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(Message started by: Defiant on 04/06/03 at 05:39:21)

Title: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Defiant on 04/06/03 at 05:39:21
Me and TR we're getting along fine all day, and later on this happens.

Azrael, Reilly, Dank, Evanscense pop up.

I had, Drizzt, Rampage, Parabola, Oberon, Caution.

Yes i had more, but they attacked me for no reason.

I don't know who killed who. But only TR died.

Azrael died x2
Reilly x1
Dank x1
Evanscense x1

resurrection and black_ice came so i just dashed as i had no potions left.

One question; Why was i attacked?

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by newb on 04/06/03 at 07:02:28
One answer: Because they can.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 04/06/03 at 08:12:04
Thought I'm not dissing but as long as I've been on game.. I've been told the following. "Don't go to the barracks that area is TR property"

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Troy on 04/06/03 at 10:11:36
/nod Ls.........haha

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 04/06/03 at 10:46:44
/poke troy  You're still a brat lol

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Drizzt on 04/06/03 at 11:05:45

on 04/06/03 at 07:02:28, newb wrote:
One answer: Because they can.

If you read his post, only TR died.. so if 'they can' why was it only TR died?

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Eternyte on 04/06/03 at 11:23:44
Reilly isnt even in TR for a start. Also shows that TR attack anyone, they dont stop a look over. They dont run into a room, run out to do /who's to see if they are a low enough level to kill.
The fact that they died just shows that since they started the fight, they died and didnt run away like most others do.

Who said TR were dishonorable?...I think this goes to prove that.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Defiant on 04/06/03 at 14:17:51
The Resistance are dishonourable at times, my friend accidently hit Dank, dank didnt mind, walked off and carried training, i could see the screen flicker all the way to the general, so i said, what WISDOM does caution have he answered 12, Beamed him, drank pots, BAM BAM BAM from three rangers and he was dead, Reilly ran(Forgot she wasnt' tr sorry) Then dank came, i murdered him, TR isnt barrack property, because most of the time im there, and i can fend for myself when im not jumped by a lot of people, as i did last night.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by KaZuL on 04/06/03 at 20:31:45
not all TR are, but I know a few who will win any way possible, honorable or otherwise.  Resurrection is prime example of this, runs around, w/his cleric leading, finds people, sets macro, spells up, and does run bys, never stands and fights, might be due to fact that he's weakling, but i could be wrong.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Bean on 04/06/03 at 20:43:52
Perfect tactic you must admit, Although with grasping vines he could be given a stern talking too  ::)

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Zekhia on 04/06/03 at 23:26:04

1. Reilly is draco honoris and not TR

2. You killed a mage, a cleric, and a pally. While you had 3 rangers and 2 fighters.

3. Meet me in the barracks whenever you want and then we can post the results  :P

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by PureMourning on 04/07/03 at 00:37:36
As a spectator on the forum and reading this thread from Defiant, I could care less of the details of the fight. I'm interested, why? Because TR died. Zehkia did post a good point, but if they attacked first, their fault, too bad.

Good Job Defiant!

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 04/07/03 at 04:32:30
good fight most usually are if you're ballsy enough.. to go into the barracks you'd better be able to defend yourself.. or be a low enough lvl to where most can't hit you. no insults intended mind you

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Tender_Foot on 04/07/03 at 06:57:23
desireme tried coming after me with one of her thieves, either that or it was someone in the clan she was helping. she killed my crits with under 200p, and we took desireme. It's kinda funny to say this, but she kept running away to do the stamina trick, and i stood my ground, and she still couldnt round my fighter with 250hp. anyways, desireme fell and brought allong more crits, needless to say.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Dank on 04/07/03 at 08:38:41
I read this post and couldnt help but to post. For one, i was in the barracks trainin my lvl 10 thief and my lvl 25 cleric. I had 3 crits that couldnt fight too well. If you want i can log Dank Decimus Beaner Megadeth and THC and make you about as good looking as a demonic soldier.. Yah you killed me.. I had one lvl 30 you had 3. Big whoop.. You want an alt duel? Lets have at it.. Page me when you feel froggy.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by pfftttt on 04/07/03 at 09:00:57
Ok first off tender that thief is not me.  Secondly I was not trying to stam trick you at all I was giving the thief time to drink pots if needed and then to get his stam back to covert.  Last and certainly not least It was just batt and desireme where as there were 7 or 8 crits attacking us.  I guess you forgot the outnumbered part huh. Yes I admit it she died. (Also you forgot that more then one of whoever's crits were there died. geez tell the whole story for once)  If you hadnt have been able to kill desire it would have been really sad  ::)  I was having fun playing with you and your lil buddies.  Again I applaud you for killing desire way to go!! *gives you a cookie*

 Tender I'd like to take this moment to say I love you man!  :'(

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Maesse on 04/07/03 at 09:16:46
Pfftttt Rocks!
Can I have a cookie too?

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by LS_Whisper_C on 04/07/03 at 10:31:13
Cookie?????? did i hear the  *C* word?????

I've done the battle thing with desireme.. and troy and several other tr.. they dropped most my party .. leaving my itty bittly lvl 18 cleric there.. going >.<! crap how do I get outta here.. they gave me bck all the gold they'd gotten from the party and let me pick up as much as i could .. and Desireme very nicely said.. go west.. and north as much as you can til it says go up .. and good luck lol   our party dropped about 3-4 of them .. they dropped most of ours.. but still it was fun..  live and learn

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Defiant on 04/07/03 at 18:30:41

on 04/07/03 at 08:38:41, Dank wrote:
I read this post and couldnt help but to post. For one, i was in the barracks trainin my lvl 10 thief and my lvl 25 cleric. I had 3 crits that couldnt fight too well. If you want i can log Dank Decimus Beaner Megadeth and THC and make you about as good looking as a demonic soldier.. Yah you killed me.. I had one lvl 30 you had 3. Big whoop.. You want an alt duel? Lets have at it.. Page me when you feel froggy.

But the point is, You attacked first.

Feel Free To Attack me Next time too. I can't make you anymore worse looking than you are, I'll just chop you're hair off.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Eternyte on 04/07/03 at 20:36:54

on 04/07/03 at 18:30:41, Defiant wrote:
I can't make you anymore worse looking than you are, I'll just chop you're hair off.

The words kettle, pot and black come to mind.

*cough* mirror *cough*

Also the modification from a Winston Churchill saying "But you are fat and ugly. Mike can have a hair cut."

Rich there is no need to insult someone personally, unless you are very insecure about yourself. Keep it to the topic of fighting ability. Also if you feel the need to prove yourself that badly. Just duel Chris, Mike and whoever else 3 vs 3, etc. etc.

Whoever wins takes bragging rights.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Defiant on 04/07/03 at 20:41:14
I don't care what i look like, you're not exactly either, And i don't care what anyone else says either, He said he;d make me look like a demonic soldier! so i said id cut his hair off! :P

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Zephie on 04/07/03 at 20:46:13
Let's not start making personal attacks towards eachother.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by pfftttt on 04/07/03 at 21:07:53
I agree with Zephie.  That being said scream andy's a total cutie.  So is dank.  I'm sure you are cute scream.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Defiant on 04/07/03 at 21:16:19
Oh yeah... lol

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by KaZuL on 04/07/03 at 22:13:16
Would be a good fight, my money would be on mike.  Verbal bashing in forums is kinda lame when a flat out challenge is stated Rich.

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Eternyte on 04/07/03 at 22:17:12
* swings his verbal handbags wildly around his head, and slings it in Kazul's direction

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by KaZuL on 04/07/03 at 23:35:22
well thats not nice  :'(

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Tender_Foot on 04/08/03 at 05:16:50

on 04/07/03 at 09:00:57, pfftttt wrote:
Ok first off tender that thief is not me.  Secondly I was not trying to stam trick you at all I was giving the thief time to drink pots if needed and then to get his stam back to covert.  Last and certainly not least It was just batt and desireme where as there were 7 or 8 crits attacking us.  I guess you forgot the outnumbered part huh. Yes I admit it she died. (Also you forgot that more then one of whoever's crits were there died. geez tell the whole story for once)  If you hadnt have been able to kill desire it would have been really sad  ::)  I was having fun playing with you and your lil buddies.  Again I applaud you for killing desire way to go!! *gives you a cookie*

 Tender I'd like to take this moment to say I love you man!  :'(

lol, it always seems i have 4-8 tr members attacking my 1 crit im usually on, so for once i evened the odds, you wanna feel all big killing crits, i guess ill feel big too :). it is true, what can i say, you killed my crit with 174 hp, and another with 184 hp, not much of a target, but i give you props. it was kinda funny when there was 12 (not 8 or 9 :)) of us attacking desireme. You gotta remember though, you guys did run how many times? i counted 13 times before i stopped counting. we didnt run once

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by pfftttt on 04/08/03 at 07:26:06
Tender do I need to give you a bag of cookies?   As for the running and you not running, I have no further need to comment on it.  I was there, I was for the majority the party leader so of course I know when I was or was not running. I was having a good time it was fun! You know game = fun woot ya baby!   I will say this though I do not run around pking with more then one or two of my crits.  I have mostly baby crits so it wouldnt be too wise to pk with them.  So trust me I dont try and make myself feel big by pking.  Thank you for assuming such a lovely thought about me.  I will be sure to try and make myself feel big by pking, although I dont understand how I could.  *shrugs*  
  Sure pick on my poor wittle ranger :(  she didnt hurt anyone  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :'(  :-*

 *me runs off to go think of some lovely things to assume about Tender*

Title: Re: Little Battle in Barracks vs TR
Post by Tender_Foot on 04/08/03 at 10:16:56
actually i was talking about tr in general. I dont appreciate a thief standing covert in the same square as me, being revealed, coverting, and coming back, only to be revealed how many times? it was fun, until Desireme attacked my crit, so we retaliated :). But anyways, my clan members thought it was fun killing desireme and a certain other person who likes to use their cobalt staff, so we got hyped a bit (wooh, 2 pk's). Anyways, i think 1 cooky should suffice :P

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