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Nightmist Online - Please read the terms of use before posting here >> Discussion Forum >> No,were not ''stupid''
(Message started by: Dominique on 01/08/04 at 01:32:29)

Title: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 01:32:29
No were not stupid, if anything is stupid,it's the way you addressed the topic itself and made yourself look stupid.  Those of you who are probably arse kissing morons and probably disagreeing with me can stuff it as well.

Nothing is wrong with sharing if you know who to trust and who not to trust to share with.  People have gotten their accounts stolen even without sharing.  Now to me that sounds like a flaw in the game, though I might be wrong but I might not.  I don't come down on staff and talk bad about them like some people do,but there are some things that some particular staff has done that are disagreeable with me.

You make sharing sound so bad and tell everyone not to do it but you know they are anyways.  So why not do something about it?  Instead of scolding us and calling us stupid make everything we work for safer and more secure.  That way everyone can be happy,scold-free, and not insulted on a intellectual level.

I'm not stupid and nor do I enjoy being called stupid either.  Everyone makes mistakes,but to tell us that you don't care and that you arnt going to do anything about it is whats stupid.  By belittling us and making us feel like fools,though it's your job to make this game safer and more enjoyable.

I'm not trying to tell you what your job is, but I'm trying to open your eyes and get you off of your high horses.  Not all staff I'm sure have the time to develope the game more and make adjustments to where we can share and not be stolen from, but you should still care.  Even though, for example, if a certian staff pages you personally and state that they hate you.

If you already know half of us on a personal level and consider us friends then why would you call us stupid for something you would probably do too?

Oops...I forgot you're staff,and were stupid,and you probably think of all of us including myself as your faithful little followers.  Though I wasn't here, I've heard from sources that will remain nameless,that ''theft wasn't a problem in the past so something must be wrong now.''

Reply as you wish,I don't care,at least not anymore. Better do it before this post gets locked.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Vanilla on 01/08/04 at 01:42:13
Well said Domi.  Not much that I can add on there except I agree with everything she said.  Numerous people share and no matter what happens or what anyone says they're still going to do it because they trust the person they're sharing with.  If trusting someone makes you stupid then consider me the dumbest of all.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Momba on 01/08/04 at 01:54:42
If you share accounts it's one thing. If you share accounts and get your chit taken it's another. If you share accounts, get your chit taken then email staff your stupid.
The rules clearly state that staff does not encourage the sharing of accounts and will do nothing to help you get your stuff back in the event that it is taken.

JLH's response was the first time I saw him act like a human and show emotions in the almost 2 years I have been playing. Think about it. He logs onto his email and everyday some tard wants help getting his/her stuff back cause they shared and the person they trusted the most took his/her stuff.

He and all staff have said time and time again DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNTS. DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORDS. And guess what... We do it anyway and cry when our stuff gets taken.

Suzey and those like you get over it. This is a game. Some people do follow the rules and take advise from staff in regards to theft issues. And on a personl note I hate all of the cry babies who have taken time away from JLH and other staff members with your petty complaints because you didn`t follow the rules. I hold the tards like you personally responsible for the delay in the update. If he wasn`t taking time to sift through emails and answer memos and yells and pages cause you didn`t follow the rules. The players who play the game for the game woulda had our update.

And to those that argue, "He helped so and so way back when". I say to you that when NM first started there were a handful of people. I'm sure for staff it was easy to resolve issues. Take some time to look at the Game Activity/ Stats link. There are as of 1/1/04 almost 1200 IP Addresses. Do you actually think that it would be fair to the game as a whole if he was to attempt to resolve each issue with that many people playing?

Get ahold of yourself folks. Follow the GD rules and play the game. If you don't like the way the game is run then get your hat and coat and get the fk out. There are enough of us that like/love this game and advertise to friends and family enough to keep this place alive.
That's my 2 cents.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Consumed on 01/08/04 at 01:55:29
i share with jono....if he stole,witch he wont,i think it would be my fault for sharing...i dont think staff should have to do nething about a persons choice

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by CPG on 01/08/04 at 01:55:41
It's their game. They make the rules. Users must also remember that it is not based in the U.S. so there are different rules, and so forth.

To make a long story short, they can do whatever thay want (JLH and Pandilex) and you have to accept it.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Stotic on 01/08/04 at 01:56:39
...and we are tired of cleaning up after "trust."  You don't know how many complaints I receive that end up to be sharing cases.  It's just that people don't get it.  You are giving your password out.  It's your own fault!  So stop giving us a hard time because you're self-centered enough to think everything is catered to you.  Every game has policy.  Welcome to Nightmist Policy.  He wasn't referring to everyone as stupid, but those needless ones who whine and "ironically" share also.  

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Pin on 01/08/04 at 02:00:27
Ok Look, suzey, tidal you know both of you are both good friends in game but it's really not the staffs fault, if people are... how do you say... ok lets try this one... not smart enough to know by now that people you think you can trust will backstab you in a heartbeat then you really do need to commit yourselves to an asylum, it's life. It's happened to me before and will again, deal with it and stop complaining

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Consumed on 01/08/04 at 02:32:41

on 01/08/04 at 01:55:29, Consumed wrote:
i share with jono....if he stole,witch he wont,i think it would be my fault for sharing...i dont think staff should have to do nething about a persons choice

i would however be upset...but i think my other friends suported me id continue playin and get all the stuff i had back...

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 02:41:28

on 01/08/04 at 01:54:42, Momba wrote:
If you share accounts it's one thing. If you share accounts and get your chit taken it's another. If you share accounts, get your chit taken then email staff your stupid.
The rules clearly state that staff does not encourage the sharing of accounts and will do nothing to help you get your stuff back in the event that it is taken.

JLH's response was the first time I saw him act like a human and show emotions in the almost 2 years I have been playing. Think about it. He logs onto his email and everyday some tard wants help getting his/her stuff back cause they shared and the person they trusted the most took his/her stuff.

He and all staff have said time and time again DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNTS. DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORDS. And guess what... We do it anyway and cry when our stuff gets taken.

Suzey and those like you get over it. This is a game. Some people do follow the rules and take advise from staff in regards to theft issues. And on a personl note I hate all of the cry babies who have taken time away from JLH and other staff members with your petty complaints because you didn`t follow the rules. I hold the tards like you personally responsible for the delay in the update. If he wasn`t taking time to sift through emails and answer memos and yells and pages cause you didn`t follow the rules. The players who play the game for the game woulda had our update.

And to those that argue, "He helped so and so way back when". I say to you that when NM first started there were a handful of people. I'm sure for staff it was easy to resolve issues. Take some time to look at the Game Activity/ Stats link. There are as of 1/1/04 almost 1200 IP Addresses. Do you actually think that it would be fair to the game as a whole if he was to attempt to resolve each issue with that many people playing?

Get ahold of yourself folks. Follow the GD rules and play the game. If you don't like the way the game is run then get your hat and coat and get the fk out. There are enough of us that like/love this game and advertise to friends and family enough to keep this place alive.
That's my 2 cents.

I apologize for not being an elite player such as yourself and have had the opprotunity to be around to see everything you've seen.  You've been playing for 2 years,I haven't even been playing a year,alls I did was have the guts to say what a lot of other people want to say but they constantly get crap like this.  If JLH doesn't want to sort through emails,memos,pages etc; then maybe he needs to hand over his job.  If you're sick of hearing about theft issues,too bad,get over it. Because you're going to hear about it a lot more not just from me. I've only said something about this issue twice. I haven't been around that long to see what has been done and what hasn't been done.  If staff chooses favriots and only does what they want to do to certian people then so be it.  It was my opinion and you tried to shut it down with your 'eliteness'.  You've played for 2 years,big whoop to me.  It doesn't matter how long you've played or how many times you've heard about the same issue.  Like you said theres about 1200 IP addresses,I'm sure theres about 1200 different ways to touch this subject time and time again.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Catalyst on 01/08/04 at 02:50:34
Hmm maybe a reset would end all of this lol.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 02:54:10

on 01/08/04 at 02:50:34, Catalyst wrote:
Hmm maybe a reset would end all of this lol.

OH man buddy! YOu're right on the target!

Not,trying to shut down my posts isnt going to stop someone else from speaking the same truth.  Not my problem if you're trying to suck up to staff and it isnt working by trying to degrade and hush my opinion,sir

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Ril<l<u on 01/08/04 at 02:55:45
omg u all are so stupid

I wasnt even 'sharing' and got my chit stolen, u wanna start with me!?  Staff is so fking retarded, they cant even control their own game

they say thieves will be punished, yeah right?  So I guess its okay to just steal if u feel like it right?  so Ill share with Someone and decide I like their thief and just fk them over huh?  oh yeah okay, thats cool I need new chit now that mine was stolen because staff suck

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 03:02:24

on 01/08/04 at 02:55:45, Ril<l<u wrote:
omg u all are so stupid

I wasnt even 'sharing' and got my chit stolen, u wanna start with me!?  Staff is so fking retarded, they cant even control their own game

they say thieves will be punished, yeah right?  So I guess its okay to just steal if u feel like it right?  so Ill share with Someone and decide I like their thief and just fk them over huh?  oh yeah okay, thats cool I need new chit now that mine was stolen because staff suck

I was trying to point that out,and look at that shyt I get.  That guy up there stated that he was playing for 2 years as well.Same amount of time you've been playing almost,yet were still stupid right? Some people don't even share and still get their accounts stolen.  I'm sorry lindz and well I basically posted all of what I said because of you.  You're 1 of my closest friends and for you to get stolen from like that hurt me a lot. And it hurt more when staff said they didn't care and that they werent going to do anything about it.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Aidon on 01/08/04 at 03:16:14
Anyone who blatantly does the opposite of what staff say is stupid.  He brings you the game for free, and says "Hey don't share or you'll get your crap taken away."  Hmmm now if I had an IQ over sayyyy 10, I would think, " Wow If the creator of the game I play says I shouldn't share b/c I might have my stuff taken, then I guess I won't do that!"  It would be different if 1. He didn't tell everyone not to share, or 2. Repeat it 100000000000000.  It somewhat makes me think ok a puppy who pees on the floor gets smashed with a newspaper, and turns around and pisses again, thinking this time he won't get smacked.  Bottom Line:  Its HIS game, listen to him or stop whining!

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Tadpole on 01/08/04 at 03:20:00

on 01/08/04 at 02:55:45, Ril<l<u wrote:
omg u all are so stupid

I wasnt even 'sharing' and got my chit stolen, u wanna start with me!?  Staff is so fking retarded, they cant even control their own game

they say thieves will be punished, yeah right?  So I guess its okay to just steal if u feel like it right?  so Ill share with Someone and decide I like their thief and just fk them over huh?  oh yeah okay, thats cool I need new chit now that mine was stolen because staff suck

What gives you the right to come and flame staff, explain how it is their fault your stuff got stolen. You call them retarded but yet your stuff is stolen. Why the hell should they help you anyways when all your doing is coming on here giving them attitude. ya it sucks that your stuff got stolen but please grow up and be mature about stuff. It is a game, not the end of the world.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Ril<l<u on 01/08/04 at 03:22:45
u can stop being an ass because by definition I Did NOT share my account

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 03:24:08

on 01/08/04 at 03:20:00, Tadpole wrote:
What gives you the right to come and flame staff, explain how it is their fault your stuff got stolen. You call them retarded but yet your stuff is stolen. Why the hell should they help you anyways when all your doing is coming on here giving them attitude. ya it sucks that your stuff got stolen but please grow up and be mature about stuff. It is a game, not the end of the world.

You need to lay off of her.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 03:31:59
Chris,she's already pissed as shyt because she got screwed out of 2 years of her life on this game.  But you know you'd feel the same way if something like this happened to you. Everyone and anyone would,they wouldn't take it as serious...but well everyone is different and they react to certian things differently. So leave her alone and let her vent,if she feels staff is to blame then let her feel that way.  But a response coming from you of all people is just the thing to set her off even more. So leave her be.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Creed on 01/08/04 at 03:33:50
Threads like these are just pointless to me and everybody.. (no offense)... It never gets anywhere... Like a mary go round.. You spin around... and round.. and round... and sometimes you'll spin so fast that the whole world seems upside down... But you still hold on tight to keep going and going and going.. and then you sit and relize.. that it never gets you anywhere.. Except one place.

Now, don't get me wrong.. I'm not trying to say the person who posted this thread is stupid.. I'm just giving out what I think..

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Momba on 01/08/04 at 03:36:00

on 01/08/04 at 02:55:45, Ril<l<u wrote:
omg u all are so stupid

I wasnt even 'sharing' and got my chit stolen, u wanna start with me!?  Staff is so fking retarded, they cant even control their own game

they say thieves will be punished, yeah right?  So I guess its okay to just steal if u feel like it right?  so Ill share with Someone and decide I like their thief and just fk them over huh?  oh yeah okay, thats cool I need new chit now that mine was stolen because staff suck

I truely think it sucks you got your stuff stolen. I know how hard you worked to get what you had. But even tho you didn`t have your crits and another persons in the same account I have to ask. How many people had access to your account? If it is now like it was when you were in TR then I say there are a couple people who knew your account name and password?

on 01/08/04 at 02:41:28, Dominique wrote:
I apologize for not being an elite player such as yourself and have had the opprotunity to be around to see everything you've seen.  You've been playing for 2 years,I haven't even been playing a year,alls I did was have the guts to say what a lot of other people want to say but they constantly get crap like this.  If JLH doesn't want to sort through emails,memos,pages etc; then maybe he needs to hand over his job.  If you're sick of hearing about theft issues,too bad,get over it. Because you're going to hear about it a lot more not just from me. I've only said something about this issue twice. I haven't been around that long to see what has been done and what hasn't been done.  If staff chooses favriots and only does what they want to do to certian people then so be it.  It was my opinion and you tried to shut it down with your 'eliteness'.  You've played for 2 years,big whoop to me.  It doesn't matter how long you've played or how many times you've heard about the same issue.  Like you said theres about 1200 IP addresses,I'm sure theres about 1200 different ways to touch this subject time and time again.

Has nothing at all to do with the amount of time a person has played unless they started within the last 2 days. Because 2 days ago was when the last person posted that they had something ripped by someone they shared with. So 2 days, 2 months or 2 years. Almost daily there is a forum thread created where 1 player ripped another player. You are active on the forums. You have heard/read the stories before.

As for being elite I am far from it. I am like grandfather n00b of NM. I don't claim to be the best, have the best or aspire to be the best. I'm like the town junky waiting for my next fix (The Update).

Suzey from me to you. You seem pretty smart. You knew better, but for whatever reason ignored all the warning signs. Before this incident you were all into the game. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and play the game you enjoyed before you made a mistake. Contact me ingame and I will even give ya...what shall we call it...A NM Starter Kit to help ya get back on your feet. But don't blame others for your mistakes. And least of all the staff. IMO they are honestly trying to make this thing enjoyable for all.

And if it makes ya feel any better I too have been taken before. I saw the signs but ignored em and lost my stuff. I wrote it off as a lesson learned.

O.K. I'm done rambling :)

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Stotic on 01/08/04 at 03:37:51

on 01/08/04 at 02:41:28, Dominique wrote:
If JLH doesn't want to sort through emails,memos,pages etc; then maybe he needs to hand over his job.

The worst comment I've heard all week.  If you let him hand over his job the you'll have nothing left to whine about.  I'm merely keeping this topic unlocked because it amuses me.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Tadpole on 01/08/04 at 03:39:45
I'm not even going to start arguing about this, but to get my point through. Im not on here to flame her or anything. All im saying is she needs to put the blame where it belongs. That is her friend. Read her quitting post, her friend got drunk and gave out her pass. So how is that staffs fault?

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 03:42:27

on 01/08/04 at 03:36:00, Momba wrote:
I truely think it sucks you got your stuff stolen. I know how hard you worked to get what you had. But even tho you didn`t have your crits and another persons in the same account I have to ask. How many people had access to your account? If it is now like it was when you were in TR then I say there are a couple people who knew your account name and password?

Has nothing at all to do with the amount of time a person has played unless they started within the last 2 days. Because 2 days ago was when the last person posted that they had something ripped by someone they shared with. So 2 days, 2 months or 2 years. Almost daily there is a forum thread created where 1 player ripped another player. You are active on the forums. You have heard/read the stories before.

As for being elite I am far from it. I am like grandfather n00b of NM. I don't claim to be the best, have the best or aspire to be the best. I'm like the town junky waiting for my next fix (The Update).

Suzey from me to you. You seem pretty smart. You knew better, but for whatever reason ignored all the warning signs. Before this incident you were all into the game. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and play the game you enjoyed before you made a mistake. Contact me ingame and I will even give ya...what shall we call it...A NM Starter Kit to help ya get back on your feet. But don't blame others for your mistakes. And least of all the staff. IMO they are honestly trying to make this thing enjoyable for all.

And if it makes ya feel any better I too have been taken before. I saw the signs but ignored em and lost my stuff. I wrote it off as a lesson learned.

O.K. I'm done rambling :)

A NM starter kit,thanks,I feel....the same.

I've never been stolen from,only my friends have,and this is what I do to try to help them because I never get the full truth of things,but I reacted more to this particular situation with lindz because of how hard she worked and shes a close friend.  Though I reacted even more because of how JLH reacted.  Stressful,emotional,upset;I'd be the same if I was addressed with this topic all the time,but it is human error that we repeat ourselves more than once in life. And end up making the same mistakes and such. Somewhat as if history is repeating itself

I'll be looking for that starter kit.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Vagabond on 01/08/04 at 04:00:39
Ive been playing this game for bout 6 months now, i have a party of lvl 30's, seen just about all areas ingame...

I wanna see more areas, however, all i see is BS. Look back through the discussion forum you will find idiot after idiot complaining about theft....then when action has been taken finally...THE THIEFS ARE COMING BACK.(check the returning forum).

What about the /trade system you anti JLH/staff idiots seem to have forgotten about?? used to be "DONT TRADE WHILE STAFF ARNT PRESENT"
you fools did anyway, and JLH worked hard to fix that and he was sucsessful. And you rave on about nothing been done to stop theft??

Now with the /trade system there is basicly only 1 way you can be ripped off, and thats by sharing.

It has been said time and time again DO NOT SHARE ACCOUNTS OR STAFF WONT DO nuts!! yet you keep doing it lol. It seems the wheel is turning but the hampsters dead. Maybe you should share brains and try to get a decent 1 between you.

/t rikku maybe if staff didnt have to deal with this sharing BS your prob might of been sorted.

/t the thieves who are getting a free ride at some idiot kids expense, look at yourself your stealing on a game which will have very little bearing on your RL situation so stfu and grow up, and die a horrible death.

/t staff if ya no longer have to worry bout fixing shared account probs, lets see some new areas ;)

Just read what i wrote lol and most is bs, but My clan and i have NEVER been involved in any form of theft while ive been playing this game, and it sux how we cant enjoy updates and new areas because of pricks and idiots.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Creed on 01/08/04 at 04:03:34

on 01/08/04 at 04:00:39, Vagabond wrote:
Ive been playing this game for bout 6 months now, i have a party of lvl 30's, seen just about all areas ingame...

Man.. I've been playing for like a year and a half.. and I don't even own an expert crit... Or even seen every area!!

You suck!! :(

Creed will always be the biggest Nightmist bum/newb....

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Aidon on 01/08/04 at 04:07:07

on 01/08/04 at 04:00:39, Vagabond wrote:
/t staff if ya no longer have to worry bout fixing shared account probs, lets see some new areas ;)

Since trade systems there has been Natura and SilverSail port/Beach area I believe so there has been new areas.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Vagabond on 01/08/04 at 04:14:35
I meant MORE new areas  ;)

It was a harmless hint hint, nudge nudge, wink wink moment not a criticism.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Time on 01/08/04 at 06:36:57
OK lets just solve this like mature grown ups, and for once not go into an arguing post that is going to get locked, then continued as another topic.

1. Accepting files V.I.A. e-mail, IM's, posted web url's, etc.. may and can contain hidden keyloggers and such. It can be hidden as small as only 1 pixel.   Don't accept them!

2. I'm not going to repeat the sharing again.

3. If you absolutely, posatively don't share, and/or haven't given out your password, Then try to ask for some assistance from staff in a polite way. If you screwed up, Hey then just admit to it. Poop Happens.

4. As like everything else on the net such as e-mail, change your password often! If you use specific words alot, etc  some people can figure out a password just by how you talk. Some people even use the same password for everything, If you give out your forum, e-mail password etc.. well 1+1 is easy to figure out.

5. Its a game for gods sake, Ok maybe you worked hard getting everything you had/have, but lets assume this..  Assuming JLH, Pandi etc.. don't back up One day the server blows up, everything is lost (for everyone) are we all to come back and say crp like "Hey I worked hard for all that junk! I didn't do wrong, so I want it back!"
You play a game at home(ex: Diablo2), you uninstall it and delete all the files. One day you decide to play again, are you going to get all up in the staff's butts because you screwed yourself?
I didn't think so.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Origenes on 01/08/04 at 12:43:25
Do not tell your real account name to anyone ingame. That is a simple.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Mephistroth on 01/08/04 at 13:36:44

on 01/08/04 at 03:37:51, Stotic wrote:
The worst comment I've heard all week.  If you let him hand over his job the you'll have nothing left to whine about.

Time and time again I wonder why your staff... Your people skills really aren’t up to much. The comment Dominique made was perfectly reasonable. If JLH didn't want all the hassle, then why did he make it? He should have known that if he ran his own game, people with problems would pester him. If he can't be bothered to read through the emails or memos, then he should find someone who can do that for him.

Sharing is only good if you know the person you share with, and can trust him/her completely. I've known the person I share with for a few years now (I think), me and Rich even introduced him to Nightmist, and I also know that he doesn’t steal. He has had the opertunity to several times, and not just from me, yet he didn't.

Sharing isn't stupid, but I can understand why JLH doesn't want to help people who get their stuff stolen. I can't however, understand why, when this happens, people get called stupid. It has nothing to do with how smart you are... You could have an IQ of 150 and still have your stuff stolen (why you'd be playing NM though I don't know :P). The only time stupidity comes into it is if you get your stuff stolen by accepting files from other people.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 13:40:31

on 01/08/04 at 13:36:44, Mephistroth wrote:
Time and time again I wonder why your staff... Your people skills really aren’t up to much. The comment Dominique made was perfectly reasonable. If JLH didn't want all the hassle, then why did he make it? He should have known that if he ran his own game, people with problems would pester him. If he can't be bothered to read through the emails or memos, then he should find someone who can do that for him.

Or he shouldn't, it's his own game. So who are you to decide for him? He doesn't want all the hassle so he ignores it, problem solved.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 13:45:07
Anyways this whole thread is gay. If you really wanted staff to work out every theft issue there wouldn't even been a game. It's not fair for them to have to give up all their time cuz you ****ed up. Don't give out your pass, don't share, dont be a complete moron and you won't get stolen from. It's as simple as that, if you can't follow those simple rules you deserve to get stolen from...

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by alone on 01/08/04 at 16:34:24
It's all the hype that almost made me join with StaticX (for those who remember him). We used to joke about how stupid people were back then, I wonder what he'd think now...

You people really don't see how pathetic you sound, over a silly little game. Sure, if you PAID for anything what so ever towards Nightmist, then maybe, just maybe, I could understand when things get stolen (even through your own stupidity).. But when a free service is up, and you complain cus you're too pig ignorant to watch your own back, then I wonder why the hell staff put up with it, more so in the case of JLH.. Why would anyone PAY to get complaints thrown at them day in day out.

Just what I think. Sorry if I was at all harsh :-[

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Kazuya on 01/08/04 at 17:44:17
Ok i've got an idea...

Why dont you all (not really you all just some) stop pregnant doging and complaining about how staff do their jobs.

The ONLY way you can get robbed is by:
Accepting a key logger, <-- Your OWN fault.

Telling someone your password, <-- You OWN fault.

Not using the /trade system. <-- Your OWN fault.

Lending things out to people. <-- Your OWN fault.

Dropping things infront of people(abra). <-- Your OWN stupid fault.

Now please if anyone can tell me a way that you can get robbed that isn't your fault then speak up, otherwise STFU and deal with your OWN mistakes of stupidity.

~Have a nice day(One without pregnant doging and complaining please).

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Sausage on 01/08/04 at 18:13:58
People sharing that are not willing to lose everything - Stupid.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Hexagram on 01/08/04 at 18:43:49
Noone 'owns' their nightmist accounts except JLH, he owns them all. You're allowed to use them if you know the password. The ONLY thing that seperates you being able to use the account and someone else is that you know the password. If you tell someone else the password, they are also allowed to use the account, and therefore do whatever they want with it.

If you tell someone your password, and they take the account, its NOT stealing, it was never yours to begin with.

That's not to say noone should share, by all means share your account with 100 people, but you have no right whatsoever to complain if it gets stolen because you told someone the password.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by ChaosHound on 01/08/04 at 19:20:43
"I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."

                  --Abraham Lincoln

Will they never learn?!

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Jurian on 01/08/04 at 19:26:57
i must say i didn't read all post but i do agree that ppl that share are not stupid..............

they are complete retards with the iq of a freezer.

just my 2 cents.

ooh and imo sharing = saying "i suck at nm can't play on my own i need a buddy to help me"

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Insomnia on 01/08/04 at 20:22:53

on 01/08/04 at 19:26:57, Jurian wrote:
i must say i didn't read all post but i do agree that ppl that share are not stupid..............

they are complete retards with the iq of a freezer.

just my 2 cents.

And I classify you as a complete retard with the ic of a broken freezer. Just my 2 cents.

You aren't stupid for sharing. You aren't stupid for trusting your friends. You aren't even stupid if whoever you're sharing with steals all you've earned. Now we've sorted that issue out and anyone here who calls people who share accounts "retards", are from now on the biggest ****ing retarded nerds I know about. Anyone included.

Although, if you share with a friend, your friend jacks the account, and you - even though knowing that sharing is not supported by stuff - e-mail JLH about it asking him to give it all back... Then, and only then, are you a retard.

I think most of you on here remember me sharing with Will for about 2 years. As far as I remember, we never quarreled about anything during this time. And one day, without a word, he had changed the password, leaving me with nothing left. I doubt anyone here (maybe except for jurian the annoying retard, who more than once has pretty much stated that friendship is worth nothing) saw me as the big idiot for sharing my password with someone and Will as the smart guy for getting to keep alot of crits and items for himself (not even Will himself did, and gave it all back a few days later explaining how he'd acted like an idiot).

I hope you get my point. I'm extremely tired of people calling others "retards" for sharing. If you've played this game for more than say 6 months, yet there's noone in game that you'd consider giving your out your password to, then I'd say that you yourself is the retard. Not for caring so much about your nm account, but - believe it or not - there are alot of great people who play this game, and if you can't make friends with any of them then it's probably your own fault (for being rude and - once again - retarded (great word to use, isn't it?)) and not theirs.

And that's 2 more cents from me.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Paranormal on 01/08/04 at 20:27:38
Wow!  :o I would say this is all truely amazing to me but in reality it's not.... after being around for about 1 1/2 years and seeing half of these people in action ingame..... lol nothing amazes me anymore  :-/

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Jurian on 01/08/04 at 20:34:15
it's a known fact ppl on this game so yes i say it's stupid if you trust ppl on this game.

and yes imo friendship on this game means nothing.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Hexagram on 01/08/04 at 20:36:08
So you've been playing all this time for the gameplay? Wow..

Also, I agree with everything Insomnia said.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by CPG on 01/08/04 at 20:46:18
It would seem like the people that steal are the stupid ones. Truly. They can only feel good about themselves when they use other people to get ahead in a fantasy world, that isn't that great. Here, you know what, I will tell you that I have had a good amount of stuff stolen from me. I thought about revenge. Then it occurred to me that I was becoming upset, and emotionally unstable, because of a game. Really. A game. Colored pixels. You click on pictures. You use n e s w to move around in indefinite space, which is 1's and 0's (not really, i'm pretty sure Nightmist wasn't coded in basic). I think less of the people that have used me, but in the end, I am still friends with them, on some sort of level. Why? BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY GAME!

Please, wait until you aren't PMS'ing until you post something on the forums. And if you are going to talk about intelligence factors, at least use correct grammar, and spelling. You make me sick.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Jurian on 01/08/04 at 20:54:06
lmao you ppl make my cry. :P

give me one reason why i should care about you ppl? i don't even know you ppl. and yes i actually play because i like training. although it is getting a bit boring after more then 2 years.

and for your information i have never made it a secret that i am dyslexic. i have also stated often enough that it is not about the way you receive a message (either in good or bad spelling or whatever) as long as you understand the message.

imo ppl on this game are guilty untill proven innocent.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Nemesis on 01/08/04 at 21:02:04
are you lot still babbling on about this topic??

God dammit, look. It happened. nothing can be done about it.

People shared, even though there are warning, and qoutes saying that staff will NOT do a thing to help...people took the risk, got stolen from. they were warned and ignored it.

move on with yer life, go kill someone in crazy petes n just post about something interesting in the forum.

can someone lock this one now? lol

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 21:47:05

on 01/08/04 at 20:22:53, Insomnia wrote:
And I classify you as a complete retard with the ic of a broken freezer. Just my 2 cents.

ic? Yes it's obvious who the retard is here, you made it very clear.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Zephie on 01/08/04 at 21:50:28
No offense, but he's swedish..give him a break I'd love to see someone type out huge paragraphs like that in swedish. lol

But on topic, I agree with Insomnia..He had his entire account stolen. Oh and for those who insist on saying I favortise people. Gus is one of my friends, and in my clan and I did not use my staff powers at all to get his characters back. Instead it was a couple of his friends asking the guy to give them back.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Insomnia on 01/08/04 at 21:53:15

on 01/08/04 at 21:47:05, Morph wrote:
ic? Yes it's obvious who the retard is here, you made it very clear.

hahaha .. hah.. ha... h....

Yea, it was quite obvious but looks like we got a volunteer now.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 21:57:07
Ok thats it,I've had enough.

1. I said maybe JLH should give up his job.
2. I only posted this topic to comfort my friend.

But she turned all crazy and into a b!tch to everyone and not only flamed STAFF chris,but she flamed her friends,went all suicidal and what not and pissed me off.  I know that NM was her life and all but her friends were there for her and she turned them down when they tried to help her.  So while everyone whos replied to this post has either called me stupid or something else negative just for expressing my opinion even if it has been expressed in many different ways,  What gives you the right?

Out of everyone whos replied and said something negative towards this, I wouldnt do that to you just to make myself look superior because well in my eyes thats what  half of you are doing and thats the stupidest thing of all.
Frankly,I'm sick of the people that moan about getting their stuff stolen as well. This post was only to comfort my friend and I'm the 1 whose being treated like they stole something.

It was only my opinion and my way of comfort because I cant do anything else,JLH wouldn't listen to someone like me.  As you can see from some of the staff members replies I'm just another person on here.

So forget it, I give up trying to stick up for people and express my opinion, I only get shut down.


Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 21:59:57
Oh and another thing,  If someone else replies to this without reading the post and reading half of the replies then you're a complete and total moron and I hate you.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Creed on 01/08/04 at 22:01:46
Oh... Well I guess I am then... I sowwy... :(:(:(

Creed sulks and sighs*

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 22:08:24

on 01/08/04 at 21:50:28, Zephie wrote:
No offense, but he's swedish..give him a break I'd love to see someone type out huge paragraphs like that in swedish. lol

Then he shouldn't be calling someone a retard? And im from Somalia, apparently, so wanne see who's better at writing in Swahili?

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 22:12:02

on 01/08/04 at 21:50:28, Zephie wrote:
No offense, but he's swedish..give him a break I'd love to see someone type out huge paragraphs like that in swedish. lol

But on topic, I agree with Insomnia..He had his entire account stolen. Oh and for those who insist on saying I favortise people. Gus is one of my friends, and in my clan and I did not use my staff powers at all to get his characters back. Instead it was a couple of his friends asking the guy to give them back.

I don't remember saying anything about staff powers. What you do with your ''staff powers'' is your problem and what you do behind closed doors and where no one else sees.  Also if you favrotize people thats your thing,I'm only in game to have a good time and make friends.

And I believe you made it clear to me that you didnt favrotize me or like me in any way.

But don't worry,the feeling is mutual.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 22:15:14

on 01/08/04 at 22:12:02, Dominique wrote:
And I believe you made it clear to me that you didnt favrotize me or like me in any way.

But don't worry,the feeling is mutual.

Maybe because you started this thread by calling staff stupid... Just leave NM for a bit, go out, get laid and see that there's more in life then crying on a game  :-*

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 22:24:02

on 01/08/04 at 21:02:04, Nemesis wrote:
are you lot still babbling on about this topic??

God dammit, look. It happened. nothing can be done about it.

People shared, even though there are warning, and qoutes saying that staff will NOT do a thing to help...people took the risk, got stolen from. they were warned and ignored it.

move on with yer life, go kill someone in crazy petes n just post about something interesting in the forum.

can someone lock this one now? lol

For your information, everyone is different,and if they feel they need to post about the same thing over and over again and you're not interested then don't read it or open your mouth.  Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I've gotten more negativity then positivity and if you've seen what I've said over and over I posted this to comfort a friend not to get shyt from members and staff.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Catalyst on 01/08/04 at 22:25:57
Ok I have played this game for quite a long time I remember when Jen would be everywhere killing my noob crits. To the point now through the years I've seen changes in this game maybe some are not the best but anyways. One change is the way you log on people didnt share as much back in the day when archs could kill level 3 crits, you used to log on one crit at a time then he changed it to an account that kept all your crits in it (current) now everyone is sharing and complaining to staff about stuff being stolen has sky rocketed. Now the point is stop sharing.

Also If you have played this for 2 years and done nothing else in your life but eat,crap, and sleep you need to go out and get a d**n life I might have played this game for a long time but I also do other things like play sports and hang out with my friends. If the only friends you have are from this game go make some you can hang out with, get a job do something.

Also I share with my best friend in RL and we have never stolen from each other on this game so whoever says don't share with anyone I say don't share with people you don't know in RL.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Mephistroth on 01/08/04 at 22:27:32

on 01/08/04 at 21:50:28, Zephie wrote:
No offense, but he's swedish..give him a break I'd love to see someone type out huge paragraphs like that in swedish. lol

No offence, but as Jurian isn't even English, AND he’s dyslexic, I think he’s doing just as well as Insomnia. If not better. He doesn't insult someones intelligence, and then make stupid errors in his post, especially while trying to keep all the grammar correct just so he seems perfect.

Anyway, as someone mentioned (I think they did anyway :-/) sharing isn't stupid. The only time it becomes stupid is if you send emails to JLH about it.

on 01/08/04 at 22:25:57, Catalyst wrote:
Ok I have played this game for quite a long time I remember when Jen would be everywhere killing my noob crits. To the point now through the years I've seen changes in this game maybe some are not the best but anyways. One change is the way you log on people didnt share as much back in the day when archs could kill level 3 crits, you used to log on one crit at a time then he changed it to an account that kept all your crits in it (current) now everyone is sharing and complaining to staff about stuff being stolen has sky rocketed. Now the point is stop sharing.

Please.. at least try to put a , and . in the right places. It makes things much easier to read, and it's not like its hard for you to do that.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Dominique on 01/08/04 at 22:32:31

on 01/08/04 at 22:15:14, Morph wrote:
Maybe because you started this thread by calling staff stupid... Just leave NM for a bit, go out, get laid and see that there's more in life then crying on a game  :-*

I didn't call staff stupid :|
What I said was stupid,was how JLH reacted to theft issues,''I dont care,I'm not going to do anything about it''  What kind of attitude is that towards people who work hard like lindz and many other people do and then get ripped off and then have to go through staff saying that they don't care and they arnt going to do anything about it.  And obviously you're 1 of the morons I was talking about,not reading the post,nor half the replies.  And I'm not crying,nor have I ever over this game,you must have me mixed up with something you've done in the past.  You don't even know me or anything about me.  So don't come on here and try to flame me and judge me by expression of my opinion or through way of chat forum to make yourself look good.  I'm not going to leave this game because someone like you tells me to and tries to make me feel less of what I am.  Plus we arn't discussing my social life,my social life is fine,and is outside of this game.  Obviously you've been laid to much and the thought of it has made your ego expand.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Morph on 01/08/04 at 22:34:11

on 01/08/04 at 01:32:29, Dominique wrote:
Oops...I forgot you're staff,and were stupid

I know you prolly ment we're but you just called staff stupid right there. Dont blame it on bad spelling...  :)

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Mephistroth on 01/08/04 at 22:37:50
Pfft, I try to help someone out and I get some moron trying to flame me... All I was doing is offering you advice. If you had grammar in there, I doubt it would seem like the pile of BS it actually is.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by Catalyst on 01/08/04 at 22:39:09
All I ever see you doing is flame people so stfu. This topic should be locked.

Title: Re: No,were not ''stupid''
Post by JLH on 01/08/04 at 22:39:21
ok, i think everything has been said that needs to be said, this topic is now closed.

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