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Nightmist Online - Please read the terms of use before posting here >> Discussion Forum >> crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
(Message started by: Melanie on 03/23/03 at 00:37:18)

Title: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Melanie on 03/23/03 at 00:37:18
he was to sell me a cleric for 150k i gave him 75k and he deleted  crit and i see from others hes been doin that alot can u stop this guy from stealing crits gold and items please ,ive dealt with alot of u nightmist people and you have all been honest and one guy ruins it all!!! I even saved the text but dont know how to access it ,if that would help
sry JLH i was busy when u asked yes i reported theft

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Mammon on 03/23/03 at 00:53:35
Read the large text next time you log on.

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by ICP on 03/23/03 at 00:56:17
Always see if staff is on otherwise wait till tomorrow and hopefuly i will be a staff member and Stop thiefs  *is on 24/7*

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Melanie on 03/23/03 at 01:35:51
im not ask for smart remarks im just commenting on how ive played this game in faith for 2 years and that is only the first time ive been made to feel this way. why play if all ya wanna do is cheat ..rolling crits lvling them once you have rolled a good one and buying and selling things to keep things interesting is what its about not seeing how many people you can screw over cuz yer to weak to do any work yerself! I would personally become staff just to do nuttin but police that kind of activity so everyone else could enjoy the game and there only worry would be getting lost :)

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by JLH on 03/23/03 at 01:38:43
yell for me in game, i'll see what i can do

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Dank on 03/23/03 at 01:52:55
This the dude in the wanted section about training clerics? If so is ent him my perfect lvl 24 cleric to train. He was supposed to train it from 24-27 for 75k lol. So i sent it and did a /who on it about an hour later n noticed he changed the profile to what looked like he was gonna keep it. I ended up gettin the crit back but yah... dont send him anything...

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by JLH on 03/23/03 at 01:57:22
issue resolved

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Melanie on 03/23/03 at 02:02:40
My problem has been solved thanks to JLH ,,,,,,thank you very much..but please people keep the game fun like it used to be and stay honest when striking deals ,we should not have to bother sysops for every little trade or deal :)

Title: Re: crit named clayton Major thief!!!!!
Post by Clayton on 03/23/03 at 17:14:01
I apologize. I know I was in the wrong. I was mad that I earned everything honestly and been stolen from so many times that I decided to steal, which was a very bad idea. Dank, I would like you to know that I did not touch your profile. I am still training some people's clerics. But I have decided to send them back and quit the game. I am sorry Melanie. I wish you the best of luck in this game.

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