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Individual Class Discussion >> Berserker Class Discussion >> Strong/Weak
(Message started by: Defiant on 04/13/03 at 20:57:46)

Title: Strong/Weak
Post by Defiant on 04/13/03 at 20:57:46
The aspect of the Berserkers attacking is fine, if not too strong.

But the Berserker dies TOO easy to make it a good class, They need either More hp, or Some sort of Armour....

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Pazzer on 04/13/03 at 23:01:26
STRONG Berserkers are WAY to strong you get a lvl 20 thief and and try to kill a lvl 16 zerker if you win you'll be heavily damaged a beserker lvl 15 smited me for 108 meaning any other character that level couldnt stand a chance and mine has more hp than a lvl 30 at lvl 21 and hits normally for 50+ now think wot there like at level 30

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Defiant on 04/15/03 at 03:52:35
My level 30 zerker got rounded by a level 30 Fighter....He had spells though.....


Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by ICP on 04/15/03 at 04:02:12
Zerkers are not weak stop crying you just dont know how to use one. Every clan has draw back and for 1 i knwo zerkers are d**n good and if he wasnt rounded im sure people would just be posting they are OVER POWERED....

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 04/15/03 at 08:21:11

rich your a little different then most of us lol :D your the only one that loves paaldins really really really much and hates zerkers so much :D

face it your great with paladins but you just suck with zerkers :D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Fallen on 04/15/03 at 12:34:27

They don't need more hp, or higher damage (hell no), but they do need some armour even if it is just a little.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Kazuya on 04/15/03 at 13:04:49

on 04/15/03 at 04:02:12, ICP wrote:
Zerkers are not weak stop crying you just dont know how to use one. Every clan has draw back and for 1 i knwo zerkers are d**n good and if he wasnt rounded im sure people would just be posting they are OVER POWERED....

lol its class not clan  :P

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Defiant on 04/15/03 at 16:04:14

on 04/15/03 at 04:02:12, ICP wrote:
Zerkers are not weak stop crying you just dont know how to use one. Every clan has draw back and for 1 i knwo zerkers are d**n good and if he wasnt rounded im sure people would just be posting they are OVER POWERED....

That is a load of BS, i know how to use berserkers, but losing 493 hp in one round even if he has spells, he did it like twice, that is wrong, Berserkers are too weak.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 04/15/03 at 16:52:15

on 04/15/03 at 16:04:14, Defiant wrote:
That is a load of BS, i know how to use berserkers, but losing 493 hp in one round even if he has spells, he did it like twice, that is wrong, Berserkers are too weak.

never happened to me :P maybe you shouldn't use rage and get some decent dex :D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by ICP on 04/17/03 at 08:38:04

on 04/15/03 at 16:04:14, Defiant wrote:
That is a load of BS, i know how to use berserkers, but losing 493 hp in one round even if he has spells, he did it like twice, that is wrong, Berserkers are too weak.

dude he is spelled if i am dueling a Spelled Ranger on ne of my crits and they get a full round im either dead or almost dead so maybe you should spell up as well and fight back a fully spelled zerker rounds almost everything.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Defiant on 04/18/03 at 14:28:34

on 04/15/03 at 16:52:15, wonderful_nightmare wrote:
never happened to me :P maybe you shouldn't use rage and get some decent dex :D

lmfao, jurian your rangers stats suck dont start on me with stats. BloodWolf - 17 x 19 19 15 x lmfao...

21 18 18 21 18 8  is my Zerker.

ICP, the point is spelled up or not, it shouldn't happen.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 04/18/03 at 14:44:19

on 04/18/03 at 14:28:34, Defiant wrote:
lmfao, jurian your rangers stats suck dont start on me with stats. BloodWolf - 17 x 19 19 15 x lmfao...

ha ha only type the stats of a ranger i don't use :D and you know supreme is good you told me millions of times :D

18 x 23 18 16 x :D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Hybrid on 04/19/03 at 03:51:50
Good but not as good as others 8)

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Bean on 04/23/03 at 01:42:03
Weak, They dont hit enough. They hit FOR enough but thats only WHEN they hit.

They miss so god d**n often that it's hardly noticable.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Blast on 04/25/03 at 20:47:03
!! THEY ARE OVERPOWERED IF U CAN USE EM. I cant but i seen ppl use em in right way and kick a**

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Eternyte on 04/25/03 at 21:19:05
Would the right way be with 2 zerks, and either 1 or 2 clerics healing and casting spells?

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Rampage on 04/26/03 at 13:54:03
Looks like it to me.

Darkmedic was sent to a better place by Rot's fearsome berserk!
Darkpsycho wasn't fast enough to avoid Chaos's Morning Star!
Tetris just forgot to block Disturbed's berserk!
Maynard's armor wasn't good enough to stop Disturbed's deadly berserk!
Darkeye should never have tried facing the wrath of Rot's berserk!
Darkstar felt the full force of Disturbed's berserk!

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by wonderful_nightmare on 04/26/03 at 13:57:49

on 04/25/03 at 21:19:05, Eternyte wrote:
Would the right way be with 2 zerks, and either 1 or 2 clerics healing and casting spells?

nah 3 zerkers is even better :D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Bean on 04/27/03 at 09:54:17
I THINK His point was that A zerker is nothing without a cleric, OR a nutsload of pots...

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Genocide on 06/08/03 at 00:11:26
I think that Zerkers do miss alot but when they hit 130's thats like a fighters 2 stam and so we can't really moan. but they are weak because of no armor but imagine them with armor it would be abit unfair on other classes!

I think that zerkers are fine the way they are;

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by the Kiheitai on 06/23/03 at 02:56:47
So then my cleric level 28 shouldnt get clicked by a thief. thats the point right? Your zerker is not allowed to be rounded, but everyone elses can. sounds to me like you cant win so you have to try to make your complaint everyone elses.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by galad on 06/23/03 at 18:14:07

on 06/08/03 at 00:11:26, Genocide wrote:
I think that Zerkers do miss alot

thats why you use humans  ;D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by -Gaddy- on 07/01/03 at 11:12:45
Zerkers own quite a bit of stuff, rangers miss a lot also and dont hit for nearly as much, i think the problem here is that someone thinks a fighter shouldnt be able to round them with spells, in my opinion a fighter ought to be stronger..ever notice how people dont use them for anything unless they're trying to make a little gold and can setup easy macros?  I think if a fighter cant round a crit, then nothing should be able to round the crit..other than zerkers i suppose.  I dont think you can say that a class that i see people posting they've gotten 500+ hp on needs more hp...needs armor...they hit for 150s when spelled...they need to hit harder? and more often? WTF are you talking about? Fighters hit for way less and get way less hp, rangers get a ton of misses also, and are usually only owning people if they're good at using them and they've got dexies or a nice halfling...clerics get rounded by just about anything do they need to be made to have 500hp? (i actually kinda think that'd be fun)  Thieves are pretty nice as are, zerekers also, mages might need devastate since they're being used less often to pk now and are almost only used to invis crits, druids seem like they own pretty hard in duels if used right ive never used one that was very good newb said the high lvl one he had was very good though, clerics...maybe a little more hp would help and armor or something cause unless they're dueling 1v1 it is hard to keep them alive, if you're training they get taken out first...and hard...if you're in a duel and use them right they own other classes usually..i owned a lvl 20 and under mosh with Heart pretty easy..w/o joining a party or anything..just ran til everyone except 1 other was dead..then it was a duel me vs fighter...although i believe if the fighter had a hally i'd have gotten rounded sometime in was getting me pretty low on hp a few times with a pike...pallys ive never used and wouldnt know anything..seems like them getting aid a while back makes them good though.

i feel like i skipped a class..but cant think of it...maybe i didnt /shrug

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Eternyte on 07/10/03 at 17:11:13
Zerks get almost rounded by rangers, fighters, druids, and paladins.

If these crits are spelled Zerk get rounded very frequently. However, the point is a class shouldnt be considered when using a healer. It should be rated upon its own ability.

Fair enough Zerks may have 500hp, but when they get hit for 90+ doesnt really cut it. Zerks miss a lot without spells, and they nee to EITHER hit more often, OR for more damage...not both.

You say fighters suck. They can get about 107ac, a wepon with 29 base damage, 6 stamina. They hit hard, and a lot more often than zerks.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Harath on 07/10/03 at 17:40:30
Eternyte, compare them with the fighter DOESN'T have over 3 mills worth of equip.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Outsider on 07/10/03 at 17:48:04

on 07/10/03 at 17:11:13, Eternyte wrote:
However, the point is a class shouldnt be considered when using a healer. It should be rated upon its own ability.

So how would u rate a cleric?. Why dont u give them something else too. Some classes just need other classes, thats why everyone in NM multiplays

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Harath on 07/10/03 at 17:50:20
woo, go outsider! cleric suck on there own, therefore they should be given devestate, that way they can slaughter everything!

edit: and yes, I have a high level cleric ;p

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Eternyte on 07/11/03 at 17:25:34
Outsider come and duel me one on one, pick any class, and I shall use a cleric. Clerics 1 v's 1 are probably the strongest class in the game.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Ender on 07/11/03 at 17:42:45
I'll duel your cleric Andrew. Page me in-game on Onslaught now.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Outsider on 07/11/03 at 18:20:16
Yup lol, Thieves own clerics for starters, most others can round them too. If a cleric has no change/time to heal they suck.

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Eternyte on 07/12/03 at 17:08:33

on 07/11/03 at 17:42:45, Ender wrote:
I'll duel your cleric Andrew. Page me in-game on Onslaught now.

You attacked Onslaught with your Cobalt Staff of the Winds for 36 points of damage.
You killed Onslaught

Outsider, which alt would you like to use?

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Bean on 07/12/03 at 17:25:25
Woot go eternyte!  ;D

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Harath on 07/12/03 at 19:20:34
Now, would that cobalt be yours or stes? ::)

Title: Re: Strong/Weak
Post by Outsider on 07/13/03 at 10:19:52
So if u can borrow, so can i. And Rich used a druid lol, the one class that cant round another.

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