fail to comply with the rules - that should put your accusations into perspective.

Title: Re: BS
Post by Sublime on 01/09/04 at 17:24:59
i was banned on the GAME for something that happened on the forum. so i belive i should be banned from the forum not the game that is if i understood what you said correctly am i right or am i wrong?

Title: Re: BS
Post by Judge Dredd on 01/09/04 at 17:26:29
No problem, you're banned from both now.

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