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(Message started by: PureMourning on 03/19/03 at 03:06:45)

Title: Minute Clash
Post by PureMourning on 03/19/03 at 03:06:45
This mini battle was between NBM and illuminati.

NBM's side -

- Bahashabeem
- Sin
- Marduke
- Drecore
- Khorghakh  

illuminati's side -

- Reality
- Devotion
- Kazaki
- Codric  

Motive: Sin was in Rose Garden alone leveling up. Then comes the illuminati party consisting of the 4 names mentioned above. They were greeted by Sin with a hello, and appeared to be rather friendly. They waited patiently untill Sin was mortally wounded (by the beetle) to kill him , 4 on 1!

Then the NBM party (mentioned above) came to assist Sin.

---- Resulting in all 4 of of the illuminatis falling, rather quickly!  No one from the NBM party died.

Drecore killed 2 of them and Khorghakh killed 2 of them.

Climax: Anarchy VS Bahashbeem  (1 on 1 battle of both clan's chairmans).

Result:  Anarchy wasn't fast enough to avoid Bahashabeem's stinging Halberd.  

Was NBM victorious? I think so!

Hail Notorious Beany Masters!

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Sanctuared on 03/19/03 at 04:10:39
So our mighty campaign begins.  NBM forever!  Nick, you fought honorably, and well.  Shows a lot of respect after you won to not brag like they (I'm sure) would have.  The thing that really got to me was the accusations of us cheating, which it was clearly impossible to cheat in that situation.  Anyway, Notorious Beany Master's reign the victors.  ;D

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Bahashabeem on 03/19/03 at 04:20:09
well like they said i did win one on one battle although i saw no cheating i did win battle...... wtih 3 pots to spare so if there was that much cheating i should be blind
i even congratulated him on a good fight and extended my hand he didn't respond ........ where is the honor???
/cheer NBM

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Gad on 03/19/03 at 08:07:55
Whats up with the way that all of the sudden any time a party from one big clan pks a party from another big clan people who won think they need to put it on the site to show everyone...and killing one it is a really good arch or no..isnt really needed on the site...i mean sure..good job..but why bother putting it on the site?..its not like you crushed an entire clan or anything...ive had my party of 4 or so pked by large groups of archs in the RG all the time..i dont see them bragging about it on the forums like they did something simply jumped some people..good job..but why post?

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by ArchAngel on 03/19/03 at 08:10:52
It has been posted many times, the reasoning that is.  Read through them if ya wanna know.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by KaZuL on 03/19/03 at 08:50:52
Im sorry but what is that crap you posted? Even though i dont like brady or illum a whole lot ... i duel all the time and do not post anything like that. Seems to be its just another desperate measure from another clan thats trying to make it  back and just cant cut it. Im sorry but NBM was "once good" and i dont think that posting that crap lol... makes them like they were previously for however long. Bahashbeem or however you spell it.... ill duel you anytime you want a match cept the one thing i wont do is come on here and brag about it when i win  ::)

(This Post was made by Ryan, Not Joel)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Bahashabeem on 03/19/03 at 15:10:12
you win its kool......... you may but seeing as your  the same class as anrachy and i beat him i think the same fate would happen yes you could beat me as well as he its just a moment we had showing that we can defend our ground you should lay off NBM its not nice to pk a beany :)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by -HeadphoneS- on 03/19/03 at 21:11:48
Let's play a little -Nemesis- vs NBM, if it's ok with Kazul?

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Necros on 03/19/03 at 21:14:46
Lets play a little battle of

NBM and Rich vs -Nemesis- Okay?

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by -HeadphoneS- on 03/19/03 at 21:18:55
I'd take that too, if the clan is up to it.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Zephie on 03/19/03 at 22:53:04
Oh I want in on this. Scream for once I'd like to fight by your

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by KaZuL on 03/19/03 at 23:20:10
lol sure why not. Nbm vs Nemesis sounds good to me :) is this gonna be a tr beanie vs nemesis thing jen? lol. If yall want a challenge mosh we can do it. 1 square mosh. No hit and runs nothing but a straight out fight. ;)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Stigmata on 03/19/03 at 23:32:03
I'll join in. Not bothered who's side im on though

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Sanctuared on 03/20/03 at 00:05:55
I'm sure the beanies will accept as long as it's fair terms.  Like no 20 archs vs. 3.  

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Bahashabeem on 03/20/03 at 01:10:04
well well kazul lloks like all those so called NBM haters don't like you so much.............hmmmmmmmmmm i dunno you but hey challenge sounds fair we will hold it triplex style 3 random you 3 random us :) thats fair

* cheers nbm  : :D

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by PureMourning on 03/20/03 at 03:10:19
Some people think it’s unintelligent of us to post such a miniature battle, but like mentioned before we wanted to set a factual illusion opposing everyone putting us down and believing we are a feeble force. We merely wanted to present that we do have something extraordinary and that we are not weak. Just an update: The The Notorious Beany Masters, ranked 9, with score 895, consists of 112 members and 18 rooms:

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by KaZuL on 03/20/03 at 14:05:50
Please do not take my posts offensively for I was once a beanie myself. But that rank you guys came from money .. which atleast about 2 mil came outa basha's pocket.

(This Post was made by Ryan, Not Joel)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Sanctuared on 03/20/03 at 16:16:28
That makes me a bit mad.  That 2 mil came from our old clan, which everyone helped with.  That means it was all of our money, that is why every last peice of gold went to the clan.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by KaZuL on 03/20/03 at 16:47:11
Anyhow, whether it was from the old beanies or the new beanies good luck with it.

(This Post was made by Ryan, Not Joel)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Violate on 03/21/03 at 05:42:17
Lmao heaven forbid you would ever post such a thing.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by PureMourning on 03/21/03 at 21:08:42
Not to mention I'm getting gold from my old clan today, and I'll be donating 500k today.  ;)

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by KaZuL on 03/26/03 at 18:38:03
lmao, Jen hates anyone that can be considered a threat to her, so if that is how she feels bout my clan, i'll take as a compliment.  If I am ever on I'd be more than happy to do a 3 on 3 clan fight, would be fun.  As far as u go rick, u got ur azz handed to u in a 2 on 2 duel w/my thieves vs. urs, so don't talk like ur all bad.  Cause to be completely honest, till about 2 months ago, i'd never heard of ur name, and i've played this game for over a year.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Necros on 03/26/03 at 19:51:00
And ive played for over two years, your point?

Also my name is RICH not RICK you dense moron, and i actually beat you 2 outta 3. :). So in your words "you got your azz handed back to you" Wooo.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by Stigmata on 03/26/03 at 20:06:39
Settle it in a clan duel or something.
Or go to the nm arena and post the results.

Title: Re: Minute Clash
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 03/26/03 at 20:40:14
rich you better not be screwing up my crits exp again :D

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