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Nightmist Online - Please read the terms of use before posting here >> Clan Forum >> The Ristance
(Message started by: frodo_baggins on 01/02/03 at 23:01:39)

Title: The Ristance
Post by frodo_baggins on 01/02/03 at 23:01:39
Can i join the ristance?I have a level 27 fighter. and a level 30 ninja.I dont like your beaners so lets boot them from the clan when i join iut.Mesage me in game on Frodo_Baggins..Dont make me ask 1 moe agian.

PS.I can help your clan.I have lots of friends and good allies.I also have a halbird.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by DM on 01/02/03 at 23:14:00
First off It's Resistance. Second beaner isnt in it.(Yes I know what else he could be meaning but I choose to not take it that way) He's illuminati last I checked *pokes dank*   ;)  We do not have Ninjas do you perhaps mean a thief?

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Zylia on 01/03/03 at 00:43:25
Ninja.... *giggles*

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by MoonDragon on 01/03/03 at 02:59:51
[quote author=frodo_baggins link=board=Clan;num=1041548499;start=0#0 date=01/02/03 at 23:01:39]I dont like your beaners so lets boot them from the clan when i join iut.

Dont make me ask 1 moe agian.


LOL wtf, when you join, with spelling skills like that I dont think you could type /clan join *insert name here* correctly.

Dont make you ask again, should we be sorry if they decide not to let you join? Are you gonna beat them down with your Halbird? :|

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by KaZuLu on 01/03/03 at 04:10:14
all I can say to this is ROFLMFAO.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Stotic on 01/03/03 at 05:49:32
I'm seriously hoping this guy is mocking the other newbies who say these things.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/03/03 at 08:56:58
lol,I think he's being serious.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by MoonDragon on 01/03/03 at 16:12:18

on 01/03/03 at 05:49:32, Stotic wrote:
I'm seriously hoping this guy is mocking the other newbies who say these things.


Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by FrodoBaggins1586 on 01/04/03 at 03:27:04
Frodo_Baggins, who ever he is, is not the Frodo_Baggins in game.  I am the original owner of Frodo_Baggins!
Stop posting stuff with that name and making people think that you are Frodo_Baggins in game!!!

~Frodo Baggins~

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Kharybdis on 01/04/03 at 05:10:32
Let it go, frodo #2...  

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/04/03 at 07:37:38
Yeah. I think this guy is a top canidate to join any clan.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Clayton on 01/05/03 at 01:16:13
i find this amusing  ;D

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mentobe on 01/07/03 at 02:11:37
hOOked On phoniXX wOrkEd fur him
Or if he is just dyslexic(sp)
mih ruf dEkrOw XXInohp nO dekOOh

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Oblivion on 01/07/03 at 19:18:09
lol this thread is great..

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PureMourning on 01/07/03 at 22:59:15
I agree  ;D Oh Yeaah!

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Ghostalker on 01/07/03 at 23:31:31
Stupid noobs....ROTFLMAO

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mammon on 01/08/03 at 23:11:19
I know and we can even post useless crap to raise our post count.....isn't it wonderful?

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mentobe on 01/08/03 at 23:28:00
I thought that was what the off topic forum was for william

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mammon on 01/09/03 at 23:08:05

on 01/08/03 at 23:28:00, Mentobe wrote:
I thought that was what the off topic forum was for william

Well only to a certain extent....and even so why would it apply to the clan forum?

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Clayton on 01/09/03 at 23:36:18
who mentioned the off-topic forum????

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mammon on 01/09/03 at 23:38:38
mentobe did, look at my quote lol

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Clayton on 01/09/03 at 23:39:44
lol i was joking cuz that is where i spend most of my time......

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Demised on 01/15/03 at 00:55:09
I would vote against it by means you cant even spell the name of the clan ;D

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/15/03 at 00:55:58
Heh, YAY for the 'Ristance'   lol.

Someone needs to call 1-800-Abc-defg... and fast.

Quack quack!!!   the duck has spoken.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/15/03 at 07:33:53
Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'.

Instead of trying to flame on the uneducated players' of nightmist why don't you point out their mistakes?

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Demised on 01/16/03 at 11:09:12
One thing i don't understand is why would someone come back to a game they quit just to start drama >:(

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/16/03 at 11:16:28
Posted by: PopTart Posted on: 01/15/03 at 07:33:53
Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'.

Instead of trying to flame on the uneducated players' of nightmist why don't you point out their mistakes?

First off, my post was in good fun, and NOT to be taken seriously.

But, since we're on the topic of grammar are we?  And being as it is that you mentioned above about trying to flame on the uneducated instead of pointing out flaws, allow me to point out a few of yours..

Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'  

Note here you use a capital 'Y' in ''your'' instead of lower case which is completely off, where as you should be using a lower case letter instead.  Now had you put a period instead of a comma, then and only then would you use a capital 'Y'.  

Now it would seem to me that someone who is trying to point out my flaws as some type of petty embarrassment would at least try to do it with out flaws of their own.  Now wouldn't that be the case? Well, not here.  From what I see, you had a failed attempt at pointing out my flaws to make yourself seem more intelligent.  Nice try though.

So, you see, my grammar, in fact can be 'Top Notch', thank you.  So the next time you try to assume the right to point out flaws of another person, make sure you're an example of what you're trying to say others are not.  

Have a nice day.


o0o0o0o0o0o0o A grammar war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Rattlesnake on 01/16/03 at 17:51:07
*applauds for Arakanah*

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Sin on 01/16/03 at 18:56:40
I would applaud too, except for the fact that you misspelled "capital" throughout your whole paragraph.  "Capitol" is a building where a legislature holds meetings, where "capital" refers to the uppercase letter.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/16/03 at 20:52:15
I guess i'll reply...

I used a capital "Y" for the fact I was changing my train of thought through that sentence.

I could sit here and have this grammar war with you if you would like.

Demised, I came back because my friends wanted me to. If you don't like it, cry me a river. I could care less what you or your girlfriend think of me. One more thing, Why is it everytime you start something you must have Arkanah follow up?

P.S - You two remind me of Sonny & Cher.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/16/03 at 23:24:42
You seem to change your train of thought a lot in some different posts that I have seen, if that indeed is the case.  

And did you say Sonny and Cher? Did you know them personally? What traits of theirs do we possess?
How, exactly, do we remind you of them.  I really do not see Paul skiing down a hill and slamming into a tree and dying anytime soon.  
I do not see any relation between myself and Paul, and Sonny and Cher.  We don’t sing together, neither of us are hippies, neither of us have a television show, so, I am looking for the relationship here.  I really don’t see it.  Please do elaborate.


Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by koss on 01/16/03 at 23:46:55
Frodo_Baggins #2 ure so dumb trying to be a midgit off of some rip off gay movie and u cant even spell u need to get off that freaking weed man and the lord of the rings was a waist of film!!! and dont go copying others name u homo!!! >:(

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Sin on 01/16/03 at 23:55:31
Your post would be meaningful if you would have taken the time to look at your own spelling.  I am sure as much hatred for LOTR as you seem to have, gives no reason to question another's sexuality, or is it maybe you were hoping he has that orientation to better further your relationship with him.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/17/03 at 00:29:38
It's just Sonny would stand on stage making jokes or comments, Then Cher would agree or laugh. Arkanah and paul do that often. Nearly everytime paul makes a post Arkanah is sure to follow up with him. She usually simply repeats whatever Paul happens to post.

Do you have any idea how funny you would sound if you were to speak the way type? You would be taking intermissions between every other word.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/17/03 at 01:21:35
Posted by: PopTart Posted on: Today at 00:29:38
It's just Sonny would stand on stage making jokes or comments, Then Cher would agree or laugh. Arkanah and paul do that often. Nearly everytime paul makes a post Arkanah is sure to follow up with him. She usually simply repeats whatever Paul happens to post.

Do you have any idea how funny you would sound if you were to speak the way type? You would be taking intermissions between every other word.

“It's just Sonny would stand on stage making jokes or comments”

That would be ‘’It’s just” followed by a world like “that”.  Then and only then would the word be used right. Other wise you are misusing the word, and there for you would have said ‘’its”.  

“Then Cher would agree or laugh. Arkanah and paul do that often. Nearly everytime paul makes a post Arkanah is”

Capitalize the P in Paul. And it is  ‘’ every time”  not ‘’everytime”  

"Do you have any idea how funny you would sound if you were to speak the way type? You would be taking intermissions between every other word. "

"the way type?"

Missing something there?  Go back and modify again. ::)


Now to reply to your comment about me having to take intermissions between every other word, that would basically mean that I tend to have a lot of run-on sentences, which I have not written at all.  Nowhere in my typing do I say the word ‘’and’’ more then three times. Nor do I have lack of periods and question marks.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/17/03 at 03:10:00
To be honest with you, I edited simply because I didn’t add all of it. On another note I suppose you’re right I did make some mistakes in my post, I’m glad you were able to point them out without making a lot of spelling mistakes yourself.

On a second note, You don’t disagree on you being Paul's sideshow do you?

I almost forgot to tell you, When I said

Do you have any idea how funny you would sound if you were to speak the way type? You would be taking intermissions between every other word.

It means taking a break after every other word you say, Not talking to fast. I just thought I would point that out for you since it seems you failed to comprehend what I said.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/17/03 at 03:28:14
Unrevised version

on 01/16/03 at 11:16:28, Arkanah wrote:
First off, my post was in good fun, and NOT to be taken seriously.

But, since we're on the topic of grammar are we?  And being as it is that you mentioned above about trying to flame on the uneducated instead of pointing out flaws, allow me to point out a few of yours..

Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'  

Note here you use a capital 'Y' in ''your'' instead of lower case which is completely off, where as you should be using a lower case letter instead.  Now had you put a period instead of a comma, then and only then would you use a capital 'Y'.  

Now it would seem to me that someone who is trying to point out my flaws as some type of petty embarrassment would at least try to do it with out flaws of their own.  Now wouldn't that be the case? Well, not here.  From what I see, you had a failed attempt at pointing out my flaws to make yourself seem more intelligent.  Nice try though.

So, you see, my grammar, in fact can be 'Top Notch', thank you.  So the next time you try to assume the right to point out flaws of another person, make sure you're an example of what you're trying to say others are not.  

Have a nice day.


o0o0o0o0o0o0o A grammar war!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Revised Version

First off, my post was in good fun, and NOT to be taken seriously.

But, since we're on the topic of grammar are we?  And being as it is that you mentioned above about trying to flame on the uneducated instead of pointing out flaws, allow me to point out a few of yours.

Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'  

Note here you use a capital ’ Y ’ in ‘’ your ’’ instead of lower case, which is completely off, where as you should be using a lower case letter instead.  Now had you put a period instead of a comma, then and only then would you use a capital 'Y'.  

Now it would seem to me that someone who is trying to point out my flaws as some type of petty embarrassment would at least try to do it with out flaws of their own.  Now wouldn't that be the case? Well, not here.  From what I see, you had a failed attempt at pointing out my flaws to make yourself seem more intelligent.  Nice try though.

So, you see, my grammar, in fact can be 'Top Notch', thank you.  So the next time you try to assume the right to point out flaws of another person, make sure you're an example of what you're trying to say others are not.  

Have a nice day.


O0o0o0o0o0o0o A grammar war!  

PS - The overstress of comas is really unnecessary

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/17/03 at 07:56:28
What, exactly, did you revise?  lol seems the same to me.

You really try too hard to be an a**hole.  :)

Nice try though.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/17/03 at 18:41:48
First off, my post was in good fun, and NOT to be taken seriously.

But, since we're on the topic of grammar are we?  And being as it is that you mentioned above about trying to flame on the uneducated instead of pointing out flaws, allow me to point out a few of yours..(YOU DIDN'T EVEN TYPE THE PUNCTUATION MARK CORRECTLY)

Even though his grammar was barely understandable,Your grammar wasn't exactly 'Top Notch'    

Note here you use a capital 'Y' in ''your'' instead of lower case (COMA NEEDED HERE)which is completely off, where as you should be using a lower case letter instead.  Now had you put a period instead of a comma, then and only then would you use a capital 'Y'.  

Now it would seem to me that someone who is trying to point out my flaws as some type of petty embarrassment would at least try to do it with out flaws of their own.  Now wouldn't that be the case? Well, not here.  From what I see, you had a failed attempt at pointing out my flaws to make yourself seem more intelligent.  Nice try though.

So, you see, my grammar, in fact can be 'Top Notch', thank you.  So the next time you try to assume the right to point out flaws of another person, make sure you're an example of what you're trying to say others are not.  

Have a nice day.



Has this helped you?

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/18/03 at 00:25:23
Are you completely gone?   Tell me that you have never read a book and seen a sentence end with more than one period.

i.e.   And then ...

Trust me it can be used.



The ''o0o0o0o0o0o'' is a *sound* not the beginning of a sentence.  

And when showing an exclamation point, yes, three is sufficient, however, it was more of an over excited statement.  So, really, it doesn't apply!!!

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by PopTart on 01/18/03 at 01:54:51
Placing more then one punctuation mark at the end of a sentence is never grammatically correct. As for " ... " Those are not just 3 periods. I forget the name of the quotation.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Kalypso on 01/18/03 at 03:04:45
my grammar sucks.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Mammon on 01/18/03 at 16:24:10
Well look at it this way, my grammar isn't exactly 'Top Notch' either, and look where I'm at in the game now  ;D.

*crickets chirping*

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Arkanah on 01/21/03 at 03:21:16
I love my clan!!! dot dot dot   hehehe *licks clannies*

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Despair on 02/01/03 at 15:08:47
I sat and read this full thread now I've gone crosseyed  and my head hurts :'(

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Face_The_Fact on 02/05/03 at 05:14:43
*wondering how lord of the rings is a rip off movie*

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Selene on 03/16/03 at 16:01:43
Btw, I love how some of you people joined the Nemesis vs. Illuminati clan mosh. Illuminati can't seem to defeat us without getting any TR to jump in.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by pfftttt on 03/16/03 at 17:01:06
And I love how a month old topic was brought up by you to say something about TR, when the clans name isnt spelled correctly in the heading of the thread.  :o

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Selene on 03/16/03 at 17:05:10
Uhm, I didn't even look at the date of the last post. Who cares.. I can post what I please.. whenever. Don't get your panties into a wad.. ;)

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Zephie on 03/16/03 at 18:32:48
Selene, my dear.

Only Zekhia joined, and it's funny that you can come on forums and bring that out....very hypocritical of you, seeing as purplehaze only joined nemesis for the clan fight as well..


Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by pfftttt on 03/16/03 at 18:52:31
Awww but I so love to wad my panties.  :P

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Selene on 03/16/03 at 20:33:15
Jen, my little sugar britches

I wasn't even aware of that.. so, I can't be hypocritical :) and if he did.. then my apologies.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Zephie on 03/16/03 at 21:06:32
Yep, he did. :) np, my little turtledove.

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by KaZuL on 03/17/03 at 09:48:03
Whats the difference? We lost the mosh because most players on our team were a bit inexperienced with a mosh like that. Too many hit and runs on illums part. If it were to be a 1square mosh ... do to the inexperenced matter -Nemesis- would have no doubt ruled the mosh. Now other than the fact a illum member joined our party, i give illum credit for their skill with those hit and runs. I can admit we got our butts handed to us. We did need it though. Next time Will, we can do it my way  .... and we can hand ure arse to ya in a nice lil goody bag. hehe  ;D

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by Zekhia on 03/17/03 at 13:49:43

on 03/17/03 at 09:48:03, KaZuL wrote:
Whats the difference? We lost the mosh because most players on our team were a bit inexperienced with a mosh like that.

The correct word is "Noobs"  Just admit it  :P

Title: Re: The Ristance
Post by KaZuL on 03/17/03 at 17:51:57
Emm Chris they all werent noobs... u guys just had more experienced players in that type of thing. Most of the people on our team were 28+. You guys just played it right and you know it. You can ask jen ... she even said "Before taking a challenge you guys need to practice". Something along those lines... in other words we werent prepared like u were. Put us in a 1 square mosh and wed own them. Besides lol you were only with them for the mosh. Not like we were fighting tr cuz u were technically illumnati for the moment. Oh well anyhow its over with another time and maybe we can show you what i mean :)

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