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(Message started by: Despised on 03/24/03 at 17:01:25)

Title: Clear things up!!!
Post by Despised on 03/24/03 at 17:01:25
Okay just to clear things up before rumors start to fly around and all of that sort of childish bs, the reason why I am no longer a member of The Resistance is as some would call stealing, or lack of playing fair, and although I regret doing so, this is how it is. I fully understand that the consequences of my actions had to be taken out, however, I feel that they were done harshly, and I know that this thread will probably be overrun with posts against my opinions as to what I thought was done unjustly, and by far too strict compared to other punishments. I can also see how what would be considered from certain persons "highly authoritative" opinions reflect on their masses who try to follow in their footsteps, therefore they will respond acordingly. I will not lie to you about what I did, nor will I lead you to believe that I thought what I did wasn't wrong, or that I wouldn't get caught. What I will tell you is that I agree that I deserved to be caught, and punished, but that I didn't deserve to be punished in the manner that I was punished. I am not trying to be whiney or babified by this post, but perhaps just wanting to know why I was set as this example of how doing something as I did that would otherwise get a dayban, instead I recieved a month-long ban, and had all of my gold taken away from me. Anyone I enquire about this tells me the same thing, that they had not heard of anything that harsh being done, and that the most ever done was a week ban, and or forced return of the item(s) stolen. I did take an Amulet of Lag Protection, worth about 1.2 million in gold. JLH, and Zephie, teleported Homicide to their control room, and they then searched the logs, and found that I had taken it. I was not online at the time as my Cable connection was out of service. The staff then proceeded to remove the 2.6 million gold from my account, (that being all of the gold in my acct.) And then reimbursed Homicide with 1.5 million, for the stolen amulet. I ask myself what was done with the rest of the gold. And also, why my ban is for a month? People have stolen entire accounts, millions worth of items, duped items, bought duped items, and got no more than a week ban. This is why I do not understand the dire need for my punishment to be so harsh. I feel that just taking the gold (all or amount equivilent to the worth of the Lag Amulet) would have been sufficient enough, knowing how hard it is to get gold in the game, or banning for a week, or jail.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Proteus on 03/24/03 at 18:18:26
You broke the rules, deal with the consequences.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Kazuya on 03/24/03 at 18:24:50
I think this is the gayes punishment ive ever heard many people have their stuff stolen but all admins do it say " we are not responible for what u loose" and now out of no where some guy looses a aolp and he gets baned for a month. I think this sets an example of some kind. U guys try to figure it out.   >:(

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Bishop on 03/24/03 at 18:36:53
The law has changed - ask Pan to provide the new guidlines (or Zephie, she probably knows too).

My advice, find another game, or keep to yourself and keep your mouth shut - or join the resistance and befriend Kalypso.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Proteus on 03/24/03 at 18:47:09

on 03/24/03 at 18:36:53, Bishop wrote:
My advice, find another game, or keep to yourself and keep your mouth shut - or join the resistance and befriend Kalypso.

He was in

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Stigmata on 03/24/03 at 18:49:06
There isn't a set punishment for things like these, so if you get caught cheating the staff can punish you as they see fit.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by RaevynN on 03/24/03 at 18:51:28
Not to be biased, but, I don't believe its the fact that he doesn't think that he shouldn't have been punished that he is stressing on, but, considering the circumstances given of what happened, is the punishment too much?  Would you think that you should be punished in that exact way for doing what he did? Meanwhile, knowing that others have done the same thing, if not worse, and recieved a lesser diciplinary action. Knowing that certain persons who should remain nameless, have stolen accounts, crits, items, and then were simply given a slap on the wrist, it kind of insinuates that those offenses would be taken in that manner of dicipline at all times. To each his or her own, and accept the consequences yes, but how do you decide what is favortism, unjust, and fair? I do believe that had this been other people losing items, they would simply be told that nothing could be done, or would be done.  And on the other end of the stick, you have the acused persons, who receive nothing more than and ignorance of their actions, or nothing more than a dayban.  Yes, I agree with Bishop that laws change, but not posting them, is the same as allowing them to go on as they have.  No differently then real laws in real life.  You can not charge a man with murder by the laws of 2003, if he committed it in 1977, and was caught in 2002. And then again, do laws change because of influence, or because of need to make a more strict environment.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by pfftttt on 03/24/03 at 18:52:27
Cyric no offense but I think you can stop posting about Kalypso everyone gets that you dont like her. Who cares?  Move on already.  Besides as you once pointed out it's not nice to make baseless accusations. ;)

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Bishop on 03/24/03 at 19:10:13
I don't exactly dislike her - I'm only suggesting that one might get lesser punishments if one was friends with her - I could be wrong.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 03/24/03 at 19:17:31
dang be friends with kalypso for a lesser punishment? i would go for the harder punishment but here is an idea, DON'T STEAL!!

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Inquitus on 03/24/03 at 19:37:14
I was banned for a week for saying something in a page that tadpole had said two days before in open chat while pandilex was on the same square...  :-/

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 03/24/03 at 19:50:29
some animals are more equal then others :D

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Zephie on 03/24/03 at 20:34:39

on 03/24/03 at 19:10:13, Bishop wrote:
I don't exactly dislike her - I'm only suggesting that one might get lesser punishments if one was friends with her - I could be wrong.

This is exactly why you're so full of it. I was friends with Paul, hell I think I still am  (Not sure, as he probably doesn't want to be friends with me because he was punished) The reason you were banned for a month was because this is not the first time you do it, you did it to AnArChY a while back. You stole a cobalt staff and were comp banned. A comp ban didnt stop you as you came back shortly after. I like you, I think you're a good person regardless of your acts in game and would like you to come back to clan after your ban is over. Like I said the only reason you are banned for a month is because this isn't the first time you've done it.

PS. I'd like to add that JLH was the one that decided the time , not me. I merely suggested a comp ban was not enough as it wasn't enough previously.  (Btw, Homicide only recieved 1.1mil as Lag ammys aren't worth 1.5)

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by ICP on 03/24/03 at 20:57:12
Paul....i truly cant beleve you did this to me over and over on the phone you were telling its a bug and you actuly gave me sites for a virus checker. Dude we are soo d**n close its years your like family to me #1 your my sis ex boyfriend #2 you have chilled over my place and i did same at yours why would you think twice in hacking me to gain something on a game?. And the night JLH found out you did it you swore to me over and over, and over *i didnt do it* and i said just tell me the truth dude its over and done with now and you still lied to me right threw your teeth. this realy sucks because trust is no longer a option for me and you.... :'(  :'(  :'(

Paul i got one question are you the one that Took Homicide and removed 4 Crs sgs and Sent him to a diff acc. and also took my 200k?

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Azrael on 03/24/03 at 21:15:20
Well, atleast I wont hack you ant, hell I use your characters, and if you ever caught me you could crumple me into a small ball if tissue *narfs it his own lack of weight*

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Despised on 03/24/03 at 21:28:23
No that was far from the case Truth is you was never hacked. There is no way I could have hacked you. For one. We never talk off nm.but on the phone. On any other server. And I know you did not have a virus or Trojan that is why I gave you them links. It was a bug in the game. I went to log on my crits and Mercenary was in my actt. So I made a low lvl and took off the ammy as for the other crits. And money I don’t know. Guess it was a dumb mave and bad judgment. For the part in what I did. I can’t explain why I did not just /bug it or tell you.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by ICP on 03/24/03 at 21:39:39
only thing that realy sucks is for 2 weeks you have lied to me...and i even let you use my cleric trusting you but it seems weird that 2 of my crits got bugged and were sent to diff accs......

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Despised on 03/24/03 at 22:04:15
Well it happen how else would i have got on Mercenary? there was noway to hack you. 1 i never talked to you on aim aol or never sent you a file nothing... It was a bug and that was it. i have no reason to lie i made this post to state the truth and that is what it did... point blank.
      I dont blame NM i blame myself. and we all know we both abused bug dont we ant. only sad thing is it was to you. and that is why i made this post and put it all out there. look man take it as you may. Am i sorry for taking it yes and it is not only becouse i was found out. but by the time i took it it was to late to put back the crit was not in my actt no more it was there then when i went to log back on it was gone.
   And what was i to say after.              


Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Zephie on 03/24/03 at 22:26:28

"Hey man, I stole your lag ammy, but I feel bad about it, here have it back"

/give Homicide Amulet of Lag Protection

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by The Only Jecht on 03/24/03 at 22:41:57
I Think That Happend To Me Also Once, I Logged On And All Of Sep's Crits Were In There, I Didnt Log On Them Though.

Title: Re: Clear things up!!!
Post by Selene on 03/25/03 at 01:31:09
Yeh, when the server kept going down not too long ago.. I went to log into my account and I had a few crits that were in my account that weren't mine.

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